#the universe is MEAN. TO ME. GRrRAUGHh.
wabblebees · 1 year
just got THWACKED upside the head by a wave of nostalgia & now desperately want to play kirbys epic yarn..... rude
#cruel cruel world. i dont think our wii has worked in like. a year now#the universe is MEAN. TO ME. GRrRAUGHh.#im ignoring all my responsibilities to bemoan the lack of kirby enrichment in my enclosure. whatever will i do...#i dont have a switch or anyth.:( BUT... my brothers do..... maybe they have kirby enrichment.......#i think they love me enough to let me borrow some kirby enrichment if they have it to spare#hmm. ik there was a mad dash to save/pirate(?)/emulate(??) nintendo stuff after they pulled some fuckshit but now i cant remember details#mayhaps later when im done with some of my stupid responsibilities i can *mumblemumble* myself some kirby enrichment to my laptop or smth#oooh... or maybe those brothers mine still have the ds stashed somewhere?? bc like. what i rly want is to play kirbys epic yarn. BUT.#if the ds and the game cartridge are still alive+kickin around... kirby mass attack would ALSO do the trick lmao#and then i wouldnt have to worry abt *mumblemumble*-ing myself some kirby enrichment. bc tbqh i am... Not Very Good at *mumblemumble* yet#shameful ik. lmfao#but ive been wOrKiNg oN iT oKaY... its just. building those skills (+ therefore: my library) is very very slow going hkdkjshk#im... not COMPLETELY technologically inept#but im definitely not GREAT with computers#anyway. my brothersre all currently out of the house so i gUeSs ill return to the work i Should be doing rn instead of complaining abt how#i find our lack of kirby disturbing#maybe ill listen to the soundtracks while i work... hopefully that scratches the itch instead of makes it worse lmao#bee speaks
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