#the version of Ian I have in my head is very fun to me and him with aleksei is so <3333
andro-dino · 2 years
you guys want some more crackship content
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If I have to think about this so do you
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huhniebowl · 6 months
French Toast?
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dominic fike x reader
warning(s); none!
Listen to 7 hours when reading!:)
a/n: yeah, im whipping these mf's OUT! thank you for this yummy request!
this is short but fun. also calling myself out heavy here...i 100% went through both the justin bieber and bts phase...
*still editing this a bit, so bear with me!*
You don’t obsess.
You’ve never had a One Direction phase. You never had the primal urge to deck your walls with Justin Bieber posters, and you never succumbed to the fanfictions of BTS.
You’re firm on the narrative that obsessing over someone who has no idea who you are, a complete waste of time. So you never indulged. 
So why is it that you’re leaning against a barricade, a sign below your feet with, “Dominic, play your unreleased shit!” written in big sparkly bubble letters. 
Pierced tits showing nice and pretty under a fitted white t-shirt you made just for the show.
“Fuck me Dominic Fuck!” ironed on the front. His actual last name printed small and in parentheses under the second fuck. 
Your wordplay landed perfectly. Other fans coming up to you with laughs and praise.
"You know," Ian, your best friend's boyfriend, begins, giving a playful glance as you slip your phone into your mini purse, "I still can't believe you've succumbed to this."
"Ian's got a point," Aria chimes in, leaning into him.
"You beat the One Direction phase, but this? This is the one you can’t beat?” She raises an eyebrow.
You roll your eyes.
"Fuck off," You start, uncrossing your arms and sliding your manicured nails into the pockets of your low-rise jeans, "This is perfectly normal, thank you very much. Mind your business."
You jut your hip out, and lean your weight to your right leg.
"Besides, I’d rather this than the Larry allegations.” You stick your tongue out.
Aria gasps, "You didn't!"
"Oh, she most certainly did," Ian confirms with a nod, stepping out of the way.
Before you can revel in your victory, Aria launches herself at you, locking you in a loose headlock. Laughter fills the air as she swings you around, and soon, the three of you are engrossed in conversation.
Occasionally pestering Ian to snap some photos of you and Aria as the field begins to fill up.
Amidst the chatter, you lose track of time.
Engaging with a girl behind you who complimented your shirt. You share a laugh with her as you recall having to fight with a 10-year-old for the last pack of sparkly iron-on letters at Michaels. 
You’re handing her phone back with your number saved when the lights start to dim, and whip around to your bestfriend, smiling big.
"Oh my fuck, it's time, it's time!" You squeal, grabbing onto her arm.
Your heart races, pounding against your ribs, as adrenaline courses through your veins.
With the rest of the crowd, you scream at the top of your lungs, cupping your hands around your mouth to amplify the sound.
A single bulb illuminates the stage and outsteps Dominic. Bathed in golden light.
Your breath catches in your throat, and your eyes widen at the sight of him so close.
He looks unreal.
Dominic extends his hands in his signature heart as the opening instrumental of "How Much Is Weed" begins to play.
You steal a glance at Aria, both of you screaming the first few lyrics together before dancing. Shaking your heads, and moving your hands as you rap the lyrics bar for bar.
Completely losing yourselves in the moment.
About 30 minutes into his set, Dominic launches into "7 Hours," your favorite off the album. 
Aria shouts, and it rings with your own, as you both grasp each other's shoulders in anticipation. She knows you’ve been waiting for this one. 
"I just wish that you would move round me, move round me," Dominic's voice fills the air, wisping goosebumps over your body.
You find yourself captivated.
Unable to put into words how hearing the song live feels. There's a rawness to his voice that transcends the studio version and you wish you could forever hear it like this.
Closing your eyes, you give in to the pulsating rhythm, slowly spinning in a circle and moving your hips in a way that's usually reserved for after a few tequila shots.
The new friend you made earlier joins in, hyping you up alongside Aria, while the golden stage lighting envelops you in its warm glow.
It's a sensation you haven't felt in ages, an intoxicating blend of music and friends. You feel comfortable in your skin, like you're hottest here, and you poke your ass out just a bit during your last twirl.
As the chorus returns, you throw your hands up in the air and lean against both girls, belting out the lyrics with all your heart while swaying to the beat.
As you open your eyes, momentarily blinded by the lights, a chill runs through you.
You find yourself locking eyes with Dominic, his gaze piercing and intense as he sings. His eyes linger on your face before trailing down to your body, a faint grin tugging at the corners of his lips as if he's reading the words on your shirt.
Just as quickly as the moment began, Dominic diverts his attention back to the crowd. 
You try to shake off the idea that he was actually looking at you. There’s no way, you tell yourself; surely, he was just scanning the audience, his eyes drifting past you to someone else in the sea of fans.
But then, he glances over at you again, and again, and another time after that.
It became clear that he’s singling you out amidst the sea of faces. His eyes, pools of depth and intensity, captivating you with each lingering look.
Entire verses pass with your eyes locked in a silent exchange, a language of longing? Desire? You're not sure, but you know you don't want him to look at anyone else around you like this.
You're in awe by the intensity of his attention.
Sooner than you'd like, his second segment ends. And the world that was created just for you two, shatters.
You let out a breath and try to calm how jittery you feel. Nerves running wild as you get ready to hold up your little sign, and brace yourself for what's to come as Dominic prepares to address the audience.
"There's a girl up here," he laughs, "Who, I swear I locked eyes with for the majority of that set." The crowd erupts into screams.
Glancing over at your best friend, your eyes widen. When you turn back toward the stage, Dominic is indeed looking right at you.
"What's your name?" He asks, bending down on the edge of the stage and holding his mic out to you.
With your stomach in knots, you manage to speak your name into the mic without stuttering, thanks to the grace of whatever god is out there.
Dominic attempts to repeat it but ends up completely butchering it. Seeing your laugh as you shake you head, he places the mic back to your lips, clearly hears your name, and pronounces it correctly.
"That's a beautiful name," He grins, "Not as beautiful as you though." The screams ring louder and your eyebrows raise.
You're not sure if you're still breathing at this point. Dominic backs up towards his mic stand and leans on it.
"Her shirt says 'Fuck me Dominic Fuck,'" He announces with a shake of his head, "My last name in the tinest font possible under the fuck that should be Fike." The crowd roars, and Dom lets out a breathless chuckle.
"I don't know," He drawls out your name, his voice carrying a playful tone as he sways with his mic stand, commanding the stage with effortless charm.
"I'd be down, but at least take me out to dinner first?" He tilts his head with a simper, sending the fans into a frenzy.
Aria curses excitedly, her phone camera poised to capture the entire moment.
Feeling a surge of confidence, you find your voice again and begin shouting something back, prompting Dominic to step forward, thrusting the mic in your direction.
"You're right, I'm sorry. Let's go get french toast after this," You offer. "The thick kind, not the thin shit."
His laughter rings out boyishly and he throws his head back.
It's a sound that makes your stomach flutter, the only sound you ever want to hear.
"I'm not usually like this, I swear," Dominic points, his movements fluid as he untangles himself from his orange mic cord.
"ButImdownmeetmebackstage. Okaynextsongletsgo!" He talks so fast that you almost didn't hear, and your mouth drops before you laugh.
It's loud, and unfiltered, and you just can't believe your life right now.
Especially when one of the stage crew members hands you a backstage lanyard over the barricade. Your ears ring at the amount of screams that comes from the fans around you.
For the umpteenth time tonight, Dominic catches your eye, and with a wink he launches into AntPile.
You blow him kiss, and goofily wink back.
You know he saw it.
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jolieblack · 1 month
Jolie’s notes on
The Lion’s Mane (Sherlock & co podcast)
Oh, this case made me so happy. 🦁🪼⛴️
Sweet domesticity in Baker Street, then a client ringing the bell bringing a dramatic case… This is another ACD story with quite striking hidden horror. You don’t really think much about the state of the body when you read it, but when you really start thinking about it, it is horrific. And off they go, our heroes, to solve another mystery and right another wrong.
Heroes with a pension plan, of course. Because of course Mariana would have set that up for them all. I love how this show keeps finding modern ways of showing how well Mrs Hudson cares for those two crazy boys.
Heroes who drink tea with marshmallows, too. Sherlock being a big petulant child about those cracked me up.
Loved Maud‘s early reference to tentacles, too. 🦑
Archie being able to sense when people are sad. 🥹
The non-consensual bathroom sharing made me laugh, too, but can people PLEASE just stop making fun of men who sit down to wee? Housewives and cleaning staff all over the world would be so much happier if all men just did.
"It‘s a trolley stuck in a wall." 😂 Trust Jonk to turn absolutely everything into a rant against the rich. 😝
And then they’re off.
Loved this modern version of "Holmes and Watson get on another train for a case", and John waxing poetic about the countryside by night. I have looked out of the window of a night train at the starry sky in the not too distant past myself, so this scene struck a particular chord. But I‘d just love to see more of this reflective, quiet John. He hides him too well usually.
And talking of beautiful, evocative mental images, the moment when Fjara rises out of the sea mist gave me absolute goosebumps. A sight that makes even Sherlock Holmes go "oh my word" must be a sight indeed. And all that with just voices and music. Amazing work.
I also loved how the mythical aspect kinda crept in slowly but unstoppably, and I spent the longest time wondering why Maud had mentioned none of it. In retrospect, of course there was zero reason why she would have. I kinda forgot that Sherlock Holmes stories love playing with our fears of the supernatural, only to supply a completely natural explanation in the end. But that’s quite an achievement in itself! Well played, Joel.
I’m quite happy with the solution as such, too. The original story has always been a little fantastical, that the waters of the British Channel should contain one single organism who could inflict such damage on a human being. But the combination of Lion’s Mane burns, chemical burns, previous fistfight with probably head trauma and quite possibly also a touch of the Martini effect together could totally do it. I’m glad Ian Murdoch survived, btw, I thought he was going to be the third corpse.
I also really appreciated the Lion/Liona throwback to Rache/Rachel in Study in Pink (which seems to confirm to me that we have seen Study in Pink already and it won’t come back).
And the accents! I loooooved the accents. I think they’re a major part of the reason why I listened to this case three or four times before I even managed to pause the flow to take these notes.
Jonk was really taking cringe to a whole new level in his interactions with the locals, though. This is really a part of Watson’s character that they entirely made up for this adaptation and while Paul plays it to perfection, it never sits quite right with me. I’m glad John was his kind and sensitive self with Maud though.
Sherlock wading in rock pools with his trousers rolled up is a mental image that will stay with me for a long while. Check out this lovely art by @noodles-and-tea
"Sexy murderous sea demons?" - "Very, very unlikely." 😂
"We‘re cutting the engine *and* the conversation." & "You are not a priority." 😂
Poor John, nobody wants to hold his hand…
There’s a reason why the scene with the submarine submersible has inspired a lot of fantastic fanart. I’ll just let these speak for themselves:
Behold the Lion’s Mane by @starfruitsomething
Lion’s Mane by @abstractfrog
The Lion’s Mane Part 3 by @sealbug
The Lion’s Mane by @reibub
Lion’s Mane Comic by @abstractfrog
I’m so glad they went and found Fitzi McPherson in the end, too. I didn’t expect that and it was a lovely touch.
I may also be a tiny bit obsessed with Sherlock competently handling boats. Very happy to see this several times in this story.
All in all, pure enjoyment this time around. Story, atmosphere, humour, acting, straight As all around for the entire team. More, please!
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smoshkidtv · 3 months
hiii!! this will be a VERY long post detailing some of my favorite parts of attending vidcon this year! all of it will be under the cut but i'll post my main takeaway here:
i feel very fortunate to have been able to go to vidcon considering the absolute golden era of smosh that we're in! being able to meet the whole cast was amazing and something i will cherish forever.
BUT something i will cherish much more fondly is getting to meet the friends i made through watching smosh! i don't have many friends irl who watch smosh (besides me yapping about them to my partner), so finding a community online who loves them as much as i do is amazing. the fact i got to meet and hang out with them despite our distance is truly a blessing that i will never forget. for those of you reading this post, you know who you are, and i love you guys so much!!💕
thursday, 6/27 - i was so nervous i could barely sleep! not only was i going to the smosh m&g, i would also be meeting my online smosh friends for the first time irl!
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- we got to watch anthony's ISADW matpat live, and it was so fun and informative! i love listening to matpat talk and shoot the shit with anthony ^^ - i watched smosh the movie for the first time while waiting in line for the smosh m&g! surprisingly funny movie (with some really cringey parts ofc lol), i'd give it a solid 6/10!
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- the smosh m&g wasn't until 4:30pm but we lined up early since tommy posted on the smosh ig story that the first 25 or so people in line would get a free smosh hoodie! i did end up getting one, and it's a smosh essentials hoodie in brown (seems to be a vidcon exclusive since the website only shows a black and white version!)
- i got to meet smosh and record them on my 3ds! i've already posted the gif version of the video, but here's the version with audio! (favorite bits: spencer being amazed by my 3ds, shayne saying "impressive," ian pointing at my purple wolf socks, and damien saying i had immense aura!)
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- here's another version that's a selfie! i couldn't upload the video version, but some highlights: ian going "woaahhh 3ds" and chanse recording me recording him! (my hand was so shaky lol)
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- of course, my photos with the whole cast! (spencer didnt get the memo that we were supposed to be doing a cute photo afterwards LOL)
friday, 6/28 - woke up super early to make it to the smosh live: vidcon edition panel!
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- my friends and i all got dressed as characters from "that damn neighbor," and i got to be their cletus! we were even featured on the smosh ig story ^^
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- we got a shoutout during the panel! it was so awesome for them to recognize us and dub us as "the neighborhood!" - THEY ASKED MY QUESTION FOR IAN AT THE PANEL!! i was lowkey freaking out and i loved the response he gave! also, i submitted another question for ian that said "has anyone say next to you at lunch yet?" (my other two friends got their questions for trevor and angela answered as well!!) - we rushed over to the smosh mouth live panel right afterwards (for those wondering what the panel was about, they talked about boobs lol)
saturday, 6/29 - went to hank and john green's panel, they're really funny and it was cool to see the two people who taught me science and history growing up lol
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- we were heading to mari's m&g and got surprised by all of ogsog being there! i almost teared up in front of mari just connecting to her as one of the only WOC i watched growing up in the early days of youtube ^^
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- we made it to the live "hotdog is a sandwich" panel for mythical kitchen! the whole cast was there and they were super funny ^^
so yeah. vidcon was so fun and i was very fortunate to meet my childhood heroes. i love my friends and i love smosh <3
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watchinghallmark · 3 months
Summer Nights 2024 Lineup
The movies seem... interesting.
Saturday, August 3 (8 p.m. ET/PT) 
Starring: Autumn Reeser (The Wedding Veil), Aaron O’Connell (The Haves and the Have Nots)
When an eight-year-old version of herself starts appearing to her, Juniper (Reeser) begins to realize that her life is not what she had hoped it would be as a child. Young Junebug pushes Juniper to achieve her dreams, to start writing again, and to collaborate with the cute artist Alex (O’Connell) that she recently met to get her life back on track. 
🐞 I feel like this could be really cute. Autumn seems very excited about the project so hopefully that's a good sign.
Saturday, August 10 (8 p.m. ET/PT) 
Starring: Skyler Samuels (Aurora Teagarden Mysteries), Kapil Talwalkar (Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist)
Grace (Samuels) has recurring dreams about a handsome stranger named Michael (Talwalkar) due to a mix-up in Dream Central.  When they finally meet in person, Grace is shocked to learn he has no idea who she is.
😴 I'm really excited about this casting! Kapil was great in ZEP and it's great to finally see some diversity (Hallmark you're sucking so bad lately with that).It sounds like it could be fun and also a little nutty which I like.
Saturday, August 17 (8 p.m. ET/PT) 
Starring: Rhiannon Fish (My Norwegian Holiday), Christopher Russell (Operation Nutcracker)
A clumsy maid of honor (Fish) gets help from her handsome nemesis (Russell) when things go awry at her best friend’s Costa Rican wedding.
🤵👰 The fact that they even describe her as clumsy... oof. Rhiannon can be hit or miss, especially when they have her play an idiot so often. Her paired with Chris is certainly not helping matters either.
Saturday, August 24 (8 p.m. ET/PT) 
Starring: Lyndsy Fonseca (Nikita), Ian Harding (Pretty Little Liars)
When Lolly’s (Fonseca) Aunt gives her three magical lemon drops, she gets to experience what her life would have been like if she had made different choices and lived those unfulfilled dreams.
🍋... what? I feel like this is code for some hallucinogenic drugs but ok. Love both actors though so I'm interested.
Saturday, August 31 (8 p.m. ET/PT) 
Starring: Rebecca Dalton (Good Witch), Olivier Renaud (Romance with a Twist)
A suburban girl at heart, Addison (Dalton), is off to prove herself in the world of high-end fashion footwear when she lands a life-changing internship at an Upper East Side studio leading up to the star-studded New York Fashion Week.  Addison is determined to hold onto her integrity and her family values while struggling to balance it all and forge a path to success and romance, although she may fall head over heels while trying to make her dreams come true.
Friday, August 2 (9 p.m. ET/PT) 
Starring: Rachel Skarsten (The Royal Nanny), Corey Sevier (Take Me Back for Christmas)
When Jazz Ramsey (Skarsten) and her crime detection dog Zeus stumble upon an old crime scene, the K-9 trainer, her star pup, and ex-boyfriend and lead detective Nick (Sevier) are thrown into the investigation.
🐶 Excited about this!
Friday, August 23 (9 p.m. ET/PT) 
Starring: Pascale Hutton (When Calls the Heart), Kavan Smith (When Calls the Heart)
When an unusual handwritten letter arrives at Nelly’s (Hutton) office, she identifies the handwriting as belonging to her childhood friend Dahlia (Sarah Grey, The Secret Lives of College Freshman), claiming her boyfriend Blake (Julian Haig, Dial S for Santa) is being unfaithful.  Determined to help, Nelly wants some answers and rushes to Blake’s home only to find his dead body.  When Dahlia becomes the prime suspect, the new, handsome Detective in town, Michael Hogan (Smith) must work with Nelly to prove that her childhood friend is not the killer everyone believes her to be.
📫A Pascale and Kavan mystery??? It's all I've ever wanted!
What do you think about these movies? What are you most excited for?
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delyth88 · 1 month
Random late night thoughts on falling into a fandom.
I'm not really the sort of person who gets excited about a lot of different shows and characters. I mean I enjoy them, but I don't fall in love with them often. I joined Tumblr in 2017 because I saw Thor Ragnarok and then caught up on the MCU and fell in love with Loki. And that's been pretty much it till now.
I'm as old as Tom Hiddleston, so when I was a fan of the Lord of the Rings there wasn't a fandom culture like this online, and Tumblr wasn't around till 2006 even if I had known about it. So without the ability to interact with other people about the movies I loved, they eventually receded in my consciousness.
With Loki and the MCU I found other people who loved him as much as I did and wanted to talk about it! And I discovered fan fiction. So much awesomeness! And there were a lot of excellent stories that really got inside his head and fleshed out the movies and the issues he was dealing with. It meant that I remained fascinated for years. I still am.
I also discovered Tom Hiddleston was a charming and decent man and cared about this character I'd come to love and was actually interested in talking about him - so naturally I devoured all the interviews I could find. I’m not generally one for following actors – it’s a bit of a gamble as to whether they’ll be a jerk or not, so I’m pretty cautious.
Over that time I've watch most of the blogs I know move on to other things, and new people discover how awesome Loki is. But I've never found another character that's captured my imagination quite like Loki. And I've kinda wondered what the magic combination was.
Now I think I've figured out a couple of things in the last few weeks.
I started a rewatch of the X-Men movies, and as it turned out about half of them were not a rewatch but watching them for the first time. (I'm still mildly angry at myself for missing them when they came out - it would have been fun to be in the fandom at that time.) I watched them most evenings I had free and sometimes parts of a movie over multiple nights.  And I think this is one of the things that hooks me into a universe and really makes me care for the characters. 
It was a similar thing for me with the MCU.  There was a lot of canon material already out there by the time I came to it, which meant I was able to immerse myself in the world over several months, and with everything relating to everything else it really helped create that feeling of a real world where these people really exist and the stakes and their relationships with each other are real. It also meant that I got to see Loki grow and change over several movies and several year (sadly not always for the better imo), but again I think this helped with the illusion of real people.
And I think inadvertently I’ve done the same thing with X-Men. I came into it with familiarity from the cartoon as a kid and the original movies, so I was already disposed to like them.  I very much enjoyed the Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart era, but I still didn’t fall down the rabbit hole until part way through Days of Future Past.  I hadn’t seen First Class before, and that was a very pleasant surprise.  I had no expectations and they were far enough removed in age from the previous films that I didn’t find myself comparing them too much. First Class had so much heart! Lots of heart-warming moments getting to know the characters, and some that pulled at the heartstrings too.  I saw that in one sitting.  If I’d watched that over multiple, I may have been hooked earlier. 
I found myself initially enjoying the whole world and how all the characters fit together after First Class.  I was also a little surprised and unsure about this portrayal of Charles Xavier.  He’s always been a favourite character from the Patrick Stewart era, but just in a “I slightly prefer you over the others” kinda way. I suppose that did lead me to pay particular attention to the younger version of Charles. But this new version had an unexpected charm. Now usually I run a mile from characters that are cocky and too self-assured, which objectively Charles is here, but for some reason everything else about him and the film led me to liking his attitude and his heart.
By partway through Days of Future Past, which I watched over multiple evenings, I was actively looking forward to getting home at the end of the day to see more of this character.  And for a brief few days while I finished off the movies I think my hind brain was treating this like looking forward to seeing a real person. Which I found kinda fascinating, and since it doesn’t happen often I paid a bit more attention to this process.
The final nail in the coffin for me was Charles’ aching “You abandoned me!” on the plane. At this point I was 100% rooting for this character and following the next two movies from his point of view.  I was really impressed with how consistent his character seemed to be throughout the first three films of that timeline. After following Loki for so many years I know what inconsistent character personalities can do. :/ It should go without saying therefore that Dark Phoenix didn’t really do it for me.
So I think my recipe for falling in love with characters boils down to three things:
Have a decent amount of material to watch, and watch it in quick succession.
Have a character with strong bonds to others and who has scenes where they’re emotionally vulnerable. Obviously it helps if they’re a good actor.
Have consistent character writing, and believable, compelling, motivations.
And bonus point 4: Have a community to talk about them with.
Oddly, I’d put off watching the X-Men films as late as I could, because I felt I didn’t really have as much headspace and time to give them as I thought they deserved. And I’d half thought I might fall for Magneto, given Loki was my favourite character. They have a lot of similarities – both have had to endure terrible pain and loneliness in their lives, and have been the outcast for one reason or another. They’re both characters whose allegiance changes. The sympathetic villain with a persuasive motivation. They’re both powerful manipulators of the world around them, and of course there’s a very broad similarity in looks (i.e. tall white guy with dark hair).
But no. It was the shorter, less conventionally attractive character, who was the steadfastly ‘good’ one of the pair that stole my heart. The one that could have been really quite boring in contract to Erik.  But I think it was how in so many scenes I feel like I could just see this man’s heart laid bare.  He really tried, and kept trying, to help his friends, and believed in them and the rest of mankind. You could just see the light within him. I initially viewed them as a pair similar to Thor and Loki, but I’ve never found Thor such an engaging character even though he has a similar function and some similar traits.
My brain has decided this is now my blorbo and has dedicated a larger than reasonable section of my mental CPU to him for the meantime. It’s almost like a real crush on a real person. Which is such a strange thing, when you think about it.  Or it just shows there’s a threshold where your brain goes, okay we have enough data points now, we can start caring for these people. It reminds me why I felt like I did for the weeks after Infinity War.  As far as my brain is concerned this is someone I genuinely care about.
It makes me a little sad for people I know who don’t care for stories in this way - books, movies, or television. It’s a joyful, if sometimes inconveniently scheduled, thing to fall in love with people in the tales we tell each other.
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 11 months
So I just watched Princess and the Popstar as part of my mega Barbie movie watch/rewatch. For reference, here's where it sits on my current personal tier list (I've seen more of them I promise, just not in a very long time). I feel that it's placement on my tier list is justified considering I feel the same way about it as I do Island Princess: two very good movies with just a few aspects which make me apprehensive about watching it twice (Tika. If Tika wasn't in Island Princess it would've been in yellow tier at least). I also didn't enjoy it as much as Diamond Castle or Three Musketeers, which are both films that came out in a similar timeframe to Princess and the Popstar. So, cyan-soon-to-be-green-tier-why-the-fuck-is-it-not-green-hold-on seems fitting.
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I think y'all can tell that I like the Barbie movies.
Princess and the Popstar started off a banger (despite Princesses Wanna Have Fun being the bad kind of earworm - I hadn't watched the film in well over five years until today but that song was still getting stuck in my head every other week up until as of literally a few days ago probably). A nice little homage to Princess and the Pauper without totally ripping it off. Nice throwback to To Be a Princess there too, as a kid I hadn't seen Princess and the Pauper so I had no idea where the song came from or anything (literally I used to forget that the song was even in the movie) but as of today the original is literally my favourite Barbie movie ever so when I heard the opening lyrics I got... way too excited over this Barbie movie than I really should've. But yeah no the music in this damn movie is fantastic aside from the one song.
Tori and Keira were absolutely fantastic characters. They were VERY flawed but like can you blame them??? They're not even eighteen yet, they've both grown up in heavily restrictive environments (Keira having been performing since she was six and Tori acting out all the time as a result of the way she was brought up), have had such limited social interaction and have been taught to "never act your age" (act older than you really are) so it's totally reasonable that these girls are gonna fuck up and make mistakes and do stupid things (and hey they might be faking their identities but at least they're not committing identity theft pfffft). They don't have the wisdom of an average 17 year old yet but they're treated by everyone around them like they're so much older ESPECIALLY KEIRA (and yet she's the least impulsive one out of the two). Overall, I support womens wrongs. Genuinely listen to this movie's version of To Be a Princess, you'll absolutely get what I mean.
I still think that Serafina is superior to Vanessa but... Vanessa my beloved <3 Riff was not as fun but I love his name referring to a guitar riff while also being. Ya know. Dog.
My biggest complained about this movie is Crider's whole thing with the Diamond Gardenia like. If that whole plot hadn't been in the movie then it would've been so much better. Keep the whole drought thing for Tori's character development and whatnot, and make Amelia's whole thing about keeping Tori in line be about Amelia's Material Girl lifestyle and her not wanting Tori to find out about what kinda state the kingdom is in because "Vanessa, I'm a Material Girl" (make her an homage to best Barbie villain the Original Material Girl Preminger). Like girl does not want to give up her riches in order to help the populace. Do that instead of having an unrealistic magical diamond-growing plant and Basically Uncle Ian from Alvin and the Chipmunks having an unhealthy obsession with it... (the way he broke into the castle too like- those guards DESERVED to have their heads bonked with vases if that's how shit they are at their job).
To sum my thoughts up, I reckon this movie started off really strong but as soon as the Gardenia and Crider became a thing it began to very slowly fall off. A few changes could've made it so much better. Anyway it's nice to see that it wasn't as shit as I thought it would be, considering it was my childhood favourite :D
Also I stan Prince Liam. Dude was barely present, asked next to no questions and rolled with whatever out-of-left-field shenanigans were thrown at him and I support that. Also no forced romance or hinted feelings or anything, as far as I'm concerned he and Keira were just bros causing chaos together. Good for them.
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xwesley · 1 year
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tyler  lawrence  gray.     he/him.     cis  male.      ›  spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   wesley   lafleur   ,   most   likely   listening   to   hysteria   by   muse  with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty   one   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be  - impulsive  yet   + adventurous   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   the   loud   banging   of   the   drums   at   ungodly   hours   ,   a   laptop   with   deleted   history   and   secrets   ,   green   eyes   gazing   into   the   sunset   ,   snorting   lines   off   your   cellphone   as   your   agent   urgently   calls   you   ,   followed   by   toy   boy   by   moschino   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   wesley   lafleur   rumored   to   be   the   reason   behind   the   divorce   of   uppereast   side’s   favorite   couple   after   sleeping   with   both   of   them  ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .
basic stats ;
⟶ full name: wesley frederique lafleur kapone ⟶ nicknames: usually just goes by wesley or wes ⟶ three things he likes: people who smell good and have general good hygiene, profiteroles, making fun of people from reality tv shows ⟶ three things he dislikes: dirty fingernails, being alone with his thoughts, instigators ⟶ gender: cis male   ⟶ height: 5 ‘ 10 ⟶ age: 21 ⟶ birthday: august 18, 2001 ⟶ zodiac: leo sun, aries moon, capricorn ascendant   ⟶ right handed or left handed: left handed   ⟶ eye color: emerald green, looks light hazel depending on the lighting ⟶ hair color: light brown ⟶ piercings and tattoos: a cartilage piercing on his left ear, usually covered by his hair, earlobe piercing on that same ear, no tattoos ⟶ languages spoken: french ( native tongue ), spanish and english   ⟶ sexuality / romantic orientation: homosexual / homoromantic ⟶ place of birth: marseille, france ⟶ last five songs listened to: trust in you by the offspring, if i’m james dean, you’re audrey hepburn by sleeping with sirens, shadow moses by bring me the horizon, i’m not okay ( i promise ) by my chemical romance, faint by linkin park ⟶ five aesthetics: black nail polish and golden rings, a laptop with constant deleted history, a flirtatious smile, turning up your music loud emo music to drown out your heavy thoughts, smudged eyeliner and dilated pupils after a crazy night ⟶ character inspo: harlan briggs from wolf pack, ian gallagher from shameless, effy stonem from skins, even bech næsheim from skam ( og skam )
background story ;
wesley was born in the french city marseille to french parents lisa kapone and alain lafleur, five minutes after his twin sister ( wanted connection ). his father was heir of lafleur lounges ( basically hotel resorts and lounges similar to a french version of hilton hotels ), while his mother was miss france in 1999 and a well known fashion designer ( the vera wang of europe, if you must ). him and his sister were born into a lot of money, practically a golden spoon in his mouth, spoiled to the core. anything he wanted, he received, and shortly after the twins were born, his parents got married, basically those parents that are head over heels for each other, an envy worthy love story with golden twins  –  they were the it family in europe, that rich, opulent family in the public eye that everyone wanted to know
his childhood was anyone’s wet dream. he was rich, he was spoiled, and his parents loved him more than anything in this world, that much was evident, and for the first few years of his life, wesley was a happy kid. around the time he was seven years old however, he began showing unusual signs
! tws for very brief mentions of self mutilation, please skip over this if it triggers you, your safety comes first ! the first time he showed a sign that perhaps not everything was okay for him was in his classroom, at not even eight years old. without thinking about it, wesley stuck his finger inside a sharpener and sharpened off nearly the entire nail from his index finger along with his skin. when his mother rushed to pick him up and asked him why he would do that, his exact response was “i don’t know, i just wanted to feel something, i’m sorry”
it was an emotional day, but after making sure he didn’t seriously damage his finger, his mother turned a blind eye and pretended like wesley’s actions were normal, never telling his father the real reason behind what happened to his finger, and claiming one of his classmates accidentally slammed the door against it. wesley never debunked his mother’s lie, and never really spoke of it. it was a topic they both knew about, but neither one of them bought it up ever again
for the remainder of that year and the next, things were okay, for the most part. it’s mostly him, his sister and his mother, or him, his sister and his nanny whenever his mother couldn't be around, considering her job. his father however, is barely present. by the time wesley is nine is when he unintentionally catches his father cheating through listening in on a phone call. not sure what to do with this information, he doesn’t know if he should tell his mother or not. really, he doesn’t have to decide, because soon enough, his mother catches his father in the act and it just turns into a huge argument
that happy, perfect family they once were is no longer there. his mother forgives his father, but things are never the same again. wesley didn’t understand why she forgave him for what he did, but really, it was just for the appearance, for the sake of keeping the family together and, because she had too much to lose. by the time he’s ten, they move to the states in an attempt to patch things up, but it only gets worse from that point on
wesley’s father is never around, and, as a way to cope, his mother turns into one of those wine moms that spends her day daydrinking with her group of friends and taking valium and xanax, quitting fashion altogether and living off the fortune they've already created. it’s like his mother is there, but it’s like she’s also not really there. wesley’s form of coping is through music, mostly the drums
soon enough, wesley learns to take care of himself, as his mother grows more and more detached from his life. in a mansion filled with fast cars, work staff and anything anyone could ever dream of, wesley has never felt more alone
his early pre teen years, literally age twelve, is when he begins to realize that there might be something wrong with him. he doesn’t know what it is, but he realizes he hates being alone with his own thoughts. it gets too loud, it’s too dark, so he attempts to do everything in his power to try and distract himself, but it’s easier said than done. his mind is already a dark place, but soon enough, it becomes even darker
! tws for overdose, death, self harm, mental illness and baker act for the next two bullets, please skip over this if it triggers you, your safety comes first ! one day, when he comes back from school, his sister is at a friends house, so he does his usual routine but his mother never comes out of her room, clearly drunk to ask him how his day was. when entering her room, he notices she’s sound asleep, or at least, this is what he thinks. fast forward a good five hours and wesley decides to try and wake her up. finding her unresponsive, he immediately calls 911, only to be told that his mother passed away from an overdose. with the amount of pills and alcohol that she mixed together, her body just couldn’t take it. obviously, wesley’s father, and his sister, rush back home, the first time he’s seen his father in over three weeks, they just mourn together. that day, wesley was never really the same person again
the day of her funeral, right after, wesley finds himself in the bathroom, angry with himself. why didn’t he walk in sooner? why did it take him so long to realize? why is it all his fault? his thoughts consume him, one thing leads to another, and he finds himself punching the bathroom mirror, over, and over, and over again. to not get too into detail, his father hears him having a break down, walks in, and immediately calls the police on wesley when he see’s the condition his hand is left in. this is the first time he was ever baker acted, he was involuntarily admitted for five days. during this period, he officially gets diagnosed with bipolar disorder with mostly psychotic manic episodes, gets put on abilify ! end of tws !
as much as he hates it, it does help, for the most part. his father becomes a hundred times more present in his life, practically watching him like a hawk, making sure he takes his meds, but he can’t help but feel like there’s something missing in his life. like there’s some hole in his chest that he can’t seem to fill, but he can damn well try
his teenage years consist of him coming out of his shell and trying just about everything, from narcotics, to alcohol, to first times, you get the idea. he’s quick to realize that he gets a lot male attention, and he uses that to his advantage. hooks ups and partaking in drug use become a frequent thing for him, and by the time he’s around fourteen is when he starts building his social media platform
it’s funny how easily it comes to him. he posts pictures on instagram and immediately starts gaining attention because of his looks. this, during the years, opens doors for him. it starts off with modeling gigs, then sponsorships, then a few commercials, until he’s landing small movie roles, extra roles in tv shows, and finally, permanent character roles on both, before he’s even of legal age
his coping mechanism is narcissism and narcotics, or 'nn' as he calls it. it’s just so easy to act like he’s better than everyone else when he couldn’t hate himself more, despite the countless thirsty comments on his posts, those people just don’t know him. he manages to make a name for himself in the industry, leaving his past behind him, but… it can really only be so long before it all catches up to him
headcanons ;
wesley tends to bury up his childhood traumas. from his cheating father, to his mothers death, to the time he got baker acted  –  he keeps this side of himself hidden. in a way, he wants people to believe that he’s perfect in every sense of the word, when his mind is really a crippling mess. that’s why his hair is so big and curly, because it’s full of secrets
he hasn’t taken his medication in over two years already and he never wants to take it again. it helps him, but he hates feeling like he has to rely on something to be ‘normal’ like everyone else. as long as no one knows about his personal life, he’s more than fine with that
he blames himself for his mother’s death. it’s honestly one of his biggest regrets and childhood trauma’s, knowing that if maybe he had realized sooner, something could have been done. he replays that image over and over again in his head and he hates it, it’s something that genuinely scarred him
he’s one of those people that you would never even remotely imagine has the conditions that he has. he’s so cynical, it’s scary how easily he can convince you that he lives a perfect, envious lifestyle
he’s like… a whore. anything to get his mind off shit. he loves attention, whether it be negative or positive. maybe it's the attention he lacked growing up, but he just wants to feel valid in whatever way possible
this is a huge secret of his, but at around the age of nineteen, he did some camboy shit on a dare. the only problem with this is that he really enjoyed the attention he received from this and he kind of? low key continues to do it. he wears a mask, so no one knows it’s him, but the desperate, thirsty comments are such a stroke to his already inflated yet damaged ego. he can’t help that he loves the validation strangers give him, and if no one knows it’s him, what’s the harm?
his hobbies ( or job description ) consists of playing the drums, modeling, acting, posting pictures, and secretly, getting behind his webcam for thirsty people online ( you know where this is going ). he has a youtube account in which he posts drum covers ( literally think like matt mcguire and tobines on youtube ). he’s a good drummer, takes it as a stress reliever, just banging on shit if he’s had a rough day
deep down inside, wesley knows that he has a problem. he’s very well aware of that fact, but he stopped going to therapy and getting genuine help when he was of legal age. his father can’t force him anymore and he refuses to let anyone know just how dark his thoughts really are
has a huge scar across his knuckles from where he punched the mirror repeatedly that day, but tells people it’s from a fight he got into ages ago, shows off about it and all, but if people really only knew the truth
he just wants to be loved secretly, but a part of him feels like he’s not worthy of shit, so meaningless sex, flings, and drugs it is. i genuinely don’t think there’s a single person that knows him for him, because he thinks that if he ever shows this side of himself, no one would ever want to stick around, it’s so much easier to just detach yourself
coke problem? most definitely. that’s awful for bipolar disorder, but he’s an idiot, so what else can even be said in regards to this
he hates being alone with his thoughts, which is why he enjoys partying so much. he’ll go to three after parties once the party is over, just wants to have a good time, turn up the music to drown out just how depressed he really is
he really enjoys working out. it keeps his mind occupied, he likes the idea of having a nice body. kind of overly obsessed with his looks as well, because secretly, he kind of feels like him being attractive is the only thing he has going for him, hence the camboy stuff, hence the influencer status
he has a bunny he named honey bunny, he impulsively bought him after getting stoned out of his mind and named him equally as stoned. he loves this bunny with his entire life, definitely his emotional support animal
constantly paints his nails black, doesn’t like any other color, will wear black eyeliner when going out to parties, honestly believes that clothes shouldn’t have a gender, just does whatever he wants
he really loves music that can be considered emo. bands like sleeping with sirens, asking alexandria, my chemical romance, falling in reverse, etc, have gotten him through some really hard times. definitely an emo boy at heart, even if he doesn’t give off the ‘vibe’
huge leo energy. you will feel his presence as soon as he walks into a room. loves and hates himself and can be a big cry baby so again, typical leo energy
regarding the rumor on his app, it’s 100% true. he really came in between a ten year marriage, without any solid reason behind it. the worst part of all is that he isn’t even romantically or sexually attracted to females at all, but he enjoyed the attention and company of the wife of the man he was hooking up with, so he figured that if he slept with the man, he might as well sleep with her too. like go back to therapy man, you have issues
he has freckles all over his face but is actually pretty insecure about this. anytime he’s about to do a photoshoot, he asks the make up artist to cover up his freckles. he doesn’t like them, at all
his next mental breakdown is long overdue, but lets see how long he’s ‘okay’ for. sociopath energy, he will break down crying and then look in the mirror and pose with tears running down his cheeks... like bye lmao
wanted connections ;
i bet i can’t remember you… no, i actually really can’t remember you: this is a messy connection, but give me a guy he drunkenly gave a blowjob to at a party and genuinely cannot recall doing it. your muse probably remembers it but wesley? watch him go damn that’s crazy… who are you again?
you can’t stand me you say? then sit on my face: ahh, the i hate you so much but we always end up sleeping together connection. someone who really can’t stand him yet they end up having sex anyways. watch his narcissistic ass go ‘you love me’ ( no you’re annoying af )
why are we friends? look at the shoes you’re wearing: very very unlikely friends, friends who have no idea how they even ended up becoming friends, but are friends anyways, watch him tell this unfortunate soul all his gay adventures
you’re the most irritating person i’ve ever met: someone who genuinely can’t stand him whatsoever. at all. not even a little bit. it’s very easy to hate him because he’s the worst so i don’t even blame this person
i hate that i don’t hate you: an unrequited crush. an unfortunate soul who likes him but he’s just the worst. he’s also the stupidest person ever, so he would be completely oblivious to this crush as well
let’s talk shit about everyone in the room: besties who trash talk everyone, no one is free from the mouth of these two. watch someone walk in with sweats and get roasted for absolutely no reason at all
or, we can brainstorm!
birthchart ;
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lalazeewrites · 2 years
tag game tuesday
ahhh thank you for the tag @energievie @stocious @whatwouldmickeydo @ian-galagher @juliakayyy @liamgallaghers 🥰✨
tea, coffee, or soda? coffee coffee coffee; former barista both in the usa and then in glasgow city's busiest starbucks. the coffee runs deep ☕️✨
dogs or cats? sob idk. i've had so many of both in my life. cats 🐈‍⬛
can you play an instrument? clarinet, bass clarinet, tenor sax 🎷
what’s your sun sign? i'm sun, mars, and mercury in cancer 🦀 (but the moon leo and rising sag keep me excessively spicy and obnoxious 🔥)
first song lyrics that pop into your head? "i've been around long enough to know you can't trust a man" - daytona sand by orville peck ❤️‍🩹
do you have any tattoos? i have three and had to cancel an appt last saturday for 2x tattoos in a sitting 'cause my back is still fucked. they were gonna be a clueless tattoo and a spice girls tattoo 💅🏻
favorite place you’ve traveled? isle of skye in scotland 🌄
what’s the last movie you watched? i had a watch party with my friends for [REC] (original Spanish version), my favorite zombie movie. it was so fun to hear everyone's reactions hehe 🩸
what languages do you speak? latvian is my first language and what my family speaks at home, but i'm not very proficient writing it. english, and then, i wouldn't starve and die in germany after taking 6yrs of german 😬
do you have any hobbies? aside from obvious reading and writing. karaoke! i used to be in musical theater from 4-18, so performing in any kind of way is important to me. singing w/my friends who play guitar. collecting horror movies, reading horror books. cooking! camping! hiking! photography! 🎤
you can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? oh gosh. . . if i only had a single hour, i'd want to spend it with someone super fun, 'cause i'm a good-time kinda gal, so maybe jim kirk LOL 💫
compliment yourself: kids love me and i love them 🥹
Tagging: @diemarysues @majjale @cheshirecaine @stroodlenoodles @ariesbilly @dragonflylady77
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sequinsmile-x · 2 years
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The Way Home - Chapter 20
A fresh start. That’s what she needed. Not the turn of a page, or a new chapter, but a brand new book.
She left everything behind, and just hoped that she had better things ahead.
A Hotchniss College AU
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: This chapter contains brief references to miscarriage
Full list of warnings and previous chapters can be found on the Series Master List
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who has read, interacted and enjoyed this fic. It’s been so much fun to write, but I’m never quite sure how an AU will land, so thank you, THANK YOU, for all your love and support for this version of them. 
A special thanks to @ssa-sparks, @hancydrewfan, and @prentissinred who have all let me just talk at them about this fic for MONTHS. You are all just the best and I couldn’t do it without you. 
And also thank you to @cloudlessly-light for helping me figure out what to do with Emily’s career in this!
I hope you all enjoy this last chapter! <3
(Sorry if tumblr is being weird on desktop with the formatting- it's fine on mobile <3)
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Summer 2006 - Arlington, VA 
Emily groans as she lifts a box onto the kitchen table, smiling at the photo on top. It was from her and Aaron’s first holiday season as a couple. The photo was taken Christmas Eve, the day they’d had Jack, the little boy squished between them and his smile wide. 
“Emily, I can’t find my tie.” 
She shakes her head. He certainly wasn’t little anymore. 
“It’s down here sweetie,” she replies, shouting up the stairs, “Where you left it last night.”
She hears the familiar footfall of her step-son as he runs down the stairs. She can’t help but smile when he comes into view, his nerves evident in the way he held himself, his shoulders tense. He smiles sheepishly at her as he grabs the tie off of the back of one of the chairs at the kitchen counter. 
“Thanks, Emily,” he says, looking at the box she has in front of her and noticing it’s full of his things, “Keen to get rid of me?” 
She narrows her eyes at him, her glare only making his smile wider. “Of course not,” she says, “But moving sucks and you have two houses with your stuff in, moving to college is hard enough as it is so I thought I’d get a head start.” 
“You’re very good at packing,” Jack comments as he roots through the box, “I forgot I’d need some of this.” 
She hums as she smiles at him, “Moving as much as I did when I was a kid has its benefits.”
He chuckles, and looks around the kitchen, “Where’s Dad?” 
“He had to go into the office, he’s just finished that big case so had some files to submit, but he’ll be back soon I promise. He wouldn’t miss today for the world.” She assures him, squeezing his arm. 
It was strange sometimes, to think that the little boy she met had grown into this young man next to her. He was taller than her now, the same height as his father. He towered over Haley, something that he took great joy in reminding her of frequently. 
“I’m glad he won,” Jack says, opening the fridge door, always on the hunt for food, “Because it was on TV it would have been embarrassing if he hadn’t.” 
Emily laughs at the typical teenage reaction, “And, you know, a serial killer has been sent to prison for the rest of his life.” 
Jack shrugs his shoulders, “That too.” 
After Emily graduated from college her and Aaron, alongside Haley and Jack, moved to DC, a return home for all of them that suited them well. 
Over the years, Aaron worked his way up to state prosecutor, a job that kept him busy but that he enjoyed. A goal he had set himself during the trial against Ian for his attempt on Emily’s life, wanting to help people the way that prosecutor had helped Emily. Finally getting her justice after she’d been so let down by the system previously. 
It was a big part of her decision to be in the system herself. Social work had never been something she would have considered before everything with Ian, but it was the only thing that felt right afterwards. Her natural empathy and her talent for picking up languages made her a popular choice, and she now worked for the state, creating and maintaining policies that would have protected her when she was younger. 
Their friends often joked that they were a power couple, and that no criminal in the DC area had a chance with them around. 
The sound of a door opening cuts off any further conversation, the thundering of tiny feet on the upstairs landing and then the stairs themselves making both Emily and Jack smile. 
“Here comes trouble,” Emily comments, winking at the teenager before turning to look at her daughter as she runs at her at full speed, catching the four-year-old and lifting her onto her hip before she could crash into her legs, “Morning Ellie.” 
“G’Morning Mama.” 
Eleanor Grace Hotchner was, according to Aaron, 100% Emily. He often joked that he wondered if he’d been involved in the process at all, or if Emily had somehow cloned herself. Their little girl her double in just about every way. 
“You sleep ok?” Emily asks, pressing a series of kisses to the little girl's cheek, laughing as Eleanor leans away from her slightly, a smile on her face as she nods. 
“Jack’s big day!” 
Emily looks over at Jack, who was halfway through eating a handful of dry cereal he’d clearly found in the pantry. 
“Yes sweetie, it’s Jack’s graduation today,” she says, kissing her daughter on her head before she passes her over to Jack, her eyebrow raised as she takes the cereal box from him, “Why don’t you two go sit down and watch TV, and I’ll get your dad to make us all breakfast when he gets here.” 
Jack holds Eleanor close, their bond something that had been instantaneous since he first held her, despite their 14-year age gap. He bounces her on his hip, making her laugh as he leaves the kitchen. 
“Come on Elly Elephant,” he says, making her giggle, “Let's go watch some cartoons.” 
Emily shakes her head as she watches her children go, sighing as she once again laments how quickly the years had gone by.
“Em, we have five minutes and then we have to go.” 
Emily rolls her eyes at her husband’s insistent tone, opening the door to their ensuite to find him standing just on the other side, his hands on his hips. She walks out to the bedroom to join him, finishing clipping on the earring she had been adjusting. 
“Honey, we’re fine. The school is 10 minutes away at most. The ceremony doesn’t start for another hour,” she turns so her back is facing him, and he wordlessly zips up her dress for her, his fingers sliding up her spine in a way she knew was unnecessary. She turns to look at him, smiling as she loops her arms around his neck, “We definitely don’t have time for that though.” 
Aaron smiles at her as he pulls her closer, his hands on her lower back. He leans down and kisses her, his lips gentle against hers. 
“Later?” He asks, and her smile widens before she leans in to kiss him again.
“Later,” she confirms, pulling back to look at him, her fingers idly playing with the hair at the nape of his neck as she cups his cheek with her other hand. “You ok?”
Aaron sighs, his lips in a tight smile as he nods. He wraps his hand around her wrist, his thumb rubbing at the thin scar she had there, a reminder of the surgery she’d had to fix it, of the metal that laid just beneath the surface. She often wondered if the way it would ache in the cold was a phantom memory, her brain remembering how it felt when he’d slammed it into the wall, his hand tight around her throat.
Sometimes she still woke up and could feel that too. Only brought back to the present by her husband, the way he would invade all of her senses. Make her forget that she’d ever been touched by someone else. 
She had a lot of scars from that time, the one on her wrist just happened to be the only visible one. 
“Yeah, I am. I just can’t believe he’s graduating high school,” he replies. It was strange to think that Jack was now only a couple of years younger than he and Haley had been when they had him. The years had passed by faster than he’d anticipated, and sometimes he missed the days when Jack was young and hung on his every word. “It feels like only yesterday he wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend.” 
Emily laughs, “I know honey,” she replies, her fingers trailing through his hair, “But Harvard isn’t that far away, and you know he’ll come back as often as he can,” she smirks at him, “He’ll miss Haley’s cooking too much.” 
He chuckles, “Speaking of which, don’t think I didn’t notice one of her lasagnes in the fridge.” 
“She offered,” she shrugs, “You know she can’t say no to Ellie.” 
Haley was without a doubt one of Eleanor’s favourite people, a connection that hadn’t surprised any of them. She was a fixture in their lives, and only lived a couple of streets away. After she’d saved Emily’s life, purely by being in the right place at the right time, they’d become friends, and she’d even come to their wedding.
It was odd, sometimes, for Aaron to remember that Haley was once someone he thought he would spend his life with. Even stranger again to think that, in some way, he had, just not as his partner as he would have once thought. 
“At least Ellie will still be here for a long time,” Aaron grumbles, the mere thought of his little girl being old enough to graduate high school when she was only just about to start kindergarten in the fall enough to make him frown, “And any others we might have.” 
Emily’s smile falters slightly, a common reaction when he brought up the prospect of other children. Eleanor hadn’t been their first pregnancy or even their second. The two losses they’d gone through before still made her sad when she thought about them, pre-emptive grief at the thought of going through it again enough to make her wonder if she even wanted to try. Until she had Eleanor she was convinced what had happened in Rome had caused long-term damage, and had cried herself to sleep in Aaron’s arms more than once. Begging for forgiveness he would not give her because she had nothing to be sorry for.
She loved Eleanor with every part of her, but pregnancy had been rough on Emily. Her sickness, which could only be remedied by some specific chewing gum that Haley had recommended, mixed with her constant anxiety that something would go wrong had meant it wasn’t enjoyable at all. 
She wanted another child and had dreams of a little boy that was the perfect mix of her and Aaron, but the fear choked her and made her freeze every time he mentioned it. 
He leans forward and kisses her cheek, his hold on her briefly tightening, “I know love,” he says, kissing her again, “At your pace, ok?” 
She nods against him, pulling back and offering him a shaky smile, “We should get going.” 
Aaron smiles at her and links his hand through hers, leading her out of their room and down the stairs. As they approach the living room, they hear the tv is on, the news clearly on the screen. 
“George Foyet was charged with 12 counts of murder, but state prosecutor Aaron Hotchner claims he may have killed up to 36-”
“Jack,” Aaron says, catching his son’s attention from his cell phone and tilting his head towards Eleanor who was playing with her toy dinosaurs, “Please turn that off.” 
Jack looks between his little sister and the tv, cursing under his breath as he grabs for the remote and turns it off. “Sorry, Dad.” 
“It’s ok,” Aaron says, checking his watch, “We really should get going.” 
Emily detaches herself from her husband and walks over to Eleanor, “Come on sweet girl,” she says, smiling at her, “Let's go.” 
Eleanor stands up, one of her dinosaurs still in one hand, and grabs her mother’s hand with the other. 
“Aunt Haley’s there?” She asks, her excitement clear. 
“Yes baby,” Aaron replies, opening the front door, sharing a smile with his wife, “Aunt Haley is there.” 
“Then let’s go!” Eleanor demands, pulling Emily towards the front door. 
Emily laughs, gladly following her daughter, “You heard the girl,” she looks at Jack, sees the nerves on his face that she had seen the first thing that morning again, and she reaches for his hand too, linked in between them both, “Come on sweetie, the sooner we go, the sooner we’ll be home.” 
It was a mantra she’d shared with him since he was small and she first found her footing in his life. It was something she’d said to him to get him through dentist appointments, or visits to the doctor. His first day at his new school when they moved to DC. Their home, and the one he had at Haley’s, his safe space. 
“Yeah,” Jack smiles, squeezing his stepmother’s hand, turning and smiling at his father as he places a hand on his shoulder, “We’ll be home soon.” 
Red Onion State Prison, VA
He was counting down the days, every day of his sentence seemingly longer than the last. It had been almost 13 years and he still had 7 left until he would even be considered for parole. 
Each day, he hated her a little more. He could feel it consume him, overtake the place he once felt love for his son who now called another man daddy, his conviction of attempted murder enough to make Chloe take him from him entirely. 
There’s rapping on the cell bars, and he looks up, smirking at the guard he hated almost as much as he hated her. 
“Doyle,” the guard sneers, stepping aside so a man in an orange jumpsuit can step into the cell, meet your new cellmate.” He steps back, pulling the bars back across and smiling at them from the other side. “Get to know each other, you’ll both be here a while.” 
Ian watches as he walks away before looking back at his new cellmate. The man was tall, skinny and had shaved his head, and he wonders what on earth this man could have done to end up in a high security prison, looking on the surface of it incapable of a crime that would have landed him here. 
Then his eyes meet his, and he sees it, the same fury he feels, anger that nowhere to go, and he smiles. 
“Doyle, is it?” The man says, offering him his hand. 
“Ian Doyle,” he replies, shaking his hand. “And you?” 
The man smiles, clearly amused by the fact he didn’t know his name. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Ian. I’m George Foyet.” 
The Way Home’s sequel, Home, is coming soon in January 2023
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idol-trickster · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
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OOC: I would have loved to answer this IC, but deciding what Trickster/Ji-Woon would listen to takes tons of headcanon space in my brain, which would take too long to think about to properly reply.
But since I got two of these I'll double the song amount and give you 10, straight from my Spotify most listened to! (I promise not to make duplicate artists' spots, so I'll list the "Top Song" and mention others from them.)
Zico - Freak This has been in my top songs for 3 months (since it was released) It overthrew Any Song, which was reigning supreme last year! She's a Baby is also one I adore a lot, Balloon & Being Left always hurt my heart (Dean's vocals are fantastic), and not to mention Anti is such a strong statement song.
2. Block B - Her This song, choreography, video, and aesthetic make me happy! Very Good is my gateway song to BB, but I've listened to Her more often recently. Their sub-group stuff Bastarz's whole I'm a Mess album is super sexy, and it's a treat anytime I get to hear P.O.'s vocals!
3. Enhyphen - Drunk-Dazed Sexy, Hype, and Catchy! It was great to see the performance in person, and one of my favs right next to Fever and One in a Billion!
4. DPR Ian - No Bluberries DPR as a duo is so talented and they work hard to self-produce! Though this song mostly DPR Ian is one of my favs for the tone. Scaredy Cat comes in right next to this one, but honestly, all their songs are REALLY my style. (They have a nice Indie sound)
5. Kai - Peaches "Pretty girl you're like peaches~" It's such a lovely song and I love the soft sound. It always gets quickly stuck in my head if I listen, and Kai's concept seemed so cute. I always remember how happy he seemed to have released this song, and that he wanted a fantasy feel.
6. Wonho - Ain't about you King is conquering the English vocals, and with such a sultry and good duet, they really balance out the song. The beat reminds me of being trendy and as if it belongs in Dislyte!
7. PRETTYMUCH, CNCO - Me Necessita The boy band sound with Spanish lyrics and a reggaeton beat made this a big hit on my playlist. I love it so much! Their other song Would You Mind is so fun and has such an 80s-90s sound it makes it a fun listen!
8. Salem Ilse, TXT, Alan Walker - PS5 I'm a console gamer, so this song was relatable! The vocals are gorgeous and the beat's so catchy, I end up humming this song a lot.
9. Vaundy - Tokyo Flash This just has such a great sound. It's very indie sounding and has a great melody to lyric composition. Everything compliments so well.
10. Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better Honestly, this song always makes me sentimental and grateful. I'm putting it here because I think everyone needs to hear this at least once. No matter how hard things get, and how un-ending it feels, it's always nice to have a positive outlook; sometimes when it doesn't feel like you're reaching any goals, something as nice as spending time with someone you cherish and having a good time is what we should look forward to, to enjoy our lives. It's a reminder to not forget the love and support we receive, and look forward to good days! Maybe to be kinder and take things easier on ourselves and make our happiness an important goal. (But other than that, I really adore Lisztomania from them too)
--- PS. As a bonus song, I adore "Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me (Japanese Version)"; it's hit my no.2 spot on Spotify, it's so classic! (and I discovered the Japanese cover from Tokyo Vice)
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dracolunae · 2 years
I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW ABOUT SONIC lay it on me. sits head in hands attenative mode
I’ll just give you a general ramble of whatever I can think of but if you wanna know anything specific like lore or the different comic runs or stuff about the music lmk!!
Sonic is a franchise that I’ve found so fucking fascinating for a long time because it combines just so many fun things: a mostly non-human cast, intricate world building a continuity between games, interesting abilities, and a protagonist that is not only cool and fast and heroic but also a wildly fascinating personality!
My start into Sonic was, ironically, not any of the actual mainline games or anything because my ass was a DS kid with no consoles. It wasn’t even one of the mainline DS games! My start was Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games for the DS.No clue of any lore, all I knew was that this franchise had really interesting character designs and was really cool because YO IS THAT A ROBOT??? (I was also. Very into the transformers movies at the time so robots were fucking awesome).
Anyway, from there my brother and I shared a copy of Sonic Colours for the DS! Sonic Colours for the Wii is often regarded as one the better if not one of the best modern Sonic Games with unfortunately really bad writing but fear not! That’s where the DS version comes in! Entirely different gameplay wise since in that sense it’s a continuation of the earlier Rush games but the story is nearly identical to the Wii version except there’s more of it and the characters are significantly better written!
It’s pretty common to make jokes about people who play games for the plot but honestly the plot is really one of the main draws of Sonic for me! The Adventure era (Sonic Adventure, Adventure 2, Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog and kind of Sonic 06) had overarching story elements and would legitimately flash back to what happened in previous games, which at the time (1998-2006) was huge!
There’s also several runs of comics and manga as well as several tv shows that accompanied the franchise, most of which are entirely non-canon to the games but still add so much to the characters and in some ways the world.
The original 2 shows and Comic runs were Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog (more commonly known as Sonic SatAM), the Sonic Archie comics and Sonic the Comic, published by Fleetway. The shows were both made simultaneously by the same people and a lot of elements from both (though mainly SatAM, the grittier of the 2) were adapted into the Archie Comics. Sonic the Comic (more often referred to as Fleetway) was the British run of Sonic Comics and while Archie went kinda wild with a lot of stuff, Fleetway did so in a way that was less insane and more just incredibly contradictory to the games, such as changing the way that Super Sonic worked (it splits Sonic into 2 different beings instead of just being like a Dragonball Super Saiyan inspired power up) and also entirely changing the design and origins of Chaos, the additional antagonist of Sonic Adventure.
Both Fleetway and Archie have been canceled, Fleetway quite a while ago and Archie in 2017, which has brought a new Comic into the scene, published by IDW! The staff is comprised almost entirely of former Archie Sonic staff, who were pulled over by head writer Ian Flynn, who took over this position for Archie in 2006 and was hired by IDW pretty immediately once they got the comic license for Sonic. These comics directly tie into what was at the time the most recent Sonic game, Sonic Forces, and are confirmed to be canon, unlike literally every other piece of extended media we’ve ever gotten!
The American Sonic comics are very dear to me because I used to read them a lot (in what is possibly the most annoying way one could possibly read them, YouTube videos panning through incredibly slow pans of each individual page or panel). And the staff post Ian Flynn takeover is fascinating to me because a decent chunk of it consists of Sonic fans that started out as fancomic artists, got recognised for their talent and then hired to work on the real deal! What kind of Dream job is that???? The amount of passion the current staff has for the world of Sonic is palpable and so refreshing. Ian Flynn also got to write the story for the most recent Sonic game, Sonic Frontiers and holy shit I love the way he respects the previous world building done by older games. It might come off a little awkward to some but I’m just glad they’re acknowledging their past
With all my love for the comics tho I gotta say the Archie comics are a wild fucking trip, especially when Ken Penders had free reign of the plot. I’m rereading the Archie comics and I skipped over the first 60 or so issues the first time I read them as a kid and wtf???? Why did I just read about a bee dying of an LSD overdose???? (Yes. This is a real plot point. It is relevant for one 3 issues side arc and never again)
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slimim2000 · 2 years
My top 20 kpop songs from July 2022:
20: Que Sera Sera - ILY:1
19: Love Love Love - VIVIZ
17: Last Sequence - WJSN
16: The Ring - ATEEZ
15: Cruel - Jackson Wang
14: Lingo - aespa
12: Ballroom Extravaganza - DPR IAN
10: Louder - CHUNG HA
9: WDIG (Where Do I Go) - ATEEZ
8: Feel Something - Apink CHOBOM
7: Copycat - Apink CHOBOM
6: Done - WJSN
5: Guerrilla - ATEEZ
4: Crazy Like You - CHUNG HA, BIBI
3: Feel My Rhythm - Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra
- LISTEN!!!!! I’m a little classical music nerd that already went crazy for the classical influences in the original red velvet version but THIS ONE!!!! I literally got goosebumps the first time I listened to it because it was so good. I could go on hours and hours about why this is so good but I think writing a full breakdown would take a bit too much if my time. But let it be known I’m OBSESSED with this song -
2: New World - ATEEZ
- what could be better than an orchestral cover of red velvet you ask? Ateez. My god this whole album was amazing and so incredibly cohesive but new world in particular makes me feel so incredibly powerful. Jongho’s vocals in the chorus never fail to make me ascend. I normally don’t pay too much attention to lyrics, but I read through the lyrics of the entire album and new world is such a good closer to an already amazing album. It’s the perfect climax and I’m obsessed -
1: Cyberpunk - ATEEZ
- honestly I don’t even have the words to describe how much I love this song. The chromaticism in the chorus is so fucking good and just,,, the moody atmosphere of this song gets me every time. I too want to feel alive and don’t want to stay in the dark. Cyberpunk is just one of those songs that isn’t just a good song but sucks you in in a way where you feel like you’re part of the song. I have this very vivid image in my head of riding a motorcycle on a busy street, swerving between cars and surrounded by bright neon lights. I want to live in this song and I’m so mad that I cannot. Also once again,, the lyrics and mood of the song match so well with the rest of the concept. It’s so cool how this entire comeback ateez just went “yeah we’re anarchist and we’re gonna commit MURDER 😈😈” and I support them wholeheartedly. Also, once again, super fun to sing along to in the car -
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thankskenpenders · 4 years
Enerjak Reborn intermission: Who the hell is Enerjak?
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Before we move on to the second half of the fun, thrilling, and exciting Enerjak Reborn arc, I think it’s a good idea to pause and take a look back at where we came from. Reading this arc, you may be asking yourself: where’d this Enerjak guy come from? It’s been over six years since I covered the comics featuring the original Enerjak, after all (and I tended to skim over stuff a lot more back then)
So here’s a crash course in Archie’s original nemesis for Knuckles. The big question today is... did the original Enerjak ever DO anything?
As has been established, the original Enerjak was a powered up form Dimitri took on. Even if you’re not following all this too closely, you’ll probably recognize Dimitri as the floating cyborg echidna head. He’s pretty memorable in that form
In his youth, though, Dimitri was a normal echidna scientist working alongside his brother Edmund on Angel Island. Together, the two of them found the legendary Zoot Chute
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This, of course, led them to the chamber of the twelve Chaos Emeralds (yes, twelve--the lore was different back then) that were holding Angel Island up in the air. It had been generations since the echidnas had Brexited their capital city into the sky to dodge the White Comet, and they figured, hey, maybe we should land this thing. And so Edmund and Dimitri set out to slowly syphon away the power of the Emeralds to do just that, gently lowering the floating landmass back into the crater it had left behind. A reasonable idea!
Except then their proposal to land Angel Island was denied, so Dimitri got pissed and stole the Chaos Syphon to do it anyway. But then the machine went HAYWIRE and he absorbed the energy himself and it flipped his morality switch from good to EVIL!!!
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Boy, that was sudden!
From there Dimitri’s plan was to enslave everyone on Angel Island and make them turn the whole island into one big airship, from which Dimitri would subjugate the surface world
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(No, the pirate motif isn’t an artist taking liberties with the script--Ken drew these lore dump backup stories himself)
Boy, this guy sure does have big plans! And he’s got the power to back it up, too, since he absorbed eleven whole Chaos Emer--oh, whoops, the fire ants chewed through the base of his spooky tower and he was immediately crushed by rocks before he could do literally anything else with his new power
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From here, Edmund and his allies “renounced technology” and “destroyed their city” (not really, but that’s how the story goes). His descendants would become the Brotherhood of Guardians, eventually including Locke and Knuckles. This part of the lore dump gave me some of my favorite panels. Meanwhile, Dimitri’s side of the family sought revenge and went full techno-fascist, forming the Dark Legion
Fast forward a few hundred years to the events of the three-issue Knuckles miniseries, and Dimitri's HP finally recharges and he manages to escape from the rubble, ready for his first face-off with Knuckles! Except he’s no longer just Dimitri... he’s apparently now Enerjak!
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While the echidna lore dump stories published literally immediately before this miniseries that Ken drew himself depicted Dimitri as simply turning all green and glowy in his powered up state, the art in the recap pages of this miniseries seems to retcon the story and say that he had actually turned into Enerjak. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t just use Enerjak in the original stories to set the persona up more instead of just having Dimitri turn green. Here Archimedes also refers to Enerjak as “the great evil of legend” even though no one is supposed to know about Dimitri’s Enerjak persona yet. Actually, this little point of confusion was expanded upon by Ian, which is why in his version of the canon Enerjak is an entity that multiple people can become, rather than just a supervillain persona for Dimitri. Anyway!
In this first confrontation, Enerjak displayed a few of the signature moves Knuckles has been using in the Enerjak Reborn arc. He’s able to unleash blasts of Chaos energy, freeze his opponents in place, and teleport them elsewhere. He uses this to make short work of the Chaotix and teleport Knuckles and Archimedes out to die in the desert of Sandopolis Zone
From there, Enerjak made a new evil citadel (guy just LOVES making evil citadels), this time made to resemble Echidnaopolis... except evil. He christened it “Nekronopolis.” He also, like... made some robots for Knuckles to fight, apparently based on robots they used to have in Echidnaopolis? Okay
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In their final confrontation of the miniseries, Enerjak mind controls the Chaotix to make them fight Knuckles. He then starts going on and on about his unlimited power while struggling to kill a teenager, only to be undone when--surprise!--the fire ants show up and sabotage his fortress again. This time, though, they launch him into space with help from Locke instead of just making the citadel collapse on top of him. Oh, and then his evil fortress disappears. He leaves no mark on the status quo of the series in his first appearance aside from adding one more guy to the list of characters Knuckles has fought
Later, in issue #7 of the full Knuckles series, Enerjak is summoned back to Angel Island and meets the Dark Legion. Since he’s their beloved Dimitri, he immediately becomes their new leader. And so Enerjak gets his rematch with Knuckles. This time he uses new tricks like making himself giant and teleporting himself and Knuckles to various inhospitable locations like the moon. (Admittedly, the moon thing is cool.)
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Eventually he gets bored toying with Knuckles, though, and he decides to just disintegrate him
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BUT Knuckles is immediately saved by God the Ancient Walkers, who won’t allow one of their Chosen Ones to die so easily. So he comes back right away
Enerjak then leads the Dark Legion on an all-out assault on Echidnaopolis. He doesn’t really do much even though he could probably singlehandedly disintegrate the entire Echidnaopolis defense force with the snap of his fingers
And then Mammoth fucking Mogul shows up and drains him of all his power with the Sword of Acorns and turns him into a prune
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No, Knuckles wasn’t even the one who beat his supposed nemesis in either fight
And that’s it for Enerjak! No, really! He appears in two story arcs for a total of six issues, and that’s it. He’s just regular old Dimitri from this point forward, eventually becoming a cyborg and then a head. He has no powers and is just a fascist
As with just about every other element of Ken’s Knuckles comics, Enerjak was all hype and no substance. Dimitri is an important figure in The Lore, but as Enerjak he doesn’t actually do anything with his unlimited power that has any lasting impact on the story whatsoever. He just taunts Knuckles and then gets his power slurped out by a mid-tier villain. It’s clear that Ken wanted to paint this as Dimitri repeatedly suffering for his hubris, but it sure would’ve been nice if he actually did anything before he loses each time. Like, honestly? If you took the Enerjak persona out of the story entirely and instead just had the Dark Legion bring back regular old Dimitri with their technology, very little about the overarching story would change. He also has absolutely zero nuance as a character, going from a well-intentioned if headstrong scientist to a world-conquering tyrant demigod to the leader of the techno-fascists at the drop of a hat when the story requires it
Needless to say, it is VERY SATISFYING to have Knuckles become a version of Enerjak with way more nuance and to see him actually do stuff with that power in Ian’s run. Not just cool fighting moves (although he has those!), but also stuff that will have a lasting impact on the series
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ladyzerodark · 3 years
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@paperclippedmime Since there are some I haven’t developed as much as I’d prefer, I have a list of the crossover ships I have put very much thought into.
Disclaimer for everyone though:  Some of the ships are going on the assumption that they are around the same age as each other. So if there’s any canon info that could change things, I’m fine with being made aware so I can rethink them. ALSO THERE ARE SOME POLY SHIPS, so if you don’t like those...I’m sorry but I'm not.
Gonna start with the ships I’ve had since my high school days
1. Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho X Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed.  I found a fanfiction where Lacus was in the YYH world and their opposite personalities made it very fun for me.
2. Ivan/Ian from Beyblade X Kisa from Fruits Basket.  This came from a massive crossover RP I did with my friend Hunter.  It started platonic but evolved into a cute school romance.
3. Eve from Black Cat X Daichi from Beyblade.  Pretty much the same as above.
4. Johann from Yu Gi Oh GX X Tamao from Shaman King. I felt bad for Tamao, since she had a crush on Yoh (who was very obviously going to end up with Anna), so I wanted to find someone who would be supportive of her.  Johann ended up being that guy, due to his supportive nature.
4. Joey Wheeler from Yu Gi Oh X Jun from Shaman King.  My thought process was they both have younger siblings they care greatly for and were willing to fight to protect them.  So, they could bond over that and help each other
5. Jason Todd from Batman X Leo from Tekken.  The two of them have a vendetta, so why not work together to get what they want. And then they develope....FEELINGS. Plus, now that I’ve had more time to think about it, I think Bruce would probably welcome Leo into the Bat fam as an ally.
6.  Tala from Beyblade X Blair Flannigan from Yu Gi Oh GX.  This one came out of nowhere for me, to be honest.  It was definitly an opposite attracts story in my head (Note: I have since added Julia from Beyblade to the equation, as I headcanon Blair as Bi and I enjoy the Tala X Julia ship)
And now for some of the newer developed ships.  Most, if not all, are from a crossover story I have in my brain that keeps changing.
1. Dario from Fire Emblem Warriors and Sophie from Atelier Sophie.  They have become my disaster couple because Dario cannot contain how curious he is about her work, and Sophie is #tired of his bad boy tendencies.
2.  Leila from Fire Emblem Heroes X Toyohisa Shimazu from Drifters.  Pretty much the same as above, though it was going from enemies/bad terms to allies to friends to lovers
3. Moss from Generator Rex X Bella from Dragalia Lost.  Honestly, I just love the idea of a criminal and a princess/noble lady hooking up. I blame Tangled.
4. Sundance Kid from Drifters X Luka from Voltron.  The two sympathize with each other, due to finding themselves in a place that they don’t understand, with only one other person they can truly call a friend (Luka didn’t get a lot of development in the show, so I just kinda said “I do what I want” and there you go)
5. Chara from Storyshift!Undertale X Mina from Battle Chef Brigade.  I’m beginning to wonder if this one actually counts since my version of SS!Chara is practically an OC... 
6.  Soren from the Dragon Prince X Durant from Dragalia Lost.  Another started as platonic then ended up being another disaster couple story.
7. Misaki Tokura X Chazz Princeton from Yu Gi Oh GX.  I seem to enjoy having couples that are literally “You’re an idiot, but you’re my idiot.”
8. Velvet from Tales of Berseria X Lucina from Fire Emblem Awakening.  This actually started out as a friendship which evolved into a romance.  There were technically two others in the relationship (it was my first poly ship), but I’m debating if it would make sense
9.  Papyrus from Undertale X Caeldori from Fire Emblem Fates.  I felt like their personalities would mesh very well.  They both are trying to prove themselves to the people they care about and are very serious about justice.
10. Underswap Papyrus X Isolet from King’s Raid.  This was for a Three Houses Crossover AU I ended up abandoning, and was originally suppose to be a rivalry, as Isolet does not like lazy people.  But then I started writing and drawing their relationship and it turned into a ship.
11.  Underswap Sans X Ephraim from Fire Emblem Sacred Stones.  Again from the 3 Houses Au. These two would have been good allies, with a romance developing.
12. Horrortale Sans X Akasha from Dragalia Lost.  I just pictured the two messing with each other and then becoming the couple you are 75% certain may be serial killers.
13. Dante from Devil May Cry X Scathach from Fate Grand Order X Maria of the Astral Clocktower from Bloodborne.  I just feel like they would get along.  If anything, this is a more casual friends with benefits ship than a super romantic one.  Sometimes I add others to the mix, but these are the constants
14.  Qrow and Winter from RWBY X Verica from Dragalia Lost X Kibera from King’s Raid.  After the whole Qrow X Clover thing went south and it seemed like he thought it was fate that he’d be alone, I wanted to give Qrow some love.  And I started drawing him with Kibera and Verica, one who thinks fate is stupid, the other who helps people fight against it.  And I had originally loved Qrow with Winter so yeah.
15.  Cinder Fall from RWBY X Sans from Undertale. This one I think is going to get the most WTFs because “Cinder bad, Sans good”.  The story in which this relationship takes place is one where Cinder is freed from Salem’s influence, and focuses how she tries to be a better person, and learning what true affection looks like.  Sans would be there for her journey and the two would end up together.  Hell, I even made a kid for them!
And with that, those are all the more developed Crossover ships that I have.  I may do another list of the “less developed but I’m working on that” ships later
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seancekitsch · 2 years
get to know me better :)
Tag 10 people you wanna know better
Thank you for the tag: @hottpinkpenguin
Relationship Status: in one :)
Favorite Color(s) : orange, forest green, mustard yellow, royal blue 
Favorite Food: chicken pho 
Song stuck in my head: that one french version of chrissy wake up thats sang in a really condescending tone. 
Last thing you googled: nothin fun just the tour date for the ghost/mastodon/spiritbox show im going to bc i forgot the date and forgot to check the tickets
Time: 23:21
Dream Trip: ireland or scotland but i do not go back home. or belgium tbh that place looks so chill and walkable and not polluted.
Last thing you read: A Woman’s Place is in the Brewhouse! its this lovely nonfiction about the culture of beer and how women are the real brewers of history and how women have always spearheaded beer culture despite it being a stereotypical “man thing” and deals a lot with revisionist history in culture and religion literally dating back to the ancient world. there's a really cool section about the ancient sumerian goddess of beer thats like directly next to a passage about one of the OG craft brewers of the american craft beer scene who actually opened THREE spots in philly and ive personally  had a lot of conversations with her picking her brain about women in modern beer culture. 
Last book you enjoyed reading: see above, but also A Touch of Jen, starts out as psychosexual obsession with a woman over social media, very quickly takes a left turn to kafka-esque, cronenberg-ian body horror
Last book you hated reading: i had to put down colleen hoover bc her writing style reads very YA which is valid and a lot of peoples thing but 100000% not mine. 
Favorite thing to cook/bake: i really like cooking halloumi bc its easy and the tastiest thing ever, that and making soups. 
Favorite craft to do in your free time: cosplaying and knitting!!
Most niche dislike: i dont think this is niche but like the entire experience of driving. especially like right after i cut someone off and and they act like i killed them, or if i have a friend in the car and they tell me i drive “too safe” and try to rag on me to drive faster. but like. i just want to live in a walkable city. 
Opinion on circuses: i am anti. bc if it has animals, its abusive and should be abolished. if it doesn't have animals, its ethical and morally and legally fine, but personally gives me the ick. i cringe.
Do you have any sense of direction: very much so i am a champ at navigating
Tell us about your D&D character: she's a bard and a greek maenad, dionysus’ main side piece! she was recently gifted a magical flask which can release a geyser of wine in defense if i need to get away quickly. she's firey, mean, spoiled, wildly connected to nobles of the land, and the charisma lead of the team. think nicole richie in 2006 but also a bard in ancient greece. 
No pressure tags: @magic-multicolored-miracle @joz-stankovich @forenschik @santacarlahorrorshow @lothcatlady @super-unpredictable98 @firstpersonnarrator @nathanxyoung @sharknadoslutt @jae-writes-fanfiction
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