#the vision was: wind nearly blowing his hat off so i can draw smoke blowing everywhere & his shirt open and also i dont have to draw 2 hand
rithmeres · 10 months
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pigeonacademic · 7 years
The Welcome Home characters: The Protagonist: Dr. Jeremy: A really sweet therapist who has worked with the protagonist for a while, and moves away, so the protagonist gets a new therapist. Danielle: The person the protagonist communicates with via paper airplanes and messages in a bottle who climbs into the window to greet her friend. Dr. James: The seemingly kind, but creepy therapist and twin brother of Jeremy. Murders children and certain people he deems fit for it
@ufolotus @diaroon my writings  
Paperwork with tiny print was a strain on the eyes, and Emeritus didn’t exactly have eagle-vision. His nose bumped against the paper so many times that he didn’t notice he had a black smudge on the tip until Adrian pointed it out to him during break.
“Do they let the ink dry before they send the papers out?” The brunette chuckled, watching his mentor angrily wipe at the smudge. Emeritus gave him a dry look, reaching for a napkin and wetting it with some coffee. “Sometimes they don’t wait long enough for it to dry; these papers used to be hand-written when there were fewer members on the team, but now they’ve been using the printer, and a shitty one at that.” The blond dabbed his nose, checking to see if the ink was coming off. He handed the younger man the napkin. Adrian took it gratefully to clean his own fingeres, glancing at the other letters they had to read. “Perhaps we should leave them here until they dry?” It wasn’t a bad idea, Emeritus had to give the man that. He went over to the window, opening it.  
"Briney waves crash around your body and you pretend to be powerful. Stardust falls upon your shoulders and you pretend to be ethereal. there’s a spark in your eyes and you pretend to be untalented. The fires of the factory speak to you, and you pretend to be at peace."
A decade could be cruel, especially behind the barbed wire fences and looming prison, which, while looking soulessly dull on the outside, gave an omnious feeling with its tall dark windows, and flashes of orange as prisoners were herded to their cells from the mess hall, and in some cases, to the last room they'll ever be in. Hobble had picked up a few scars along the way, and a serious smoking habit. As she stood at the pickup-spot, she shielded her lighter with her hand to keep the chill autumn wind from blowing the fire away, the flame lighting up her aged features. She long accepted she wasn't young anymore, and the added stress of that place didn't help. BEEP BEEP! The pickup-bus had arrived-the woman had to blink several times to make sure she was seeing a bus, they had become nearly extinct after the war- and stared at the driver as he pulled up alongside her, opening the door. Hobble quietly got on and sat a few seats behind the driver, pulling her tattered, faded hat snugly down over her head. God, she was glad it still fit after all these years. "First day out, hm?" The driver asked, adjusting the mirror to look at her. She had noticed he was a stocky man who had a shadow of a beard, as if he had skipped a day shaving, and a periwinkle blue uniform, with a matching cap in which she presumed most of his long curly hair had been tucked under, judging by the few strands peeking out.
She nods from her seat; she didn't really want to make small-chat with anyone at the moment. He started to drive away, the prison getting smaller and smaller the further they went into the countryside, where the dead trees and yellow grass were slowly intergrating into lush greens and the golden, rustic colors of fall. "So, where do you want to go?"
Hobble thought for a moment; where would she go? If her parents were still alive, they would have most certainly moved, and she doubted that rickety house would be standing. As for that place, Hobble was sure a bunch of vagrants made it their own hideaway spot. She might visit it sometime in the future, but now was too soon.
"Anywhere." She looks up at him in the mirror. "Anywhere but here."
The bus sped on, and Hobble found herself looking out the window, the scenery becoming more wild and beautiful with each passing moment; she almost felt at peace. A flash of red startled the woman as it stuck to the window, but on closer inspection, it wasn't an autumn leaf like she thought. It was a red butterfly, clinging to the glass as it enjoyed it's free ride, beautiful red wings fluttering in the breeze. Seeing that butterfly reminded her of Emeritus, and his last words to her; how he spoke so fondly of that particular type of butterfly. She had thought it more than odd, but now she could see what he meant, now she was seeing it for the first time. But thinking about him or what happened doesn't matter now, Hobble thought, softly smiling at the butterfly as it spread it's wings and took off into the clear blue skies, fading off into a tiny red dot. What matters most of all, is the present.
Piper's Papers.
- Do I remember Breedwell Road?
I remember it quite well; how could I forget the place where my life was the happiest, and where my life also ended?
"(Player1) shares a hug with (Player2) before stabbing them in the back with a dagger."
(Player1) and (Player2) share a kiss.
(Player1) kisses (Player2) before stabbing (him/her2)
(Player1) sits in a tree and flicks acorns at (Player2) (Player1) holds (Player2) as (he/she2) dies
(Player1) steals (Player2) 's food and blames it on (Player3)
(Player1) flirts with (Player2) . (Player2) slaps (him/her1) and walks away.
(Player1) flirts with (Player2) who is a giggly, blushing mess. (Player1) kisses (Player2) sweetly. A heartbroken and enraged (Player3) murders (Player1)
(Player1) tries to convince (Player2) to hook up with (Player3). It does not succeed and (Player2) feels dejected.
(Player1) tries to convince (Player2) to hook up with (Player3). It succeeds, and (Player2) and (Player3) spend the day together.
Its hard for me to put into words what I want to say. I'm not the best wordsmith; most of the time whenever I start to write,  I can't really find a way to express want I want to say.  I really miss you, but I'm glad you're safe at home, away from this.   It's been very cold here; these creatures have the home advantage on their planet, being used to temperatures that would rival even the coldness of Yellow Diamond's heart, and are used to scurrying across the rocky land. Where we plod, they gallop. They've picked off several others already. They're smart too; they already figured out that shattering us won't allow us to regenerate, and make off with what pieces they can to assure we can't bring them home. I can see their eyes glowing beyond the floodlights; they're waiting for us to let our guard down. Their ghostly howling is enough to scare the most hardened among us, and we can hear them clawing at the sides of the ship, and in the morning we find deep scratches along the fuel tanks. Our commander has been given orders to retreat, but there have been delays. None of us may make it home.
Introductions: Show off your gemsona! Weapon Summon: What’s their weapon? How do they summon it? Background: What’s their story? Crystal Idol: Your gemsona magically gets to hang out with the canon Gem they most admire! What happens? Purple P and Tiger M: Jump into the ring! What’s your gemsona’s wrestling nickname and costume? (Could they take on Purple Puma?) Special Talents: Is there an element or aspect of nature your Gemsona can control? Or: What’s something only they can do? The Homeworld: What’s their relationship to the Gem Homeworld? Distance Model: Draw your gemsona’s distance model! (x) Cracked Gem: Uh oh! Their gem’s got a crack in it! Change of Heart: A villain’s turned hero and a hero’s turned villain! Or: Your gemsona now has the opposite personality! Dream Team: Show off your other gemsonas! Or: If they’re a loner, introduce your gemsona’s friends! Alt Outfit: Design their space suit, beachwear, or ‘pilot’ outfit! A Day in the Life of: What’s an average day look like for your gemsona? Challenger Approaching!: Your gemsona’s caught in a fight! Is their opponent a monster? Another gem? Or something else? Regeneration: Whoops! What’s their new outfit? Hanging with Humans: Imagine your gemsona hanging out with some of the humans from Beach City! Does your gemsona get along with humans? Fusion Frenzy: Quick! Fuse with someone! Shapeshift: What kind of shapeshifting do they do? Can they shapeshift into objects? Animals? Can they only transform a part of their body? Steven Style: Draw your gemsona in the style of Steven Universe! Or: Have your gem play ‘Steven Tag’! Loyalty: Your gemsona was loyal to the Homeworld at some point… What was their role there? Or: If your gemsona’s never been to Homeworld, who are they loyal to? Monster Gem: What’s their corrupted form? Rebellion!: Where was your gemsona during the Gem Rebellion? Same Gem? Same Gem!: There’s sure to be at least one other gemsona with the same gemstone as yours. Draw them together! Outfit Exchange: Snag another gemsona’s or a canon character’s outfit! Historic Site: Your gemsona visits an old gem site… With the Gems: Imagine your gemsona as a Crystal Gem! Stars In Your Eyes: Show off your gem with Steven’s trademark ‘starry-eyed’ look! ٩ ( ✪͈̀ ᗜ ✪͈́) ۶ Guess Who?: Come up with a fake Steven Universe episode introducing your gemsona! Or: draw your gemsona on a screenshot from the show. Favorites: Draw some of your favorite Gemsonas!
Shifty catches Apatite and Topaz dancing, then fusing, and took photos. Later on threatens Apatite about exposing the two, and considering Topaz is a lower-class gem and a Off Color, he'll be shattered. He holds this over Apatite's head and uses it to get him to do things for him, all in the hopes of framing him and getting him off the group.
"Oh..now normally, fusion between two different gems don't bother me, but you know how everyone else is." He holds up the photographs, smirking. "It would be a shame if these got out, blowing around the gempire, hm? Oh, no worries, you're safe, its your signifigant other who will be in danger; may I say, he would be shattered for this kind of behavior." Apatite looks horrified; the other notes this with pleasure. "You'd do anything to keep him safe, right? How much do you love him?"
Fur Elise: Showcases Apatite and Emerald's bond, especially over music. Emerald is more lively and spry, while Apatite is the softer and gentler melody.
Hitman Mission: Topaz and Red Coral are on their infilteration mission on another planet. They must avoid being seen by the other creatures there, and have been given orders to kill if needed. They should not alert anyone else to their prescence.
This Is Where I Belong: The gems are either going to Earth, or they are returning to Homeworld. Both places could be home. Homeworld would obviously hold stronger ties, for they lived there for so long. But hey, I've moved more than fourteen times, what do I know what a home is, and what one feels like? I have no idea, but they'd find a home someplace, whatever a home feels like.
Santa Monica Dream: Emerald is lying on a bed, staring at the wall. It's a late-summer, early autumn day, with golden sunlight filtering through the window. He is thinking, hugging the pillow.
Mary Shaw theme: Emerald is exploring a creepy house with Angel Aura; they see movement which prompts them both to get the fuck out of Dodge. They get lost and they have to try and find their way out. Unbeknownst to them, it's only Red Coral being Major Dickhead.
Dirty Little Secret: Each of their gems have their secrets; the sequence shows what they are. Emerald is almost caught doing his, and so is Red Coral.
Mr. Saxobeat: Red Coral is dancing to this song, and he tries to get the others to join him. Emerald is dragged into it, but he sneaks away while Red Coral is trying to land a difficult move. Apatite just shakes his head and leaves with Angel Aura. Topaz stays because he feels bad for Red Coral.
Lone Digger: The gems go out on a Friday night on Earth. They see some....interesting sights.
Circle Backwards: Apatite is in his office, looking out the window and down at the rest of what remains of his old squadron, still active with training. He misses spending time with them, and is writing letter after letter to try and reconnect. Only one or two reply.
Roll The Dice: Emerald is dragged along on an outing with the others, and they try to get him to let loose. It takes a while, but he starts having fun. They go sight-seeing before going to a dance club. He practically kills it on the dance floor-or makes a fool of himself, but still has a epic time anyways with his friends.
Mohombi Maraca: Red Coral crashes a pool party. He may or may not start a dance-off with someone, before Topaz picks him up and carries him away.
Party Rock: Emerald has no patients for the day, so he's just being bored around the office before deciding to why not dance?
Room of Angels: {REDACTED} {REDACTED} It has to do with Yellow Diamond and Pink Diamond. (Hint: The song sort of explains)
Durmstrang: Topaz is training with the other Topazes. Their session is intense, and Angel Aura is a little intimidated watching them, and hides out on the roof of another building.
Cleopatra: We see a different form of Apatite from a few thousand years ago.
Good Time:  Gems getting ready for their day, breezing through their work day before waiting for night to fall so they can go do together whatever gems do when they want to have fun. Maybe there's a gem-rodeo with creatures from another planet, maybe they attend that, and Red Coral double-dares Angel Aura to participate.
To All Of You: The Gems are on Earth, and Emerald takes the day with Topaz to explore the town together.     (Still debating on whether they should go to Beach City or in Alabama, because I feel pretty strongly for both)
Stamp On The Ground: Gem dance-competition. Apatite is surprisingly good at this one, and even sheds his usual attire to make it easier for him. (Relax, he's wearing something under that.)
Run Boy Run Instrumental: Basically, I like to think that gems like Topaz were most likely shattered for being malformed. (Backed up by what we just saw in the recent episodes) Since its before the rebellion, gems like him are sent off to be shattered. He gets scared and escapes, while those gem bots are after him. Soon he finds a gem who helps him hide. Then it cuts to the rebellion, where any remaining gems that were strong enough, no matter how 'off-color' they are, are recruited, and he's one of them. Cue a military training montage.
Candyman Theme: It's autumn on Earth, and Emerald is enjoying it.
Die Young: The gems accidentally crash a school dance, but nobody cares. (I might also make an appearance in this one!)
Faceoff SYFY Theme: The gems each show off their weapons in dramatic reveals. May even do a little show with them.
You're So True: Topaz and Emerald adventures, both on Homeworld and on Earth.
Boats and Birds: More of the relationship between Emerald and White Diamond.
Yeah, Red Coral's a little surprised at that one .
"He's..drowning me?"
"It's just a dream, it doesn't mean anything."
"but look at how happy he is! that's the biggest i've ever seen him smile!"
Weston school antics: Gregory draws other students a lot, and yes, nudes included. Cheslock snuck a look through his art book once and was scarred. Greenhill is an animal lover and will cross the street to pet a dog. Redmond is embarassed of his uncle and hates his coddling. Joanne has a pet turtle named Bronte. Maurice once tried to humilate him in front of other students in the lunch room. "What's the difference between you and Bronte? At least Bronte comes out of her shell!" Cheslock was PISSED He grabbed Maurice by his collar and shook him. "WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU LITTLE SHIT!?"
Maurice screamed like a T Rex to get a reacher's attention Cheslock got detention, Maurice got a stern-talking to.
Lawrence studies with the door shut and he hisses at anyone who tries to interrupt Clayton drinks a lot of coffee before studying
I got some ideas with White Zirconia and Pearl. Basically, you said he gaslights, right? Master manipulator. So let's say Pearl screws up, and she's punished for it, and the whole time he's berating her on how its her fault and if she didn't mess up all the time he wouldn't have to punish her, because he 'hates' doing that. Then he probably brings up all the privileges she might have as his Pearl that other Pearls don't get the luxury of having, like intermingling with other gems in her free time instead of constantly being at his side?
Yeye! A sort of "I treat you so well, yet you're never happy. You're such an awful Pearl; you never even laugh or smile". So basically, you got it 100% right! Also, the Distortionist isn't my headcanon voice, it's just a song that fits WZ really :'D I already told you this, but Tim Curry is my headcanon White Zirconia voice. I don't know why, I just think it fits '-';
I imagine Pearl was at least acquaintances with the other Zirconia's Pearls, who I should probably draw sometime-- maybe even the Diamond's Pearls, too, since Zirconias are so close to the Diamonds. I also like the idea of "Pearl Parties" where a bunch of Pearls belonging to high-ranking Gems can get together and enjoy themselves (while some of the Gems still monitor them, of course). I think that in order to appear normal, WZ probably let her go to at least one.
Also, adding onto that, I have a headcanon about Yellow Diamond's Pearl. During the rebellion, our Pearl wasn't the only Pearl to revolt-- lots of others did. Most were shattered, but some became CGs or simply hid in the colonies. In paranoia and distrust, YD had her original Pearl shattered and had a replacement made, which is why our Pearl didn't recognize her.
pearl parties typically involve live music (i think angelite would serve as the main "musician race" because angels play harps, but if you have suggestions for other musician gems, i'd love to hear!), movie showings (any gem can be an actor, but typically they use obedient gems from a very abundant race or high ranking gems who basically pay for their roles), as well as friendly chitchat and possibly jade massages? yeah.
as for how the pearls act, it really depends on their owner. however, since CG pearl was WZ's, the others would probably treat her really well because they know of the power her owner holds. pearl, i think, would be a little flustered and embarrassed by attention, but it's good to be able to dance and show artwork without having to worry about being blatantly insulted
"You took away everything I had!" Apatite felt his throat tighten, feeling himself tremble. "What more do you want from me!? My position, my friends, Topaz-whatever you want, you already have it! You knew I never stood a chance against you for any of this-"
"That's the sad part." Shifty interjected, leaning over to stare into the other's eyes. "You did once." "It was your decision to let the chips fall where they may. It's your own fault you lost everything."
{Topaz Comic} "THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING ELSE WE CAN DO FOR HIM!" "He will still suffer! Even if there was a way to make him docile in this state, he'll still be in agony. Putting him down is the only humane thing we can do for him right now."
"You can't get hung up over that! I know he's your best friend, but its cruel to let him suffer!"
Comics: hmmm... topaz with a cracked gem undergoing some severe deformations? given his size, there's plenty to work with :Uc and if you dont mind more suggestions, you could do like a small sidecomic where red coral has to stall apatite outside the infirmary/emerald's room/wherever topaz and emerald are and apatite is getting increasingly frustrated "why won't you let me see him!?"
bumblebee agate, dragon's vein agate, fire agate, olive fire agate, montana agate, moss agate, cotton candy agate,
and the bonus panel(s) are" Everyone comes out of their trance-IT WAS ALL RED DIAMOND'S DOING!! Everyone just tackle-hugs Topaz, he had no idea what made them so upset FLASHBACK ON WHY SHE DID IT:
-Apatite disturbed RD to deliver a message and didn't apologize enough -Red Coral beat one of her Red Corals in a tournament and got catty about his victory -Angel Aura crashed into Red Zirconia while flying, helped them up and flew off, no apologies. Got lost in thought, didn't realize. -Emerald: UFOLOTUS: maybe he was fixing up one of the Gems in RD's Court, and he came off as rude to them, so the Gem tattled even if Emerald wasn't actually being rude, when you're a patient undergoing surgery, anything the doctor says can be taken the wrong way
Story/comic/blog/misc Titles
From the Moon With Envy
Lost Hope (in?) Bunnies
a Boy With Perfect Stars
Hope against Oceans
Stories of Caring Days
Meet my Zombie Beauty
Songs and Scenarios for Blights: Stamp on the Ground: Blights dancing! River Flows In You: Blights relaxing with each other, maybe one looking out into the distance and thinking about someone. Futari no Harmony: Blight Duet To All of You: Blights on a trip You're Going Down: Blight turf war Low: Clubbing Blights Here I am: Baby Blight and his Mama Circle Backwards: Ostracized Blight Your Heart Will Lead You Home: Sad Blight remembering all his friends I need some sleep- Blight is an insomniac Davy Jones: Blight remembering a tradegy My Heart Will Go On: Blights on the beach Got Well Soon: Nightclub Blights Tubthumping: BLIGHT BAR BRAWL Nigram Clavem: Blights in a spooky church Lone Digger: Basically the video but with Blights Every Time We Touch: BLIGHT FLASH MOB MEME Mountains: Blight autumn trip Santa Monica Dream: Sad homesick Blight Boats and Birds: Mama Blight and her babies Turkish Pop: Dancing Blights Die Young: PARTY BLIGHTS Come Wayward Souls: Blights getting scared by the Beast Party Rock: Teen Blights Adam's Song: Lonely Blight
notes on next gen 
Sebastian descendent:  Jasper: Red eyes, Dark brown hair. He's more or less a shy kid who's interested in the occult, and thinks that summoning a demon is a fun idea.
Abigail': Margeret: Red eyes, dark brown hair, freckles Like her grandmama she's cold.
CIel's:  Caleb: Brown hair, blue eyes, glasses, mole on chin
Claude:  Webber: Redhead, yellow eyes, spider fangs Is a nerdy-ass kid who could talk to spiders, and hella hates his pun name when he realizes he's part spider demon. Life sucks for Webber.
Undertaker: Alexander Monica: Redhead, blue eyes, birthmark on arm, unusual Alexander is a descendant from Undertaker's first family, so he's got nothing special about him in regards to species. His great grandpapa also visits quite often. He finds him strange.
Gregory:  Tripp,  brown (dyed platinum blond) purple eyes, streak (hidden by hair dye) More into the punk aesthetic, Tripp inherited his great-grandpa's poliosis, something he doesn't like and tries to hide it with hair dye.
Edgar:  Brittany, blond hair hot pink tips, fashionable clothing, red eyes, The Pop Princess, latest styles are her thing. Call her a girly stereotype, but she's high-class.
Greenhill: Alice, blond, green eyes, toned She's into sports, though she hasn't considered cricket.
Bluewer:  Josh, dark hair, brown eyes, missing tooth Is a heavy slacker, and a great disappointment to his great grandfather.
Druitt: carbon copy of druitt
Lau: Poppy, brown eyes, dark brown hair, wavy hair Finds it funny she was named after a drug-plant, enjoys conversing with her great grandfather's spirit.
Bard: Brandon, hazel eyes, dirty blond hair, pyromaniac-science exploder Seriously don't ever hand this boy anything that can be set on fire because he will find a way to do it.
Mey Rin: Chu hua,  Red hair, hazel, nearsighted with glasses Sweet thing, likes to dance
Finny: Merriweather, green eyes, brown curly hair, daisy birthmark arm Likes to garden too
Tanaka:   Chika, teacher, forty, dark hair, brown eyes,  fighter, That sweet old lady that helps in the after school study programs? She can kick your ass
Hannah: Henry, Hannah lookalike, dress code breaker All the guy-lovers want him.
Alois:  Annie, black hair, blue eyes, very mature curvy
Timber:  All Girls Thompson: All Girls Canterbury: All Girls Triplet Cousin Catastrophe.
Ash:  Olivia, platinum blond hair, pinkish eyes, wing nubs, She's self concious about her wing nubs and doesn't wear anything backless.
Twitch Flutter Ripple Fold tightly Fidget Flap Angry
Flare Bristle Fluff up Ripple Beat Raise up Snap open Happy
Flutter Curl up Ripple Wave Flap During Battle Bludgeon Smack Bat Clout Whack Kick someone’s legs out from under them Snap someones neck (only for muscular wings like bat and bird wings) Problems that may come with having wings Poke out from under blankets and let all of the cold air in Stepped on Get pins and needles from being folded for too long Squashed on chairs/ in beds/ in crowded hallways Vulnerable in battle Molting (for bird wings)
I got all I could, and I know there will be some I forgot and will regret not posting.
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