#the true girlfag-boydyke power duo is me and claudius t b h
creacherclaudius · 11 months
in the last couple years i have occasionally thought about daemon stuff, and when i did i often wondered if c’s coyote form still suits him, bc while i do feel a strong attachment to it, i’ve also felt drawn to some other forms that i didn’t have much of a connection to back when i first bonded with him. i’ve also had periods of wondering about daemon gender etc… basically just questioning everything i’d established about him in the past.
the point of bringing this up being, one reason i’m so glad i’ve rediscovered the daemonism community is that it’s reminded me that there aren’t actual rules to having a daemon. he doesn’t have to have one final form, or even be really and truly settled now or ever. he’s a part of me, and if something Feels Like Him, that can be enough!
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