#the vtuber is also there cheering you on at the gym i guess
yakourinka · 6 months
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this man is so attractive and for what
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Idol supremacy
An idol themed festival was being held in chaldea. Rex had no say in the matter, this was mostly being seen over by the twins. It seemed that other servants wanted to muscle in on Nero and Liz's passion of being idols. Rex had no interest in it, he did enjoy some idol music but the way Nero and Liz went about their idol-ness weren't the greatest in his eyes.
It seemed to also have a competitive aspect to it, a battle of the bands style competition. While everyone could participate in the festival as a whole the competition had a limited signup as to avoid it being too bloated.
Rex: an idol competition? Seems a bit unnecessary.
Liz: I think it's very necessary puppy! Not only do I need to defeat my rival Nero but all these new idols trying to muscle in on out turf!
Rex: well good luck I guess...
Liz: you'll cheer me on won't you?
Rex: ...sure...
Liz: your response could use some enthusiasm but I'll take it!
Later on Rex actually took a look at the sign-up sheet, to see who was competing.
Rex: let's see, Nero and Liz, kinda obvious, Kiara, ok that's odd, Kama, probably wants to beat Kiara, Abby, sounds cute, Ishtar and Eresh in a team? Sounds interesting. Suzuka, going for a school idol thing probably, BB? I guess she's like a vtuber. There's still a few spots left...
???: oh hey there senpai!
Rex looked up from the sign-up sheet to see his "Kouhai" BB in front of him.
Rex: what is it BB?
BB: nothing at all! Just noticed you looking over the sign-up, you gonna root for any particular idol?
Rex: not really...
BB: aaawww, I'd love your support.
Rex: how nice...
BB: I personally think I'd make a great idol! So much better then Liz and Nero could ever hope to be!
Rex: sure thing BB... you stick it to them...
BB: y'know I'm surprised your precious goddess isn't signed up. I guess she's too nervous at the idea, doesn't think anyone would want to see her on stage.
Rex: ...what was that?
BB: hmmm? Oh I was just saying how I don't think Quetzalcoatl would make a very good idol.
Rex: oh I see! Well guess what buster! She can make a good idol, no, a FANTASTIC idol! And I'll prove it!
After he said this he stomped off to his room.
BB: *giggles* I love making him mad!
At Rex and Quetz's room, Quetz was laying in bed after an intense workout.
Rex, bursting in: QUETZ!!!
Quetz: que?!
Rex: you're signing up for the idol thingy!
Quetz: I am?
Rex: yes! BB said you wouldn't be a good idol, we gotta prove her wrong!
Quetz: mi amor is that necessary?
Rex: very! We have to prove you'd make an amazing idol!
Quetz: mi amor, there's no need for you to get so competitive. It's good every once in a while but I'm already concerned.
Rex, grabbing her by the arm: too bad! Let's go!
Rex starts dragging her towards the sign-up
Quetz, being dragged: waaaaaaiiiiitt!
At the sign-up
Rex, bringing Quetz in: we're here! She'd like to sign up!
Nero: umu!? Quetzalcoatl wants to compete?
Rex: yes! Now let's go!
Nero: good timing, there's only one opening left.
Rex: nice!
Quetz: so we're really doing this?
Rex: yes! Don't worry I'll make sure you're victorious!
Quetz: fine...
Quetz signed up for the idol competition
Nero: umu! With that sign-ups are closed!
Rex: alright Quetz! Now we gotta get you ready!
Quetz: how?
Rex: singing and dancing practice!
Rex then took her towards the gym for her to practice.
A/N: ok there's there's beginning of Quetz's idol misadventures. Splitting it up for now to think of more ideas. While this is based off the current "collab" in jp I used entirely different servants to keep it separate. Hope you guys liked it
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