#the truth of the matter is i'm not very creative and i'm mediocre at art and writing
thesean · 1 year
I dont know. i wish i was as smart as i pretend to be sometimes
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zot3-flopped · 4 years
A lot of fandoms love to call Harry a "mediocre white men" when that’s very far from the truth, when he’s doing things very differently to any other white/male artists right now with similar level of success. I think people do that because they’re really threatened by him, not because he is/can be more successful than they're faves (male or female), but because he's successful playing the game industry very different than most artist of his generation are doing right now. P1/7
I'm mainly talking about how much control he gives to fans over his career. Harry is doing amazing without feeling the need to be on social media, selling access to his personal life or his creative processes, or putting content all the time to keep his fans interested and engaged.
He doesn’t feel the need to trick his fans into thinking they have some real access to him. He just puts his projects out (music, movies, photoshoots, etc.) when they’re ready, lets his fans and gp know, and then lets is decide if we want to support him or not.
Also, he doesn’t legitimate any discourse (negative, or rarely positive) on twitter or other social media, with replies/statements. Which make his fans and haters crazy lol .
Social media is the only place where fans feel they have some power over celebrities. Harry knows it, so he keeps away from it, keeps doing whatever he wants when he wants, no matter how much fans cries about it or haters try to drag him for it.
That’s basically it, that’s his general approach. As an artist he basically says “My art is the only thing I’m willing to give to you, take it or leave it” and I think it’s very smart and pretty fair (and may people have mostly took it!).
So, if he can do that, why other artist can’t do the same if they play their cards just right? That’s why I think he’s so threatening to other fandoms, and why so many people still are bitter about him not being on social media more.
He’s extremely successful without giving the control and the say to his fans about his career, level of access and his decisions/opinions, which other fandoms are very used to have in some grade, and they definitely don’t want to lose that. Hell, many of his fans still are trying to shame him to get that control back over him. They’re still failing tho.
So, people don’t want an artist like Harry being successful, because even tho he benefited a lot of 1D and its sm strategy, right now he’s sustaining his solo career without being a slave of it. He’s basically managing his career like previous generations of artists, where your music, art and charisma basically were the only way you could get famous and successful.
Actual stan culture cannot survive without artists all the time looking desperately for clout or earning woke points. Actual stan culture can't survive with artists like Harry, that’s why many fandoms try to drag him down
Fully agree! 👏👏👏👏If only more artists were like Harry, we'd probably see the end of toxic stan twitter.
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