#the usb is one of the most prominent things of his design too and that's almost been completely phased out now by bluetooth. bruh 😭
sundial-bee-scribbles ¡ 2 years
Personally I feel like Piko does not want to be alone due to basically being unknown until his death. If you don't know about what happened IRL he was released by Sony, who hadn't done a vocaloid before, on 12/08. The Kagamines were first released on 12/21. Piko was never updated, and never really cared about outside of the meme group of vocaloids, before eventually being discontinued. In the au context of a sentient ai, that kinda fucks you up y'know -🌟
oh i do know abt his history 😭 bruh poor boy was cursed from the start... kagamines were technically released 3 years prior to piks but their appends were released on 12/21/2010 and took a lot of spotlight away from him, and thats aside from the fact he had little to no advertising and really shitty conditions for his trial vb that didnt even allow for others to promote him really... and ofc support ending for all v2s when v5 came out and codes no longer being sold for him... he was handed such a shitty card by life rip 😭😭
i get that yeayea... please give this ai therapy 🙏😔
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theurbanologist ¡ 4 years
Is This Place A Dream?
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As I stepped off Amtrak’s train number 99 in New York’s Penn Station on New Year’s Day, I wondered if I was in Penn Station—or was I actually at the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Train Hall? 
Could I be in both places at the same time?
 I looked down and saw a yellow sign under my feet that read “Moynihan Train Hall”, complete with directional arrow. 
It’s always nice to have good way finding, no?
My pleasure diminished a bit as I looked up and saw several prominent ads for Manscaped’s “groin grooming” products. I was immediately reminded that we are never from a screen or billboard or talking light rectangle telling us what to buy, how to live, or which streaming services will deliver the latest and greatest content. 
It is exhausting. I didn’t want to think about groin grooming at that particular moment (mine or anyone else’s), so I followed the yellow signs to an escalator leading up, up and away into the Moynihan Train Hall. Despite the gloomy sky, I saw a glimmer of light and the presence of 100 people or so taking pictures, streaming on Twitch, and otherwise engaged in documenting this most momentous day.
What would have Senator Moynihan thought about the structure that bears his name? 
He’s been dead for 18 years——and I don’t think you should listen to anyone who pretends to know what he would think. Well, I take that back—I’m going to say he would have thought it this new transit experience is a vast improvement over the tawdry rat-warren that is Penn Station. 
Senator Moynihan’s robust 1993 proposal to transform the Farley Post Office Building into an homage to the former Penn Station was well received in many quarters, but alas, the funds were not forthcoming. In the past decade alone, there were a handful of plans that reimagined recreating McKim, Mead & White’s original 1910 Penn Station in toto, an elaborate plan by the family that owns Madison Square Garden, and several other plans which focused on regional transportation issues. 
The plan that won the day? That’s the one I experienced—the one executed by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill—the one with the grandiose 92-foot-high skylights and the four-faced clock that lets you know you might be late for the train to Newport News if you’re not already looking at your phone to see if you might be late for that very train. And a food hall shall follow later this year. 
Let’s take a look at some of these details, shall we? 
What follows are a few things I observed today—the good, the bad, and the “needs improvement” of the Moynihan Train Hall. 
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What’s near the top of your list when you enter a transit facility? I’m going to guess that you’d probably want a place to sit while you wait for your train, collect your thoughts, catch up on work, or just scroll, scroll, scroll.  And guess what’s missing in this photo? There’s no place to sit. Unlike much smaller transit facilities in cities like New Haven or Providence, there’s no place to sit——yes, there’s a place for ticketed passengers to sit—we’ll come back to that. This is a tragic omission that hopefully will be rectified in the future—soon. 
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If you’re coming to the Moynihan Train Hall, my guess is that you’re going to want a bit of a history lesson on the former Beaux-Arts glory that was Penn Station. And yes, there is just such a elegant lesson told with expertly reproduced historic photographs with thoughtful explanatory text telling tales of “Wartime Activity” and “Postwar Decline” (Hey—is that a liquor store I spy?—let’s bring that back!)
There’s one rather significant problem: location, location, location.
This assemblage appears in the——baggage claim area. It strikes me as a very odd choice considering this space will hopefully soon again be an area a’ bustling with folks picking up checked baggages from Wilkes-Barre, Jacksonville, and other Amtrak destinations. Great idea, odd placement. 
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As it turns out, there is a place for Amtrak passengers with a ticket to sit down as they wait for the train. When I approached the entrance to this seating area, an Amtrak employee informed that “Today anyone can come in, but after this, you’ll need a ticket”. 
The design is aesthetically pleasing enough, with the type of furniture and workspaces that you’d expect from a nicer airport—most likely not one in the United States. There are the requisite USB outlets, effective lighting, but wait—are those dividers in the seating area? Ah yes, they are.
Honestly, if I have paid for a ticket, why not give me the opportunity to recline a bit if I am tired? Sure, there will be some uncouth souls who just roam all over, but I’d like to believe that folks with a ticket might behave. Maybe add a sign that reminds folks to not drape their footwear all over?
As I side-stepped a group of New Year’s day revelers all wearing matching bandanas that read “Fuck COVID 2021”, I encountered a man with a motorized wheelchair live-streaming the entire melee on his phone. He introduced himself as a “two-time veteran—the United States Army and the MTA” and we talked a bit about how he was finding the new facility.
“Listen, this place is a dream”, he said. “First of all, you have to go check out those elevators. You can get to each track without any problem at all—that’s a big deal if you use a wheelchair. It’s really great. I’d like to have a place to get some food too. I guess there’s a food hall coming in the fall.”
Nodding, I told him I’d also like a place to get some food. 
I’m certainly never going back to the Zaro’s in Penn Station again. 
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shirlleycoyle ¡ 4 years
Why the World May Never Truly Be Rid of Dongles
A version of this post originally appeared on Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail.
As you may guess from the stuff I write about, I have a lot of computers, of various shapes, sizes, and functions.
Some of them I only mess with occasionally; some are frequent companions; some (like my Pinebook Pro) are destined to be frequent targets of tinkering for me. But the one thing that they have in common is that they encourage me to plug in a rat’s nest of cabling to plug into the various gadgets I own. The monitor I got late last year I purchased specifically because I needed a USB hub to go with my high-resolution screen. 
But despite all these efforts to simplify my cabling life, dongles rule everything around me. And around you, too. It comes with the territory. 
Ultimately, the problem the dongle solves may never truly go away.
“We don’t know much, for sure, about the word that has been a source of so much frustration and controversy and, regardless, ubiquity. But that hasn’t stopped people from guessing.”
— Megan Garber, in a 2013 essay in The Atlantic discussing the origin of the word “dongle,” which she noted was fairly unclear. A 1984 article from The Guardian, in reference to Clive Sinclair’s ill-fated Sinclair QL computer makes a reference to dongles as “an ancient piece of computer jargon,” despite the fact that it’s one of the earliest references I can find in a mainstream newspaper. It suddenly showed up in newspapers around 1984, as did one of the earliest patent filings regarding dongles, in the United Kingdom. In technology publications, the first references I see date to October 1981, in issues of New Scientist and Byte, both in reference to antipiracy technology. 
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An example of a parallel-port dongle. Image: Raimond Spekking/Wikimedia Commons
The dongle’s original legacy as an antipiracy tool
Last year, when the latest iteration of the Mac Pro came out, one thing that may have confused observers looking at this machine, which they will likely never use, is the unusual placement of a USB-A port on the machine’s motherboard.
To those that only lightly follow technology, the existence of this port likely made no sense. But it reflects a decades-long legacy of tying security to actual hardware that, for some programs at least, persists to this day.
A 1984 New Scientist piece explained the dynamic that led to the growing popularity of dongles throughout the period, but noted that despite their goal of security, they ultimately were seen as easy to break by technical users:
The dongle is a small plastic box which plugs into one of the ports at the back of a computer. A program protected by a dongle contains a routine that asks a computer to check whether the dongle is present and sometimes to read a code from it. If it has not been plugged in the program will not run. Most dongles do not prevent programs from being copied, but they stop the copies from being used, since each copy needs a matching dongle to work.
Unfortunately, there is nothing to prevent the owner of a dongle-protected program from displaying the program code on his computer screen and removing the dongle check from it. One expert says this task takes about two hours.
The dongle system has been refined by some companies. Instead of supplying a program in plain computer code, some or all of the instructions are scrambled. The key to this simple encryption is held by the dongle which passes it to the computer’s operating system (the program which coordinates the computer’s operations). Once unscrambled, the program is loaded into the computer’s memory and runs in the normal way; but it is not difficult to remove the built-in checks. 
For games, these approaches were eventually replaced by copy-protection schemes inside manuals or by different distribution approaches, like shareware. But dongles for more high-end or specialized software products, along with employee security, never really went away. In fact, they got more sophisticated, adding their own processing capabilities that interacted with the software being used.
Of course, people aren’t aware where they actually came from in the first place, as The Atlantic_’s Garber implied. This has led to fun stories, the most colorful of which was invented by the tech company Rainbow Technologies, which, in a 1992 advertisement than ran in _Byte, invented a character named Don Gall who they claimed the device was named after.
“He wasn’t famous. He didn’t drive a fancy car, but dressed in his favorite Comdex T-shirt and faded blue jeans, he set out to change the course of the software story,” the fable started.
While obviously totally made up, it nonetheless became something of an urban legend.
These devices generally hooked up to serial or parallel ports throughout the 1990s, with adapters that allowed users to continue to plug in devices such printers. In terms of video games, cheat tools like the Game Genie could be thought of as dongles.
But in the late 1990s, these devices were able to shrink thanks to USB. These dongles, while less prominent than they once were, have largely stayed in common use in a handful of industries, specifically those that sell computer-aided design or manufacturing software, and those that offer software for digital audio workstations. ACID and Autodesk, two manufacturers that specialize in are probably two of the best-known companies that rely on hardware security dongles in the modern day. These are the kinds of devices for which the Mac Pro has an internal USB-A port.
More common, however, are devices intended specifically for two-factor authentication, such as the YubiKey, which serve a similar security function, but for the user or the organization for which they serve, rather than to prevent piracy. These tools work in similar ways to the dongles of yore, perhaps with additional security mechanisms.
Speaking of USB, the switch of formats, which was ultimately a good thing for technology, helped create a pretty big market for dongles big and small, many of which connect to all variety of objects, from printers to TV sets. (Apple, the company that moved to USB early, is responsible for many of our dongles.)
The USB thumb drive is a great example of a dongle, and perhaps the most prominent example of flash disks around.
Similarly, video standards have a way of adding dongles to our lives. Ever converted HDMI to DVI to VGA to composite to RF? (No, just me?) Then you’ve lived the dongle life.
It’s a fact of life, and one that has only become more of a fact of life thanks to the rise of USB-C creating natural incompatibilities for dongles.
Five of the weirdest dongle connectors I’m aware of
USB-C to MagSafe. As is well-documented, I have issues with the design of the Mac’s default power brick, which I think has serious deficiencies because, prior to its conversion to USB-C, its primary cable is both thin and non-removable. For years, Apple made this port proprietary and failed to allow for alternative devices to be made, but after moving to USB-C, Apple took its eye off the MagSafe ball. I bought this adapter off of eBay, delivered straight from China, and use it with the adapter that comes with my HP Spectre x360, which supports USB-C by default.
Jawbone UP24 to USB. Despite the fact that most people associate exercise bands with the brand Fitbit, it was Jawbone that really set the stage for the category’s success with its UP series of fitness trackers, which actually pulled off the neat trick of looking cool without being showy (a credit to its designer, Yves Béhar). It helped to build a market segment … which Jawbone’s competitors quickly took for themselves. For this discussion, though, The interesting thing about this device is how it charged: You take off the cap and a 2.5mm headphone adapter appears. You plug that into a USB-A dongle with said jack, that isn’t useful for anything else.
DVI to ADC. While VGA is a far more memorable adapter for those looking to get a signal onto a video display, DVI has been a more consistent part of the video experience in recent years, appearing on video cards even today, while DisplayPort and HDMI are locked in a battle for supremacy. But ADC? This was a relatively brief attempt by Apple to try to minimize the number of cables needed to connect cables to its monitors. It was arguably ahead of its time—it took USB-C 15 years to make this capability common across the computer industry—but the problem was that the port was proprietary, and if you wanted to use a computer other than Apple’s G4 towers (say, a PowerBook), you needed to break apart those signals—which required a really big dongle. Apple’s official dongle, released in 2002, is both extremely expensive and as large as a standard laptop power brick, and while there is a smaller third-party alternative, it’s harder to find. At least one hardware-hacker has gone to the trouble of creating a reasonably sized version.
Crazyradio PA USB Dongle. This dongle, an open-source device, is essentially a USB radio that works on the same open 2.4-gigahertz as early versions of Wi-Fi. Why would you want this? Well, it’s effectively a wireless mouse dongle for everything else, except with a much larger antenna. Highly hackable, open-sourced, originally developed for a tiny drone, and with a massive range, it can be used for any manner of weird stuff, and is a popular choice for hardware hackers, though some have gone to the point of hacking those wireless mouse adapters for whatever they want.
The Shugru-covered wireless mouse connector. For those with wireless mice, Apple’s move to USB-C on laptops has made life a lot more frustrating because it requires the use of a dongle with your dongle. Rather than be stuck with that state of affairs, the YouTube channel DIY Perks pulled apart one of those mouse connectors, soldered it onto a USB-C breakout board, and covered the whole thing with Shugru, the moldable glue popularly used for DIY projects. A little hacky, but it totally worked.
There was once a massive dongle for sale that could Hackintosh your system
The very nature of dongles means that they come and go, and no dongle, perhaps, has come and gone as quietly as the EFiX USB dongle.
Unlike the security keys used to protect software from installation, EFiX literally does the opposite—it allows users to install software that its maker would prefer users didn’t.
A gadget modern enough that it was featured on websites such as Engadget, the EFiX (also known as EFI-X
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, with both names referencing the UEFI firmware that is common today but Intel Macs were relatively early to) harkens back to a time when installing MacOS on a non-Apple PC wasn’t particularly easy. This object, produced by a firm named Art Studios Entertainment Media, was what the company called a “Boot Processing Unit,” which essentially took all the complicated parts of building a hackintosh (all the messy code and what have you) and hid those from the user.
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is not for everyone. It is not for who wants to save money, at all. It is for enthusiasts that put expandability and extreme performances before anything else in their computing needs. We heard those voices, and we answered,” the company that built this device stated on its website. 
The device, which plugs directly into a USB header on a motherboard rather than a single USB port, essentially handles all the messy parts of installing Mac OS X on a standard desktop PC. (The key word there is desktop; laptops tend not to have user-accessible USB headers.)
A 2008 Gizmodo review of the device noted that while you did have to open up your machine to plug it in, it was incredibly simple to use:
If you’ve got the hardware, the whole process is simple, so that even if you’ve never cracked your desktop before, you could still get this done with a quick search online for the requisite know-how. I plugged the EFiX dongle into a USB header on my motherboard-not, as you might have assumed, to a USB port on the outside. That’s really it for getting your hands dirty, though. I restarted my computer, selected EFiX as the boot device-it was listed under hard drives, actually-and was greeted with a drive selector. After selecting the Leopard disc, it started installing without a hitch.
But those who did get more technical were fairly skeptical about what they found. One Hackintosh blog doing an autopsy of the device in an effort to come up with a software-only solution said that despite the flashy looks and the use of an ARM processor on the module, it was not particularly novel.
“The whole thing, inclusive PCB, case, cable and packaging should cost less than 10 dollars, I guess,” the author wrote.
If this all sounds fairly gray area, it’s worth noting that this device came to life around the time that the Florida company Psystar was getting some negative legal attention from Apple after announcing plans to sell a Mac clone system—a battle Psystar ultimately, famously, lost.
The USA seller of the EFiX dongle, EFiX USA, at one point announced plans to release a clone system of its own … but then quickly changed course, realizing it would probably put them in a world of legal hell.
EFiX and its manufacturers faded away eventually, and the Hackintosh community came up with other solutions for easily turning a computer into a Hackintosh—no proprietary dongle necessary.
The thing with ports is that there is never a shortage of choice in terms of what you can do with them. But when you try shopping for cables with a specific use case in mind, things get confusing, fast.
Last fall, I made a trip to Micro Center, in part because I heard it was the best computer store chain in the country and I was utterly curious about this Mecca to silicon and circuitry. Overall, the experience was fairly positive, but I felt strangely claustrophobic in one section of the store—the section around KVM switches, which are devices (glorified dongles, really) that allow users to swap between different computers.
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So many cables. So much switch. Image: Priwo/Wikimedia Commons
These products, generally, require a lot of cables. An absolute ton, a level that will make you never want to see another cable again. And there are a lot of them, of different shapes, sizes, and use cases. Despite the fact that VGA is a dinosaur of a technology, the vast majority of KVM switches that handle video seem to rely on VGA in the year of Our Lord 2020.
The perfect KVM switch is often hard to find if you have a specific need—and they can get ungodly expensive if you’re not careful.
I can’t remember what I was looking for, but I remember vividly that I not only didn’t find it, but I suddenly had a strong desire to leave this store I went out of my way to visit. Again, I’m the guy that loves computers enough that I wrote an entire article about dongles, and I couldn’t take it. I psyched myself out.
The good news is that USB-C has the potential to simplify the use of KVM switches entirely, at least eventually, as they will only require one cable from each device that you’re switching from. The bad news is that USB-C has confused the spec significantly, in some frustrating ways.
By way of example: Recently, I set up a wall stand next to my desk (a floating shelf for DVD players, essentially) that I set up to allow me an easy place to put my laptops and use them without taking space on my desk. Conceivably, I could plug in my USB-C-based laptops using a single cable and get going. The problem is that USB-C adapters have short cables that are embedded into the device.
So, what do you do to resolve this? First, you find a USB-C hub that doesn’t have a cable built-in. Great; here’s the only one I could find that cost less than $50 that had good power-delivery capabilities. But now this cable has to pull double-duty. It needs to be long enough that it isn’t directly next to your computer, able to transmit high-speed data, but able to charge a laptop. This is harder than it sounds. My HP Spectre x360 relies on a 90-watt charger; most cables with the ability to transmit power and high-speed data top out at 60 watts. Want one that supports 100 watts, powerful enough to handle the latest MacBook Pro? In most cases, the speeds will max out at USB 2.0 levels, meaning you may be better off with Thunderbolt 3, which costs even more than USB-C does. I want USB-C for compatibility for multiple devices.
So it took quite a bit of digging to find the right hub and the right cable to make this setup possible. But now I can plug in a single cable to my laptop and start working. (OK, technically two, because the hub transmits HDMI at a slower speed than the port on the laptop itself. Can’t win everything.)
So why am I telling you about the complications of all this? Simply, I think it’s important to point out that we’re replacing dongles with ports that can theoretically take basically everything, but that have specifications so inconsistent and hard to follow that, once USB-C becomes the one port to rule them all, we may be replacing the physical hell of dongles with a sort of technical hell of inconsistent standards, where the value of a specific cable is defined by what it can do rather than what it looks like.
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You can buy a working system for a lower price than you can this cable.
We’re already seeing this. Recently, Apple drew a lot of attention for selling a Thunderbolt 3 cable for $129. It was very much a weird-flex-but-OK situation, but part of the reason that it sells for so much is that it’s relatively long (2 meters, or 6.6 feet, or $1.63 per inch), but supports the full Thunderbolt 3 and USB 3.1 specs. Most cables of that type only support certain elements of these specifications; Apple’s expensive cable supports the whole thing, making it an extremely valuable cable for someone who prides maximum compatibility, maximum speed, and maximum flexibility in a single span of braided black cable. This kind of consumer, apparently, exists.
All of this raises the question: Are dongles as bad as they look? Probably not. But they sure look weird.
Why the World May Never Truly Be Rid of Dongles syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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eknowledgetree2015 ¡ 5 years
15 Best earbuds or in-ear headphones 2020
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The best earbuds 2020 or in-ear headphones, or earphones, whatever you may call them are undoubtedly one of the most convenient ways to listen to music. There are so many varieties, irrespective of brands such as wired, wireless earbuds and true wireless earbuds. You need to apt the one according to your choice of preference. With the innovations in the Bluetooth technology, there emerged true wireless earbuds. This doesn’t mean that wired earbuds are going out of fashion. One of the finest reasons to keep for the wireless earbuds is good reliable connectivity, security and better audio quality. Not all earbuds are created equal. Here I am going to present the best earbuds 2020 in terms of value for money, sound quality, sleek and perfect design and many exciting features.
15 Best earbuds or in-ear headphones 2020:
1. SoundMAGIC E10:
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SoundMAGIC E10 serves as the #1 in-ear headphones because it's a sleek design, balanced sound quality, quality build, comfortable wear and the right amount of bass used in manufacturing. SoundMAGIC E10 is easy to fit like other in-ear monitors. Sound isolation is very pretty good, you can listen to music even in rush streets without any disturbances while keeping an eye on those things. They are very much comfortable because of it's lightweight in design, and if you have small ears you can replace with small in-ear headphones for maximum comfort. You can easily spot the metal casing as it looks premium, durable and adjustable to your ears. Excellent sound quality, bass tones are prominent and clear. The perfect balance of sound quality and stylish metal casing made it a wonderful choice of many.
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2.Tin Audio T2
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Tin Audio T2 is a great pair of dynamic driver in-ear earbuds. If you are looking for high quality, comfort, durability, and sound then it is a perfect choice. The cable looks like fabric and it is detachable. It is lightweight, full comfort and lasts for a long time because they are well built from the metal. You can enjoy excellent noise isolation, perfect for music genres, and the price fits the budget with excellent features. Try out this in-ear earbud on Amazon now.
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3. Wings Alpha:
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Wings Alpha is the latest touch sensor control true wireless earbuds with the voice assistant. Wings alpha had a smooth exterior and an ergonomic fit, which fits perfectly in your ears giving you a sophisticated look. It comes with a TYPE C charging port, which is very easy for charging. It is enabled with touch sensor controls to change at your fingertips. You can enjoy 14 hours of playtime on a single charge. It is enabled with SIRI a google Assistant to your voice commands. It is compatible with all the devices. Get this device on Amazon Now.
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4. Jabra Elite 65t
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Jabra Elite 65t is an Alexa enabled true wireless earbuds with charging case. Conversations are made very clear with the true wireless earbuds that feature 4 microphone technology and are proven to deliver best in class call performance. With the help of customizable equalizer, you can personalize the sound to hear, the way you want. With one-touch access to Amazon Alexa, you can listen to your favourite to your music. Jabra has a proven track record of true wireless connectivity. It is a completely water-resistant earbud. Try out this fantastic device on Amazon now.
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5. BoAT Airdopes 311v2:
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boAT Airpodes 311v2 true wireless earbuds are integrated with Bluetooth V5, seamless connection with HD sound and sleek design. You can hear the music for 3.5 hours on a single charge. It comes with premium high tech design that makes your home class. You can set high tone frequency precision and sensitivity that allows for premium audio reproduction through extremely lightweight earbuds. IPX5 water and sweat resistance, the integrated design allows for safer portability. You can control this device very easily with the voice assistant. Try out this earbud on Amazon Now.
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6. PTron Bassbuds in-ear headphones:
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pTron Bassbuds in-ear headphones are true wireless Bluetooth headphones that come with a mic, stereo, and Bass. On-the earbuds multifunction buttons allow calls, and music control for a hands-free experience. pTron Bassbuds is a Bluetooth 5.0 enabled, 6 hours of music playtime, 5 hours talk time support, 1.5 hours charging time, and 100 hours of standby time. 10m wireless range, voice assistant support, 400mAh compact and portable charging case, micro USB charging cable, With the help of a built-in microphone, one can experience hands-free music and call management. Try out this device on Amazon now.
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7. Syvo Bass Twins:
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Syvo Bass Twins is a true wireless earbuds stereo earbuds featuring the latest Bluetooth 5.0 technology that produces incredible Hi-Fi sound quality. Because of its lightweight design, it fits comfortably and snugly into your ears. You can have maximum comfort even if you wear it throughout the day. It uses advanced Bluetooth technology, and never misses a call or network connection drops. Enjoy your music without any network failure all the time. Enjoy music for 4 hours on a single charge. It also charges very fast and requires 1.5 hours for a full battery charge. Syvo Bassbuds Twin earbuds come with 350mAhcompact and a portable mini charger case, you can recharge your earbuds 3 to 4 times, so that you can enjoy all the day without any distractions. Try out this device on Amazon Now.
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8. Muzili VV1:
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Muzili VV1 is the most cost-effective and sound quality earbuds in 2020. Muzili Bluetooth earbuds built-in 13mm driver units, high audio encoding technology, low power HD noise reduction to eliminate noise in different frequency bands. Bluetooth 5.0 enables a more stable and fast transmission connection. It had several functions which can be activated very easily. Muzili earbuds are tailored earphones and comfortable fit as they as designed by the structural designers to give a smooth and comfortable fit of the users. Muzili true wireless earbuds utilize IPX5 waterproof and sweat resistance. This facility helps to protect the earbuds from sweat and rain etc. It comes with a 350mAh charging box that charges both earbuds four times and one earbud eight times. Try out this device on Amazon Now.
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9. Noise Shots X-Buds:
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Noise Shots X buds are truly in-ear headphones enabled with Bluetooth v5.0 Bluetooth 5v.0 enables fast pairing, more stable wireless connections, greater range and better battery life on X-buds. It comes with an amazing 4 hours of playing time packed with charging case that can fully recharge 3 times, for a total of 16 + hours of playtime. The in-ear headphones are stylish earbuds with short stems, rounded rectangular shapes, and satin finishing. It is based on full touch control, you can listen to music, take calls very easily. With the help of voice assistant controls, you can use Siri and Google’s assistant with your X-Buds truly wireless earbuds. IPX5 waterproof and can be worn during workouts and training. Get this device on Amazon Now.
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10. Truke Fit 1:
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Truke Fit 1 true wireless earbuds designed to deliver crystal clear sound with true bass on Single Press. The BlueTooth wireless earbuds come with Bluetooth 5.0 support which is 2-times faster than 4.2. Moreover advanced wireless Bluetooth technology ensures a steady wireless connection without a dropout. Truke Fit 1 comes with 12 hours of playtime with a 350mAh charging case. Truke Fit 1 provides Single Press operations to manage calls and music simultaneously. It also had dual digital support form Google Assistants like Siri. Truke Fit 1 True wireless earbuds are splash-proof so that you can enjoy intense sweating workouts without any hesitation. Get this device on Amazon now.
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11. Wings PowerPods:
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Wings Powerpods touch screen is the only digital display case in the market. You can check the battery power left in the charging case all the time. With the help of touch screen controls, you can change the songs, answer the calls, adjust the volume, etc. It comes with a whooping power bank function of 2500mAh to charge your mobile while travelling. It supports 50 hours charging time, each earbud plays 5 hours on a single charge. It had an LED light indicator for attraction, voice assistant features too. It is enabled with an in-built HD mic and stereo calling feature to hear on both earbuds. Get this product on Amazon Now.
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12. Motorola Verve Buds:
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Motorola verve Buds true wireless in-ear headphones with Bluetooth v5.0 support enables for faster responses. It had a playtime of 9 hours with a 250 mAh battery case. You can use either earbud as it is built-in with mic for calls. It is enabled with Hubble, Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri support for voice assistant commands. Motorola Verve Buds are compatible with all the devices. Try out this amazing device on Amazon Now.
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13. Irusu Bees Touch Sensor:
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Wings Touch Earbuds is a touch sensor control where you can change the volume, answer calls, songs with just a simple touch on the left and right earbuds. It is optimized for 30 hours playtime and each earbud plays for 5 hours. Wings Touch earbud is Google Assistant and Siri enabled. Easy auto-pairing as both earbuds connect automatically with each other. It is a deep bass with clear vocals. It had built-in Mic-Stereo calling for both earbuds. It is compatible with all Bluetooth devices. Get this product on Amazon Now.
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un-enfant-immature ¡ 6 years
Long-awaited brand-new MacBook Air finally gets retina display and Touch ID
MacBook Air fans aren’t hard to find. Although I admit to being a bit skeptical at its introduction, the laptop grew from an underpowered runt to an underappreciated workhorse over the years. But the design has hardly changed in the decade (!) since it came out — at least until today’s Apple event, when the company took the wraps off a totally redesigned Air with a retina display and Touch ID — and a new $1,199 price.
“When Steve pulled that MacBook Air out of that envelope, it was clear things would never be the same,” recalled CEO Tim Cook in his introduction. “MacBook Air truly embraced the notion that less indeed could be more. And it redefined the modern notebook in the process. MacBook Air has become the most beloved notebook ever. it’s time for a new MacBook Air, one that takes the MacBook Air experience even further in the areas that are most important to our customers.” (Yes, he said the product name five times in a row like that.)
The new Air is clearly meant for budget buyers who have been put off by the 12″ MacBook, which although popular, isn’t without its flaws, and it ain’t cheap, either. For anyone looking to spend less than a grand on a new Mac notebook, the Air is their best (and practically only) bet.
Although the old Air was updated as late as last year with new specs, the display has always been an obvious deficiency. 1440×900 was nothing to crow about even in 2008, let alone nearly a decade later. That’s been fixed with a new high-resolution 13.30-inch screen: inches and 2560×1600. (And “48 percent more color,” whatever that means.)
Of course the guts to support that display, and the tasks you’ll be doing on it, needed a serious bump too. So the new Air has an 8th-generation Intel processor, presumably with integrated graphics. It’s probably enough to play Fortnite, which is all that matters.
As for the design, it really is hard to improve on the original; its knifelike profile was nothing short of astonishing at its debut, and it’s stayed more or less the same since, with a solid keyboard and (regrettably) a rather prominent bezel. The bezel is gone, at least, replaced with a thinner black one. There goes the signature Air look, but you won’t see anyone crying about that.
At least it’s still aluminum, and all recycled aluminum now too, Apple explained with pride. Helps make it more sustainable.
The trackpad is the new force touch version, meaning no actual movement when you click, which is a mixed blessing. It’s quite a bit larger, at least, while the laptop itself is a bit smaller and lighter.
The addition of Touch ID and the secure enclave that runs it is welcome, of course, and it’s doubtful many will miss the Touch Bar, which so far hasn’t demonstrated any serious utility outside a few specialty apps and workflows. You have the F-keys instead, which is a good choice.
Unfortunately, Apple has also decided to change the keyboard. While the old Air used a tried and true scissor switch, and my 2012 model still types like a dream, the new model uses the much-criticized “butterfly switch” mechanism. This keyboard has proven to be one of Apple’s worst engineering mistakes in years, with many complaining of noise, key failures, and discomfort. Air lovers may find this extremely disappointing.
The MBA’s variety of ports, including USB-A and an SD card reader, are of course gone, replaced by the now-standard USB-C. While I realize this is the future, it’s still a little sad to lose those legacy ports, which are still incredibly useful.
I’ll be holding onto my late-model MacBook Air, myself, but I understand the draw of this new one. It starts at $1,199 — apparently they couldn’t quite hit that $999 sweet spot — and should be available next week.
0 notes
terabitweb ¡ 5 years
Original Post from SC Magazine Author: victorthomas
As companies fall victim to increased insider threats, one of the greatest casualties has become trust in coworkers. Where one used to think primarily about threats to network security as coming from external intruders, today CISOs need to contend with the increasing likelihood that the threat actor might be a colleague — perhaps someone close to the IT staff, a disgruntled executive or other employees, a contractor or maybe just someone trying to do their job. Sometimes the threat actors are not even aware that they are doing anything wrong.
In light of recent, high-profile breaches, it might well be getting easier to convince the C-Suite to take threats from within more seriously. In 2018, insider threats have become one of the most pressing worries at a time when executive management across many industries is finally realizing the potential enormity of security breaches. That awareness, though, comes at the cost of attacks that are only increasing in scale and complexity. Securing against insider threat is a process that requires immediate attention. That said, companies are still trying to sort out what is a real threat and what is just an employee doing their work.
The non-malicious insider — perhaps the employee who downloads a confidential file to a thumb drive to work on it at home — might or might not be aware they are violating security policies. Sometimes the pressure of getting a job done on time takes precedence over an obscure security policy if the company is not proactive in training staff about what is and is not an acceptable use of resources. Sometimes it is just easier to ignore the rules for efficiency’s sake.
Robert Olson, technical director of the Rochester Institute of Technology Security Assessment and Forensic Examination Lab, begins his investigations of insider threats using threat modeling designed to profile potential attackers by understanding their malicious motivations.
“The two models I point [students] at are MICE (money, ideology, coercion, and ego) and RASCLS (reciprocation, authority, scarcity, commitment, linking, and social proof),” he explains, noting that these detailed explorations of what motivates spies and attackers have become standard in the CIA and other investigative circles.
Olson argues that regardless of the attacker, a lack of strictly enforced organizational policies plays into adversaries’ hands. “Insider threats are only possible when employees can access confidential or proprietary information or systems with impunity,” he says. “Organizations with strong access control policies, which are enforced with technical controls that also monitor for violations, should be reasonably resilient to attacks from insiders.”
Eric B. Levine, co-chair of the Cybersecurity & Data Privacy Group for Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper P.C., a Westfield New Jersey law firm that works primarily with closely held companies and their executives, focuses primarily on the rogue employee when he thinks of the most pressing insider threats.
Levine identifies rogue insiders as “those insiders who are unhappy with the organization, seem disgruntled and appear poised to leave.” He cautions security people to take notice of insiders who engage in unexpected activity on the network, such as downloading large numbers of files. “These are warning signs that your organization’s data may be subject to an unauthorized access.”
Motorola Mobility CISO Richard Rushing agrees with Levine, noting that the insider threat is one best identified early through close consultation with human resources. Rushing says that if he can get copies of employees’ performance reviews, it provides a fast track to being able to identify potential insider dangers.
“People who are on a work-improvement plan or a needs-improvement plan are probably the biggest risk for insider threat,” he says. But if HR will not share those documents, it is a matter of using the tools you have in front of you to assess how workers seem to feel about the organization, and how they express those feelings in actions, as evidenced by time and attendance records or badge access passes logged in the security information and event management (SIEM) system to show who is coming to work on time and staying the whole day.
Eric B. Levine, co-chair, cybersecurity & data privacy group, Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper P.C
Considering the quandary of insider threats, Robert J. Hudock, a member of Washington, D.C., law firm Epstein Becker Green, recalls a quotation from Russian Nobel Prize winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago, who wrote: “The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” That is the challenge every organization faces, he says.
An employee who today might never have considered stealing data might reconsider tomorrow when he gets a pink slip, while a disgruntled employee thinking about how she could profit from her access to data may be brought back on board the team tomorrow with the right encouragement. What matters, Hudock says, is understanding that both types of employees are equally dangerous at different times in their careers.
“The blind spot for many organizations here is the realization that anyone can become an insider threat to an organization,” he notes, “so it is in the best interest of all to implement an effective insider threat program.”
Aside from the malicious insider and outsider, one threat actor who hangs in that gray area between the two is the employee who is being laid off and want to take their work with them when they go, Rushing notes. This might not be a deliberate malicious attack; instead it might simply be an employee who wants to keep copies of their work without the intension of harming their employer deliberately.
“Whether it be source code, marketing presentations, customer lists, or anything else,” he says, “people are just taking their stuff. They figure, ‘I’ll grab my documents and email and all those things, copy it to my USB drive and walk out the door with it.’”
Rushing stresses that the majority of these people likely do not see what they are doing as exfiltration. However, when they find a new job working for the competition, they discover they have migrated to the new company with a portion of their former employer’s confidential data.
They are not acting with malice, he says, but “They maybe need to be reminded of this during the process and told, ‘Hey, you really shouldn’t be taking things that are company specific.’”
Another prominent form of insider threat actor is the wholly unwitting one, entirely unmotivated by any goal. Gavin Mead, principal in KPMG LLP’s Cyber Security Services, explains, “Unwitting insiders are now equipped with capacities and opportunities to do inadvertent harm on a more frequent basis, from posting sensitive materials to cloud storage, to wrongly sharing sensitive data with suppliers, to using information in a way that violates regulation, to enabling an outside attacker to take over their credentials.”
The rise of third-party logical and physical access to data, networks, and facilities — whether contractors, vendors, or contingent labor — concerns Mead, who notes that because they are less known, vetted, and monitored, they present an even bigger risk than employees.
Mead says that there is a tendency to focus too much on the malicious insider and as a result, organizational problems might neglect the potential harm of the unwitting actor, though a well-crafted program for defending against insider threat should contain provisions for confronting both eventualities.
The Data
Unwitting insiders vex loanDepot CISO and Senior Vice President Billy Spears. “Organizations should be concerned about insiders that are unaware of appropriate requirements,” Spears says. “These are folks that want to do the right thing, and definitely are policy followers, but have a business need to use or share information without guidance on the appropriate methods to safeguard this data.”
Spears notes that this group is the biggest problem because they cannot be readily detected, require additional training, and almost never think about data safeguards as they go about their daily business. For that reason, he says, once- or twice-a-year training is insufficient.
“That never really keeps the risks fresh or top of mind,” Spears warns. “I think it is important to communicate at the level of your audience via an appropriate channel that makes sense. This is something that needs to happen weekly to assure that people understand what to do if they recognize a risk or need advice.”
Ultimately, it is up to the security and IT teams, as well as the owners of the business data, to ensure that confidential data is not only protected but that it also is clearly identified. If the company does not know what data it has, what level of confidentiality it requires and how it is protected, it is difficult to ensure that it will not be exfiltrated, accidentally or otherwise.
Richard Rushing, CISO mobility, Motorola
“It is critical that an organization consider and understand what types of data might be vulnerable to attack in order to understand the implications of responding to unauthorized accesses of that information and how to prevent such access from occurring,” Levine says. He notes regulations like Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or the Gramm Leach Bliley Act help organizations understand what information must be protected.
Of course, he says, organizations are presented with the challenge of determining which classes of their information are protected by law. However, they also must protect valuable data not subject to regulation.
“An organization should assume that all of its data is vulnerable,” Levine says. “Whether the data is personally identifiable information, protected health information, or something more general like a client list, a company should assume that some third party may find some improper use for obtaining that information. The better approach is to build your defense around all of your data.”
Mead says that the first step of any insider threat program is determining a formal definition of the organization’s business drivers and its crown jewels.
“When taking a threatdriven risk scenario approach, understanding the data at risk is a critical consideration,” he explains. “This includes assets and information as well as business functions that are at risk: moving money, changing reporting structures, creating new employees and changing employee direct deposit information, destroying production capability, damaging reputation and others.”
However, he says, it is tricky to tighten access to data without becoming unnecessarily restrictive — and a restrictive attitude can strike at the values of team collaboration necessary to protecting data.
“While restricting access to some data is a strong control, it is critical for an organization to understand the spread of sensitive data and of privileged access,” says Mead. “The failure to understand what constitutes sensitive data, failure to manage sensitive access and review its appropriateness, and the constantly-changing nature of peoples’ jobs and technology enablement leads to access drift over time.”
Managing The Data
Rushing is a proponent of establishing a high standard for granular-level access control because those who cannot access the data cannot remove it or transfer it where it does not belong. This is a nearly end-to-end process; it is not enough to mandate it but it needs to be enforced continually.
Like all good ideas, Rushing says, access control starts out pristine, but once it is left to wither, it can cause problems. “It has to be a continual environment,” he says. “There’s some level of responsibility you want to bestow upon whoever’s the custodial person responsible for managing that data, and you really want to empower them to make decisions.”
Classification, he says, is a key element of prevention. Footers, headers, and metatags allow CISOs to track data that has turned up where it should not be, where it has been, and how it is moving around the organization. “If there’s nothing in it then it becomes really hard for any [tracking]to actually work,” Rushing says. “If you know where all your data are and the repositories of your data are, you then have an idea of here’s what I need to protect. If you haven’t gone there yet, it’s like boiling the ocean.”
to actually work,” Rushing says. “If you know where all your data are and the repositories of your data are, you then have an idea of here’s what I need to protect. If you haven’t gone there yet, it’s like boiling the ocean.”
Gavin Mead, Principal, cyber security services, KPMG LLP
One reason so many organizations allow too much access is simple convenience, says Levine. Securing sensitive company information is initially time-consuming to classify the data. It also requires time to authenticate the users each time they want to access the data. A compounding problem in organizations occurs when there is no clear record of what data they have, where it is stored, and who has access to it, he notes.
“Organizations need to adopt practices that provide that they secure all data upon its creation or initial acquisition, meaning that the files are secured, password protected or accessible only to limited people who have authorized credentials,” Levine says. “Organizations also need to invest the time and resources to map their data in order to learn what data they possess, where on their computer network the data is located, and who can access it. Investing the time and resources at the upfront and then adopting it as a routine practice is a substantial undertaking, but one that will create a more secure environment on an on-going basis.”
(Much of what Levine says about protecting data became mandated on May 25 if the data contains private information about European citizens. That was the day the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect. Among its requirements is knowing exactly where data on EU citizens resides on the network, on every corporate or personal device, and in every backup or archive, regardless of where in the world the data resides.)
However, the process of recording all this information is a complex project, says Olson, who notes that lax security is rarely due to laziness on the part of system administrators, network administrators, or programmers. “
“Time and financial constraints make [security] a challenge for many organizations,” he says, and the problems become exacerbated by organizational cultures that allow such constraints to spread. “If respect for data privacy isn’t baked into strategic security policies set at the executive level, technical controls preventing unauthorized — or unethically authorized — access will receive less or little priority and employees are less likely to protect data privacy in day-to-day activities.” Even conscientious staff members can engage in risky behaviors, such as cloudbased file-storage, when they have not been properly prepared to adhere to rules and best practices while still running the business effectively.
Billy Spears, CISO and SVP, loanDepot
“Once this mentality sets in, monitoring for malicious behavior becomes even more difficult, as it is often comingled with innocently motivated, but still out-of-policy actions,” Mead says. “Insider threat programs have to work to be positively perceived by the employees they monitor. Employees must understand that the program is designed to protect everyone’s job and livelihood and not perceive it as ‘Big Brother’ driven by employer mistrust. Programs that fail to create this positive perception with employees can actually be the cause of disgruntlement, becoming part of the problem they are attempting to solve.”
The Program
The way an insider-threat program portions out its defenses to detection, deterrence, and post-breach forensics is determined by what kind of data it is defending.
Rather than counsel for a percentage split on each approach, Rushing says it is better to keep asking questions of the data: “How do I track it? How do I see it in transit? How do I trust it at a third party or anything else that’s doing something with it? What kind of controls can I put around it and keep wrapping it? It’s kind of like an onion,” he says. “You want to put layers of controls around [it]. The more layers of controls that I can put around it the better I can maintain that kind of structure.”
Mead says each means of control — detection, deterrence, and post-breach forensics — has a varying role to play. “If dealing with an unwitting insider, DLP (data loss protection), coupled with easy-to-use encryption tools, may mitigate the scenario leaving a limited role for IDS (intrusion detection systems) or post-breach forensics,” he says. “When looking at the actions of an outsider impersonating an insider, particularly one with privileged IT administrative access, detection and forensics will likely play a very strong role. Understanding the relative risk to a particular organization of each scenario should help dictate the right level of emphasis on each category.”
However, defenses need to be tested in threat-driven risk scenarios in order to determine how effective they would be for any one organization’s needs, he notes.
“When focused on the unwitting insider, prevention defenses can be very powerful,” he says. “From training and awareness to controls that prevent a user from taking the wrong path while simultaneously pointing them to the right one, these approaches can keep those who have good intentions on the right path. Preventative defenses for malicious insiders are more problematic, particularly as many of the insiders in this category are aware of the gaps in prevention and take advantage of them.”
Robert J. Hudock, Epstein Becker Green
Olson believes organizations need to prioritize detection and prevention ahead of post-breach forensics, since these are the controls that provide the most formidable obstacle to those wishing to do the organization harm.
“Many organizations are rapidly becoming better at both of these tasks,” Olson explains. “Anti-virus … is improving, monitoring is becoming more common, as is patch management planning. The net result is that adversary dwell time, the amount of time an attacker has access to a host before they are noticed, is decreasing.”
Winning over the C-suite is the necessary precursor to all of this, however. Olson says that if you do not have high-level approval, bolstering data privacy and fighting insider threats simply will not be a priority.
“Having executives establish high-level security and privacy policies is important to setting the tone for the organization, which will translate into data and privacy protecting controls and behaviors being implemented at the lower levels of the organization.”
Once you understand the motivations of the company’s executives, you can talk to them about the importance of thinking of their data as something that needs to be secured. Some of the most important information in many companies, he notes, takes the form of unstructured data, because those who write it and save it are thinking only of the ideas, and not of protecting them.
Rushing notes, “I can talk to them and say, ‘Could you add this meta field into the properties so that we can track it?’” But that works best if they understand what is at stake.
The post Not every insider threat is malicious, but all are dangerous appeared first on SC Media.
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Go to Source Author: victorthomas Not every insider threat is malicious, but all are dangerous Original Post from SC Magazine Author: victorthomas As companies fall victim to increased insider threats, one…
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theinvinciblenoob ¡ 6 years
MacBook Air fans aren’t hard to find. Although I admit to being a bit skeptical at its introduction, the laptop grew from an underpowered runt to an underappreciated workhorse over the years. But the design has hardly changed in the decade (!) since it came out — at least until today’s Apple event, when the company took the wraps off a totally redesigned Air with a retina display and Touch ID — and a new $1,199 price.
“When Steve pulled that MacBook Air out of that envelope, it was clear things would never be the same,” recalled CEO Tim Cook in his introduction. “MacBook Air truly embraced the notion that less indeed could be more. And it redefined the modern notebook in the process. MacBook Air has become the most beloved notebook ever. it’s time for a new MacBook Air, one that takes the MacBook Air experience even further in the areas that are most important to our customers.” (Yes, he said the product name five times in a row like that.)
The new Air is clearly meant for budget buyers who have been put off by the 12″ MacBook, which although popular, isn’t without its flaws, and it ain’t cheap, either. For anyone looking to spend less than a grand on a new Mac notebook, the Air is their best (and practically only) bet.
Although the old Air was updated as late as last year with new specs, the display has always been an obvious deficiency. 1440×900 was nothing to crow about even in 2008, let alone nearly a decade later. That’s been fixed with a new high-resolution 13.30-inch screen: inches and 2560×1600. (And “48 percent more color,” whatever that means.)
Of course the guts to support that display, and the tasks you’ll be doing on it, needed a serious bump too. So the new Air has an 8th-generation Intel processor, presumably with integrated graphics. It’s probably enough to play Fortnite, which is all that matters.
As for the design, it really is hard to improve on the original; its knifelike profile was nothing short of astonishing at its debut, and it’s stayed more or less the same since, with a solid keyboard and (regrettably) a rather prominent bezel. The bezel is gone, at least, replaced with a thinner black one. There goes the signature Air look, but you won’t see anyone crying about that.
At least it’s still aluminum, and all recycled aluminum now too, Apple explained with pride. Helps make it more sustainable.
The trackpad is the new force touch version, meaning no actual movement when you click, which is a mixed blessing. It’s quite a bit larger, at least, while the laptop itself is a bit smaller and lighter.
The addition of Touch ID and the secure enclave that runs it is welcome, of course, and it’s doubtful many will miss the Touch Bar, which so far hasn’t demonstrated any serious utility outside a few specialty apps and workflows. You have the F-keys instead, which is a good choice.
Unfortunately, Apple has also decided to change the keyboard. While the old Air used a tried and true scissor switch, and my 2012 model still types like a dream, the new model uses the much-criticized “butterfly switch” mechanism. This keyboard has proven to be one of Apple’s worst engineering mistakes in years, with many complaining of noise, key failures, and discomfort. Air lovers may find this extremely disappointing.
The MBA’s variety of ports, including USB-A and an SD card reader, are of course gone, replaced by Thunderbolt 3. It’s still a little sad to lose those legacy ports, which are still incredibly useful.
I’ll be holding onto my late-model MacBook Air, myself, but I understand the draw of this new one. It starts at $1,199 — apparently they couldn’t quite hit that $999 sweet spot — and should be available next week.
via TechCrunch
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hartvigsenshea85-blog ¡ 6 years
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However the worst thing is actually that this was in the course of the phase where they presumed individuals don't need the aged F1-F12 feature secrets any longer, as well as consigned those to a FN+ trick to obtain a functionality key media, AND the lettering 'F1-F12' is in difficult to read through REALLY black red. The back is actually covered in a nonslip matte surface with taste jazzed up with the Lenovo and also ThinkPad logo designs. This does not calculate the number of opportunities people have actually downloaded and install Lara In Trouble off from StudioFOW's site, or even the variety of times folks have watched much smaller clips from Lara undone in GIFs on social media, or even smaller adult internet sites. This notebooks consists of the prominent as well as oft commended ThinkPad Accuracy keyboard, optionally available integrated NFC as well as up to 17 hours of battery lifestyle. I am actually so thankful that I entered this publication blind, choosing to review that after observing this linger on the charts as well as developing curious sufficient to try. Minor quibbles aside, the general typing adventure on the ThinkPad Coil is actually very good. Students which acquired the rationale presented greater enthusiasm, job ethic, as well as resolve. Many people nominate their first task as an adolescent-- washing flowerpots and pans in a dining establishment kitchen space, for instance, or examining coatings at a gallery. If those moral problems make you uneasy, absolutely nothing stops you from purchasing a relatively cheap used PC (several on call from below ₤ 40 from eBay) along with the only purpose from scavenging the tool's COA for usage somewhere else. When talked to exactly how the brand-new task was actually influencing their lifestyles, lots of people stated this declared. 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I presume even though we strategically, I'm not exactly sure concerning that, allow this term Islam fascism for Islamic fundamentalist, this therefore gotten in touch with Islam fundamentalism is solely relative along with the dissolution from nonreligious Islamic left, which was pretty solid in the '50s, '60s and more, but then began to break down. You can possibly do tale objectives, naturally, where you'll apply for each location's assigned villains in a variety from techniques. Hence, the dynamic from the group is actually an important key in identifying a person's motivation and also the likelihood of social loafing. browse this site is available in this arrangement along with 64GB from eMMC storing for $399 (concerning ₤ 238, AU$ 429). A meta-analysis research study on protection incentive theory classified primary 6 subjects: cancer cells prevention (17%), exercise/diet/healthy way of living (17%), cigarette smoking (9%), AIDS deterrence (9%), liquor intake (8%), and faithfulness to medical-treatment routines (6%). Blink is a stylish 5 Star piece from science writing, handling how our experts think as well as picked in a flash. Having said that, I actually feel that within this current environment, where you're encountering a potential new caliphate that is actually really hostile that is actually truly a scenario-- I'm certainly not stating our company can put this on a cold storage-- however I assume our experts need to deal with initial thing to begin with. A bunch from slots on each sides of the ThinkPad creates it easy to connect peripherals while taking a trip without the extra docking station. A singular Micro USB port and also energy adapter supply the electrical power that the ThinkPad Heap 2 Charging Floor covering then passes on to smartphones and also tablets that have cordless billing innovation featured. Each of the ThinkPad Ultrabooks use the very same docking system and also batteries for much easier interoperability. Likewise, that's worth noting that Lenovo's ThinkVantage suite of professional surveillance attributes, common to ThinkPad customers, are included on the x100e. These costs vows are actually completely inadequate to handle the financing dilemma the federal government is actually giving on institutions by forcing all of them to create over ₤ 3bn from financial savings through 2020. this contact form carry out receive a fair quantity of exercise yet that does not really create a distinction regarding I can inform. While more analysis is actually needed that employs a wider range of incentive concepts, analysis so far has concluded a number of points: (a) semi-autonomous groups mention much higher levels of job range (pertaining to inherent task fulfillment ), external total satisfaction, and business commitment; and (b) developmentally fully grown groups possess much higher job motivation and also advancement. Simple reasoning grants equipments with humanlike aims - our experts are actually very simple to anthropomorphize - however device knowledge is actually nothing at all like human knowledge, as well as investigation right into 'wetware', that duplicates the human brain's nerve organs electrical wiring with reverse engineering, will not produce an intelligence similar to our very own. How Medical professionals Assume is actually managed around a collection of interviews from medical doctors (mostly) in a var How Medical professionals Presume s is a smart however, available publication that may be usefully reviewed by people as well as their loved ones, as well as through medical doctors who want to become much more reliable at their job. To begin with is actually Anselm's proof by definition, or because I may consider an excellent being, he must exist. For much better or even even worse, the Android 3.1 installed on the Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet is actually not for purists. Reactive folks are actually steered through sensations, through conditions, through problems, through their atmosphere.
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Highlights: Dancin Dogg OptiShot Golf Simulator
Highlights: Dancin Dogg OptiShot Golf Simulator
 •             Play with up to four players
 •             Hit all shots from tee to green
 •             Use your own particular clubs
 •             Ability to tune settings particular to your club set
 •             Practice shots from anyplace on any course
 •             Expanding library of reproduced world class golf courses
 •             Par 3 Tee Feature – incredible for restricted spaces
 •             Supports left or right-gave players
 •             Standard or metric estimations
 •             Entertain loved ones while enhancing your amusement
 •             Durable and Built to last – 180-Day Limited Warranty
 •             Software overhauls and new highlights
 What will you have to begin?
 Beneath we recorded precisely what you should begin utilizing the OptiShot. Practically any standard PC, or PC will work with the OptiShot. I dancin dogg optishot infrared golf simulator reviews don't have the most up and coming PC and it worked incredible. Framework Requirements
 •             Personal Computer with USB 2.0
 •             Windows 7, XP or Vista Windowsâ®
 •             Memory: 2 GB
 •             3 gigabytes (GB) of accessible hard circle space
 •             Video Card: 256 MB Open GL 2.0 Compliance ATI Raedon 9500 or more noteworthy NVidea GeForce 3 6200 or more noteworthy Intel 945 or more prominent
 •             Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or perfect pointing gadget
 So the time had come to put the OptiShot under serious scrutiny. I removed the unit from the case, read the couple of basic directions and on the grounds that I don't have the speediest PC, it was stacked in around 10 minutes. I'm certain the product will stack speedier for you, since regardless i'm living in 1999. Obviously the download was basic and quick. The one critical thing that Dancin Dogg pushed was the right lighting conditions since the OptiShot utilizes infrared lighting. The surrounding lighting ought to be as low as agreeable to guarantee best outcomes. The light sources with the most reduced infrared substance are rich and minimized bright knobs. (Those are the corkscrew looking globules.) Halogen is likewise high in infrared light and can meddle with the gadget. I attempted the OptiShot in my lounge room and additionally in an extensive b-ball exercise center. I had no issues in either lighting conditions. It isn't simulator something you need to take outside anyway cause the immediate daylight will cause mistakes.
 How could it perform:
 I need to concede, I had a considerable measure of fun with the OptiShot. I had my dad and an advid golfer companion of mine come "play" around with it was well to get some more criticism. We initially began with the essential range highlight where you can go on a virtual range and hit golf balls as much as you need going for various targets. You can utilize a real golfball (in the event that you have a net), the tough delicate golf balls Dancin Dogg gives (net favored once more) or utilize no ball by any means. The idea of utilizing no golf ball appeared to be odd to me at first however once we did, it extremely had no effect. When utilizing no golf ball it really influenced me to focus more on my swing and being smooth as opposed to "hitting" into a golf ball We wound up utilizing the OptiShot for a short time and it wound up being a device for every one of us to culminate our diversion somewhat more. My dad battles with a blur on his drives. After around 15 minutes of "extend" time on the OptiShot and attempting distinctive fixes to his golf swing, we made them hit straight and he was prepared to go hit the course. A standout amongst other things my dad contemplated the OptiShot was the moment input about his club-face and point of swing. My dad began golfing later in his life however dependably was a major fan because of his mom and dad being eager golfers. Regardless I dancin dogg optishot infrared 3d golf simulator went to Grandma and Grandpa up in Sacramento, California and them taking me to the golf range to hit a few balls. Those are a portion of the best recollections of my Grandparents.
 A portion of the other fun highlights enable you to really go out and play a course, which who wouldn't that way? It essentially is a golfers dream computer game when you genuinely consider it. The designs on the OptiShot were pretty darn pleasant too. It was pleasant to go "play" a course and have it really resemble a golf course. On the off chance that you have the correct PC with a HDMI outlet, you could really interface it specifically to a LCD TV and have your outcomes sufficiently extensive for the entire family to perceive how poor (I mean great) of a shot you simply had.
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sebotech-blog ¡ 7 years
AirStash: take sight and sound server targets iOS gadgets AirStash is a pocketable media server that remotely shares records on …
"We're not battling the cloud, we're simply figuring out how to meet in the center and incorporate."
That is the disposition of Brian Mastenbrook, CTO of Wearable Inc. based out of the Chicago rural areas. His organization offers an item called AirStash, a kind of pocketable system appended capacity (NAS) framework that takes a SD card and after that communicates its substance over WiFi for use with any stage. It's focused on especially at iOS gadgets.
The AirStash itself is around 66% the measure of an iPhone (or marginally littler than a MiFi), yet its genuine qualities are its product offerings. Wearable has composed its own particular working framework for the gadget, alongside good iOS applications and Web applications for non-iOS stages.
The organization has quite recently reported a SDK so that different iOS designers can incorporate AirStash bolster into their applications. Mastenbrook made his initially trek out to WWDC in San Francisco this year keeping in mind the end goal to get the message out about the new offering, and we sat down to talk with him about AirStash, where it's going, and how Apple's most recent declarations may influence the item.
In a hurry
Here's the manner by which the item works: you pop a SD card into the AirStash's card peruser (it doesn't accompany worked in glimmer stockpiling) and turn it on. The gadget is USB perfect, so you can connect it to your PC and utilize it as a blaze drive, yet it all the more generally communicates its own particular WiFi arrange.
Any application—portable or something else—that backings WebDAV can consequently start perusing the records put away on the AirStash SD card. (Clients can likewise explore to airstash.net from inside a program and view documents that way.) Apps can then read and even compose records back to the SD card remotely. The gadget has a non-client replaceable battery that can keep going for up to five hours on end and charges over USB.
Portable NAS items aren't really new, however Mastenbrook is certain that his organization's approach will at last be the most prominent among Apple fans and regular voyagers as a result of its straightforwardness and size.
"We were the first to dispatch a gadget like this," Mastenbrook told Ars, taking note of that Seagate as of late declared its own GoFlex Satellite. ("It's six times bigger and six times heavier than an AirStash!" Mastenbrook said.) Kingston additionally reported a somewhat sleeker Y-drive item that offers comparative elements. Both are bulkier than the AirStash and just work in one-way gushing mode—they can't acknowledge record exchanges back to the drive—and they require outer power with a specific end goal to work.
By difference, the AirStash was made in view of the voyager. "When we go to retail not long from now, the AirStash will be significantly littler with a similar battery life," Mastenbrook said. "We were motivated to adopt the Apple strategy—we truly needed to keep down until we felt the item was refined and prepared to go in the retail condition."
Why might you need to utilize an item like this? "Let's assume I have an iPad and I need to work with some person who's still in the corporate world with a Windows portable PC running Office. Or, then again another case is medicinal imaging organizations, who are stating 'We need to get information from a therapeutic imaging gadget and view it on an iPad and show it to other individuals,'" Mastenbrook said. "Or, on the other hand you may work with records that are too expansive to basically transfer on an Internet association. You might need to furnish individuals with the adaptability of a neighborhood stockpiling gadget as opposed to something cloud-based.
"It's not something that everyone essentially needs, but rather for individuals who are utilizing iPad as an essential gadget, this is awesome. We're not 100 percent of the route to a post-PC world yet, so the choice of associating back to a USB gadget is pleasant."
Looking at iCloud
Beside the local iOS AirStash applications that are accessible from the App Store, there are various different iOS applications that as of now work with the AirStash on account of WebDAV, including GoodReader and Apple's own iWork suite. But since Apple doesn't give designers any sort of WebDAV API, there's just constrained WebDAV bolster among the iOS people group.
"You need to deal with that yourself," Mastenbrook stated, "which is the reason we now have a SDK that brings back the open and spare discourse boxes back to iOS, as it were."
AirStash isn't only for Office/iWork records and photographs; you can watch recordings specifically from the gadget also. "You can even play iTunes recordings from inside Safari, DRM and all," Mastenbrook said.
Concerning Apple's most recent declarations, he said that his organization is "investigating" now at how it can better incorporate with iCloud's administrations.
"Apple's Photo Stream is an extremely fascinating administration yet doesn't go the distance on the most proficient method to manage photograph reinforcement," he said. "One thing we're taking a gander at doing (and we'll in the long run do) is giving a helpful approach to get your photographs off of your iPad and onto your AirStash. In the event that you achieve that capacity constrain, you can tackle that issue by placing media in one place yet at the same time utilizing it all over the place. You don't need to go through all that glimmer stockpiling on the majority of your diverse gadgets."
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