#the tunnels aren't gonna work for him any way 😭😭
stzainin · 2 years
why's everyone hating on tubbo the mouse but not on ponk the BADGER
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masterqwertster · 6 months
Just over here thinking about soul bloom AU and Ashton waking up covered in sunflowers
😭 Noooooooo😭
Sun's gone Down
Ashton wakes to their vision obscured by sunflowers.
When he gets his eyes cleared, he sees they are all covered in sunflowers from head to toe. He sees the crater. He knows what happened.
He wants to fucking scream and rage and bring this whole fucking tunnel down around them because that was his littlest soulmate that blew themself up because they thought that's what they were made for. Because they still thought their life was worth less than everyone else's.
Instead they sink into the ground, let themself flow and rotate and slide through the rock until they're standing upright at the edge of that fucking crater littered with twisted scraps of sunflower-yellow metal. They hadn't noticed before, but gliding through the earth doesn't knock their soul blooms loose. It's a shitty ass fucking consolation prize.
Ashton's eyes roam the wreckage, searching for–
There it is. That stupid fucking Changebringer coin.
He yanks it out of the fucking wall it's wedged in, acting like some fucking stupid sign that they have to keep fucking moving. Like they don't fucking already know that. They can't, won't let FCG have died in vain.
They're also not leaving any piece of FCG behind.
Everyone pitches in to gather up what's left of their soulmate. It's not a proper body, not a whole body, but fuck it. Surely there's some sort of resurrection magic that can make this fucking work. FCG managed to bring Chet back from death during the fight, so even if resurrection magics still aren't working on Exandria, they know where the backdoor between home and the fucking moon is. They can drag someone through to do the spell, bring FCG back.
It's not over. Ashton won't let it be over. Not yet.
On AO3
And I'm gonna stop there and let Taliesin really show us how fucked up Ashton is from loosing FCG and what they're going to do about it. But I will say I choose to believe Bells Hells will at least try to get someone to resurrect FCG. And the most likely candidate to get it done is the Reincarnate spell because it's way, way cheaper than True Resurrection (1,000 gp of rare oils and unguents and a piece of the body vs 25,000 gp of diamonds and a sprinkling of holy water), and thus more likely that allies or Bells Hells can/will bank roll/supply it, and Reincarnate is the only other res spell that doesn't require a full-ish body to work. Now Resurrection "closes all mortal wounds and restores any missing body parts" (and costs 1,000 gp of diamonds). But it isn't clear on how many missing body parts it will restore. Though given FCG is practically scrap metal, I'm gonna guess it's probably more than Resurrection will cover. So again, resurrection options for FCG are True Resurrection and Reincarnate. And Fearne can cast Reincarnate (5th Level spell, babee) as long as they get the components. Whether Sam will allow it to work is another question entirely, but a true blue Pinocchio Arc for FCG could be cool and fun and might convince him to let it happen. We, unfortunately, have to wait and find out.
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