#the way Jinyoung went over so smoothly hahaha
pja2jae · 4 years
A little extra love from Wang Gae Park Gae!
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min-hyyun · 7 years
Pillow Fort Dates
summary: you and jinyoung have just recently gotten together, and your awkwardness is taking a little bit longer than you expected to go away. but, because he wants to be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had, he prepared a little surprise to help you guys come closer to one another.
genre: fluff (this may sound like smut towards the middle-ish but i swear there is absolutely nothing suggestive here bc i am a lil saint :)
a/n: @whatabrightplace this for u tuna !!!!! ilysm and i hope u like ur awkward!baejin hahaha !!!!! i added in a lil twist to make this funnier, btw this is a highkey ship scenario for baejina :)
→ so, you and jinyoung just got together. → previously you two were classmates, and frequently talked to one another because you were in the same friend group. → for a few months, you were good friends. → but then, one day, jinyoung did the unthinkable. → he kissed you. → everyone was shocked.
→ no one thought he liked someone until his lips were on yours in front of everyone !!!!! → it was magical to say the least. → everyone was really happy the you guys were together. → now, three weeks into the relationship. → it’s a fluffy type of awkward to say the least. → you both are trying so hard to be closer. → but for some reason. → there’s always something that makes it awkward in a way. → like once. → you and jinyoung were out with your friend group at a cafe in town. → he tried to sneakily put his arm around your shoulder, but failed miserably. → and by that, i mean he accidentally hit your other friend in the face and also knocked over your ice tea trying to stealthily take his arm away to act like nothing happened. → needless to say, his friends teased him about it for hours and hours. → you also giggled about it, because it was really cute that he tried to be all bf around you. → but because of that incident, he always found it hard to be more comfortable around you. → mostly because he was afraid that he would mess up again and make a fool out of himself. → which you wouldn’t mind, he was so cute all embarrassed and flustered → there was no doubt about the awkwardness. → everyone could feel it. → jinyoung was determined to make it go away though, so with his new courage. → he invited you to his house !!! → you’ve only ever been there twice, this being your third time, but you knew that his house was cozy and his parents were very nice and welcoming towards you. → so when he invited you to his house this time, you assumed that it was just to have dinner with family. → but boy were you ever wrong. → you were in for a big surprise. → so, that night you went to jinyoung’s house, you wore your favourite casual dress and some flats, as well as tying your hair into small bun at the top of your head. → but when you got to his house, you didn’t see his parent’s car out on the driveway. → “hm..” you mumbled, “maybe the car’s in for repair.” → walking up to the front door, you rang the doorbell. → every time you went there, his mother opened the door for you. → and because you were expecting that, you were surprised to see jinyoung opening the door slowly. → “oh, jinyoung?” you asked, looking up at him. → at that moment, you were able to look at him completely, and w o w ! → you were stunned at how good he looked. → he sported a plain white t-shirt, along with some black joggers and messy hair. → man did you just wanna run your fingers through it LOL. → “hey Y/N!” he rubbed the back of his neck, looking somewhat nervous. → you were curious, but brushed it off. → “hey!” he stepped aside, letting you walk into his empty home. → “oh, no one’s home?” → “yea.. its just us two tonight.” → your eyes almost bulged out of your head. → alone ???? with jinyoung ???? → you blushed and turned to him as you took your jacket off. → “just us??” he laughed at your nervousness. → “yes.. is that okay?” → you nodded your head quickly. → you’d never tell him no, especially when he already had something planned. → “so… what are we gonna do?” you asked. → smiling at you, he answered smoothly. → “well, i just wanted to spend some time with you, and we would just figure out what to do as the night goes on?” → the stuff he said made you nervous, even though you knew nothing big would happen tonight (hopefully). → eventually you guys ended up seated on the couch, talking about your day while a tv show played in the background. → “ill be right back, i’m going to the bathroom.” he told you. → so as you waited, you went on your phone and searched up fun things to do. → a couple things came up, but the one thing that caught your eye was to build a pillow fort.
→ just as you turned off your phone, jinyoung came through the doorway and sat down beside you again. → “jinyoung! lets build a fort!” → he smiled at you funny, “a fort?” → “yes!” you feigned a shocked expression. → “do you not know what a fort is?” → he laughed at your cuteness. → “of course i know. are you sure you want to?” → “yes!” you said excitedly, standing up and pulling his hand. → he followed you as you searched around his house for pillows. → after about ten minutes, you found enough for your fort and put them all in the living room. → “lets start!” and jinyoung chuckled at your cuteness. → after about thirty minutes, you two finally completed your pillow fort. → the process took much longer than you expected, mostly because you two were hitting each other with the pillows. → after finishing up, you suggested movies to watch in the fort. → “hmm,  christmas movie?” → it wasn’t even near christmas but you were in the mood. → “sure, sure.” he replied, bringing the popcorn into the room. → you both sat under the fort, watching a christmas movie and (slightly) cuddling under the blanket. → suddenly, jinyoung spoke. → “Y/N, can i kiss you?” → it was so sudden that you didn’t know how to reach for like two minutes after. → “really?” → “yes, Y/N. I want to kiss you.” → after he said that, you wasted no time in putting your hand over the back of his neck to pull him in. → it felt like the first kiss you two shared, and it was once again, very magical. → by the end of the night, you two were full on cuddling, feeding each other popcorn and frequently stealing pecks from one another. → (i love awkward!baejin).
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