#the way it's literally junmyeon day and i am so far up baekhyuns ass
ethereals-angel · 5 years
/ — extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world. /
《 Ethereal (I) 》 《 Ethereal (II) 》 《 Ethereal (III) 》
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You confidently walked down the halls, your chin up as a smirk played on your scarlet tinted plump lips, highlighting your outstanding features. Your long raven black hair easily flowed behind your back. Your ego boosted with every whispers about how beautiful you looked today, or about how you aced the exam when most of the school's population misserably, failed.
The thought reminding you that everyone are dying to be you, dying to be with you made you smile.
How cute.
You opened the door of room 88, a room only you and your friends are allowed to enter, the dim lighting welcomed you as the sound of their chatter stopped once they noticed your thrilling presence, "hey, missed me?"
The sound of their 'nope's','nah's', and 'not really's' flowed, making you roll your eyes, liars.
You plopped down on the comfortable sofa, resting your feet on the table as you leaned against Minseok. You reached out for a grape, popping it inside your mouth, "any news?"
"Sehun and his minions are causing trouble, again. Isn't he like... in love with you? Can you talk to that dumbass? He's getting into my nerves." Junmyeon, the 2nd in rank as you were the 1st, though, he's responsible in handling this kind of stressful, pointless situations because you have zero patience in dealing with it.
"No way I'm talking to that loser."
"Your dad said so himself, he wants no trouble." Ria said as she took a shot of liquor.
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Strolling with a frown on your face, you managed to scare people blocking your way. You glared your way through, the annoyance and impatience evident on your face.
You stood in front of the football field, your arms folded against your chest with Ria and Joy behind your back, either playing with their hair or checking the look of their nails.
You rolled your eyes as people cheared for him. That dumbass has been playing quite hard since you step foot the field, sending you glances accompanied by smirks and winks which made you want to go sparring with his face as the target.
After the awfully long game, he approached you with a smirk as you faked a smile for him. Once he reaches you, he immediately planted a hand on your waist. You wanted to kick him so badly, but you decided not to, Dad wants no trouble.
You lifted your hand and played with the collar of his shirt in a quite sultry way, hiding the fact that you find his closeness pretty irritating, "so, when will you stop being a pain in the ass?" You said as you offered him a genuine-looking smile.
"I don't know, when will you be mine?" He countered as he was about to close the distance.
You placed your hand to his chest, stopping him from moving any closer, "do something I don't want you to, I'm going to break your neck." You smiled one last time before pushing him off you and stepping back.
You felt his eyes burning holes on your back as you walked away with a scowl plastered on your face.
You got out of that place with an exasperating sigh. "Where are we going?" Joy asked as she pulled out a small hand mirror out of her hand back.
"The library."
Ria pulled out a book and read, meanwhile Joy started answering her homework as your eyes wandered around for you have finished everything you had to do earlier today.
Your head titled as a boy wearing a pair of glasses and unstyled soft hair, lying delicately against his forehead caught your attention, he bit his thumb as his confused eyes stared at the book placed on the table in front of him. He's alone as he sat there with confusing invisible math equations floated around him.
"Do you know who that guy is?" You asked as a small smile formed on your lips as you continued on staring.
They followed your line of vision, Ria hummed, "Ooh, I know him. He's from my class, I think his name is Baekhyun or something like that, why?"
"He's cute."
"What? Are you into nerds now?" Joy snickered as she raised her eyebrow at you. You giggled as you continued on oggling.
Baekhyun, huh.
After some time, you abruptly stood up, shocking both Joy and Ria. You walked straight to the guy's table and sat down in front of him. A smirk appeared on your face when he raised his head to look at you, bewilderment written all over his cute features.
"H.. hi.." he stammered, pushing up his glasses that was drooping lowly on his nose, his smooth voice invading your senses, "is there anything wrong?"
"Oh," you smiled, "no. I just wanted to be acquainted with you." You reached your hand out as you introduced yourself.
"I... I know who you are." He said as he reached for your hand, his hands are a little shaky as it held yours, making you smile. "I'm Baekhyun."
"You know who I am?"
He nodded his head, his face filled with innocence, making you lick your lips. You have the sudden urge to touch him but you've just met and you didn't want to scare the poor boy.
Not yet, though.
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There's a lot going on with your family's business, the illegal one, just to be clear. You're one of the higher ranks overall, as you were blessed with wits and talent in physical combat and not just because you're the daughter of the founder. Your friends are daughters and sons of your father's friends and partners which are one of the most powerful and important people in the world like your father. The younger ones are expected to take over the business soon enough.
Each and one of the gang have different specialties, for you, you're quite familiar with knives and the sharpest things you could ever think of. Joy specializes guns and other lethal weapons and devices, as for Ria, she likes using her hands, let's say, she wants it raw and bare.
Sehun is the son of your father's rival gang. Which makes him more unbearable for you. Though, it isn't anything serious as long as no one starts anything. The funny things is, they wanted you and Sehun to marry to merge the two most powerful gangs, fortunately, your father declined. You couldn't be more thankful.
Sehun isn't so bad, it's just you couldn't stand him, he thinks he owns everything and it annoys you because you own everything. And no, you don't like sharing.
All that, and you can't get the cute boy in the library off your mind. Days have passed by quickly and his little cute innocent face still lingered. You didn't know what it was but oh, don't you just want to taint him?
As if on cue, you saw him walk towards where his locker is located, you smiled, there he is. You carefully walked to him, leaning against the wall.
He was surprised when he saw you there right after he closed the door of his locker, you caught him gripping the books he's holding in his hands as he gulped, "h... hi.."
"Hey, Baekhyun. How have you been doing?" You said as you smiled sweetly at him, earning glances from the students around you, the thing is, you didn't care. He's finally in front of you after those painful days you thought of him despite only having one interaction with him.
"I'm... I've been well."
You licked your lips, "would you like some coffee after class?"
His eyes widened a bit, you wanted coo at him but you kept it in, "really?" His eyes blinked rapidly, his mouth slightly agape. His smooth voice turning up the fire inside your chest, you smiled at him as you nodded your head. "O.. okay.."
"Then, I'll wait for you here."
He nodded, he tore his eyes off you and looked down the floor, quickly darting out of your way. Your amused gaze followed him as he entered his classroom, smirking to yourself. Not ignoring the fact that he smells like fucking flowers. You sighed, what a cutiepie.
"You're really going for it, huh."
You laughed as you turned around to face Junmyeon, he has an accusing look on his face, silently asking you to tell him everything. "Well, can't get him off my mind, why? Are you jealous?"
Your friendship with Junmyeon has been filled with teasing, in any way anyone could tease. He's the closest male friend you have since you two have always been partnered up in missions. He's willing to catch bullets for you and you are to him. Well, literally since it happened once or twice. You've tried getting into a relationship once but it didn't work out, deciding it's better to stick to being friends for the better but that doesn't mean you didn't love each other until now. You love him and he loves you.
"Oh, come on, I thought we're already past that, missy."
You rolled your eyes, pointing a scolding finger at him, "don't call me that, I don't like nicknames."
He laughed as he puts his arm around your shoulder, leading you to room 88.
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You leaned against the wall, your hand playing with the tips of your hair as you waited patiently. The door finally opened, catching your attention. Bunch of students got out, shocked by the fact that you're standing there, obviously waiting for someone. You raised your brow at them, making them almost run off your sight, you smirked.
Your eyes drifted from them to the nervous boy in front of you, his eyes shook as he looked at yours. You offered him a half smile, you nodded your head, signalling that he should follow you so he did.
You walked, bothered by the fact that he was behind you as he fidgeted, having so much space between you. You halted, making Baekhyun stop before he hit your back, his eyes widened by the action, "why are you so far away? Shouldn't we be walking together?"
He breathed, "I'm sorry..."
Your face softened, he looks so pure. You silently scolded yourself for scaring him, "don't worry about it. But walk with me, okay?"
He looked at you with soft eyes as he nodded. You continued walking and as he was asked to, he tried keeping up with you. You spotted the café few blocks from the school, going straight inside. You looked at him, he looked back at you with wide eyes, "what would you like to order?"
"No... I'll pay for mine," he countered as he shook his hands.
You raised you brow, smirking at him, "oh, no, I'll pay for this one."
He was about to say something but you gave him a stern look, immediately shutting him up. He nodded, "okay, then, you... you can decide for me." His voice soft and gentle, warming your heart.
What you felt made you nervous, you've never felt something like this for a long time. And you're feeling it for someone you just met? You groaned, "go, find a seat for us."
He quickly disappeared from your sight as he did so, you silently laughed to yourself, finding his behavior amusing and... interesting.
You placed the tray on the table, giving him his drink as you pulled out a chair in front of him for you to sit on.
As you settled down, you stared at this cute boy you couldn't get off your mind. You honestly didn't know what to say, this is the first time this ever happened. Oh well, I guess there's a first time for everything.
You sat and drank there quietly, choosing not to say anything until he cleared his throat. You gave him your undivided attention as you waited for him to say something. "Why... why are you doing this?"
"What do you mean?"
"Bringing me here... talking to me.." you squinted your eyes, trying to process what he meant, "I... I know who you are... I've heard about you.."
Your heart pounded, you knew you had a bad reputation, about your attitude, personality, name, that's why all of them are afraid of you, you and your friends. And you're completely fine with that, but somehow, you were nervous about Baekhyun finding you bad, even if you really are, you don't want him to think of you like that.
"What did you hear about me?" You tried talking straight, to come off as confident in his eyes. But inside, you're wishing that it isn't that bad. You wanted him to like you.
He looked down on his drink, avoiding your eyes, "that... that you were trouble. That I shouldn't be talking to you..."
That's when you felt bad. You didn't know why but you did. Is he going to stop talking to me, now?
Baekhyun looked up, panicking at the sight of you with a frown, he continued, "but... but, don't worry, I don't really believe them. You've been really nice since you helped me with my homework that day at the library... and now, you're doing this..." he blinked, soft eyes boring into yours, "I'm... I'm sorry for upsetting you..." he gulped, pushing up his glasses as he waited for your response.
"I really want to get to know you, Baekhyun. You're... something."
A smirk formed on your lips as he looked down, his cheeks blushing. You swore, he's the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life.
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"I guess, we're done." You said as you removed the tight leather gloves clad on your hands, eyeing the different firearms and explosive in front of you.
You had to inspect these to make sure nothing's wrong before delivering it to your clients, with the help of your father's men. Though, they're not really needed because you have Junmyeon and Joy with you. The rest are enjoying their pingpong and arcade games.
"Why are you such in a hurry again?" Joy knitted her brows at you, smirking.
Junmyeon snorted, "oh, you know. Her cute nerd's waiting for her."
You shook your head, a smile playing on your lips, "I should go."
You drove as fast as you can, you cannot be bothered by the sound of horns, the shout of people around you, clearly complaining about you giving no fucks about rules, because you practically own this place. You didn't want him to wait for you any longer too, your cute boy doesn't deserve that.
You halted in front of the gate of your school, you saw him there. He stood with his hands holding the strap of his backpack, his eyes set on his foot playing on the floor. You honked the horn of your car, opening the window of the passengers seat to catch his attention.
He lifted his head, locking his eyes with yours. A smile slowly grew on his face, excitedly opening the door and sat beside you. You watched him fasten his seatbelt. Once he's done, he turned his head to you, chirping "hi, Raven!"
"Raven?" You asked as you raised a brow at him, finding the name he called you amusing.
"It's because of your hair..." he looked down on his fidgeting fingers, "I thought of the name because your hair is really... really pretty..." he raised his head, his soft eyes worried as it looked at yours, "don't you like it? I'm sorry-"
"No. No, don't worry. I like it."
You felt warmness fill your system as his face brightened up, finding his eye smile enchanting. He's like... the sun. He reminds you so much of flowers and the sun. How cheesy is that?
"So, what do you have in mind for today?"
He tilted his head, "I saw this movie trailer earlier! I think we should watch it!"
"So, movies." You hummed, "okay."
You drove off with your usual speed, you didn't really pay attention to anything until you heard him calling out your name. You turned your head to look at him for a moment, you hummed and waited for him to say what he wanted to say, "c.. can you slow down a little..." his scared tone made you smirk, "please..."
You decided to tease, speeding up a little more, you heard him yelp. You chuckled, "okay, okay. Calm down, pup."
Once you arrived at the cinemas, you were suprised by the fact that he held your hands and dragged you the ticketing booth. No one has ever dared to hold your hands. Damn, not even Junmyeon. Because you never let them, but here you are, willingly letting him intertwine his hand with yours.
What was happening to you?
You squinted your eyes at the sight of the movie poster he bought two tickets for. It's a colorful one, with the male and female lead stars, you assumed. So this is going to be romantic? You inwardly groaned. This will be painful, you thought.
You sat there with Baekhyun as you waited for your turn to watch. It is supposed to be over because people started coming out of the door, you heard him clap his hands, making you turn to him, "I'm so excited." He told you, his eyes shining as he held his hands together. You smiled, maybe you can get through this.
You can't.
This movie is so fucking cringey. You wanted to leave and slam the door as you do so. You bit your lower lip as the stars did some lovey-dovey shit you couldn't even look at. You decided to turn to Baekhyun instead since he's got such a lovely face, you wouldn't mind staring for the whole day.
Your half-lidded dark eyes glistened as it stared at the sight of him focused on that stupid movie, it felt like butterflies and sparkles are flying around him as he grinned beautifully. You got lost at the sight, how can a man be this beautiful? You tilted your head to see more of him, his facial features are so soft, you thought. His eyes, his lips, his cheeks, oh don't you just want to kiss him and ruin him all over?
You smirked, "soon."
"Did you enjoy the movie?"
You hummed, offering Baekhyun a smile, "nope, the movie, not at all. I quite enjoyed some other things."
He giggled, "I knew you wouldn't..." he cleared his throat, "thank you for sticking with me, Raven." He said as he looked down the floor.
You hummed and patted his head, messing up his hair a little bit as you do so, "but we're going to watch another, though."
You were smirking at the sight of the serial killer doing what serial killers often do, you chuckled at the sound of people around you giving off sudden gasps and little surprised yells as they watched.
You turned your head to look at what Baekhyun's been doing, your eyes softened at the sight of him looking so frightened, slightly covering his face with the box of. popcorn he's holding. When he felt your eyes on him, he swiftly turned and looked at you, his puppy-like eyes glistening with light tears, his soft lips in a pout-like frown. You cooed, lifting up the barrier between the both of you and opened your arms widely, inviting him in. He immediately shifted, placing the popcorn aside and hurriedly leaned against you, his beautiful hands clutching the shirt you're wearing. You wrapped your arms around him, rubbing his back to comfort him as he burried his head onto your neck, slightly tilting his head so he could still watch the movie.
You sighed deeply, taking in his scent you've grown to crave, when did you become this soft?
You've been spending more time with him, lately. You didn't know why but there's something about him that pulls you. He's different from what you're used to. He makes you feel peace, calmness whenever he's around. There's nothing special, really, when others look at it. But for you, everything about him is special. Every simple action he does just gets you, whenever his glasses fall lowly on his cute button nose, maybe the way he runs his hand through his hair, not caring about how it would look but lies perfectly on his forehead anyway, or maybe you liked the way he focuses on something, his love for stars and flowers, his love for reading books, his love for the Avengers.
You just met him for a couple of weeks, but everything about him makes you want more. You knew you yearned for him even if you shouldn't be. He's too pure and innocent for you. Do you care? You would say yes because surprisingly, you care so much for him. But, apparently you knew you were nothing like him, you're out of his league. You knew you're too dangerous to be associated with an angel but the want you're feeling for him gets the best of you.
"What's your favorite flower?"
You rolled your eyes, "of course, you like sunflowers," as if you're not the sun and a flower, you thought as you lit up a cigarette.
You lightly squint your eyes because of the smoke as you took in a puff, you noticed him eyeing you with his pretty eyes. You tilted your head, heart hammering inside your chest, what if he doesn't like someone who smokes?
"What is it?"
He shook his head, as if he was getting off a trance, "nothing..." his head dropped down to his fidgeting fingers, "you just looked... good... when you did that."
You raised your eyebrow, head dancing in amusement by the sight of his soft cheeks covered with light red, making him look even beautiful in your eyes, "are you calling me hot?"
He abruptedly raised his head, cheeks noticeably got even redder, his eyes widened, "I... it's not.." he eventually gave up, pouting as he nodded his head.
You smirked, dark eyes boring into his soft innocent ones, "oh, am I now, my sweet little flower?" You took a step closer, his face inches away from yours. You stared at him and took all his features in, your eyes dropping from his eyes to his soft plump pink lips. You lifted your hand, placing it onto the back of his head and played the ends of his hair, fingers sliding into his nape. You felt lightheaded by his reaction alone, his lips quivering, giving off light pants, you smiled.
You were about to close the distance when you heard your phone ringing. Annoyed, you pulled away from him, puffing on your cigar one time before throwing it away, you answered the call, "what?" You snapped, impatience clear in your tone.
"Boss, we have a problem."
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"What do you mean you don't know?" You yelled, hands slamming against the table, "we checked! Are you doubting my work?"
Your fucking clients are claiming that the weapons and explosives you sent are defective, asking for their money back. You snorted, as if you're going to do that. The worst part is they have beaten up three of your men and are trying to taint your name in the black market. Few of your other important clients called asking about the issue, Junmyeon have talked to them already and reassured them whilst you are nothing but pissed. If this reached your father and your godparents, you're going to lose it.
"Calm down." Junmyeon massaged your shoulders as he was behind you, kissing your temple.
You rolled your eyes, deciding to listen to him.
"So, what are we going to do?" Chanyeol asked as he folded his arms against his chest.
You picked up your favorite knife, it was the sharpest yet the smallest you have ever owned, flipping and circling it in your hand, "shall we pay them a visit?"
"Mr. Jung." You said, eyeing him as he was sitting by a table with your four former clients, not surprisingly the ones who complained with him. A smile appeared on your red tinted lips. You walked forward, your hand ran through your hair, glimpsing your friends behind your back. You watched Junmyeon walking towards you, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, "can we have a word with you?"
"Y... you..."
They looked pathetically scared, though, their men started appearing behind them as they stood up. You smirked, "we were here to talk." You tilted your head in amusement, "But I guess you want it the hard way."
"Bring that five motherfuckers in our base, dad's there." You said, clutching the wound you gained, the other hand wiping off the blood on your face.
Of course, you won. They had more people with them but with you and your gang together, they wouldn't stand a chance. All of you trained your whole life for situations like this, it isn't so shocking that you took down 60 more men with only you and 12 of your friends: Junmyeon, Ria, Joy, Minseok, Chanyeol, Yerin, Yixing, Jongin, Yeri, Ash, Hope, and Luck. Though, it didn't go that well because those men started using weapons against you, your own weapons, for fuck's sake, those were the one that got you bleeding right now, "defective, huh?" You chuckled, earning Junmyeon's slap against your back.
"You're all bloody and shit and you're still laughing."
You eyed him, he looked wrecked as well, blood running down his head, lips busted. You laughed even harder, making him laugh with you, "dumbass."
You puffed on your cigar, watching your father talk to the five men you've captured. Five gunshots were heard, it ended with the five of them lying flush against the floor, bathing in their own bloods.
The blood flowed up until your shoes, you smirked darkly, walking up to your father, "Dad."
He turned to you, a smile appearing on his face, "my favorite daughter."
You chuckled, "I'm your only daughter."
He lifted his hands, bringing them up your head, "don't you want to get treated?" Pointing towards your family's personal doctors, treating your injured friends.
You shook your head, "I'm fine. I'll just visit someone."
You knocked on his door, patiently waiting. You looked around, fortunately, there was no one here. It'll be very inconvinient to walk around with dried blood all over you. The door opened, catching your attention, revealing your adorable Baekhyun. His eyes widened in shock, he eyed you with concern, mouth silently opened as he pulled you inside his room.
"Ooh, easy there, angel."
He made you sit down, quickly pacing around the room, looking for something. Your dark gaze following him as he did so. You stared at his ass looking so plump and cute inside his sweatpants, you smirked, eye glinting in interest.
He sat down in front of you, holding a box you assumed a first-aid kit. You looked at him in amusement as he did his best in cleaning your wounds. His soft eyes glistened with light tears as he inspected your form, his lips in a frown.
"Baek..." you whispered, trying to gain his attention. He lifted his head, his brows furrowed as his eyes met yours.
"Does it hurt?" He asked, his voice sounding so sensitive and fragile as he caressed your broken skin.
"I'm fine, baby boy. Don't get so worried." You lowly laughed, lifting your hand to wipe off the tear that escaped his eye. He was shaking as his lips formed into a pout, holding your hand that held his face.
You leaned in, you nose brushing his, "Raven..." he breathed, you closed your eyes as his scent filled your system, feeling dizzy. You opened your eyes once more, catching his eyes glimpsing your lips in a daze. You chuckled, placing your lips on his.
You felt like you were going crazy when you heard him moan, catching his lower lip between yours, lightly biting on it. Your other hand grazed his jaw, you felt him clutch your shirt, pulling you closer you thought it was impossible.
You pulled him, using your strength to make him sit on your lap. Your tongue licked his lips until he opened them for you to ravage. Your hand slid into his shirt, caressing his sides. You felt him pull your hair, moaning against your mouth as he eagerly, desperately grinded on you.
You pulled away for air, chuckling at the sight of his face all red, he bit his lip as he leaned against you, wrapping his arms around your neck. He burried his head into your hair, licking and sucking your neck, continuously grinding his noticeable hard-on onto your clothed heat. You heard him mewl against your neck, biting your exposed shoulder to shut himself up. You tilted your head to kiss his temple, reaching out to his body, "come on, baby. Make yourself cum like this." You whispered against his ear, sucking and biting his earlobe.
He listened and grinded down even harder, cirling his hips, moaning wantonly against your hair, mewling your name desperately, "please, please..." he slid his hand inside your shirt, touching you in need, he groped your breasts. He burried his head into your mounds, licking and sucking your nipples making you groan.
His moans got even louder, his movement got even rougher, almost like a wild animal. He threw his head back, screaming your name as he came inside his sweats. You felt the wetness against your skin, making you laugh. He slumped his body against yours, panting.
You rubbed his back, calming him. After a while, you lightly pushed him off you, making him face you. You smiled at his flushed appearance, his face glowing as he smiled shyly at you. You pushed his hair back, away from his forehead, wiping off his sweat, "didn't know you were a wild one."
He whined, pout appearing on his lips. You chuckled, placing a tender kiss on his forehead.
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A/N: i wanted this to be a oneshot but here we are: new series yay
258 notes · View notes
byunskjm-blog · 6 years
Changes ( I )
Genre: Angst, Fluff, CEO! AU, Idol! AU
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader x Baekhyun
Length: 2.5k
Changes Masterlist
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It was like your whole world had crumbled around you. Hearing those words opened your eyes to how naive and stupid you were to actually believe a single word he said to you. It was supposed to be a private conversation between the two of them but it was impossible to hear anything other than what they were saying.
If you stayed another second you would risk your cries being heard. So instead you got up from your desk and began speed walking towards the nearest restroom. When you were in a stall you began throwing up the breakfast you had. Quite literally you were sick to your stomach and you were sure anyone else in your situation would be the same way if they heard what you did. You flushed down the bile, got up, and made your way to the granite sink. All thoughts had abandoned your mind and you were left absolutely clueless as you cleaned herself up. In this moment, this bathroom was the safest place in your life, if you left it would stir up a storm that you did not want. You reached for your phone to call someone to get you but you realized you left it at your desk with the rest of your belongings. It was guaranteed that if you went back there he would’ve noticed you left. It would be so easy to just leave without a word and disappear. Then he wouldn’t have to feel guilty for what he would do to you in the future and you would have time to mend your heart. You were pulled from your thoughts when a pack of women piled into the restroom to fix their makeup and use it. If you continued to just stand there you would make a fool of yourself, so you mustered up enough strength to return to your desk and act like everything was fine, at least for today.
By this time the woman had left his office and you could feel his gaze fixated on you. Usually you would feel butterflies in your stomach, but that was replaced with sickness. You refused to meet his eyes which he found bizarre. Your thoughts have been scattered like a jigsaw puzzle and you were trying your best to put it together but the pieces just didn’t seem to fit. Just when you were getting somewhere with it you were pulled from your thoughts when you heard the phone ring.
Your voice was shaky as you did the greeting you were trained to say. He didn’t even have to speak for you to know exactly who it was. “Can I see you in my office?” His tone was strictly professional, the kind of voice he used when on business calls with stockholders and big time artists. It’s not like you could say no to him, he was your boss after all.
You put the phone back and stood up from your seat tugging on the hem of your skirt to pull it down a bit. It was weird because he had seen you without anything on and you never minded it before, but now you felt humiliated when showing even the tiniest sliver of skin. You feared that it would make you more vulnerable than you already were.
It was only a few steps to his office but for some reason it took forever to reach it. You pushed through the big glass door that led to him in his office chair leaning on his desk waiting for you to take a seat. When you did you avoided his gaze at all costs. “So are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” He could always read you, that’s one of the reasons why you fell for him in the first place. But was he really questioning why you were upset? You wanted to say it was because he was having some woman’s child and that you felt utterly betrayed and heartbroken. But what you wanted to say and what you did say was totally different.
“I’m fine.” Junmyeon knew women well enough to know that ‘I’m fine’ screamed something far from it. He carded a hand through his raven hair and motioned to stand right in front of you to get a better look. He leaned against his oak wood desk with his arms crossed over his chest and gave you a look that would under any other circumstance make you crack and spill all your secrets, but this was different. No look he gave you could change how you felt. Even with him right in front of you, you still could not bring yourself to face him.
It wasn’t until he brought your chin between his pointer finger and thumb and lifted your head that you finally looked into his eyes. You were searching for something within them, something that would reassure you that everything would be ok and that you could trust him. But you didn’t find what you were looking for. “Now i’ll ask again. What’s wrong?” His voice kept the stern tone.
“I think you know very well what’s wrong Junmyeon.” Unlike his, your voice cracked just like your heart. Why was he playing dumb? He knew that you knew yet it felt like he wanted to hear you say what was making your heart break.
“So you heard.” His hand once again brushed through his hair as the stress rolled of his shoulders.
“Of course I heard. If you’re going to have a conversation with someone be sure to close the door fully.” You were now letting him have it. You had been concealing your pain ever since you heard.
“You weren’t meant to hear that.” Somehow he was trying to flip this on you and make you seem like you had been the one who messed up.
“It’s better i hear it now. So i don’t continue to look stupid.” You were grateful in some twisted way that you heard what you did. If you hadn’t you would continue to love someone who probably never loved you to begin with.
It was for the best that your heart be broken now so that you would have time to fix it and move on. Silence encapsulated the room, too scared to speak, scared that if you continued, a fight would break out and cause an unwanted scene. “She’s 2 months…” you were now piecing it all together. “Correct me if i’m wrong but we’ve been together for about 2 months.” You lifted your head to face him when you confronted him. The roles were reversed and he was the one who couldn’t look at you. “So when was it?” You were being curt. All you wanted was answers, no matter how much it hurt to hear.
“You were in Busan. It was after…” He was unable to finish his sentence but you knew exactly where it was leading.
You nodded in understanding. “So I leave for 2 weeks to mourn my dead mother and you knock someone up? Yup sounds about right.” You scoffed at how surreal this all sounded.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He felt offended by your words.
“It means that you never cared from the start and all this was to you was a good fuck.” Your eyes were locked with his as you spoke every word of that sentence.
Junmyeon couldn’t believe a word he was hearing. “Is that what you honestly think? That I have never cared?”
You looked away when he asked you those questions because a tiny part of you did think he cared but that part was being crushed by a part that told you he didn’t.
“If I never cared then why would I go out of my way to make this relationship work? I could get a good fuck anywhere but with you I wanted more than that. And it hurts to know you think that low of me.”
Were you actually hearing this? It was quite amazing how Kim Junmyeon could turn any situation into one where he is the victim. “What am I supposed to think of you? You literally got some girl pregnant and expect me not to feel hurt or betrayed. You don’t get to play victim this time.”
Both of you were reaching your breaking points, both hurt, and both wish this had never happened. “We weren’t even together at the time. You were in Busan and I was here, missing you.”
That’s when you lost all control you had left. “Do you even hear yourself? You missed me so much to the point where you put your dick in the nearest warm body. And you are totally right we weren’t together so I have no right to be mad or upset because were we ever really together?” You got up from the chair with tears spilling from yours eyes. You had to get out of here now, you felt like you were being suffocated. You didn’t want to hear the half assed excuse he was about to come up with, all you wanted was to leave.
With your hand on the handle you stopped when you heard his voice, “If you walk out now, you walk out on us, on everything we’ve been through.”
You let out a shaky breath at his words. “What do you want me to do Junmyeon? You want me to stick around and play house with you and your kid? Want me to live in this pretend world where you didn’t betray my trust?”
He was silent. He didn’t want any of that. All he wanted was you.
“I can’t do that to myself. I won’t do that to myself. I have more self respect than you think.” And with that you walked out of there finally finding the ability to breathe again.
Today was the last day you would be anywhere near that office or him. You were leaving and not looking back. You came back from the supply closet with a box to put all your belongings in. In these couple months you made this desk like a second home, keeping snacks, photos, cute notes, memories. But you wanted nothing to do with those memories. You trashed everything you didn’t need like dumb sticky notes from Junmyeon that he’d leave for you in the morning, or his favorite treats that you kept when he got hungry. All you were left with in the end was a few photos and some other nick nacks.
You realized you would have to hand in your letter of resignation to him. So you sat down and filled out the form and prepared for the last time you had to see him. When you finished it you made sure all your things were in order so that you could leave right after. You knocked before walking in making sure you kept your professionalism. He looked very different from the last hour you saw him. His tie was loosened and he was slouched in his chair. No guilt came to you, you wanted to get this over with as quick as possible.
You placed the document on his desk and when he went to read it his eyes widened. “Why are you doing this to me? Can’t you see i'm hurting too. Now you want to leave me.” The hurt in his voice was evident.
“I don’t want to do anything. It’s about what I need to do. I have to leave because seeing you will only hurt me more. And as cliche as it sounds if you truly did care then you would let me go.” You were definitely being more civil with him this time around.
“If that’s what you need to do then I don’t have any right to stop you.”
You thought that was the end of it so you turned to leave but before you could even take a step he spoke again. “But i don’t think i could ever truly let you go.”
Your whole body was telling you to say something but your mouth came up empty with no words being spoken. Even though your mouth was dry your eyes definitely weren’t. Was there any situation where it would be ok for you to stay with him? All signs pointed to catastrophe and heartbreak. But how could you leave him without feeling anything? How could you ever recover from the damage that has been done? He had burned you beyond recovery.
Wiping away a tear that had fallen in your moments of weakness, you gathered your remaining strength and walked out of that office with your head held high. It took all the willpower you had to not look back to see if he had been in as much pain as you were in. All you did was grab that cardboard box and make your way to the elevator.
Your mind was in a whole other universe which is what caused you to bump into someone. Immediately you apologized not looking at the person who was on the receiving end of your recklessness. “It’s ok.” It was the voice that caught your attention. That voice. It wasn’t necessary to see the face to know the owner of that voice. It was the same woman who was the cause of your heartache. The woman recognized you as well and took this opportunity to ask you if you had seen her phone in Junmyeon’s office. Even with the cardboard box in hand and tears on the edge the lady didn’t grasp the fact that you were no longer working there. Regardless you still complied and answered her question honestly. It wasn’t long after that you went your separate ways. That sudden encounter didn’t do anything but add more worries and thoughts.
It seemed as though the universe really did hate you because when you stepped out of the building you were greeted with a downpour of rain. Obviously you weren’t expecting this kind of weather so you didn’t have a jacket or umbrella on hand. In all honesty your health and well being wasn’t your concern right now, so you started out on your trek home. You could’ve taken the bus home to be faster and get out of the rain but you didn’t. You just kept walking along a sidewalk that was next to one of the busiest roads in Seoul.
Your thoughts took over once again and the outside world became mute. When a hand wrapped around your wrist you went into panic mode. Were you being kidnapped? The mystery person started running with his hand still attached to yours. You had no other choice but to run with him. He took a sharp right and came to a stop. The rain was no longer soaking you. You turned to see who the assailant was. At first you saw a dark haired man with a black hoodie and black face mask. It wasn’t until he took both pieces off that you could finally breathe right again. He could tell how relieved you were to see his face which only made him smile. “Baekhyun what are you doing here?”
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