#the whites of your eyes burn from across the room || gabriella garcia
ofhowlingxs · 5 months
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There was too much to do. She’s blankly staring at the designs on the table. Three different pictures of Bella were placed in front of her. And her gaze is clouded over with a sense of numbness she had only felt once before, standing in front of her brother’s casket. She hadn’t cried— her eyes permanently glossed with dark circles indicating she hadn’t slept either. Her gaze fluttered shut, and her mother’s voice is etched into her head. It’s ringing in her ears. It had been ten years since she’d been back at that house. Eight years since she’d last spoken to her mother, a pathetic attempt at reconciliation. And now, she was only returning to tell her— their daughter, her sister, was dead. Two children buried in their lifetime, and she doesn’t know if her father will survive this again. When she arrives to the family home, there was a police car outside by the curb. Her heart was already ripped out of her chest, leaving a trail of bloodied foot prints with each step. God, she was just a walking body, at this point. She could hear her parents crying before she’d made it to the porch. The screaming of a mother who’d just been told she’d lost another child, a permanent sound she wouldn’t forget. The door swings open, the cop giving her a sympathetic tilt of his head. She hated that— she spent her whole life, avoiding that look. And then, her mother’s silhouette— but Gabi couldn’t even look at her. “You-” The words were spat, anger directed towards her from the wailing woman. “What have you done?!” It’s shouted, spit from each syllable spat back at her now only daughter. “She’s dead! Your sister is dead! Your brother—“ She couldn’t even say his name, the next set of words only a mumble as she cried. “They’re dead and you—!” She’s shouting, stepping forward until there was no distance between them. “Isabella is dead and you come here!? To our home?!” Gabriella closed her eyes, and she’s pleading now, begging, her lesser quivering as she reaches out. “Mama I didn’t mea—“ But the words are cut off by the sound of the palm striking the side of her face. It was only then, that her father had intervened. The sting causes her to stumble back, clutching the side of her face as a tear finally trickled down her cheek. “Stay away from us!” It’s a warning, and Gabriella knew that. The last words spoken, a sinister gaze of hatred burning in her mother’s eyes. “I have no more children.” Another sob, as her husband pleading with his daughter under his breath. “Gabriella .. please.” Leave. So she did. And for a moment, she’s reliving it, until she opens her eyes again. She hadn’t even realized there was another person there, as she swallows the lump in her throat. Her expression was— emotionless. As if she’d already given everything. As if the light inside her, was finally smothered. She has nothing left to give.
“Which picture?” @exitiumstarters
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ofhowlingxs · 5 months
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People were acting strange— but better them than her. It was her first outing since she left town for a week. The first event since Bella’s… Her gut twisted, and she’s taking a few steps around the crowd. In a different life, on a different day, she would have loved this. She would have been having fun. But now.. now it’s all a facade. Fake. Any attempt at hiding the ache in her chest. “Do you want to walk through the exhibit?” She’s curious, raising a brow and glancing back to the sign. “If everything else is real— unicorns shouldn’t be that big of a deal, right?” All things considered. And then, she glances back at them, she can hear the lingering question though they don’t have to ask. “I’m fine. Let’s just— find something fun to do.” @exitiumstarters
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ofhowlingxs · 7 months
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Her bones ache, her wrists were still scarred with wolfsbane ropes. And she's walking down the street in the middle of the night, barefoot. She looks like she just got done fighting with a grizzly bear-- help the bear. She doesn't even pay too much attention to who she's approaching, only that it was a little off the coast of signature pub, outlining the woods and your famous new orlean's swamps. "Can I use your phone?" Her ears are still ringing, and she has a headache that could take out Zeus. She glances behind them, to a few strange looks from the bar, and then the sign of specials colored in neon markers. "And the half gallon margarita fishbowl." A pause. "Strawberry, salt rim." @exitiumstarters
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ofhowlingxs · 6 months
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She’s finally slept, finally felt rested from the moon— aside from everything spilling out inside her head. There was no running from the thought, but she’d try. Now she’s back in the woods where it started, the leaves crunching under every footstep. She’s wearing a jacket that’s a bit too big for her, swapped in her stuff during the back and forth from Nate’s— but it was cold outside now that the sun was going down again, so she’d wash it and return it later.. When she’s thought of more to say. For now she returns back to the stone cellar, making sure that it’s locked and hidden for the next cycle. Her senses are distracted, but she’s healed— finally. Whatever the hunters had done to her before the gala, was worn off. It only took breaking every bone in her body again, to do so. It’s so quiet, other than her thoughts when she hears the footsteps that weren’t hers. She doesn’t even realize who it was, when she’s lunging forward. Strength heightened, as she’s shoving their frame back— both their bodies colliding into the tree. @matthiasxaless
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ofhowlingxs · 7 months
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"If following girls out in the parking lot is your way of flirting, I'd say you're getting surprisingly good at it." She'd stopped halfway, turning on her feet so that she could look back at him. He'd been in the bar. He'd been watching her. And now there was something in his eyes, glassed over with a feeling of uneasiness she couldn't recognize. "I've had a rough weekend, I really really don't feel like doing this tonight." @matthiasxaless
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ofhowlingxs · 7 months
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She spent what felt like hours in the shower, now she was back to putting on the ultimate facade. She's maneuvering through people of a crowded bar, where she'd spent the last half hour, weaseling some poor guy out of fifty bucks. Little did he know-- her uncle used dingy pool bars as a bonding experience. "It's not my fault you shoot like a girlscout, Jims." Gabi taunted with a grin, pearly whites showing, and the last thing you'd think is she's projecting, that she's distracting herself from what happened over the weekend. She's turning quick on her feet, when she's colliding into another body. "Fuck-" It was like two brick walls running into each other. Normally, if he were human, he would have stumbled by catching her off guard. She'd seen his face before, briefly-- almost certain she'd blown him off their last meeting. "Still in town? That's surprising.." Most people hightailed it out of here by now.. @traegics
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ofhowlingxs · 8 months
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[ alexa demie | she/her ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome GABRIELLA GARCIA to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 26 year old WEREWOLF, who is one of the SURVIVORS but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be CONVULSIVE, but that’s all a façade to cover up their EMOTIONALLY ABUNDANT nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to JAWS by SLEEP TOKEN, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world.
Basics .
Name: Gabriella Arelli Garcia
Age: Twenty six
Pronouns: She/her
Species: Werewolf (No pack)
Birthday: October 30th
Zodiac: Scorpio
Hair color: Dark brunette/black
Eye color: Brown
Relationships .
Isabella "Bella" Garcia (Sister)
Marie Garcia (Mother - estranged)
Emillio Garcia (Father- estranged)
Emillio "Mel" Garcia II (Brother - deceased)
Antonio "Toni" Garcia (Uncle - mother's side)
Personality .
Positive traits: compassionate, empathetic, protective, loyal, intuitive, brave.
Negative traits: untrusting, stubborn, impatient, indulgent.
History .
It started from a young age, Gabriella has always seemed to let her emotions get the better of her. Being the youngest of her siblings, they said she'd grow out of it. The truth was, as loved as she was in her childhood, there always seemed to be a sense of strain between the Garcias and their youngest.
The curse wasn't something that was spoken about. Her parents being immigrants from another country, she spent most of her childhood being told they came here for something new, something better than before, not because they were running.
Despite the bleeding heart that Gabriella wore on her sleeve, she was compassionate and kind, and empathetic towards others. And yet, she was always found somehow in the middle of things when they went bad. Destined to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and the center of it all.
** tw: death, drowning. She was only ten when the curse triggered, it was an accident. It all boiled down to one afternoon. She shouldn't have been on the docks, they were old and the water had sunken through the wood over the years- they were told constantly to stay away. And yet, she's leaning over the edge, small arms flailing for the doll that had dropped into the darkened pool. Her brother found her first, before she was able to slip forward, caught by the back of her elbow as she cried for the doll. In her attempts to yank back her elbow, begging her brother- crying that his arms were longer, he could reach! She'll replay the moment time and time again, her smaller frame shoving him away from his grasp, and the moment the dock crumbled.
It happened so fast, she was so young- she barely remembers it other than the smell of mold and splashing water. Her screams got louder, more frantic. Her brother's frame was trapped under the water by the broken planks, holding him beneath it's murky grasp as he tried to grasp for air, or anything to pull him up. Gabriella is running into the water now, by the banks alongside the docks, dress and shoes now soaked in water from the knees up, when she's hurdled backwards, her sister hearing the commotion from inside the house, only to get there too late. She's pulling him out of the water, wading through until she's able to get his body to the shore. In the frantic movements, neither of them had realized the water had gone silent moments before.
Pain like she's never felt before, coursed through her body. And to this day, she doesn't know if it was the sight of her brother's lifeless body being pulled onto the mud as her sister tried her best at reviving him.. or the curse that rippled through her, sealing itself with the flicker of yellow eyes, staring back at them.
** tw ends. From that point on, her life had changed. The curse had been set, and she would barely survive the change being as young as she was. her parents would resent her, in ignorance to the curse they so desperately tried to escape from. It'd been years since anyone in their family had turned, aside her uncle she'd learn later on, was part of the reason her family had fled from Mexico. Her mother blamed her for their brother's death, her father held too much sadness to look at her the same again. And eventually, Isabella was the only family she had. The only one who would lock her up when the moon was full, and the only one to care for her after the accident. Due to this, she spent the entirety of her life in her parent's denial. They refused to send her to schools centered around helping those with supernatural abilities. This of course led Gabriella to fend for herself, remain hidden and keep her abilities in check, despite the arise of her emotions.
She's never had a pack, never felt like she really belonged after that moment. All she knows is from her own accord, still finding herself in the middle of things- one way or another. In the end, part of her wants to belong to something more, while there will always be a side of her afraid to show it all. The good, and the bad in it's abundance.
When she was fifteen, her uncle had reached out. He was not a man of wealth, not a man or morals and if there were any- they were grey at best. he was a drunk. An alcoholic, her mother would snub her nose and scoff at. And he only seemed to care about his niece, when he found out she bore the same curse as he did. Through him, she would learn that pack mentality is real, drawn to him by blood and understanding. She'd then learn that their family had woven the curse into secret, after the great grandfather promised to lock himself away forever. That they would never understand, that even one day, Isabella would may grow tired of being her keeper.
Gabriella would go on to try to live a normal life. She'd try to keep her emotions under boil. She'd try to keep the full moon from hurting anyone she cared about. She'd tried to be a normal, regular, everyday person. And it never seemed to work in her father. She's confined herself to a box, and still it always seems to break, one crack at a time. Recently, she worked as a paramedic for several years, finally getting a source of normalcy. That was, until she was made to go on leave, an outburst caused by the lingering effect of the last moon cycle.
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ofhowlingxs · 6 months
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ofhowlingxs · 3 months
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Gabriella Garcia — 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐧, masquerade ball.
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ofhowlingxs · 4 months
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Their conversation had been interrupted before she could get any real answers. Instead, as the word coven was mumbled out of her mouth- his questioning had left her unable to respond, when his phone went off. It felt like everything was coming to a head, as if she was spinning in place with nowhere to go. Doubts continued to make her restless, and her heart lurches inside her chest because-- she loves him. When he had to leave- she's close behind. In the midst of it, she put the carnival at the back of her mind. Xavier- Matthias, and everything between her and Cassian. She had to tell him, because in the light of not knowing what this was- it mattered to her. It'd matter to him. The night was spent taking towels back and forth, her gaze shifting down to Matthias every now and again- a sinking feeling in her gut, as concern warped her features into a contorted exhaustion. She didn't want him to die too. That tension was halfway washed down the drain in the upstairs shower- only after Cassian had healed him- and they knew for the most part, he was going to be okay.
She doesn't speak much, when she's pulled him into the shower with her. Sensing how drained he'd felt, even before finding Matthias. She doesn't say much, as brims kissed over the curve of his collar bone, his shoulder, as water runs hot enough to burn it all down the drain. Silent confessions are marked across his skin, in the silence. I love you, traced over the scars on his back. It was the only good thing she had left. The only thing that had kept her from losing herself completely, was the tether she had to him. When she exits the shower, towel was still wrapped around the small of her frame, until she's found herself in one of his shirts. Her position leans quietly in the door frame now, dark irises watching him with now with a looming softness she can't get rid of. "I know it's been.. a long night but.. We still need to talk.." It's finally breathed out, nervousness inching into her voice, as bare feet take her forward towards him. @fragmcntedsouls
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ofhowlingxs · 5 months
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This wasn’t the kind of place to have these conversations. To have any conversations. But seeing him walk into the bar, was like a kick to the gut. She stirs in her seat, glancing down at her phone as a stupid attempt to hide— and finishes her drink— or what’s left of it. A moment passes just as she’s seconds away from a silent break away, fuck— she loses him in the crowd. Only for her frame to collide forward, stumble, and be met with his in a thud. @fragmcntedsouls
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ofhowlingxs · 6 months
contin from here.
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The beating in her heart was louder, it was inconsistent, like skipping. There's a heavy weight on her shoulders, one that she can't describe as anything else other than safety. How calloused hands that had held her in the darkest moments, now were trembling at the thought of touching her. Was he afraid she'd break? Melt away into nothing? The silence between them was welcomed, it didn't suffocate her like the others had. It was warm, and it wrapped her in like she was meant to be there. "I'm sorry I almost left-" The words are hard to finish, they're sitting there on the tip of her tongue, and her pinky touches his and the warmth spreads from the tips of her finger, down to her toes. "I just thought that maybe--" He didn't sign up for this.. or maybe he did. It was all too confusing now, she was getting wrapped up in feelings now. And Gabriella Garcia, had always worn her heart on her chest, whether it was bleeding or not, it didn't matter.
She can see the rise and fall of his chest, the breath that was caught in the back of his throat. And she can feel it. The tension in the air, and how it's drawing her forward. For every reason she should stay away, he'd given her just as many to stay. So stay, she did. It's why her hands were now venturing forward, how the silence lingered between them but her movements were louder. Practically screaming to reach out and touch him. She'd never held back anything in her life, and now? Now fingertips inched up the top of his hand. Dark irises are fixated on the movement, watching as the sun peaks through and touches his skin in colors of the rising dawn. From his hand, she almost hesitates, nearly pulls back from cowardness alone- and instead settled on her index, tracing upwards the curve of his arm, following the shadow until-- she's snapped back into reality. In another life, she wouldn't have faltered. In another life, she would have waltz up to him again, cocky and bright eyed, and asked him to dance with her. There wouldn't have been a gala, there wouldn't have been people who'd gotten hurt that night. And she would have felt drawn to him, without the guilt of wanting it.
She's careful when she pulls back, leaning against the head rest of the bed. His shirt embodied her, and he's everywhere. The scent is in her hair, on her skin, his magic had left invisible fingerprints across her body. And she's sucking in a breath, because whatever it was-- it was tethering her to him. It was knotted between them. She'll slip down into the bed, curling underneath the covers again. "Will you lay with me?" She just wants to feel seen. Wants to feel safe. After a moment, she's closing her eyes and sucking in a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. What happens if they find out? What happens if they know he'd helped her? Saved her from the curse that broke more than just her heart. There's a long pause, and the darkness starts to unravel again. "Did it scare you?" -- "i.. I mean.. Do I scare you?" @fragmcntedsouls
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ofhowlingxs · 6 months
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She can't really remember the last real date she'd been on, and it actually end up in a good place. Normally, she wouldn't have agreed to come back to his place-- but hers was occupied with her sister, and a pop up guest that kept stirring her thoughts over and over. So his place was a welcomed invite, maybe even surprised him. She doesn't know. She's never been in a penthouse before this, so she'll wonder over to the windows that touch from floor to ceiling over the city. "You can see half the world from up here." It's mumbled a bit under her breath, wine glass in hand but she's only sipped on it. Alcohol didn't do much for her, but she likes the taste of this one. Setting it down, she's turning back to him. "I didn't come here to sleep with you." It's blunt, a little too much so. She didn't mean to come off as-- direct? "I just wanted to see where you are in your spare time." She glances around again, it screamed.. Money. Single. But it was clean, and the furniture was nice. "Does it bug you that you have to be invited in, but I can just waltz in here like I own the place?" The teasing tone breaks the tension, and her brows lift as she smiles. @traegics
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ofhowlingxs · 6 months
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"I washed these clothes three times and they still smell like-" The woods. Like a mix of dirt and wet grass. She's pulling the hem of the t-shirt she was wearing, that was also now muddied from her encounter with Matthias-- the name still felt foreign on her tongue-- considering she hadn't known the real one until after they started to spill their guts to each other. Now, she can't get it to sound right. Can't escape the taste of it on her tongue. She's cleaning-- a lot. It's a distraction, considering she's also moved the furniture around too. This happened sometimes, more often than not when she's gone through a shift. She'll spare her sister the details, won't inflict her with the guilt that she'd spent hours and hours in a pain that was only agonizing at best. Nate helped-- the magic made it easier.. But she can still feel him, the traces of it left on her body like fingerprints. "Do you think the coffee table looks better on this side of the living room?" Her hands are on her hips as she's looking it over, breath rising and falling, before taking the shirt she'd rid herself of and toss it in the laundry room. She's avoiding the conversation-- the one about how Bella had come home at the perfect time to interrupt something that was nothing. Something that.. She didn't know how else to explain right now, other than distracting. "What?" Oh-- And that she'd shoved Bejo's head into the nearest bar table.. That was also up for discussion as well. @bellaxgarcia
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ofhowlingxs · 7 months
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There's a particular kind of ache in her body. The fear was pulling at her footsteps, itching at the corners of her mind as the sun gets lower and lower in the sky. Her footsteps are in sync with his, as she's getting out of the car -- her sister owned the property, and they'd built their own prison to keep her inside the stone walls. Fingertips twitched at her sides, and her gaze shifts over and up-- catching his wrist as she stops. There's a softness in her gaze, but wary, scared. She'd never let anyone in like this. Even Bella, once everything had been in place over the years, Gabi would make her leave. She always did this alone.. More times than she could remember. There's a moment, when she'll open her mouth to speak, unsure of the words that might have came out. Thank you? How do you thank someone for this? Maybe a last chance to give him an out. Maybe the warmth was getting harder to ignore. But it's silenced as the pain seers through her, like a jolt-- a warning from the wolf inside, and she nearly collapses to the ground. It was fleeting, but her voice is strained. "It's okay- I'm okay-" Whether or not she was trying to convince him or her, she didn't even know. "If you want to run.." The words are a little above a whisper. "I wouldn't blame you." @fragmcntedsouls
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ofhowlingxs · 7 months
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"I'm fine, I promise." She reassures the other under her breath, putting a hand on her shoulder for comfort. "Just got held up." She hates lying, but it wasn't so much of a lie-- she just spent the last two days thinking about it, now she wants to focus on anything else. Someone else. "We need to have some fun, don't you think? Everything feels so grey lately." Another pause. "What something you've always wanted to do, Nov?" @ofwindydays
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