#the way Phil is wearing his mask so you can't see his expression
dumbduckfan · 2 years
👖Dating (an idiot) Philip Trousers headcanons👖
A/n: Yeah I'm doing this...
Gonna do Pam-I-am next 😳 Btw, the reader is GN
Warning: Suggestive content
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- Oh boy.
- Too confident.
- Narcissistic.
- Narcissistic as hell.
- Don't be surprised with a thousand questions per minute saying "How's my hair?" or "Isn't my suit wrinkled?" And a lot more.
- He literally won't leave the house without making sure everything he wears looks phenomenal.
- He's a complete idiot, so you are a thinking person in this relationship.
- He's still a handsome idiot.
- With this man, there is no way that wherever you go you will not be fashionable.
- "Bye Phil, I'm leaving for a mission!"
"Not dressed like that you aren't (y/n)!"
* Literally 1 hour later *
"Yes Bitch slay!"
- Of course, he realizes that you have a need to wear other, more average clothes, and he will not judge.
- Nah, of course he will judge.
- It seems to me that despite the demanding work of a spy, Philip can find a lot of free time, which means that you don't have to wait for weeks to see him.
- Sometimes he is extremely flirty on missions, which usually leads to the need to take him to some private place (And u know). Even though work obliges, but whatever Philip wants, Philip gets. Even if the mission has to wait.
- Of course, he doesn't care how you cover the marks on your neck later. The only thing that worries him is the condition of his hairstyle or clothes.
- But be careful, sometimes when you flirt back he may not get it and the whole atmosphere goes to hell.
- Okay, hear me out. He doesn't like ANYONE but himself touching his hair. But there are exceptions when he wants you to get your fingers tangled in his lush hairstyle.
- Kisses... they just are. Usually, instead of short ones, he prefers long and passionate ones.
- *ahem* Make out sessions *ahem*
- Not a huggy type. It's just not his thing.
- But he won't hesitate to rest his arm on your hip or shoulder.
- In fact, he often has his hand on your hip.
- Kissing your hands all the time. ALL THE TIME.
- You know, you're his darling. You are his man/woman. He has to show that he is a gentleman.
- His best line: 'You're almost as handsome/ pretty as I am.'
- Okay, okay... he won't make you do anything, but I'm 100% sure that he would be more than willing to invite you to a bath together.
- Wine (or some fancy drinks), atmosphere, that's all he needs.
- Showing you off strangely often. I mean, he'll still talk about his looks, but he's proud to have you anyway.
- You calling him handsome is absolute music to his ears. Especially when you are alone.
- He's used to being called Phil by you. When you use Philip you are either angry or... in the mood.
- A fancy and exclusive restaurant is the best place for him to take you on a date.
- I have a feeling that he has a lot of complexes which he masks with self-compliments.
- You are kind of his mental support. Not that anything is wrong with his health, but even someone like him needs to talk sometimes.
- Maybe not often, but he can be delightfully clumsy.
- He's so ducking iconic so he can't be changed.
- When you talk to him, you must be clear and direct. Try to avoid metaphors.
"It will be a piece of cake"
"What cake?"
"So... no cake?"
- Due to his character, quarrels between you happen.
- He won't admit that easily if he did something wrong.
- In the end he'll say a short 'I'm sorry', of course violating his pride.
- He doesn't like to see when you're sad.
- I don't think he's particularly good at comforting, but he'll try for sure.
- In the early stages of a relationship, it will
be very awkward. Only with time does he come to it more confidently.
- She usually does it with a soft smile. He sees no reason why he should have a sad expression, for him that could only make it worse.
- He calls you by your name most of the time. He also uses 'Sugar' sometimes.
- Quietly judging people is the best you can do together. Standing to the side and mocking quietly won't hurt either.
- "Oh my, have you seen that dress?"
"At this point, I wish I could unsee it"
- Try to wake this man up I dare u.
- Either he just ignores you or he'll ask for a little moment.
- There's also a chance he'll pull you under the covers next to him, and you'll spend the next hour cuddling up to him.
- Showing off to you. Usually it doesn't lead to anything good.
- You literally have a notebook where you write down how many times you saved each other's ass.
- When there's a moment when he doesn't act selfish, enjoy it.
- Now watch your private spy in action. He loves to receive praise.
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. LXX
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Cas, Cas, Cas
Hi! We just reached one of my favorite episodes, I'm talking about "Hell's Angel" or… Dean's desperate quest to rescue his angel.
Joshua's Horn
Just a few words about the Hand of God chosen in this chapter: Joshua's Horn.
One of the books that compose the Bible from the Old Testament is Joshua, if you read chapter 6, it talks about how the Jewish people, more exactly seven priests, broke down Jericho's walls using seven  horns. Jericho was a strong city, that had closed it's walls, and it was blocking the path through the promised land.
So, the symbology of all of this is… with faith, you can destroy any wall that stands between you and your dreams.
What this has to do with Destiel and this episode? I would say, everything.
Dean will remain firm in his decision to get Cas back, he doesn't care about Amara or any end of the world, he wants Cas. As we will see later, his plan in how to do it, is reckless and illogical if you think about war.
But let's come back to analogy I made before about making the walls to collapse, to defeat the fears, depression, repression, to reach our treasurer once for all: Wasn't Dean trying to do this when he summoned Casifer? Trying to reach Castiel? To break down those walls between vessel and Lucifer and get to his angel? 
Wasn't Cas sinked inside his own walls of sadness, depression and guilt? 
Isn't Dean true love for Castiel surrounded by walls of shame? (recalling here the Qareen speech).
Let's speak now about a canon fact here, I'm not gonna say something new, but because I was pointing the clues in previous episodes, I have to talk about it.
When Dean and Sam went to see Crowley, it was very blatant the difference between Sam's priorities and Dean's. 
Sam: Dean's right. Priority is to put the Horn in Lucifer's hands and set him loose on Amara.
Dean: After we exorcise Lucifer out of Cas and put him into a new vessel.
Sam: What? Really?
Dean: Yes, really. We're not gonna send Lucifer into battle inside Cas. What if he doesn't make it?
Here is something you all already know: WAR DECISION vs HEART DECISION. Sam thinks war strategy, his plan is pure logic, in every war there's collateral damage. Cas is the one that had chosen that path, he is willing to be the collateral damage, self sacrifice for the greatest good. But Dean is following his heart (thank you Mildred) he loves Castiel, the angel is the love of his life and he doesn't want to see him die. Because there's not normal after that. (Thanks Michelle).
Sam: Dean, it's a strong vessel. It's held Cas for years, and we know what he's been through. I'm guessing it can hold Lucifer.
Dean: "It"? It's not an "it," Sam. It's Cas.
Sam is strategic, he tries to separate the vessel from the angel. Trying to make his brother to see, the vessel is strong. But Dean is in love with him, so he doesn't see that logic. Cas is not a vessel, is family.
Sam: And Cas wanted to do this.
Dean: Yeah, well, there's times I want to get slapped during sex by a girl wearing a Zorro mask. That don't make it a good idea.
Sam keeps trying to make his brother understand. Sam loves Cas too, but in a different way, they are truly friends, truly brothers. They respect each other, they think alike. Sam understands why Cas took that decision, and he respects it. He respects his friend so much, he wants to fulfill his desire of being useful to the fight. But Dean doesn't see it like this, because Castiel doesn't represents a friend or a brother to him, Castiel represents the love of his life.
Sam: Dean, this is exactly how we screw ourselves. W-We make the... the heart choice instead of the smart choice.
Sam knows Cas is strategic like him, Cas is a smart Commander. He respects him. And he is seeing with his own eyes how Dean is the one thinking with his heart here. He can plenty see why is that.
Dean: Oh, okay. Thank you, Dr. Phil. Cas is family.
Sam: Yes, and his choice deserves to be respected.
Dean: Even if it kills him?
Sam has a point, is like a friend respecting his best friend decision. Even if that will take him to the death. Sam saw Cas for  a brief  moment and talked with him. He knows exactly what Castiel wants. But Dean can't let Cas to go through that, and die. His worst fears is to lose Castiel as Michelle lost her husband.
Dean had to see it with his own eyes
When they summon Casifer, the expression in Dean face is DISGUST, ANGER. Is canon in the fandom too the whole scene in which Castiel appears in front of him. The amazing change of facial expression is priceless, Dean went from disgust, to desperation, heart eyes and pleading. (An Oscar for Mr. Ackles).
He runs towards his angel, calling him, but Cas seemed confused. And in just one seconds, Casifer is back, even so, Dean kept calling him, he kept trying to brake the Jericho's walls.
Gif set credit @some-people-call-it-tragic 👇
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Dean: Cas, expel him! You got to kick Lucifer out! Do you hear me?!
Lucifer: Honestly, I think he's happy with the arrangement. I mean, he did invite me in and all, Dean.
Gif set credit @thejabberwock 👇
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Dean [yelling, desperate]: Cas!
Lucifer [mockingly]: Cas!
Dean glares at Lucifer, in frustration and anger.
This scene, THIS ONE HERE, showing us again that Lucy knows. He knows about the strong bond between these two love birds. But he's a little done of it. That's why he mocks, annoyed. And Dean's face again, surprise and anger.
But that last quote coming from Lucifer, saying Cas is happy with their arrangement is what breaks Dean's heart again.
That's the thing Sam was saying, not exactly, but the painful words CAS WANTS THIS. CAS WANTS TO STAY IN PURGATORY. CAS WANTS TO BE POSSESSED AND GIVE HIS LIFE FOR THE GREATEST GOOD.  Castiel's hard decision that keeps him away from Dean. Dean can't handle this. Cas doesn't want to be saved. 
Another confirmation of this is when Crowley enters inside the Castiel's vessel. And he finds Cas sitting in the Bunker's kitchen, is his safe place, he doesn't want to be disturbed, he doesn't want to be moved from there.
Castiel: Wait. That was Dean I saw a minute ago, wasn't it?
Crowley: Yes.
Castiel: And he wants me to expel Lucifer?
Crowley: Yes!
Castiel [laughing]: Ha, ha, ha! Well... he may have a more objective view of the situation. Maybe I should.
Dean may have a more objective view of the situation, because he saw he wants him back. But why Cas says 'Maybe I should' ? Is because he is thinking too he wants to be with Dean. He wants to be with him. Because he loves him too. He has to fight against his own love for Dean, and be useful to the fight. War decision against Heart decision.
So when Crowley comes back, his words went straight to Dean's ears …
Crowley: Useless. Lucifer's hold on him is too strong.
So, Dean should give up? He won't. Because when Amara irrumped and kidnaps Casifer, (another Canon fact) our hunter in love, bonded for eternity to his angel, calls his name again… in that amazing scene in which Amara put that face of WHAT??? IS HE CALLING THAT ANGEL IN MY PRESENCE???? I'M HERE!!!! YOU SHOULDN'T BE CALLING ANOTHER NAME THAN MINE! And Casifer showed us a… OH SHOOT… THEY'RE SO STUBBORN, AREN'T THEY? EVEN WITH ANTIE HERE… HE CALLS FOR HIS NAME.
Gif credit @yourfavoritedirector 👇
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Dean's longing, calling Castiel's name, even with Amara there, is the perfect proof of the Profound Bond is intact, and that Dean won't never give up on getting Cas back alive.
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Gif credit @laoih
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Gif credit @subcas
At the end of the episode we had a very sad Dean, learning the lesson, a hard one…
Sam: Listen, um... I know I came down on the side of wanting Cas to deal with Amara, so...
Dean: Well, that's what he wanted, though, right? Besides, didn't we say that we were gonna swear off getting in the way when one person makes a choice the other doesn't agree with?
Sam: Yeah, um... Yeah, we did say that.
Dean: So...
Sam: Okay. So, that's our policy.
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Gif credit @some-people-call-it-tragic
Dean: Which sounds damn good. [Sam chuckles.] Well, let's go find that idiot and bring him home.
It was hard for him, but he understood. Cas wants this, but he won't give up on him. Even so, Dean's heart breaks at this, and he will show it from now on, feeling he was rejected by Castiel, one more time, he will begin to use the WE vs the I, and to call him BROTHER, in the last episode from this season.
To Conclude
'Hell's Angel' talks about breaking walls to reach what you really want. Dean wants Cas back and safe, over any other Apocalypse. He understood Cas took his decision, and is the angel's will to be in that situation. But even so, he will try to save him.
The profound bond is so strong, it brights even with Amara attempts to control Dean's will. Because Dean is in love with Cas, period.
Hope you enjoy this meta, see you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
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@imjustkipping @destielle @agusvedder @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis
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If you want to read the previous metas From season 11, here you have the links.
Buenos Aires, July 14th 2020, 8:27 PM
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