#the way you say my name / the lost & found [rhyst x kira & savosta]
tiredassmage ยท 11 months
Send me a โ€œ๐Ÿ–Š+an OCโ€œ and I will talk about that OC!
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The tag your polyamorous ocs just got me really going about Rhyst & Savosta again - two beans who have a surprising amount of lore in my head for how little I've actually talked or written about them.
SO. Kira x Rhyst & Savosta is absolutely a thing that transpires by their total reunion post-KOTXX. And I do think, at least at the moment, that that's where this polycule becomes an official thing, even though these three are running in each other's circles far earlier.
Short version, Rhyst & Savosta have been running into each other circa about Ilum? They meet tackling Republic and Imperial objectives, respectively, and decide cooperation benefits them both. Rhyst with Kira and Savosta with Quinn take on Darth Serevin, steal the stealth fighter, and eventually confront Malgus together. Rhyst and Savosta eventually go from tepid enemies based on circumstance to allies and then friends by the era of the Coalition forces and vow to stop Vitiate - together because the old bastard has taken enough from them (and the galaxy, reminds Rhyst).
Kira and Rhyst develop something of a relationship during the class story that's... rather experimental. Kira has a bit more experience in the matter than Rhyst and is the more outgoing of the two; they bond first as friends and when the suggestion comes up that maybe they try something else.., Rhyst trusts her enough to take the lead and give it a go. Given the whole... tail end of the Knight storyline and the strain that puts on Rhyst, he does ask to sort of... take it slow a while. Rhyst needs a lot more time to put himself back together and reorient his priorities and his beliefs, so they don't end up married - and, fun fact, I had to restart that cutscene a couple times because left to his own devices, Rhyst would not be the one to ask. He wasn't going to just take the hint, not at that time, at least. But I wanted them to get the romance reunion, so here we are.
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(The little bow, however, is incredibly fitting and supremely endearing.)
SO. Now that we have the individual elements at least on the board, how do they all end up in a consensual cuddle pile?
Largely because Kira and Savosta are both on the same page about how important Rhyst is to them.
Individually, Savosta has no relationship experience - and generally little interest in changing that. He'd not identify by any of the involved labels, but he's a sex-neutral flavor of the asexual spectrum and just... disinterested, generally speaking, in both sexual and romantic relationships.
That said, Rhyst comes to mean quite a lot to him and they grow very close. Rhyst expresses some interest that Savosta is agreeable to exploring and... the rest was sort of history for them. They never add any new definitions to their relationship; they are very close friends and they don't foresee anything changing that.
Savosta is ultimately the one by his side through the events of KOTXX and their relationship continues in this manner throughout that period. When Kira returns, Savosta's expectations of their relationship don't really change. It's whatever Rhyst wants - he's just been happy to help his friend. So, when Rhyst suggests discussing it as a group, Savosta's on board. And I imagine Kira knew something of how close the two were previously, so it's not exactly a surprise when they disclose the other elements of their relationship. Kira and Rhyst still identify as partners and the trio can often be found sandwiched together on a couch with Rhyst sprawled between them. Kira and Savosta will occasionally end up beside each other, but Savosta never ends up in the middle of their heaps because it'd be a bit of a sensory overload for him - too much touching.
Kira and Savosta's relationship within the dynamic is one of friendship and keeping their eyes on Rhyst, trying to do what they can to balance what the galaxy has over-demanded of him. Rhyst has a terrible time saying no when it comes to his duties and is, unfortunately, rather good at masking just how self-sacrificing he can be because of that guard of duty and service. Savosta and Kira also both have their weaknesses in that each of them have ways they sort of idolize Rhyst and they can occasionally accidentally end up talking over Rhyst's own concerns in eagerness to assuage any fears or worries they think he might have. But that's... sort of it's own entire ramble to get into about Rhyst's complicated relationship with being a Jedi after having his faith in the Republic somewhat strained after the repeated failures of the various weapons projects of chapter 1 and the Council's decision to move forward with the strike team efforts despite voiced concerns. It's a whole... deal about the unwavering faith people tend to place on Rhyst without necessarily verifying how he's actually doing beneath the image of all the accolades they've awarded him.
Anyway. As far as their polycule goes, it's generally full of cuddle piles and Kira playing with Rhyst's hair while he falls asleep against Savosta. They're two of the people Rhyst trusts most and that have been there for him through some of his toughest times and each of them has their valuable insights for his support - Kira tends to bring a lightness to him he sometimes loses track of and Savosta has strong convictions and inspiring dedication. Rhyst, for his part, is their eager to please Labrador puppy who's maybe just a bit too good for this world, but he's earnestly trying.
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