#the untamed sentence starters
arpmemething2 · 2 months
Star Trek: The Next Generation Sentence Starters
Send one to see how my muse reacts.  Feel free to change pronouns as needed.
"He must have died in his sleep."
"I would be delighted to offer any advice I can on understanding women. When I have some, I'll let you know."
"Father said she went to a beautiful place where everything is peaceful and everyone loves each other and no one ever gets sick. Do you think there's really a place like that?"
"I said shut up! As in close your mouth and stop talking."
"When I stroke the beard thusly; do I not appear more intellectual?"
“I could be chasing an untamed ornithoid without cause.”
"I wonder if the Emperor Honorious watching the Visigoths coming over the Seventh Hill truly realised that the Roman Empire was about to fall?"
"So then I said, 'In that frame of reference the perihelion of Mercury would have preceded in the opposite direction.'"
"How old do you think I am, anyway? "
"A blind man teaching an android how to paint? That's gotta be worth a couple of pages in somebody's book."
"What a terrible way to die."
"It is possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life. "
"It's the struggle itself that is most important.  We must strive to be more than we are."
"You are a little boy, six years old. You cannot hurt me."
"There's theory and there's application.  They don't always jibe."
"There are times when men of good conscience cannot blindly follow orders."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
"Sir, I protest, I am NOT a merry man!"
“The arbiter of a demanding wargame rendered the word "mismatch" as "challenge" in his language.”
"He treated me no differently from anyone else. He accepted me for what I am. And that, I have learned, is friendship."
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we've lived. After all, we're only mortal."
"You share all of those qualities in abundance. Perhaps you should try to build on your similarities."
"I tend bar and I listen."
"For that one fraction of a second, you were open to options you had never considered. That is the exploration that awaits you... not mapping stars and studying nebula... but charting the unknown possibilities of existence."
"If you were any other man I would kill you where you stand!"
"There can be no justice so long as laws are absolute. Even life itself is an exercise in exceptions."
"Sharing an orbit with God is no small experience."
"Make it so."
"You see things with the eyes of a child, and that makes you more human than any of us."
“Life's true gift is the capacity to enjoy enjoyment.”
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you. "
"Vamoose, ye little varmint!"
"You are free to execute your laws and your citizens as you see fit."
"We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. And then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"Resistance is futile"
"What you are saying... is that you are lonely?"
"There are four lights!"
"This is mutiny!"
"There are many parts of my youth that I'm not proud of... there were loose threads... untidy parts of me that I would like to remove. But when I pulled on one of those threads... it had unraveled the tapestry of my life."
"I should have done this a long time ago."
"I've seen you think your way out of worse problems than this."
"It's just that our mental pathways have become accustomed to your sensory input patterns."
"What you have done will have serious ramifications. I am truly dismayed that you told no-one of what you were doing."
“I have to set an example, now more than ever. Facing death is the ultimate test of character.”
"In order to defeat your enemy, you must first understand them."
"Swimming is too much like bathing."
"Let me get this straight--you want me to take off your head?"
"Remember, put your shoes away."
"You jewel. That's exactly what I hoped."
"So, five-card stud, nothing wild... and the sky's the limit."
"Space... The final frontier."
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe!"
"Oh, I know Hamlet. And what he might say with irony, I say with conviction: "What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form, in moving, how express and admirable! In action, how like an angel! In apprehension, how like a god!" "
"Villains who twirl their mustaches are easy to spot. Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well-camouflaged."
"He wants the impossible."
"Flair is what makes the difference between artistry and mere competence."
"What is it about these squirming little infants that you find so appealing?"
"Those deaths must be avenged."
"He'd listen to everyone's opinion and then make his own decision."
"Do you think you're the only one in pain? That you have a monopoly on loss?"
"I don't have all the answers, I've never been dead before."
"I have never subscribed to the theory that political power flows from the barrel of a gun."
"Wishing for a thing doesn't make it so."
"There'll be others-but every time you feel love, it'll be different. Every time it's different."
“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied - chains us all irrevocably.”
"You must not kneel to me.  I do not deserve it."
"I do not fire on defenseless people."
"Things are only impossible until they're not"
"You have never seen death. Then look, and always remember."
"Good tea. Nice house."
"If the cause is just and honorable, they are prepared to give their lives."
"There are still many human emotions I do not fully comprehend: angry, revenge, jealousy. But I am not mystified by the desire to be loved, or the need for friendship. These are things I do understand."
"It is definitely like alcohol intoxication. The same lack of good judgment. For example, right now I find you extremely, extremely... of course we haven't time for that sort of thing."
"You have to measure your successes and your failures within, not by anything I or anyone else might think."
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid."
"You cannot justify a wantonly immoral act by citing the greater good!"
"This is down. Down is good. This is up. Up is no"
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ethscribbles · 1 month
'I Sleep So I Can See You.' || Joel Miller x M! Reader ||
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Slight angst!! a good ol' mix of happy and sad. Female identified DNI pretty please. 🩵
Late night kisses and early morning breakfast, Dinner dates and kitchen dances.
The sun seeped through the window, music flooding the house, four feet pattering against the wooden tile. Laughter echoed through the halls, the smell of bacon in the air and toast crumbs on the plates, hands joined together with smiles as bright as day, the music moved their bodies as they sung. Outside the birds chirped and played, the snow pure white as the noise of the busy town was drowned out by the record player. Untamed love clear in their eyes, their sound clung to eachother, the older man watched in admiration as his lover danced and sang. Two hearts bound to be together.
Joel's eyes; as brown as his morning coffee, we're shining with love as he swayed to the music. His husband's eyes gleaming with pure joy, their lips soon pressed together, warm and tender, sweet and soft. Their eyes closed, tongues intertwined, pouring every ounce of love into the kiss.
Joel pulled away and immediately pressed a kiss to his lover's forehead. And in that moment, his lover knew, he'd never have to live another day without the man of his dreams, he didn't have to sad or alone ever again, as his cold, lifeless body laid beside Joel's grave in the snow, the soft snowflakes finding home on his cold skin, leaving a white dusting on him for until someone found his body.
"I wondered how long it would take for you to come see me." Joel said softly, a loving smile on his face. "I like to keep my promises." His husband answered, earning a gentle chuckle from Joel, "Wherever you go... I go."
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Just a quick little thing + a sentence starter exercise 💪
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lindwurmkai · 11 months
I have a chinese drama question and thought you'd be the perfect one to ask!
I was watching a chinese anime, fantasy historical, as you do, and thought 'hey, if i like this so much maybe I should give one of the tumblr propaganda live action shows a try?'
I just don't know where to start, the one a while back with the demon man with the flute(?) and the very serious looking man in white looked really good! But is a good starter show? And uuuuh what was it called again?
lmao i hope you don't mind me answering this publicly. that would be the untamed! it was the show that kicked off this whole ... thing. for me.
is it good? yes. is it a good starter show? hoo boy how do i even judge that at this point. 😳
i'll say this: you're going to be confused. many characters have 2-3 names, there are some plot holes (mostly as a result of censoring or just things getting cut for length iirc), and there is simply ... a lot going on. personally i went in completely unfamiliar with the genre as well, so stuff went over my head and i didn't know what some terms meant etc.
i can probably dig up some helpful posts tho!
i would also love to recommend some alternatives, but i'm not sure what you're looking for. the major genres or genre groupings i have experience with are, roughly, xianxia (focused on gods/immortals/cultivators whose goal is to become immortal), wuxia (deals with the "martial arts world" a.k.a. jianghu, which i cannot sum up in one sentence but basically it's a little more down to earth, although fantastical elements often exist to varying degrees, and it tends to feature characters living on the fringes of society), and historical/fake-historical stuff that doesn't fall under either of these. court dramas can be surprisingly entertaining if you ask me.
a bit of overlap is not unusual, i think, and then sometimes the plot centers on romance within one of these genres.
so do you want romance? is het romance of interest or would you prefer an "as much queercoding as we can get away with" adaptation of a BL novel instead (like the untamed)? which of the genres sounds most appealing? how much do you mind major character death? (very important question 😂)
i can recommend one or two things set in modern times as well, including the absolute mess (said with love) that is daomu biji (the thing with the graverobbing adventures), but you probably don't want to get into that or you'll be here forever. :P
please answer my riddles three give me some pointers and i'll make a guess at which of my faves you'd like best. or i'll just go looking for those explainer posts about the untamed tomorrow.
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leondxs · 7 months
❝ i’m a nobody, really. ❞
skyrim sentence starters
❝ Your blood says otherwise. ❞
Leondas did not bother to hide that he was smelling the other intently, drinking in his scent. He was quite familiar with the scent werewolves bore. It was strong, wild, but not to his taste. He preferred pure human blood over the tainted blood of lycanthropes.
In truth, the faerie was rather fond of his kind. He admired their untamed, bestial side. Though that admiration did not come without an inkling of fear. Leondas half wondered if werewolves ever included the fair folk in their rampages.
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❝ Regardless, do not be so hard on yourself. You are a creature of great power, no doubt. It would better serve you to act like it. ❞
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bitemescftly · 2 years
OPEN STARTER  ;;  my muse is a sur.rogate for your muse and their partner. the artificial procedure did not work so our muses try a more natural way in secret. open to any additional conenctions.  ||  please don’t like my starters unless you plan on replying! personal blogs dni.
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         “Do you think it will work this time?” Her breathless question was the first coherent sentence that filled the silence of the night since a couple hours ago when they caved to the weight of expectations and the heat of passion always lingering under their skin. Anna knew this was not the way this should be done, she had read the contract that she signed before entering into this business deal - because that’s all it was, wasn’t it? She got paid for bringing a baby into the world for a couple that had troubles doing it on their own. There was no more to it, there should never be. And yet, a glass or two of wine into the afternoon they got to talking. Disappointment clouding their minds as Anna got the results of the pre.gnancy test. Negative. For the third time in a row. In the end they simply gave in to the deep, raging emotions, as wrong as it was maybe the end result would be exactly what they wished for, and if Anna got to fuck a handsome man as a bonus - who was she to say no? The brunette turned her head to look at the man laying on the bed next to her, their completely bare bodies barely hidden by tangled sheets, the stench of sex - wild, rough, untamed sex - lingering in the air. “We should have done this from the start, you know.”
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magickslayer · 2 months
❝ Isn’t there a spell to fix this ? ❞
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it is dangerous to make him as knowledgeable as her by speech or mind, it is dangerous to become less untamed ( something less chaos, something less destruction ): it is only within the realm unforeseen that she, everything and nothingness, is truly alone. but, mayhap within ballads of old and as whispered mythos walking amongst an accidental creation, can the aeons, before aeons came to be, have been spent in utter loneliness have ultimately made her ( something beyond a label, something beyond a mazoku and shinzoku ): vulnerable and mayhap even sympathetic to idiotic plights of lesser origination.
❛ one magical genius at your service, ❜ as it matters not to the mother of everything if his curiosity is truth to be told or simply a foolish gesture of politeness for she finds herself instinctively leaning close whilst a conglomeration of blitheness and golden eulogies of ruination that mirth blooms across one that shines darker than the calamitous sea of genesis. ❛ even if no spell exist, i can will it to be. ❜ her ability now, far exceeding the need for enchantments, amplifications, nor incantations—for she had become a physical incantation for all that once was and that which would be.
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"Debates are stupid because why would I want to sit down and argue with someone blatantly dumber than me." // Ori to Maisie!
Tumblr Text Prompts Part 2 - Sentence Starters | accepting! | @ofthescatteredstars
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Whoever thought that the coin conversion rate stayed consistent between universes? It saved Maisie Doscedar from the uncomfortable sweat at her nape. Despite spending countless nights and days poring over tomes and scrolls to initiate transdimensional travel, little consideration was given to the practicalities of functioning in a new world. Neither she nor her accomplice had contemplated what would come after their success. But, as always, there was a silver lining, or perhaps just pure stupid luck and chance, that things would work out.
The tavern, a haven amidst the untamed wilderness, welcomed the welted feet and encumbered bodies of the weary travelers. Though the pub owner could not consolidate four beds for four travelers, two beds and a couch were available. After three hours of settling in, sleeping arrangements were still being finalized.
Seeking solace from the mounting tension, Maisie retreated to one of the rooms. It wasn't hers to claim but offered a temporary respite from the chaos. Here, she could review the map and strategize for the challenges ahead. Potential allies had emerged during their travels, but nothing was certain with the tension in the air. The dogmatic and relentless were not known for their willingness to compromise.
Tck-tck-tck. The gnome taps her quill's tip at the inkpot's rim, removing excess droplets. Her left arm rests on the tabletop, and her scarred palm supports her face. The quill hovered over the vellum before her, her lips pursing before she lowered the writing instrument, tapping her pinky against the table.
'No one is keen on the theatrics of heroism, so trying a campaign of doing the virtuous and noble deed of resisting the Empire is off the table. Going for a 'just cause' for recognition seems a better substitute that does not devolve to bloodshed and needless violence.' 
All that matters now, in review, is putting the proper pieces together. As much as Maisie's companions are people, each possesses and presents a facet of their cause. Similarities bleed over, binding them together, but it was not glorious nor as innocent if one could recognize two of the Empire's former household heads or even sense the dragonborn's noble heritage. Of the four, she is the black sheep. Her stance can appear neutral as someone wholly separated from those they fight against. At least, in this world. 
Barely scratching the paper with her quill's tip, the mock-ups would be brief. The hundred-year advantage of being from the future felt less like a landslide edge and more like an interesting footnote. She retracted her quill before even a drop could stain the page.
'This is a sinking ship I willingly boarded.' How her elders would have chastised her. 'I am not even its captain, but I feel I hold as much responsibility.' How she dangles herself voluntarily as prey for the wolves. 'I am in way over my head.' 
The door behind her creaked, drawing her attention away from her overwrought thoughts. She looked over her shoulder, swallowing the heavy lump amassing at the base of her throat.
Entering the room was Orchidus Flores, "man of the people, hero to all," dressed in luxurious violets—the dyes expensive and rare—with black-as-night hair and ocean-deep eyes, a shade only witnessed in the seas off the east Nihiranian coast. His form is thinner than before, and his stomach curve is absent at the quickest glances. (A shame.) He shines brighter now than their first encounter when he encroached in all black with a somber, sneered lip. (However.....)
Sunshine bright yellow irises quickly acknowledge his azure deep irises. Yet, as their eyes connected, hers darted away, her stomach heavy. She promptly resumed evaluating her paper, discarding the unwritten one.
From the corners of her eyes, she spotted Orchidus nonchalantly removing his shoes, letting them drop to the floor. He sauntered over to the bed and fell forward with a careless lean, his chest planting into the mattress with a lofty "umpf."
From her first glimpse in Sidheanholm to the prolonged exposure after a near-year disappearance, what could she parse from his appearance? All the shifts were the least built subtle. From the near military cut hair, all-funeral dreary formal wear, he turned to ruffled, bed-kempt hair and bright-purple garbs meant for parties, not travel. There was no strategic advantage; it was all "look at me," and that was the least he, or anyone in the party, needed. 
Mind not that the purple better complements those blue eyes than the black. He knows that. His ears caught Maisie when she murmured it under her breath at the dining room table. He may have reveled in hearing that; he may still be to this day, though he doesn't show it. 
The gnome shifts in her seat, clearing her throat. "Orchidus," she begins, "regarding our current situation, I wanted to talk to you and get your feedback on what we'll need to do going forward." 
Some back-and-forth begins, reviewing the participating parties and their less-than-ideal circumstances. The only way to see any optimal gain was to make peace and accommodate the unnecessary party to become their allies. It all begins with acquainting and then negotiating. In the likelihood of everything, it might come down to a dispute, adding to the tension lingering in the air. 
Orchidus quirks a brow, his figure still sprawled over the bed. His expression bordering on indifference finally queries, "Debates are stupid because why would I want to sit down and argue with someone blatantly dumber than me?" The interjection is like nails on a chalkboard, each note dripping with condescension. 
The gnome's jaw tightens, but her face remains unmoved. She asides the quill, the inkpot forgotten for the moment. Her hands rest on the top of the table, staring solemnly toward the already written thoughts and directions. 
'I made this bed, and I must lay in it.' 
That iron-enforced wall and patronizing mentality always left an acidic aftertaste in her throat. Those mindsets were of those believed to be above all else. Each interjection and belittlement was exhausting. It was just another day of work; it was her on the receiving end of rejection for having dared be the idiot who considered talking. It was she to whom no one would listen. 
Her eyes quietly dart to him. A strange fascination and frustration melded into one as she drank into his features. Juvenile ego wafts off of him, his head slightly raised, perhaps perplexed by her lack of reaction. 
The throughline is so clear. It was there when Maisie first saw him, when she first met Salphan in the forest, and it was ever so clear after reuniting. 
What terribly, terribly young eyes. 
No matter if Orchidus is now 168 years of age, the equivalent of an elf barely sprouting out of their young adult years, he still has that adolescent look. Immaturity nor naivety explain it well, but it is of seeking. She often saw those very eyes in her town's children when people asked about their dislikes, likes, days, and whatnot. They would answer, but their eyes always seemed to acquiesce to the teller to ensure that what they said was right. 
No matter his significant physical change, those lips remind her that all these thoughts still belong to the same man: Salphan Elrose. His ego is intact even if there is no pointedly blatant shoving or smarter-than-thou attitude. It keeps him cushioned and safe navigating things far greater than him. By asserting himself to believe he can, he can fake through it. 
Former patriarch, he speaks from the highest station of life. At the pinnacle of power in the oligarchy and the master of secrets, people talk, plead, or bargain with him; it was his ultimate call to listen or not. Yet, with a sudden decision for the rest of the world, he abandoned everything and fled to fight against the very Empire he helped prosper and grow. 
She feels all the stranger when she thinks of his obtuse comment. What could she say? For starters, parroting what others more successful than him have said doesn't mean intelligence; mimicry may be flattery, hell, or even life-saving in his court, but it wasn't here. Or, she could say, Believing in the right without communication limits oneself; it shows all the more how conceited and wrong you are. Or, even devastatingly, despite all that talk of change, much growth is needed. 
With what many things could she say, what is something the most productive and worth it to utter? 
Maisie adjusts to sit correctly, shoulders straight, as her heavy gaze settles on him. Like a trained hound, all her attention was focused on Orchidus. 
Barely an implication of age is on his brow; only the shadows are seeping into his slightly sunken eye sockets. Not an ounce of stress or worry ruins perfect black hair with white hair or bags beneath his eyes. Sixteen years on the road did him well, too; the sun brightened his complexion's warm, ocher hue to replenish the vitality drained from the nearly two hundred years caged in Drakeshadow. 
Maybe the sun was still caught in those eyes, the way they glimmer and shine under the right angle, like diamonds. Though it was not as light of a shade as that jewel. Those eyes have depth, harkening to their nymph heritage, yet something gentle lies there. It was as if the morning light traced over the petals of a delphinium. 
Familiarity twinges her eyes. She recalls standing in a parlor ostentatiously decorated and surrounded by furniture far too tall for her. Her ears ring with the sound of fire crackling in the fireplace. She was younger then, far too naive in the head. Patient in wait, she drinks in her surroundings, wandering around territory unusual and new. The bookshelves tower above herm, and an ornate chandelier ominously hangs from the ceiling. Flames lick the air at the maw of the hearth.
Above the fireplace are two bust portraits facing one another but not making eye contact. Unsmiling, severely serious, and staring somberly. 
Only one thought slips into her mind: 'That painting truly did capture your likeness.'
She now sits in this unfamiliar tavern, in an unfamiliar echo of her world, with a strangely familiar yet not familiar person. Beginning to speak, she addresses him. "Orchidus," the start is deliberate and measured, "is that what you see in all of it? A competition?" If his ego suggests anything, his intelligence is nothing that can be topped; he assumes himself smarter, which translates to not wanting to waste any time with those not of the same caliber or level. 
Was it always a case of domination and subjugation? As cheekily as she could point out how fitting it was, she tucks her tongue. On the other hand, it may be a matter of proving oneself after constant denial. 
Roaming past the elf lying on the bed, the gnome catches the silhouettes of the others. One stands staunch with broad shoulders straight, much like a guard; the other, while not as tall, seems more nervous but more flexible. Politely, she states matter-of-factly, "Well, that is nothing for you to worry about because I can do it." Their eyes meet again, and the gnome nods toward the opened door.
"Go and hang out with Koto and Veria." Already, Maisie turns the cheek, her hand reaching for the once-retired paper. "I have work to do." 
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taintedhunts · 8 months
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*          CLOSED  STARTER          [ … ]         open  gate  at  the  griffith  observatory ,   seven  fifty - two  in  the  morning .       /       @suchtragedy .
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          "   SLEEP  HAD  ONLY  JUST  LEFT  HER  FACE   (  unusually  bare,  free  of  the  sober,  well - done  makeup  that  often  covered  it  )   under  a  picture  of  monsters  being  sliced  and  partners  being  taken  away  by  healers,  the  moment  she  caught  sight  of  him,  and  it  was  too  early  for  this.   therefore,  as  coherent  considerations  weren’t  an  option   (  it  was  definitely  too  early  for  this  )  ,  only  a  growl,  frustrated  and  low,  forewent  her  verbal  warning,     “  stay  away.  ”     it  was  a  bark  more  than  a  full  human  sentence,  more  animalistic  than  first  intended,  but  the  sight  of  fellow  hunters  falling  yet  aodhan  o’murphy  still  standing  bugged  her  so  fervently  she  couldn’t  help  it.   why  did  he  always  have  to  be  such  a  nuisance ?   her  jaw  tightened  at  the  thought,  and  she  did  what  she  always  did  when  he  was  thrown  into  the  mix :  competitive,  reckless  decisions.   before  she  could  properly  ponder  the  idea,  her  favorite  shuriken  was  already  piercing  through  the  air,  reaching  the  jugular  of  the  monster  he  was  fighting  and  slicing  across  it  before  getting  stuck  in  the  horrendous  skin  of  its  neck.   then,  visible  again  and  brisk  as  an  untamed  horse,  she  approached  the  corpse  and  took  back  her  three - pointed  weapon,  lacerating  the  beast’s  face  in  a  swift  motion  just  for  the  fun  of  it.     “  that’s  how  you  do  it,  ”     idiot,  was  left  unsaid  in  the  snarl  her  words  came  out  in.   as  her  gaze  fell  upon  him,  chagrin  twisted  her  countenance  splattered  crimson,  adrenaline  jostling  through  her  bloodstream  like  a  heroin  fix.     “  and  i  told  you  to  stay  the  fuck  away,  didn’t  i ?   are  you  fucking  deaf  or  something ?  ” 
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archivestarlyht · 1 year
❝ can you imagine a more gruesome fate? ❞ // for revali, from zelda
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not just his precious home overrun with monsters,   or his bones feasted upon by bokoblins.    “dying in obscurity.”   unknown.   unremembered.   faceless.   nameless.   “which is why i suppose i’ll have to help you,   highness.”   no greater honor than to crush calamity ganon,   to return with his name sacred in song,   the soaring champion,   the only rito with the skill to tame the untamable winds.   he’d labored hours for this moment.   “with my help,   and i assume with the other divine beast pilots   ----”   well,   provided they were competent.  “i don’t see us having to think about that happening.”
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pitumemes · 4 years
The Untamed Crack BR Sentence Starters 2
Desse vídeo, altere o que for necessário.
Esse é mais longo e repleto de angst.
O dia nem começou, mas ela foi ___
Essa novela me fez ficar com depressão!
Por que você não está carregando sua espada hoje?
Por que parou de carregar a espada?
Eu recuperei sua espada, onde ela está?
(Alguma coisa ou alguém) TÁ NA CASA DO CARALHO.
Que perturbação!
Vou contar até três: um... dooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...ois...
É tão bonitinho, né? Olha só. Olha que lindo! Olha que amor! Olha que coisa mais fofa e perfeeeeeitaaaa! Gente que maravilhooosoooo!
(nome de algum muse), ELE É PERIGOSO!
Jamais eu comeria isso daqui! Jamais! Jamais!
Álcool não é permitido nos (lugar).
EU QUERO VER QUEM VAI ME PROIBIR DE (fazer alguma coisa)
Taca a mãe pra ver se quica!
Eu quero mais é vocês morram, essa é a realidade.
Eu quero que cês vão pro caralho.
Eu quero que vocês se fodam muito nessa vida.
Eu tenho ódio puro e genuíno por vocês.
Eu não quero saber de porra nenhuma, só que vocês se fodam!
Alho é muito bom contra... Qualquer nervosismo, como derrame, graças à Deus.
Eu morro de amor por ela e ela nem aí, ela nem aííííí.
Passei? Passei gente! Entrei nessa merda!
Tava ruim, agora parece que piorô!
(coisa) tava lá então peguei emprestada.
Enganado... É isso que você está sendo, enganado. Sabia?
Olha onde eu vim parar.
Mas como eu ia imaginar que no coração da princesinha não existia nada?
Eu amo doces desde criança, mas nunca pude comê-los, podia apenas assistir os outros comendo.
Isso tá me impressionando! 3 frases sem falar de morte e de matar alguém, é uma evolução, esse menino!
Lá vem o homem cachorro correndo atrás de mim!
A de amor, B de briga, C de ciúme! D Decepção, E de Emergência, F de Facada!
Você não sabe ainda do que eu sou capaz.
Bota o copo pro alto, vamos beber!
Eu tô cheio de dinheiro!
É horrível isso, horrível, horrorosso, um espanto! Me faz mal.
Onde é que eu tô?
Já que me ensinou à beber, já que me ensinou à sofrer, me ensina por favor como faz pra te esquecer.
Tava pensando aqui: tem dia que eu tô bonita. Tem dia que eu tô bonita, mas tem dia que eu tô absurdamente, esplendidamente, incrivelmente, a-bun-dan-te-men-te linda!
Mas eu não deixo!
A gente namora escondido.
Eu não tô dizendo? Isso vai dar em casamento!
Gente, um pobre, olha! Eu nunca vi um de perto! Gente!
Então foi pra isso que você voltou? Pra me provocar? Pra semear a discórdia?
Eu não sei vocês, mas eu quando realmente tô à fim de uma pessoa, eu não faço nada.
Eu fico quietinho no meu canto só fazendo orações pra pessoa se tocar que eu tô à fim dela.
E assim, eu adoro esse método, ele deu certo num total de... Zero vezes.
Mas você sumiu e é um vício que não tem mais cura.
E agora de quem é a culpa?
A culpa é sua por ter esse sorriso.
Ou a culpa é minha por me apaixonar por ele?
Não consegue, né?
Eu lembro do tempo que eu era calma, tímida e calada., aí foi só te conhecer, mulé, que tu estragou minha vida.
Foi me ensinando um monte de putaria, um monte de baixaria.
Tá estudando muito?
Ano que vem eu quero tá na praia, vendendo minha arte.
Quem vem pra cá num parece que tem juízo certo não.
Quem ele acha que é? São Francisco de Assis pra abandonar uma mansão desse tamanho e ir morar numa favela?
* Início de Partita em Lá Menor de Johann Sebastian Bach, também conhecido como Bum Bum Tam Tam de MC Fiote. *
Gente eu quero sair daqui por favor!
Você pagou com traição à quem sempre lhe deu amor!
Eu nem vou dormir hoje direito porque ela disse que vai me pegar!
Meu deus do céu, eu tô aqui dentro da minha casa, tendeu? Tô fazendo nada, mas é impressionante, cara, como vocês gostam de falar de mim, cara.
É impressionante, você não me deixa em paz.
O meu brilho você quer!
Pra ter sucesso, amor, tem que fazer direito!
Eu já falei que eu sou top, que eu sou poderosa.
Veja o que eu vou te falar: ___
Eu sou a diva que você quer copiar!
O meu corpo é SÓ ÁLCOOL! ÁLCOOL!
Estou bêbado! Estou passando mal!
Eu sou feito de Itaipava!
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eleanor-devil · 4 years
Mo Dao Zu Shi // The Untamed Sentence Starters
Feel free to change pronouns, gender, etc to fit in your RP
❝ When you’re standing on their side, you’re the bizarre genius, the miraculous hero, the force of the rebellion, the flower that blooms alone. ❞
❝ The second your voice differs from theirs, you’ve lost your mind, you’ve ignored morality, you’ve walked the crooked path. ❞
❝ Why would a living person worry about what happens after they die? ❞
❝ I'll just live freely for as long as possible. ❞
❝ … Who cares about the crowded, broad road? I’ll walk the single-plank bridge into the night… ❞
❝ Hug me! ❞
❝ I am hugging you! ❞
❝ Hug me tight! ❞
❝ I am hugging you tight! ❞
❝ At best, you’re the untamed hero; at worst, you offend people wherever you go. ❞
❝ You believe in him? ❞
❝ I am here. ❞
❝ Do you know why I’m not carrying my sword? It wouldn’t make a difference if I told you anyways. ❞
❝ I want you to know that even if I don’t use my sword, with nothing but what you call a ‘crooked path,' I will still rise unparalleled and leave all of you staring at me from behind. ❞
❝ Can’t believe it. Why the fuck didn’t I do this with (name) back when I was fifteen? I’ve really pissed away all my days, haven’t I? ❞
❝ You admired me? You said you admired me, but why haven’t I ever seen you when you admired me? ❞
❝ Your admiration was a bit too cheap, wasn’t it? ❞
❝ Both your admiration and your hatred are so, so insignificant. How could you be so shameless as to flaunt them in front of others? ❞
❝ If there’s hope, then let’s move. ❞
❝ Let the self judge the right and the wrongs, let others decide to praise or to blame and let the losses and gains remain uncommented on. ❞
❝ You think you can be immune to all those condemnations as you stay outside of the world and do whatever you want? No such precedent has happened before! ❞
❝ You never answer me back. All these questions in me left unanswered, all these feelings left unresolved. Why won’t you answer me back? ❞
❝ I’ve lied to countless people and have destroyed countless more. ❞
❝ There’s not a single sin left in this world that I haven’t committed! But you, only you, I’ve never ever wanted to harm you! ❞
❝ I used to think of you as my soulmate. ❞
❝ If the face says nothing, listen to the heartbeat. ❞
❝ We’re the only two unfortunate souls left here, aren’t we? If you don’t have useless conversations with me, then who will you have them with? ❞
❝ You're really great. I like you...Or in other words, I fancy you, I love you, I want you, I can't leave you, I whatever you. ❞
❝ Is it amusing, trifling with empty words? ❞
❝ Why am I sitting here having such a useless conversation with you? ❞
❝ (Name)! I haven’t seen anyone as shameless as you! ❞
❝ Okay, okay. Ridiculous it is. I’m ridiculous. I’m the most ridiculous there is. ❞
❝ I’m sorry. And, thank you. ❞
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Closed starter for @writingxthexsilence​
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She should have had noticed....she was a biologist for Christ sake. 
If her unhealthy habits were not becoming more destructive for her body by the day, maybe she would not misread the symptoms. Hardly, since this was something that never came as a possibility. Clare took all the necessary precautions to prevent such a thing, designing a pill that was not only 95 percent efficient, but also a healthy choice for the organism. After all, the medication was quickly being distributed by her firm, earing her another promotion....and now, one of her best achievements failed her.
Still not opened bottle of whiskey was placed next to the sink of the bathroom, as another thing hit the bathroom floor with a silent ‘tump’. Shaky fingers unwrapped a new small box, number 13 in a row, as she tested herself again. Same disbelief, anxiety and dismay presented themselves on her face as she stared at the two thick lines appearing on the pregnancy test. 
“No..it can’t be..it can’t. “
Hand landed on the glass bottle filled with brown alcohol, as the other reached for the cork to open it. As the plastic broke when she twisted the cork, her pine-green eyes fell on the floor again. Fourteen positive tests staring back at her. The bottle was returned on the sink, as a tear fell from her eye and on her trembling hands that opened the phone for the god knows which time that morning. Scrolling down through the messages, the third name on the screen made her stomach turn. Literally. 
Clare managed to turn to the toilet in the last moment before she threw up for the fifth time that morning. Only when she was done, washing her face and hands, did she opened the messages again. 
O.L. : Mine
You: Ok.
O.L.: Yours
You: No, yours
O.L.- Fine
You: Car
O.L. : No
You: Leaving in 3 minutes
O.L. : Fine...
O.L. - Yours 
You: No. Yours
Text were not making sense to the easily deceived eye, but it was maybe the only sort of communication they had...mostly her fault. Simple initials of his name, to hide it from any preying eye, with even more simplistic code word to where they would meet. Mine or yours, describing  her or his place...but he never got to hers. Clare always dodged the man coming to her apartment, risking having him staying there longer than it was ‘needed’. After sleeping with him, she was able to just leave without even saying goodbye, no explanation, nothing. Just picked her clothes up, got dressed and disappeared from his sheets as if she was never there. 
It started with anger that turned into raw, untamable passion, having them overdosing on each other like heroin. It should have been just once. Then it happened again. They didn’t even discuss this little arrangement, she was just the first one to send a text :’Your place’, sentence that quickly became just ‘Yours’. 
Every time the man opened his mouth and something not resembling a growl of satisfaction or sex talk was threatening to leave it, she would either shush him up with a hungry kiss that instantly casted the raging flames of desire high, or if it was after, ‘ Bye’, was the only answer on whatever it was that he planned to say. Red headed woman was fighting the battle she could not win,  vigorously being against that the universe just dictated them to be made for each other. Another wave of nausea made her grab her mouth, waiting for it to pass away. 
You: I need to tal
You: Something hap
You: I am pregnant 
Tear fell on the screen as she wrote then deleted the last message. This could not be happening..it just can’t be. It took her an hour to finally get up and get dressed, shoving the only thing that seemed as it could help her in the trash can - the bottle of whiskey. Her subconscious prevented her to chug down the poison that would not effect only her...not any more. Grabbing the keys, Clare rushed out the door...heading to his office. 
The woman on the front desk sized her up with obvious disapproval and suspicion. 
“ Can I help you miss? “
Clare’s lips went in thin line when the woman’s eye again scanned her snake tattoo exposed under the torn parts of her jeans, then the left side of her ribs were under her tank top one tiny demon “exiting” her rib greeted her with a sinister grin. 
“ Is Osc...”
She stopped, swallowing his first name, and reminding herself that they were not that close for her to be asking for him like that in here. Specially when she could feel the curious and somewhat condemning gazes glued to her back. She lowered her head a bit, a reaction not even a bit resembling her usual self.
“ I need to speak with agent Lockmoore.” 
The woman lowered her eyebrows before casually flipping the page in front of her.
“ You have an appointment? “
Clare could feel her muscles tensing as she clenched her jaw. 
“ No. But I need to speak with him. “
Woman didn’t even look at her no more, grabbing the cup next to the pile of envelops, sipping the coffee for a whole minute before answering. 
“ I am afraid  that is not possible then. If it is an emergency, you can file a report here, and if needed, an agent will contact you depending on the nature of it. “
Clearly giving her the answer that it might not be Oscar, Clare already saw how she is bashing this bitch’s head on the table, shoving that cub of coffee right into that filthy mouth. However, her exhaustion and distress made her stay in place. Just before she wanted to speak again, with the corner of her eye...she saw him. Walking from the office towards the coffee machine. Clare uttered a “Thank you but its fine.” to wash the suspicion off of herself and started walking towards the exit, just to take a sharp turn to the left in the last moment, rushing quietly down the hallway. 
When she finally reached him, her heart dropped in her stomach. The content of it threatening it will go back up, no matter that it was nothing in there but water. She reached for his forearm from behind his back, pulling him to the side before finally stepping in front of him. The not so pleasant surprise rising in his eyes on the sight of her here made something inside of her break. Clare released the grip on his arm and hugged around herself,holding tight 
“ I need to...”
Her voice barely a whisper, before she cleared her throat and started again.
“ I need to speak to you about something...now..”
Her thumb grazed her stomach thoughtlessly, before she realized it was there, and pulled it back under on her arm. She was not sure can she even mouth those words, still being mortified with the situation. They hated each other...or so they pretended. What they had was nothing more than curing themselves of the unexplainable attraction that end up as wild sex, as a shot of a medicine for the pain in the chest that grew every time she had any thought of him, no matter what it was, was he there or not. A thing they refused to embrace- that being apart was destroying them from within. 
“ Something..something happened..and I..I need to talk to you about it. “
Clare didn’t know why she was even here. What would it change to tell him? She was not here to ask something from him, to blame him, she just went with the instinct that screamed and demanded for her to come and tell him. 
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vuulpecula · 2 years
      Cigar smoke filled the saloon, causing the sunlight coming through the windows to bathe Khan in a hazy, dreamlike wash of umber and gold. Fox had to wonder if he was already a ghost, something leftover from before Saint Denis became industrialized, back when it was as wild and untamed as the swampland to the south. “There ain’t no sense to it,” she broke the silence, punctuating her sentence with a long drag on the thin cigarette between her fingers. A long time ago, she’d said something similar to him in a saloon very much like this one. In the haze she could almost see them, younger, less tormented by what turned out to be pointless, ever exhausting scores.
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      “It’s red verses red and blue versus blue,” she looked briefly at the ornate pistol lying on the table. Prone and pointed in his direct. It was meant to be sign of trust, that she would not shoot him as some might want her to. “It’s I against I and me against you.” Another drag. “We knew it would end this way if we stayed and we stayed.”
✖ @paramounticebound​ ❤‘d for a small lyric starter.
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stardustprompts · 4 years
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spiritfarer  sentence starters  part 2 change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw : death ,  depression / mental health ,  language , suicidal thoughts , illness (  pt 1 here.  )
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‘we never talked again.’
‘I felt I wouldn’t heal unless I left.’
‘when you don’t see the sun, you can imagine it’s always noon.’ 
‘nothing else I can do but complain, I suppose.’ 
‘it’s a garbage name! a garbage name, for garbage people.’
‘I mean, they should’ve thought twice before starting a family, right?’
‘you’re one hell of a negotiator.’ 
‘you’d think I would have seen everything at my age!’
‘we should catch up on the latest gossip, don’t you think?’
‘it’s unfair and unjust. and I will fight for them until my dying breath.’ 
‘it’s not my fault if I say things as they are!’ 
‘I hope this new job of yours doesn’t weigh too heavily on your frail shoulders.’ 
‘A part of me makes me think it’s all my fault.’ 
‘it’s always pleasant to know someone is thinking about you.’ 
‘it will definitely help me unwind a bit.’ 
‘you know me, I’ve spent my life surrounded by pointless and tacky things.’ 
‘whatever I did, whatever happened, he always made me smile.’ 
‘I don��t remember his name. that night didn’t call for names, if you know what I mean.’
‘I don’t need him to be happy!’
‘I always be around.’ 
‘this is where magic happens!’
‘if it weren’t for my sickness I could’ve made a difference.’
‘you were always, after all, a radiating presence. a beacon of light.’
‘as for me, well ...  it was nice, feeling needed.’
‘ha, I haven’t lost my touch have I?’
‘powerful spiritual energies flow through the area.’ 
‘a lot of novices believe, wrongfully, that mediating is the pursuit of an empty mind. but the mind is not empty. it is a beast, savage and untamed.’
‘the fight left my father a broken man.’ 
‘let your spirit penetrate all things, not to make them yours, but to make yourself theirs.’ 
‘the mystical energies of this world are bound to affect you in mysterious ways.’ 
‘I couldn’t think. my mind was uneasy.’
‘I thought I had some grand purpose to accomplish before he would swallow me whole.’
‘when you listen, really listen ... the plants tell you all sorts of things.’
‘that’s when I asked her to marry me.’ 
‘I’m getting cold, all of a sudden.’
‘I think I might just be growing a bit tired.’ 
‘that’s odd. she’s usually up at first light.’ 
‘you’ll be the life of the party, if you ever attend one.’ 
‘I personally have never experienced loss.’ 
‘some say I always think of my personal problems, never thinking of others’
‘I’m gonna go live in the mountains and not bother anyone.’
‘I think I might have overslept a bit ...’ 
‘how long have I been sleeping?’
‘I might have been ignoring what my body was trying to tell me. a bad habit of mine.’
‘thank you for taking such good care of me.’
‘the dreams ... they’re back. so much stronger than I ever thought they could be.’
‘these visions ... I see them now even as I am awake.’
‘he scares me. but suffering cannot be allowed.’ 
‘I’m sorry, I think I just need some space.’
‘I just need to be alone for a little while.’
‘you look so adorable, I could just eat you up!’
‘I wanted to give her a nook of paradise. a home filled with so much love, she would be overwhelmed by it.’
‘she was an open gateway to the universe. an ethereal force.’
‘maybe she took a trip to clear her head.’ 
‘I’m sorry. sorry I even considered doing this.’
‘I can’t explain myself either.’
‘I just wanted to finish it off. to decide on my own terms how I’d go.’
‘I’ve been weak, I’m sorry.’
‘crap, I feel so selfish now.’
‘sometimes I wish I could’ve been like you.’
‘hug me now.’
‘I have rights, you know?’
‘look, this will come as a shock.’
‘I just can’t fight it anymore.’
‘I know you’re with me.’
‘I guess I had been waiting for that moment to arrive.’ 
‘will you accompany me, my friend?’
‘please use it to remember me. in the good times. in the bad times. they exist together. intertwined.’ 
‘if there is one thing you learned from me, it should be that.’ 
‘you know me, I’ve never been one to dwell on the past. mainly because it always felt overwhelming to me.’
‘I don’t know if I’ve ever tried to connect.’
‘you know what I’ve always said, that people come and go, but don’t pay attention to each other.’
well, that’s bullshit. I can see that now.’
‘I should probably forgive him now.’
‘would that make me a better person?’
‘it doesn’t matter. because I had my best friend by my side. I had you.’ 
‘my life would not have been the same without you.’ 
‘the light you showed me was more than a beacon. it was a guide. only I was too blind to see it.’
‘thank you for bringing me here, even if you didn’t want to.’ 
‘thank you for kicking my butt, and shaking my ego.’
‘don’t forget that I’ve loved you as much as I could.’
‘since the very beginning, I have been a part of you.’ 
‘I know it feels just like yesterday but the hourglass has turned.’ 
‘we’ll meet again, soon.’ 
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aemiliu-aa · 3 years
❛ i’m trying to fix your hair, so hold still. ❜ (Neff wants to give her a cute fluffy braid c: )
platonic sentence starters / accepting.
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--- OBEDIENTLY, Emily hurriedly faced forward and rested curled fists on her thighs ; SERENE smile on her lips but body stiff so as not to further disrupt Neff. Emily's hair was rather difficult to manage, the tendrils WILD & wavy with curls that tended to be almost sentient in their own, untamed way. She took excellent care of it, with a steady routine, but there was no controlling its natural pattern.
" I can't wait to see! I never really get to wear my hair in different styles, I haven't practiced enough and it's so hard to do so with my hair type. " Neff's hands were dexterous yet gentle, weaving through Emily's strands with evident expertise and it was quite RELAXING, truly. Her friend had beautiful hair, incredibly smooth & glossy, so there was no doubt in Emily's mind that she often gave it TLC. " May I brush your hair after this? "
/// @cosmicstardreamer
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cyperos · 3 years
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@redslife​  :  ❝  as  for  that  safety,  i  do  not  want  it.  it  is  only  more  chains.  ❞  /  to  antheia  (  circe  sentence  starters  /  accepting  )
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❝  chains  ?  ❞  she  echoed  weakly.  despite  the  way  her  voice  wavered,  her  grip  on  his  arm  remained  iron  -  tight,  as  if  that  alone  would  keep  him  from  attempting  to  barrel  into  the  water  once  again.  petals  tumbled  freely  from  her  locks  as  she  shook  her  head,  as  if  to  clear  her  mind  of  the  fright  she  endured  moments  earlier  :  whoever  this  stranger  was  thought  he  could  cross  the  untamed  river  unharmed,  and  if  she  hadn’t  raced  down  the  hill,  yanked  him  back,  and  scolded  him  for  his  heedless  venture,  he  would  have  drowned.  ❝  well,  if  it’s  danger  you  want,  there’s  more  pleasant  ways  to  find  it  than  drowning.  ❞  living  recklessly,  to  her,  did  not  seem  like  truly  living.  then  again,  her  sisters  willfully  claimed  she  got  herself  into  trouble  frequently,  even  though  she  found  her  excursions  and  adventures  quite  reasonable.  perhaps  she  could  come  to  understand  him.
she  threw  her  head  back  to  scan  the  grassy  hilltop  —  surely  she  wouldn’t  be  scolded  for  helping  a  stranger  in  need.  ❝  if  you  won’t  come  with  me,  then  please,  at  least  let  me  help  you  around  the  river  .  .  .  where  are  you  going  ?  ❞
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