#the way i don't know irina's tumblr tag
kaseyskat · 5 months
i know naddpod c2 eldermourne isn't nearly as popular as other dnd shows but i am pspspsping my followers with this silly little vignette... the sapphics got me bad im brainrotting so hard its so over for me hahaha anyways please enjoy some soft post canon fiarina
"Psst– hey, Fi, wake up." 
Fia rolls over, groaning as she is stirred back into the world of consciousness. 
She definitely does not feel rested; she can imagine it's only been a few hours since she was nudged into sleeping by a well-meaning Henry. Mister Henry had really taken to his newfound captain position, and though Fia had rolled her eyes at him when he told her that she needed to put her book down and actually sleep, she makes a mental note to thank him later as she rubs her eyes blearily. 
In the dim haze of her darkvision, she sees a pair of bright eyes staring down into her, framed by silver hair that nearly glows in the darkness. Even now, after all of this time, it takes her breath away. Fia cannot be upset that she's been prematurely awoken when this is the sight that greets her. 
"Is it morning already?" Fia rubs at her eyes, carefully sitting up with a sleepy groan. 
"No, no, not yet, but you have to see this." Irina does not seem at all remorseful for waking Fia, and she takes Fia's hand sooner than Fia can process the words, tugging her upwards. 
Now that she's more alert, Fia can vaguely make out the sounds of Mister Henry snoring away across the room, and she thinks she can see an outline of someone that might be Mister Zirk, if only because of the shape of the blanket pile in the corner. Almost spitefully, she is glad that she was not the only one that Mister Henry had to corral into sleeping tonight. 
Meanwhile, Irina hasn't even changed into sleeping clothes– she is still wearing her patchwork cloak draped around her, still wearing a set of Zirk's trousers and one of Fia's shirts because they haven't had the time or means to get her any of her own yet. They've only been on this trip for a few days, and Henry estimated it would be a few more before they reach the next town on the river for supplies– though, shamefully, Fia is glad that the trip would take this long, if it means Irina gets to wear her clothes for a little while longer. 
So lost in her own thoughts, she barely protests when Irina guides her to her feet, and then all but drags her out of the sleeping quarters, up the stairs and onto the main deck of the ship. They had docked for the night so that they wouldn't have to sleep in shifts, which means its far easier for Fia to stay steady on her feet as she is led over to the starboard deck. 
Finally, Irina sits down, and she pats the space next to her. Fia drops without a second thought. 
"Now are you going to tell me what you brought me here for?" she asks amusedly, even as she glances down at the place where her hand is still intertwined with Irina's. 
Irina waits a moment, fidgeting in place with what can only be excitement, and then she points up to the skies. "Look!" 
Fia glances up. 
Stars streak across the night sky. The legends say that these shooting stars are blessings of the Trickster waving down upon the mortal realm; sometimes, Batilda would bring Fia out to watch meteor showers, telling her about how they were a sign of good luck, that the humans of old times would make wishes upon the stars as they fell in hopes that the Trickster would answer their prayers and grant them their heart's desire. 
Fia does not really believe in that story anymore, especially when she knows that the Trickster no longer walks the mortal plane and would not return. Still, she can understand Irina's delight.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Irina says in wonder, and when Fia glances at her, she is staring at the sky with the stars alit in her eyes, an awestruck smile on her face. "I have never gotten to see the shooting stars in person before, this is amazing." 
"Beautiful, yeah," Fia agrees, but she is still staring at Irina. 
Irina unclasps her cloak, fidgeting with it as she turns it sideways so that she can drape it over Fia's own shoulders. "Here, we can share," she says, and she finally looks away from the stars, catching Fia's gaze. Her cheeks flush a brilliant shade of pink, and she manages a small, sheepish smile. "It is very cold tonight." 
"You know I am not bothered by the cold as easily as you," Fia tells her, but she uses the cloak as an excuse to lean in closer, tentatively curling an arm around Irina's shoulders so that they both fit under the fabric. "You know, in the old legends, people could wish on the stars when they fell across the sky." 
"Yes, I've heard that legend as well!" Irina laughs, and she drops her head onto Fia's shoulder, curling into her side. "What are you wishing for, Fi?" 
"I don't know what I would wish for," Fia admits, and she glances up at the stars as they fall across the night sky. "I already have everything I want right here." 
Irina makes a weird noise against Fia's shoulder, but she doesn't say anything else– just clings tightly to Fia's hand, draped across her side, nestled in her cloak as the meteor shower continues. 
When morning comes, Henry finds them both fast asleep on the starboard deck, cuddled together and peaceful. 
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black-arms-hivemind · 2 years
[Header ID: A digital painting of the first area in the Black Comet level of Shadow the Hedgehog (2005). /END ID]
[Profile Picture ID: A screenshot of Rhygenta the Dark Arm from the Total Eclipse arc of Sonic Universe, she is visibly beat up and pouting. Rhygenta is being held by their caretaker Eclipse the Darkling, who's arm and hand is just barely visible. /END ID]
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Hey! Thanks for stopping by!
We're the Black Arms Hivemind, but you can just call us the Hivemind or the Hive (System) for short!
We're a polyfragmemted traumagenic system, Also we're austistic, filled with anxiety, and a bit delusional too ^^"!
Here's the few of us who are around/in the front the most!
The Frequent Fronters!:
Ash Rose (#hive rose red) - He/they/it - 07/06 - 🌹 [SOURCES: Many]
Black Shadow (#hive shad) - She/it/they - 06/19 -♦️💫 [MAIN SOURCES: Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic), Irina Clockworker (Evillious)]
Sonic Hogpine-Lunar (#hive sonic) - Xe/xem + Any - 06/23 - 🌀🎸 [SOURCES: Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic), Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)]
Black Doom (#hive doom) - Any/all - 11/15 ♠️💫 [MAIN SOURCES: Black Doom (Sonic), Kamui Gakupo (Vocaloid)]
Lunar Eclipse (#hive eclipse) - They/she + ze/zim + clip/clips/clipself - 12/19 - 🌑 [MAIN SOURCE: Eclipse the Darkling (Sonic)]
Also! We use They/it pronouns collectively! Please use those pronouns for us if you don't know who's fronting!
Here are our other blogs
Art blog: @home-sweet-hive
Sonic AU blog: @the-era-of-shadow
Crackship Blog: @sonclipse
That's it for us, really!
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kjscottwrites · 3 years
so this is weird but i wanted to let you know im not getting notifs when you tag me! its probably a tumblr glitch but i am still intrigued and excited by cavernous even if this hellsite wont let me stay updated 😤 your post about working around resource limitations since they live in a cave is a /very/ good point! do you have a favorite youve come up with?
I've noticed sometimes when I put tags in, tumblr will just... un-tag it once it actually posts? I try to double check and edit the post to fix it, but I wonder if the notifs don't go through when it's an edited post? Or if it's under a cut? I'll look into it! Sorry about that! Thank you for letting me know you're still interested it means a lot 😭
To answer your question though, I think my favorite thing I've had to figure out was liquor. It didn't occur to me at all until I was writing a banquet scene which required one of the characters (Irina smh) to get a little tipsy. It hit me that they wouldn't have any like... fruiting plants... or hops... or any of the important ingredients that go in wine or beer and I ended up going down a weird research hole and learned about mushroom liquor! Ultimately the story is focused on sexy things - and at the end of the day a closed ecosystem in a cave wouldn't actually be realistically sustainable. SO I have fun with it in an ancillary notes document, leave less important details out of the actual text, and fudge a bunch! For instance, most staple fibers need way more light to grow than insect bioluminescence could ever provide, but the people gotta have clothes, right? So they have... mutated ultra-hardy varieties of flax and rye that I just made up. Gotta do what you gotta do. The worst thing to figure out is boats, wagons, common furniture, stuff like... crates, baskets, barrels. This is what that keeps me up at night. I have learned to cherish wood through this. I don't take it for granted anymore lmao.
Taglist: @ultimatecryptid , @kainablue , @alcwrites, @saraheadriance
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