#the way you word this sounds kiiiinda sort of familiar. have we ever interacted with each other before anon? /genuine question
Bingo TFP Megatron
bc I know you have opinions
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he's big, evil, pointy and hot 💜.
i'm very interested in his backstory 'cuz i wanna know who he was before he became a gladiator. i know fanon says miner like IDW but i don't think that's ever confirmed (in the cartoon, at least. if the novels said anything, i wouldn't know because i don't like novels and the things i've heard about them go against my headcanons. and thus, i pretend they do not exist).
for the "they got done dirty by the fans" part: the amount fics where he's the big bad evil abuser. like yeah, his and starscream's relationship is faaaaaaaaaaar from healthy but there are reasons he acts like that. he doesn't do the things he did without reason. he doesn’t do them purely for sick kicks. have you all forget he used to be in the same position as starscream as well? cycle of abuse and all that. my point is: he has layers and he's more than big bad evil abuser (swear to god if anybody accuses me of excusing megatron's actions, i'm going to fucking break something).
also the homophobic megatron jokes. i haven't seen this one much, thankfully but it still irritates me. i have not seen a single other character be made the butt of this joke. it’s. just. him. because big men are evil and bad and because toxic masculinity, i guess.
for the “they got done dirty by the creator(s) part”: directly correlates with the “wasted potential” part. dude just...flies away at the end of predacons rising and then never shows up in the aligned continuity again. ever. not even in any of the comics, as far as i know. like, please, i wanna know what happened to him! is he even still alive by the end of the continuity???
i’m especially pissed because they actually planned to have him in RID2015!! they even got so far as to make a design for him and everything! but of course, that got scrapped and we got megatronUS instead. can you imagine if megatron actually appeared in RID2015? every decepticon in that show is gonna go batshit. even better if he appears during starscream’s arc! that’d be glorious! the story potential, man the story potential!!
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