#the way i was MANGLED at pres lmfao it was so good
hella1975 · 2 years
shared a double bed with four of my mates last night bc we passed out watching merlin this is what adolescence is supposed to be
#i ache in ungodly places#woke up at the head of the bed sandwiched between friend 1 and 2#with friend 3 at the end of the bed and friend 4 ON THE DESK CHAIR BESIDE THE BED LYING ON TOP OF FRIEND 2#it was so fucking uncomfortable but at the same time very sweet#especially bc they're all from like... different groups if that makes sense?#like friend 1 and 3 are all in our Main Group but friend 1 is very anti-social and usually only hangs out with me#and im like the friend 1 whisperer bc she only comes out when i ask her to which has totally not grown my god complex at all#and friend 3 is my coffee shop friend so me and her hang out a lot#then there's friend 2 who is from my econ course and that's her connection to everyone#and friend 4 is from the coffee shop friend 3 works at like we'd met him once before that night lmao#idk it was just very fun and i felt very loved <333#like the club itself wasnt acc that good like it wasnt BAD but i think my clubbing stamina has gone to shit since not doing it in so long#but my god the pres were so fucking fun#bc like we did that tiktok trend of getting a plastic box and just FILLING it with alcohol#like i think we put a whole bottle of schnapps two bottles of vodka two daiquiri slush packets and half a bottle of gin#with mixers obvs bc that wouldve been VILE but still by the end of pres the entire box was basically empty#the way i was MANGLED at pres lmfao it was so good#and i for some reason has before he cheats stuck in my head on the student bus to the SU#AND FRIEND 2 JUST JOINED IN AND STARTED SINGING IT I WAS LIKE MA'AM SDJKGHKDSHG#picture two very drunk girls on the bus aggressively singing back and forth at each other#I DUG MY KEY INTO THE SIDE OF HIS PRETTY LITTLE SOUPED UP FOUR WHEEL DRIVE-#scenes#hella goes to uni#OMG I ALMOST FORGOT WHEN THE FIVE OF US GOT BACK TO MY MATE'S ROOM#THERE'S BEEN THIS CAT THAT PEOPLE HAVE SEEN AROUND THE ACCOM AREA YEAH#IT JUMPED THROUGH HER FUCKING WINDOW#IM NOT JOKING I WAS ON HER BED PISSED OUT OF MY MIND AND SHE JUST STARTED FUCKING SCREAMING#LIKE AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS SCREAMING#AND I WAS LIKE WHAT THE FUCK AND I LOOK AND SEE A CAT HAS JUMPED THROUGH THE WINDOW ONTO THE BED#IT WAS SO FUCKING FUNNY OMG
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vorselonarchive · 5 years
1, 6, 9, 18, 30
i just realized on some of these im gonna have to do different answers for her pre-war and as an Sploicer but u know what thats just fine
1. What is their favourite food?
pre war: amys got a huuuge sweet tooth, and she especially loves fruity pastries and cakes!! she grew up very poor and barely had money to feed herself at all as a kid, nevermind treats. one of the first things she probably did after her first gig in rapture was buy a huge box of donuts. shes also big on fast food and takeouts since she’s Not a cook and loves convenient salt and grease too much to ever learn how to make her own meals lmao
she also used to love seafood because it reminded her of her home city and her childhood in general, but after her dad is arrested for being a smuggler and when the morale of rapture starts going downhill she kinda.. goes off it. instead of being a sweet nostalgic thing, it starts reminding her of the Situation everyone is in. real unfortunate considering like 90% of what everyone eats in rapture is seafood fhfgh, she still eats it, but she doesnt enjoy it like she used to
splicer: she’ll eat anything she can find. she still loves sweet things but theyre impossible to come by anymore outside of like, canned fruit, which she probably has a stash of somewhere. she’s always been an alcoholic and a chain smoker but during/after the war she manages to be drunk 24/7 and definitely turns to alcohol/tobacco instead of eating almost exclusively. she also eats other splicers for their ADAM; first time she did that was probably when she was in SERIOUS withdrawl and it was the only option. she wouldve felt absolutely horrible the first few times but it’s more than normal for her now, she ends up eating people partly for ADAM and partly cus she just wants to :///
6. What do they look like?
pre war: amy’s a tall, skinny bigender thot (binary man or woman, she/he) (im gonna describe her usual femme look for the sake of this post not being Too Freaking Long). she’s white and has short brunette hair usually worn in this sorta 50s ass curly bob style, and her eyes are hazel. she wears quite a bit of makeup and she especially likes brown/grey eyeshadow, thick eyeliner, and dark red lips. her eyes are perpetually lidded and tired looking and her makeup only highlights it. shes got bad teeth from a toxic combination of growing up poor, heavy smoking and a lot of coffee drinking, and not looking after herself in general, but she really doesnt care.
typical outfits are made up of button up shirts and high waisted pants of some description. going to a fancy dinner?? nice shirt and nice pants. visiting dad at the fisheries?? ratty shirt and ratty pants lmao. she’s not particularly a fashion person and she sticks to wearing whats comfortable and what looks good on her most of the time, but she probably ends up going out of her way to buy an array of nice things specifically for her stage performances and hanging around posh folks since she has a bit of anxiety around being The Comedic British Funny Accent Girl Who’s Rough. she also has a silver chain necklace that she never takes off; it was given to her by her grandma
splicer: her hair is now a bit longer than shoulder length; it’s gross and matted and ratty and covers most of her face. the right side of her face is mangled and she’s blind in that eye; it’s cataracted over. sometimes she wears masks; typically a teal eyemask or a cat mask (as seen in-game). her right leg was broken after a fall and she tried to fix it with an EVE injection in a panic, which only caused it to heal wrong and become severely mutated. all of her limbs are heavily bandaged with bloody gauze, partly to stop any bleeding and partly to try and prevent the tumors from growing any larger. she has some visible, shoddily stitched up cuts here and there. she still wears her typical shirt and high waisted pants combo albeit torn up and bloody, and she doesnt wear anything on her right foot other than more gauze because it doesnt fit in a shoe anymore.
9. Do they have any artistic talent?
yeah! before the war she was a drag king, stand up comedian, and stage actor. she also dabbled in poetry but she never thought she was particularly good and was too embarrassed to show anyone. in terms of like, drawings, i can see her doodling every now and then but that wasn’t really her forte.
18. Have they ever been in a romantic relationship?
Oh Yes, lots. pre war she was an absolute thot who slept around with everyone and greatly preferred casual relationships. post-war she ends up meeting and falling in love with @robbytheturtle‘s chris. her relationship with him is the longest and strongest she’s ever had by a mile; i definitely think thats partly thanks to their dire situation and a need to cling onto any small comfort they can find, but it also really is just cus they love eachother so much and they really did just had to find The One after everything’s gone to hell lmfao
30. Do they have a job?
kinda answered that in 9!
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