#the unstoppable force and the unmovable object. and chris
dirt-grub · 4 years
Dan and Elise’s interactions are so funny because like. There’s some mutual agreement not to fuck with each other too hard because they both fully acknowledge the other is on some unhinged shit that could end in fucking world war three if they were to truly have beef
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forquicksilver · 7 years
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Ok wow this computer is messing shit up so ignore that first bit, I literally cannot delete it and I don't want to rewrite this all and WOW is tumblr format shitty on explorer. Now- I kinda like Watson for the most part as a actress (ie: she doesn't have my unending scorn like some other actors and actresses), but when everyone was gushing about how amazingly perfect she was for the role I was just like...Because??? She played a bookworm before??? I really don't think she fits this role. Emma Lupita would have been a lovely and inspired choice, though Naya seems a bit too sharp and glam in her roles/looks (which part of Belle is that she is more like the unmovable force meets an unstoppable object and stops them, if that makes any sense in my brain of how characters "feel"). Looking at actresses in their 20's/young 30s (if we were to stick with that age group), I think Melonie Diaz might have been a very cool choice, we also have Nicole Beharie, I would have loved to see Aubrey Plaza give it a shot, Emma Stone can be a bit comedic but might have been great for the role if she could pull it off, same with Kat Dennings, or Ruth Negga would have been inspired though she is starting to skew a bit older, heck I think if given a good director Kristen Stewart might have rocked it, or .. ...Honestly this list would become hugely long about actresses I think might've fit the role better and who have that "absolutely gorgeous look paired with a kinda presence enough to look like they could be the unmoveable object type of character." Though tbh my preference to begin with would have been to cast a relatively unknown actress. It's Beauty and the Beast- very few people are going to go just because Emma Watson is in the role, and frankly it's such a big role in people's minds most people will be nitpicking previous characterizations. But yeah I kinda boggle at Dan Stevens as the beast- I mean he can seem to sing, under the stupid ass overlay they put over his voice, but dear lord get someone with a deeper voice who can pull off a growl at least. He's just so... thin and wispy looking, idk. Oooh you know who would have been PERFECT for the beast, if they wanted to stick to blonde-hair-blue-eyes? Chris Hemsworth. I think he has the acting chops, has the presence, and considering the amount of different accents he has been able to pull off could probably pull off a more beastly growl WITHOUT excessive interference.
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