#the utter ridicule ya'll get ain't right
berzerker-nerd · 1 year
This is kind of a touchy subject but I'd like to get my thoughts on it out there and I'm going to try to do it like I think Beau of the 5th column on YouTube would.
So today we're going to talk about the LGBT+ Community, the lgb alliance, my perspective as an outsider looking in, and why I say the queer community
First of all I am an outsider looking in. I am a cis/straight person (as I have said in other posts) but I want to be an ally to those that fall under the umbrella term queer. Now I know that some hate the term queer because it has been (and still is in some homophobic/transphobic groups) used as a slur. I understand not liking the term on those grounds. The main use of the term nowadays though including within the LGBT+ community is as a blanket term for anyone in that community including; enbys, people who are asexual or aromantic and so on and thats how I use it. To me it brings a sense of togetherness which to me is what a community should be: people coming together and sticking up for one another. Making it an acronym makes sections, and sections can be removed. Which brings us to the LGB alliance and the drop the T movement which is exactly what it sounds like. Some lesbians, gays, and bisexuals want to distance themselves from trans people, enbys, and other gender nonconforming people as well as aces and aros. In other words, removing sections. I've been hearing a lot of LGB people saying the same things about trans and nonbinary people that homophobic groups have been saying about them for years. Which in the current political climate especially here in the US which reads as "Hey we'll let you go after these people. We'll even help you do it, as long as you don't come after us." At least thats how it reads from my perspective. I can guarantee that the people who hate the LGBT+ community won't stop hating the community as a whole just because the LGB drops the T. Trust me ive met enough of those people to know. Ive also been hearing about bi phobia within the queer community at large which to me reads as the classic "one or the other pick a side!" thing that straight people have said to bisexual people for years as well as people saying that asexual and aromantic people aren't a thing which doesn't make sense to because if there are people who feel sexual or romantic attraction to the opposite sex/gender or to the same sex/gender then logically there have to be some that don't feel sexual or romantic attraction to any sex/gender.
I'll end with this: if you're part of a large community with smaller sections throwing one or more of the smaller sections under the bus isn't going to stop the bus from running the rest of you over. It might not even slow it down.
Its something to think about.
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