#the vaelblade
dollgraves-art · 1 year
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I've been messing around with Blender and finally got something I like and want to share. Making this into a gif was an annoying process but very worth it.
Lore dump under the cut~
"What a wondrous and terrible thing Fae ingenuity is. The Courts saw a simple problem interfering with their collection of the universal truths; the Vael itself. To travel through a portal even within the primordial khaos which is their home of the Forest of Doors, takes immense power. It is no easy task, forcing the universe to give you a part of itself, to open to you, to travel through her in such a brutish way. Prior to the creation of tools such as witch-stones, this took rituals, weeks to months of plans; mages risked their deaths to open portals through which trade flowed.
When the First Dragons hid their hearts away, the Faeries sought them out. There is no power in reality as strong as the heart of a Dragon, and the power of the First made the potential in their hearts too tempting to ignore. No matter the dangers of their temples, no matter the outrage of the Drakoniq Assembly, adventurers and mercenari and the Fae Courts themselves sought these artefacts of majiq. The most famous of these is the first to be found, the Vaelblade, Heart of the Drakoniq Chaos.
With the retrieval the Vaelblade from its tomb in She'Ol, the Faeries were no longer bound to seeking natural portals to exploit with ritual majiq. Now, they could make their own, anywhere, at anytime, just as The Great Inevitable Change Aolroblan-thi had been capable of. They studied the Heart and its power, marveling at the aberrational nature of its power, and were forever altered by their closeness to it. But as all things of power are coveted, the Heart did not remain in Fae possession, stolen by thieves of unknown origin. The Vaelblade passed through many hands, many kingdoms, and many eras, before it found itself in the possession of Lucifer the Bringer of Light, leader of the Fallen Army. Lucifer sought it as a weapon against his brother the Metatron, for his Army was at war with the Angeliq Choir, but when he brought it down against the his rival, the corruption he brought to the Heart sundered the Vael, linking the plane of mystique to the plane of mundanity by a gaping, bleeding wound."
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