#the whole process from heating up the compress to the eye massage/cleaning is 20 - 30 minutes it's so exhausting
hatake · 9 months
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resusheart · 3 years
After surgery (part two)
I raced to cubicle number three once again, her lips and fingernails had a bluish color, I watched her move her chest desperately, using all accessory muscles to breath, but she just couldn’t, the team had already lowered her bed to be totally flat, had taken the pillow from under her head and after tilting her head back, placed the ambu bag over her mouth and nose. She was still awake and I could not sedate her enough because of her weakened state. We had to aspirate her first. After pressing the ambu bag five times, I asked for the suction tube and slid it deep into her lungs, she was shaking as I did this, slowly losing consciousness. Her heartrate was shooting straight up, something I definitely didn’t want to happen to her recently sutured heart. Her blood pressure tanked while I was suctioning. Shit!  I gave the order to start chest compressions. This was going to be a mess. Every time her chest sunk from the pressure, her belly popped out. One could even hear the sound of both sides of the sternum rubbing against each other, and I am sure I heard a rib pop during the maneuvers.
The resident was trying to intubate her and failed, once, then twice, blood was coming out of her mouth so the nurse suctioned her again. Her eyes, open, staring into nothing, pupils sluggish, but I had to do something, this was not over yet. I asked for a pause to feel pulses, but even with chest compressions they were mostly absent. I had to crack her chest and at the same time, get her airway taken care of. So we started doing both things at the same time. While team B was performing an emergency cricothyrotomy to get a breathing tube in, we (team A) were spraying her chest with betadine to open her up. I knew something was wrong inside the cavity because her blood pressure couldn’t hold. The clock was ticking and I had to find out what it was and do it fast.
Her chest was sterile, I couldn’t open her up through her sternum because I had wired it shut just a few days earlier and it would take too long to go in that way, so I placed the scalpel on the fifth intercostal space and made a long incision. I quickly placed the rib spreader and was immediately splattered with blood that had accumulated inside the chest. Blood products were already being warmed and placed in the rapid infuser. I used suction and surgical gauze to try to clear the space so I would be able to see the bleeding site.
It was crazy and things happened quickly. The patient now had a breathing tube sticking out of her neck, two new lines had already been placed and we had asked the OR to be ready for us. The team started the pumps with blood units and I put my whole hand inside her chest. With my fingers, I reached to feel her barely beating heart to position my hand correctly and began compressing it firmly. While doing so, I felt the leak that was causing all these problems. Every time I pumped the heart, blood poured out of one of the veins that fed it directly. I asked for a clamp and immediately closed the hole. I kept massaging the heart internally, sterile drapes wrapped around my arm as the team tried to cover the wound (with my arm still in it) getting ready for transport to the OR. They released the brakes of the bed and we started rolling. I was walking, but my only focus was compressing the heart and getting enough blood flow to avoid any brain damage, if possible, while we got to surgery and I could fix her heart once more. When we got to the operating room, a junior surgeon took over the internal massage while I went to wash all over again and change my clothes. I was practically drenched in blood, so I was looking forward to getting on some clean, warm surgical scrubs. In the meantime, the junior surgeons were placing the patient in a proper position to continue the surgery and placed the lines to bypass the heart and divert the blood flow to the heart-lung machine. I quickly positioned myself in a comfortable position to start the surgery, with the machine now humming. I injected the extremely cold paralyzing agent straight into the heart muscle and began the surgery. Her poor mangled heart has gone through a lot. I was very careful, fixed the tear in the vein and checked that the heart valves had not been dislodged in all the resus efforts.
So now, all patched up, it was time to get that heart beating again. Because blood flow to the brain had been reduced for a long time we were going to do things differently this time. We were going to keep her body colder than average. We didn’t start the process of heating up her body, the fluids that we were introducing were not warmed up. If she was to have a chance at a normal life, I would have to keep her in induced hypothermia for at least 48 hours.
But first, I had to get her heart beating again. With sutures placed in the artery and vein and the removal of the clamps, blood began flowing back into her heart. It didn’t move at all. It had sustained injuries during CPR and was not looking great. It was not swollen yet and that is what I would try to avoid by cooling her down. I massaged it once more, as I had done hours before, but this time, it was colder and not surrounded by a pool of blood. I was hoping to get a small hear beat. I was begging in my head: “Come on, give me something to work with!” But the heart muscle stood still. I injected epi followed by amiodarone and massaged it once more for a while. It began moving a bit. I injected more epinephrine and hoped her heart would pick up the beat. Finally, it began quivering, I waited for it to find a rhythm on its own, but it didn’t, so I asked for the internal paddles, I placed them carefully around the heart and asked for 20 joules. The shock made the heart jump and the rest of her body contract gently but after a pause, her heart kept beating erratically, I asked for 30 joules and another dose of epi. The shock was more visible this time, her whole body shook in a single movement and then stood still. I couldn’t get a regular rhythm though. I decided to max out the epi and another dose of amiodarone before giving it another shock with the maximum dose acceptable for internal paddles, 40 joules. I held my breath and shocked her again. This time her body visibly jumped a bit with the shock. I sighed with relief when her heart began beating softly at a regular rhythm. She was OK…. for now. The junior surgeon proceeded to close the chest and I watched the EKG closely, her heart was beating at a steady pace but the blood output was small. If she didn’t improve we would have to consider using ECMO, but right now my main concern was keeping her at 30° Celsius (86°F) to prevent as much inflammation as possible in her heart and brain. I was trying to give her the best chance to live, but I knew, that right now, her chances of survival without serious brain injury were around 1%. We just had to wait and hope. I thanked everyone and left the room. After I had finished my notes I went into her ICU cubicle. She had a cold air blanket covering her whole naked, mangled body. New electrodes had been attached to her chest, running a permanent EKG, her brain function was also monitored through electrodes placed in her forehead under the cold water helmet the ICU team had placed on her head. Her core temperature was being monitored intravenously. She was heavily sedated. I was just hoping she would make it through the next 12 hours. Then I glanced at the window and realized it was dawn already. I thanked the teams that had worked the code hours before and left the hospital to get some sleep back home. While in the car, I kept remembering her pale skin, cold to the touch, her bluish lips and all the equipment surrounding her that always reminded me of old sci-fi movies. She was now my sleeping beauty, resting in her chilly sleep. And we had to wait and find out, first if she would survive, then, if she would have neurological deficits and what they would be. But, for now, we both needed to rest. I took the coastal highway to my apartment taking in the beautiful views, got home, changed into my most comfortable sweatpants and rested for a few hours, then went to the gym and took a dip in the pool. I had not heard anything from the hospital. No news is good news. I would go back in the evening to check on her again. I trusted the ICU team completely, so I ate a snack, relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon
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evodex · 5 years
11 Home Remedies for Headache
Headache happens when one of your blood vessels in the brain has shrunk.
Headache is also caused due to the disturbance with pain-sensitive structures in the head. The pain-sensitive structures include the blood vessels, muscles, nerves of the head and neck.
Specific areas where headaches can occur include the forehead, temples, back of the neck, eyes, ears, back of the head, and at the base of the skull.
Headaches are mainly of two types:
Primary headache (not associated with any other disease) and
Secondary headache (caused by an injury or associated with a medical condition)
Primary headaches are of three different types:
Tension headache (46-48%): caused by stress, muscle strain, and anxiety
Migraine (14-16%): will cause intense pain and typically affect only one side of the head
Cluster headache: Rare but very severe pain which occurs on one side of the head
Best Home Remedies for Headaches
#1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint contains menthol that opens up clogged blood vessels and regulates the blood flow. As a result, oxygen reaches to all the vital organs quickly which increases the brains functionality and relieves you from headache.
The vasoconstricting and vasodilating properties of peppermint oil help in controlling the blood flow in the whole body and opens up the sinuses.
Peppermint oil is beneficial for migraine patients due to its calming property and numbing effect which eases the headache pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Peppermint Oil Massage
Mixing 3 drops of peppermint oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil, olive oil and a little water
Massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 2: Crushed Peppermint
Apply crushed peppermint leaves directly on your forehead
Procedure 3: Inhaling Steam
Inhale the steam by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the boiling water
#2. Ginger
Ginger reduces oxidative stress, which is the main trigger of migraine and also helps in suppressing nausea associated with migraines.
Ginger reduces inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus providing relief from a headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ginger Tea
Mix 2-3 slices of ginger root in a cup of hot water
Cover the cup and simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a squeeze of lemon juice and honey for a better taste
Procedure 2: Ginger Paste
Mix 1 teaspoon of dry ginger powder and 2 tablespoons of water
Apply the mixture on the forehead for a few minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
Procedure 3: Raw Ginger
Take 2-4 grams of ginger every day to relieve migraines
#3. Mint Juice
Menthol and Menthone which are the primary components of mint helps in opening the brain’s clogged blood vessels and brings relief from headache.
Mint’s refreshing and strong aroma has a soothing effect which helps in easing headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Mint Juice
Extract mint juice from a handful of fresh mint leaves
Apply on your forehead and temples
Optional: Mix coriander juice along with mint juice
Procedure 2: Mint Tea
Place mint tea compresses on the forehead and temples
#4. Lavender Oil
Lavender’s fragrance has a soothing effect. Inhaling the scent of lavender oil helps in soothing the nerves and muscles, thus relieving tension and headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Mix 2 drops of lavender oil in 2 cups of boiling water
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Lavender Oil Massage
Mix 2-3 drops of lavender oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil or olive oil
Massage your forehead with the mixture
#5. Basil
Basil works as a muscle relaxant making it helpful for treating headaches caused by tense and tight muscles. The calming and analgesic effects of basil oil are very helpful for soothing sinus pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Basil Tea
Steam 3-4 fresh basil leaves in a cup of water
Simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a teaspoon of honey for taste
Procedure 2: Inhale Steam
Boil 1 teaspoon of basil leaves in water
Inhale the vapor
Procedure 3: Basil Oil Massage
Mix basil oil with coconut oil and massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 4: Chew Basil Leaves
Chew 2-3 fresh basil leaves every day
#6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is an effective remedy for headache due to extreme cold weather. The head and neck muscle tensions are eased by consuming cinnamon and gives relief from primary headache.
How to use
Grind some cinnamon sticks into a powder
Add little quantity of water and make a thick paste
Apply this paste on your forehead and temples and for 30 minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
#7. Rosemary
Rosemary is a stress reliever which can help in curing tension and migraine headaches caused by muscle fatigues or joint pain.
Rosemary oil contains rosmarinic acid which has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that help in relieving primary headaches and curing tensions.
How to use
Procedure 1: Rosemary Tea
Boil 1 cup of water
Mix 1 tsp of crushed rosemary leaves and 1 tsp of crushed sage leaves
Allow tea to cool
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Procedure 2: Rosemary Oil Massage
Mix Rosemary oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (coconut or castor oil)
Massage on your forehead and temples.
#8. Cloves
The flavonoids in clove oil have anti-inflammatory properties that help ease the inflammation in the neck, forehead and the lower head region. Cloves also have a cooling effect all of which are helpful in alleviating all types of primary headaches.
Cloves have cooling and pain relieving properties and are beneficial in migraines and can ease even very severe headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Crush 3-4 cloves and mix them in a sachet or a clean handkerchief
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Clove Oil Massage
Mix 2 drops of clove oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil
Massage your forehead and temples
#9. Apple and Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple and Apple cider vinegar is helpful in preventing headaches due to digestion issues. The potassium content in apple cider vinegar help in preventing migraines.
Inhaling steam vapors of apple cider vinegar cleans out the sinuses and provide relief from a sinus headache. Further, Apple cider vinegar help to maintain the balance of acid-alkaline level in the body, thus reducing the occurrence of headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Apple Cider Vinegar Steam Inhalation
Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
Cover the cup and boil the mixture
Remove the mixture
Hold the towel and start inhaling the steam
Optional: Soak a cloth in cold apple cider vinegar for a few minutes and apply the compress on your forehead
Procedure 2: Apple
Sprinkle some salt on cut pieces of apple
Eat and drink some warm water after consuming
Procedure 3: Apple + Honey
Mix 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tsp of honey with an 8-ounce glass of water
Drink daily
Procedure 4: Apple + Honey + Lemon Juice
Add 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water with honey and a splash of lemon juice
Drink for 2 or 3 times daily
#10. Hot or Cold Pack
Ice and heat both help to reduce the painful primary headaches. Cold packs are helpful for migraine attacks whereas hot packs are useful for tension-type or muscle contraction headaches.
Ice packs have a numbing effect which helps to reduce the pain from headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ice Pack
Wrap the ice pack with cloth
Apply the ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes
Wait for an hour before re-applying
Use the ice pack on and off until the pain subsides
Procedure 2: Ice Pack with Wash Cloth
Dip a washcloth in ice water or hot water
Place the cloth over your forehead for 5 minutes
Repeat the process many times.
#11. Magnesium
Magnesium can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks in individuals having low levels of magnesium.
Regular intake of magnesium provides quick relief from chronic migraine and not only helps to prevent primary headaches but is also helpful in treating acute headaches
How to use
Consume 200 – 400 mg every day in the form of
Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, Kale
Fruits: Figs, Avacado, Banana
Legumes: Black beans Kidney Beans
Seafood: Salamon, tuna
The above home remedies are easily available at any home and provide relief from tension, migraine, and cluster headaches.
Despite undertaking remedies, if you do not get any relief and if the headache lasts for more than 24 hours than visit a  doctor immediately.
The post 11 Home Remedies for Headache appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Home Remedies for Headache published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
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ashafriesen · 5 years
11 Home Remedies for Headache
Headache happens when one of your blood vessels in the brain has shrunk.
Headache is also caused due to the disturbance with pain-sensitive structures in the head. The pain-sensitive structures include the blood vessels, muscles, nerves of the head and neck.
Specific areas where headaches can occur include the forehead, temples, back of the neck, eyes, ears, back of the head, and at the base of the skull.
Headaches are mainly of two types:
Primary headache (not associated with any other disease) and
Secondary headache (caused by an injury or associated with a medical condition)
Primary headaches are of three different types:
Tension headache (46-48%): caused by stress, muscle strain, and anxiety
Migraine (14-16%): will cause intense pain and typically affect only one side of the head
Cluster headache: Rare but very severe pain which occurs on one side of the head
Best Home Remedies for Headaches
#1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint contains menthol that opens up clogged blood vessels and regulates the blood flow. As a result, oxygen reaches to all the vital organs quickly which increases the brains functionality and relieves you from headache.
The vasoconstricting and vasodilating properties of peppermint oil help in controlling the blood flow in the whole body and opens up the sinuses.
Peppermint oil is beneficial for migraine patients due to its calming property and numbing effect which eases the headache pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Peppermint Oil Massage
Mixing 3 drops of peppermint oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil, olive oil and a little water
Massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 2: Crushed Peppermint
Apply crushed peppermint leaves directly on your forehead
Procedure 3: Inhaling Steam
Inhale the steam by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the boiling water
#2. Ginger
Ginger reduces oxidative stress, which is the main trigger of migraine and also helps in suppressing nausea associated with migraines.
Ginger reduces inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus providing relief from a headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ginger Tea
Mix 2-3 slices of ginger root in a cup of hot water
Cover the cup and simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a squeeze of lemon juice and honey for a better taste
Procedure 2: Ginger Paste
Mix 1 teaspoon of dry ginger powder and 2 tablespoons of water
Apply the mixture on the forehead for a few minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
Procedure 3: Raw Ginger
Take 2-4 grams of ginger every day to relieve migraines
#3. Mint Juice
Menthol and Menthone which are the primary components of mint helps in opening the brain’s clogged blood vessels and brings relief from headache.
Mint’s refreshing and strong aroma has a soothing effect which helps in easing headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Mint Juice
Extract mint juice from a handful of fresh mint leaves
Apply on your forehead and temples
Optional: Mix coriander juice along with mint juice
Procedure 2: Mint Tea
Place mint tea compresses on the forehead and temples
#4. Lavender Oil
Lavender’s fragrance has a soothing effect. Inhaling the scent of lavender oil helps in soothing the nerves and muscles, thus relieving tension and headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Mix 2 drops of lavender oil in 2 cups of boiling water
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Lavender Oil Massage
Mix 2-3 drops of lavender oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil or olive oil
Massage your forehead with the mixture
#5. Basil
Basil works as a muscle relaxant making it helpful for treating headaches caused by tense and tight muscles. The calming and analgesic effects of basil oil are very helpful for soothing sinus pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Basil Tea
Steam 3-4 fresh basil leaves in a cup of water
Simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a teaspoon of honey for taste
Procedure 2: Inhale Steam
Boil 1 teaspoon of basil leaves in water
Inhale the vapor
Procedure 3: Basil Oil Massage
Mix basil oil with coconut oil and massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 4: Chew Basil Leaves
Chew 2-3 fresh basil leaves every day
#6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is an effective remedy for headache due to extreme cold weather. The head and neck muscle tensions are eased by consuming cinnamon and gives relief from primary headache.
How to use
Grind some cinnamon sticks into a powder
Add little quantity of water and make a thick paste
Apply this paste on your forehead and temples and for 30 minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
#7. Rosemary
Rosemary is a stress reliever which can help in curing tension and migraine headaches caused by muscle fatigues or joint pain.
Rosemary oil contains rosmarinic acid which has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that help in relieving primary headaches and curing tensions.
How to use
Procedure 1: Rosemary Tea
Boil 1 cup of water
Mix 1 tsp of crushed rosemary leaves and 1 tsp of crushed sage leaves
Allow tea to cool
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Procedure 2: Rosemary Oil Massage
Mix Rosemary oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (coconut or castor oil)
Massage on your forehead and temples.
#8. Cloves
The flavonoids in clove oil have anti-inflammatory properties that help ease the inflammation in the neck, forehead and the lower head region. Cloves also have a cooling effect all of which are helpful in alleviating all types of primary headaches.
Cloves have cooling and pain relieving properties and are beneficial in migraines and can ease even very severe headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Crush 3-4 cloves and mix them in a sachet or a clean handkerchief
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Clove Oil Massage
Mix 2 drops of clove oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil
Massage your forehead and temples
#9. Apple and Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple and Apple cider vinegar is helpful in preventing headaches due to digestion issues. The potassium content in apple cider vinegar help in preventing migraines.
Inhaling steam vapors of apple cider vinegar cleans out the sinuses and provide relief from a sinus headache. Further, Apple cider vinegar help to maintain the balance of acid-alkaline level in the body, thus reducing the occurrence of headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Apple Cider Vinegar Steam Inhalation
Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
Cover the cup and boil the mixture
Remove the mixture
Hold the towel and start inhaling the steam
Optional: Soak a cloth in cold apple cider vinegar for a few minutes and apply the compress on your forehead
Procedure 2: Apple
Sprinkle some salt on cut pieces of apple
Eat and drink some warm water after consuming
Procedure 3: Apple + Honey
Mix 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tsp of honey with an 8-ounce glass of water
Drink daily
Procedure 4: Apple + Honey + Lemon Juice
Add 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water with honey and a splash of lemon juice
Drink for 2 or 3 times daily
#10. Hot or Cold Pack
Ice and heat both help to reduce the painful primary headaches. Cold packs are helpful for migraine attacks whereas hot packs are useful for tension-type or muscle contraction headaches.
Ice packs have a numbing effect which helps to reduce the pain from headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ice Pack
Wrap the ice pack with cloth
Apply the ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes
Wait for an hour before re-applying
Use the ice pack on and off until the pain subsides
Procedure 2: Ice Pack with Wash Cloth
Dip a washcloth in ice water or hot water
Place the cloth over your forehead for 5 minutes
Repeat the process many times.
#11. Magnesium
Magnesium can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks in individuals having low levels of magnesium.
Regular intake of magnesium provides quick relief from chronic migraine and not only helps to prevent primary headaches but is also helpful in treating acute headaches
How to use
Consume 200 – 400 mg every day in the form of
Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, Kale
Fruits: Figs, Avacado, Banana
Legumes: Black beans Kidney Beans
Seafood: Salamon, tuna
The above home remedies are easily available at any home and provide relief from tension, migraine, and cluster headaches.
Despite undertaking remedies, if you do not get any relief and if the headache lasts for more than 24 hours than visit a  doctor immediately.
The post 11 Home Remedies for Headache appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Home Remedies for Headache published first on https://parentcenternetwork.tumblr.com/
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A Review Of strawberry face mask
Incorporate it with honey, coconut cream and avocado, and you've got a wonderfully creamy concoction that easily glides on to your face. Implement a delicate layer, leave it on for ten minutes and Carefully rinse it off. As well as, it smells incredible and you will need to set aside some leftover cocoa nibs to nibble on. Therapeutic massage the mask on to your face for at least two minutes. Depart within the mask for quarter-hour. Wash off with heat water very first then chilly water to close off pores. To use, spread the paste to the face by using a word of warning. Go away the paste as it truly is for twenty-30 minutes until the mask thickens right into a thick coat about the face. Allow it dry for this meantime and now wash it off. Mix matcha powder, honey and oil in a little bowl and blend very well. (In case you don’t have matcha powder, Lower open a inexperienced tea bag and make use of the leaves.) Utilize this into the face and go away it for 15 minutes prior to washing off warm water. Honey for your skin is basically nature’s wonder, and these four Uncooked honey face mask recipes are a few of my favorite home made recipes for nourishing my pores and skin. Resource Although some do-it-yourself face masks and scrubs operate best on oily, dry or delicate skin, I've pulled jointly a listing of nine remarkable masks and eight scrubs that work on all pores and skin types. https://steptoremedies.com/coffee-grounds-for-skin/ are great for events and for teams because they work on all kinds of skin. Didi’s acquire*: “I’ll start with the scent. Let’s just say it absolutely was very attractive after a lengthy, difficult day of work. Comprehensive disclosure: I could have poured myself a glass or two as I sat Together with the mask on my face. This conical formed fruit is extensively Utilized in the cosmetic industry to produce skin attractiveness solutions. As an alternative to applying Those people chemical laden splendor products which even really include only a little proportion of strawberry, use mashed strawberries used topically to your skin for The natural way stunning, soft supple pores and skin. Answer: Any honey will do, but I highly advise applying raw, unfiltered honey on your face mask mainly because it retains extra with the strong healing properties. We've think of nine finest Do it yourself face masks to eliminate blackheads and tighten skin pores. However these are definitely face masks, they will also be used to eliminate blackheads on other regions of Your whole body. Include lemon juice, honey and baking soda to a small bowl. Blend nicely and implement around the face and neck. Avoid the location in the vicinity of your eyes (lemon juice and honey will both of those sting). This can be applied to collect knowledge on visitors to articles or blog posts along with other webpages on our website. Except that you are signed in into a HubPages account, all personally identifiable data is anonymized. I think I'm most likely going to seek to lemon and strawberry mask. Sunday is pamper my pamper me working day. :) I am going to surely test it tomorrow evening!
A Review Of coffee face mask
These appear to be superb face masks, honey does wonders to your skin and leaves your face very easy! A further face mask that may be Tremendous straightforward and very effective is an easy honey and cinnamon mask. “We've been a participant during the Amazon Providers LLC Associates Software, an affiliate marketing program built to provide a means for us to earn charges by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated internet sites.” Puree the strawberries within a foods processor, or mash with fork ahead of use. Please do not use flavoured yogurt – make use of the simple a person! In case your yogurt is chilly, permit it to achieve place temperature initial. Oats not just nourishes pores and skin of all kinds but also absorbs extra sebum from in your pores as it is actually an absorbent. This acne-fighting mask delivers nourishing, exfoliating and cleansing Added benefits to skin. What does each individual girl, each and every lady and perhaps just about every male aspire to obtain? A pores and skin to die for will be in the ideal realm!Gals and Adult men alike desire a pi... Fascinating web page and thanks for the recipes. I actually agree with you that honey and cinnamon combos are really beneficial. This mask is a little bit sticky and could be a agony to have off. Simply just, use lukewarm drinking water and Carefully scrub your face till it commences smoothly coming off. You'll be able to use cold drinking water to wipe off the rest. In this article’s another way to give oneself a fancy spa facial in the home applying Do-it-yourself face masks. Come up with a selfmade face mask by mixing one/4 cup powdered milk with ample h2o to kind a thick paste. Leave the combination on the face for around 20 minutes after which you can clean off with drinking water. With normal use, it minimizes blemishes and improves your skin tone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiuMjm9p4sY above puffy spots till the shells are not cold. Do this in the morning, before you’ve carried out anything else to the skin, to consider down less than-eye bloat which will have gathered right away. Amazon India provides jointly a number of the most effective pores and skin care solutions out there that were collected from across various countrywide and Intercontinental brand names. The variety in the sort of solutions and masks readily available is enormous and is bound to fulfill the desires of each client. For those seeking for a whole skin therapy, we provide consolidated packs that comprise of numerous vital parts meant to aid your skin. The VLCC Gold Facial Package is a fantastic illustration of a package that assists you accomplish a By natural means glowing pores and skin utilizing a gold scrub, gold peel-off mask, gold gel and gold cream. The scrub allows reduce impurities out of your skin, the peel-off mask absorbs the impurities, the gel unclogs the skin’s pores and also the product supplies an invigorating scent as well as refreshing your skin. (Insert more drinking water as needed to get it to the proper consistency.) Distribute the mixture on your own face and Permit it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse off, to get a refreshing deep clean up. These are the very best magnificence solutions for oily skin. Head to your posh spa and you will address yourself (for your mere $one hundred-$300) to an all-in excess of human body scrub. Or you can devote approximately $fifty on a flowery physique scrub. Why get when you can also make a do-it-yourself human body scrub outside of primary ingredients yourself? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9MTdA7wztU will need is salt or sugar, overall body oil and a nice, heat tub. Soon after applying honey compresses for eight times, he located the microorganisms had wholly disappeared devoid of his using just one antibiotic.
The 5-Second Trick For yeast face mask
Do facial steaming before hand. This tends to open up up your face pores, making it possible for the mask to sink deep into your pores and work its magic. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099734926786443 and amino acids, that happen to be contained in yeast, restore pores and skin youthful glow, lowered synthesis of collagen and elastin; Using heat water, rinse off, tackling the edges of your respective face and less than your chin Specially. Splash your face with cold water to shut pores. Pat dry by using a clean towel. Thanks so a great deal!! All the times of my lifeI hhave been fighting acne. Tried using everything around and almost nothing will work. I am unquestionably gonna consider these! Thanks so a great deal for these purely natural solutions I agree to Inhabitat's Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, and also to the use of cookies described therein, and I also consent to the gathering, storage, and processing of my information in America, the place data safety legal guidelines may very well be unique from those in my place. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123555727405058 and use on the skin, the mask should be retained for 20 minutes, then rinse less than working drinking water, and applied to the face product. Just in case you have oily skin chances are you'll substitute milk with water or possibly a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. To produce orange peel energy, continue to keep orange peels out inside the Sunlight for weekly or so for drying after which grind them. If your skin feels dry after making use of this mask, it is possible to constantly add a dab of coconut oil or Olay Every day Moisturising Lotion to hydrate. Come up with a banana face mask. Bananas have normal fruit acids that erase dry skin. Mash a ripe banana with two tablespoons of yogurt. step to remedies should definitely incorporate only ½ a teaspoon or at the very least 5 drops of lemon juice. You don’t want your skin to have a severe crimson complexion plus a burning sensation! It’s terrible, have faith in me. Blend the primary 4 components inside of a bowl, and increase 3 tablespoons hot, robust environmentally friendly tea towards the combination. Stir routinely for a couple of minutes, incorporating tea as wanted until you’ve developed a thick paste. An additional pleasant update: Whenever you include honey to this combination, it would not dry stiff at all. I failed to expect that however it's pleasant! Honey has antibacterial and soothing Qualities, And that i utilised Manuka honey that is recognized for possessing the best antibacterial properties. I am sure you are able to blend a number of other factors in it also. The substances you may need are essential and common in almost any kitchen area. Grab a container in which to mix every little thing, just like a cup; a spoon; a little water; and what continues to be following producing your early morning coffee. Make an avocado and witch hazel face mask. Avocado has vitamin E and that is ideal for dry skin, and witch hazel will get rid of surplus oil and impurities. Mash the flesh of the avocado.
https://www.wikihow.com/Establish-an-Effective-Skincare-Routine Can Be Fun For Anyone
Orange peel consists of potent properties that assistance maintain irritating pimples away. Utilize a thick coat of this zit-busting orange peel face mask to deep-cleanse your pores and drive out the Filth, grime, surplus oil, and micro organism, all of which bring about pimples and blackheads to variety within the skin surface. Begin grinding the peel within your food processor. The main picture reveals the peels soon after 3 pulses. https://www.wikihow.com/Make-All-Natural-Face-Masks shows the finely powdered peel, right after about 40 seconds of grinding. We may well use conversion monitoring pixels from promoting networks including Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook so as to determine when an advertisement has productively resulted in the desired action, for example signing up for that HubPages Assistance or publishing an post on the HubPages Company. Utilize https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Face-Masks-Using-Natural-Ingredients on the mask towards your face, and let it sit for ten to 15 minutes. Then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRVzsWuMWek with heat h2o. (You should definitely area a metal or plastic strainer with your sink to prevent clogging the drain Together with the granules.) https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Facial-Mask थायरॉइड से पीड़ित महिलाओं के लिए क्यों है बेस्ट दवा है ”अश्वगंधा ”? Thereafter wash it off using lukewarm water and finish with 1 splash of cold; pat the pores and skin dry using a clean towel. for oily skin: no other cosmetic product is able so tends to make slender enlarged pores and get rid of immediately harmful glow from the face; First off you'll want to moisturize dry skin. To do this, that may match this mask: chop sauerkraut; Who demands Botox When you've got bananas? That’s proper: You need to use a banana being an all-all-natural, handmade face mask that moisturizes your skin and leaves it wanting and sensation softer. Mash up a medium-sized ripe banana right into a sleek paste, then gently apply it towards your face and neck. This is a fantastic mask for guys, as it can soothe both razor burn, and around-weathered Wintertime skin. step to remedies as being a moisturizer, when the cucumber lessens redness and delivers humidity to dry, delicate pores and skin. If you're able to not purchase a 'live' yeast, in Intense cases, occur up and dry. They will also be an excellent result, just not as clearly marked as in refreshing yeast. Just take via little herbs channel , add just a little bit of milk so that it's liquid enough to use on face (but not too liquid, it ought to be set). Let https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099810723445530 (approx 15min) then wash it off. Now, this one particular can be superior for dry pores and skin. Olive oil moisturizes skin and it has vitamin E information much too. Increase one tbsp of coffee powder with 1 tbsp of olive oil, mix properly, and implement the paste on face and neck. Rinse off when its semi dry. Add honey and avocado to a small bowl and mash collectively. Stir in the bottom almonds. Spread above the face and neck and after fifteen-twenty minutes, rinse with heat drinking water.
A Simple Key For coffee face mask Unveiled
Wash with water and then apply some moisturizer. This face mask will give a new look on the skin and help it become attractive and smooth. Blend a tablespoon of finely floor coffee beans with two tablespoons of floor oat as well as a tablespoon of honey. Unfold the mixture with your face. Depart it on for twenty minutes then rinse with lukewarm h2o. This coffee face mask is perfect for the sensitive pores and skin. Oat helps in reducing skin discomfort. In addition, it aids in exfoliation. Honey moisturizes and nourishes the pores and skin and minimizes blemishes. If there’s any mask left in excess of after you clean your face with it, increase a little bit of water to it and use it as being a scrub for the backs of your arms and another body component that might do with a few smoothing. Now, therapeutic massage utilizing your wet fingertips for two minutes and after that go away to dry for around quarter-hour. Another nice update: Whenever you insert honey to this mixture, it won't dry stiff in any respect. I failed to hope that but it's great! Honey has antibacterial and soothing Qualities, And that i employed Manuka honey which happens to be recognized for possessing the very best antibacterial Houses. I am absolutely sure you may blend a number of other things in it likewise. Preparing: https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123981155618816 over again, the preparing is very simple. Just combine the two components and create a uniformly blended paste. In not many people, yeast could induce an allergic reaction. You are able to do a patch examination on the back of your respective hand ahead of making use of the pack on the face when you suspect that you will be allergic to yeast. Go away the mixture on your own face for around twenty minutes after which clean off with water. With regular use, it reduces blemishes and improves your skin tone. You’ll get the most Added benefits making use of Uncooked honey. And if you’re prepared to splurge, you may’t beat Manuka honey. This honey in the Manuka tree in New Zealand and Australia is an antibacterial superfood with a lot of immunity and initially-help Rewards. Warning: Ensure if you are allergic to any of the substances inside the mask by making use of it on a small patch on the wrist after which look forward to a handful of hours. If rashes show up or when you display other signs and symptoms of allergy, will not use this mask on your own face. Every one of these ingredients have their unique Tremendous powers and will assist you to cleanse your face with the oil and Grime along with the acne resulting in cells. Coconut oil is a hydrator, it will provide nourishment to skin that dehydrated and dry. Now easy this paste gently and equally utilizing your fingertips around the clean neck and face; keep your eye location distinct. If you're able to not buy a 'live' yeast, in Excessive instances, come up and dry. They may even be a great influence, just not as clearly marked as in refreshing yeast.
0 notes
evodex · 5 years
11 Home Remedies for Headache
Headache happens when one of your blood vessels in the brain has shrunk.
Headache is also caused due to the disturbance with pain-sensitive structures in the head. The pain-sensitive structures include the blood vessels, muscles, nerves of the head and neck.
Specific areas where headaches can occur include the forehead, temples, back of the neck, eyes, ears, back of the head, and at the base of the skull.
Headaches are mainly of two types:
Primary headache (not associated with any other disease) and
Secondary headache (caused by an injury or associated with a medical condition)
Primary headaches are of three different types:
Tension headache (46-48%): caused by stress, muscle strain, and anxiety
Migraine (14-16%): will cause intense pain and typically affect only one side of the head
Cluster headache: Rare but very severe pain which occurs on one side of the head
Best Home Remedies for Headaches
#1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint contains menthol that opens up clogged blood vessels and regulates the blood flow. As a result, oxygen reaches to all the vital organs quickly which increases the brains functionality and relieves you from headache.
The vasoconstricting and vasodilating properties of peppermint oil help in controlling the blood flow in the whole body and opens up the sinuses.
Peppermint oil is beneficial for migraine patients due to its calming property and numbing effect which eases the headache pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Peppermint Oil Massage
Mixing 3 drops of peppermint oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil, olive oil and a little water
Massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 2: Crushed Peppermint
Apply crushed peppermint leaves directly on your forehead
Procedure 3: Inhaling Steam
Inhale the steam by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the boiling water
#2. Ginger
Ginger reduces oxidative stress, which is the main trigger of migraine and also helps in suppressing nausea associated with migraines.
Ginger reduces inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus providing relief from a headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ginger Tea
Mix 2-3 slices of ginger root in a cup of hot water
Cover the cup and simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a squeeze of lemon juice and honey for a better taste
Procedure 2: Ginger Paste
Mix 1 teaspoon of dry ginger powder and 2 tablespoons of water
Apply the mixture on the forehead for a few minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
Procedure 3: Raw Ginger
Take 2-4 grams of ginger every day to relieve migraines
#3. Mint Juice
Menthol and Menthone which are the primary components of mint helps in opening the brain’s clogged blood vessels and brings relief from headache.
Mint’s refreshing and strong aroma has a soothing effect which helps in easing headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Mint Juice
Extract mint juice from a handful of fresh mint leaves
Apply on your forehead and temples
Optional: Mix coriander juice along with mint juice
Procedure 2: Mint Tea
Place mint tea compresses on the forehead and temples
#4. Lavender Oil
Lavender’s fragrance has a soothing effect. Inhaling the scent of lavender oil helps in soothing the nerves and muscles, thus relieving tension and headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Mix 2 drops of lavender oil in 2 cups of boiling water
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Lavender Oil Massage
Mix 2-3 drops of lavender oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil or olive oil
Massage your forehead with the mixture
#5. Basil
Basil works as a muscle relaxant making it helpful for treating headaches caused by tense and tight muscles. The calming and analgesic effects of basil oil are very helpful for soothing sinus pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Basil Tea
Steam 3-4 fresh basil leaves in a cup of water
Simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a teaspoon of honey for taste
Procedure 2: Inhale Steam
Boil 1 teaspoon of basil leaves in water
Inhale the vapor
Procedure 3: Basil Oil Massage
Mix basil oil with coconut oil and massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 4: Chew Basil Leaves
Chew 2-3 fresh basil leaves every day
#6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is an effective remedy for headache due to extreme cold weather. The head and neck muscle tensions are eased by consuming cinnamon and gives relief from primary headache.
How to use
Grind some cinnamon sticks into a powder
Add little quantity of water and make a thick paste
Apply this paste on your forehead and temples and for 30 minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
#7. Rosemary
Rosemary is a stress reliever which can help in curing tension and migraine headaches caused by muscle fatigues or joint pain.
Rosemary oil contains rosmarinic acid which has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that help in relieving primary headaches and curing tensions.
How to use
Procedure 1: Rosemary Tea
Boil 1 cup of water
Mix 1 tsp of crushed rosemary leaves and 1 tsp of crushed sage leaves
Allow tea to cool
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Procedure 2: Rosemary Oil Massage
Mix Rosemary oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (coconut or castor oil)
Massage on your forehead and temples.
#8. Cloves
The flavonoids in clove oil have anti-inflammatory properties that help ease the inflammation in the neck, forehead and the lower head region. Cloves also have a cooling effect all of which are helpful in alleviating all types of primary headaches.
Cloves have cooling and pain relieving properties and are beneficial in migraines and can ease even very severe headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Crush 3-4 cloves and mix them in a sachet or a clean handkerchief
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Clove Oil Massage
Mix 2 drops of clove oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil
Massage your forehead and temples
#9. Apple and Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple and Apple cider vinegar is helpful in preventing headaches due to digestion issues. The potassium content in apple cider vinegar help in preventing migraines.
Inhaling steam vapors of apple cider vinegar cleans out the sinuses and provide relief from a sinus headache. Further, Apple cider vinegar help to maintain the balance of acid-alkaline level in the body, thus reducing the occurrence of headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Apple Cider Vinegar Steam Inhalation
Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
Cover the cup and boil the mixture
Remove the mixture
Hold the towel and start inhaling the steam
Optional: Soak a cloth in cold apple cider vinegar for a few minutes and apply the compress on your forehead
Procedure 2: Apple
Sprinkle some salt on cut pieces of apple
Eat and drink some warm water after consuming
Procedure 3: Apple + Honey
Mix 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tsp of honey with an 8-ounce glass of water
Drink daily
Procedure 4: Apple + Honey + Lemon Juice
Add 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water with honey and a splash of lemon juice
Drink for 2 or 3 times daily
#10. Hot or Cold Pack
Ice and heat both help to reduce the painful primary headaches. Cold packs are helpful for migraine attacks whereas hot packs are useful for tension-type or muscle contraction headaches.
Ice packs have a numbing effect which helps to reduce the pain from headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ice Pack
Wrap the ice pack with cloth
Apply the ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes
Wait for an hour before re-applying
Use the ice pack on and off until the pain subsides
Procedure 2: Ice Pack with Wash Cloth
Dip a washcloth in ice water or hot water
Place the cloth over your forehead for 5 minutes
Repeat the process many times.
#11. Magnesium
Magnesium can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks in individuals having low levels of magnesium.
Regular intake of magnesium provides quick relief from chronic migraine and not only helps to prevent primary headaches but is also helpful in treating acute headaches
How to use
Consume 200 – 400 mg every day in the form of
Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, Kale
Fruits: Figs, Avacado, Banana
Legumes: Black beans Kidney Beans
Seafood: Salamon, tuna
The above home remedies are easily available at any home and provide relief from tension, migraine, and cluster headaches.
Despite undertaking remedies, if you do not get any relief and if the headache lasts for more than 24 hours than visit a  doctor immediately.
The post 11 Home Remedies for Headache appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Home Remedies for Headache published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
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evodex · 5 years
11 Home Remedies for Headache
Headache happens when one of your blood vessels in the brain has shrunk.
Headache is also caused due to the disturbance with pain-sensitive structures in the head. The pain-sensitive structures include the blood vessels, muscles, nerves of the head and neck.
Specific areas where headaches can occur include the forehead, temples, back of the neck, eyes, ears, back of the head, and at the base of the skull.
Headaches are mainly of two types:
Primary headache (not associated with any other disease) and
Secondary headache (caused by an injury or associated with a medical condition)
Primary headaches are of three different types:
Tension headache (46-48%): caused by stress, muscle strain, and anxiety
Migraine (14-16%): will cause intense pain and typically affect only one side of the head
Cluster headache: Rare but very severe pain which occurs on one side of the head
Best Home Remedies for Headaches
#1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint contains menthol that opens up clogged blood vessels and regulates the blood flow. As a result, oxygen reaches to all the vital organs quickly which increases the brains functionality and relieves you from headache.
The vasoconstricting and vasodilating properties of peppermint oil help in controlling the blood flow in the whole body and opens up the sinuses.
Peppermint oil is beneficial for migraine patients due to its calming property and numbing effect which eases the headache pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Peppermint Oil Massage
Mixing 3 drops of peppermint oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil, olive oil and a little water
Massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 2: Crushed Peppermint
Apply crushed peppermint leaves directly on your forehead
Procedure 3: Inhaling Steam
Inhale the steam by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the boiling water
#2. Ginger
Ginger reduces oxidative stress, which is the main trigger of migraine and also helps in suppressing nausea associated with migraines.
Ginger reduces inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus providing relief from a headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ginger Tea
Mix 2-3 slices of ginger root in a cup of hot water
Cover the cup and simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a squeeze of lemon juice and honey for a better taste
Procedure 2: Ginger Paste
Mix 1 teaspoon of dry ginger powder and 2 tablespoons of water
Apply the mixture on the forehead for a few minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
Procedure 3: Raw Ginger
Take 2-4 grams of ginger every day to relieve migraines
#3. Mint Juice
Menthol and Menthone which are the primary components of mint helps in opening the brain’s clogged blood vessels and brings relief from headache.
Mint’s refreshing and strong aroma has a soothing effect which helps in easing headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Mint Juice
Extract mint juice from a handful of fresh mint leaves
Apply on your forehead and temples
Optional: Mix coriander juice along with mint juice
Procedure 2: Mint Tea
Place mint tea compresses on the forehead and temples
#4. Lavender Oil
Lavender’s fragrance has a soothing effect. Inhaling the scent of lavender oil helps in soothing the nerves and muscles, thus relieving tension and headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Mix 2 drops of lavender oil in 2 cups of boiling water
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Lavender Oil Massage
Mix 2-3 drops of lavender oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil or olive oil
Massage your forehead with the mixture
#5. Basil
Basil works as a muscle relaxant making it helpful for treating headaches caused by tense and tight muscles. The calming and analgesic effects of basil oil are very helpful for soothing sinus pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Basil Tea
Steam 3-4 fresh basil leaves in a cup of water
Simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a teaspoon of honey for taste
Procedure 2: Inhale Steam
Boil 1 teaspoon of basil leaves in water
Inhale the vapor
Procedure 3: Basil Oil Massage
Mix basil oil with coconut oil and massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 4: Chew Basil Leaves
Chew 2-3 fresh basil leaves every day
#6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is an effective remedy for headache due to extreme cold weather. The head and neck muscle tensions are eased by consuming cinnamon and gives relief from primary headache.
How to use
Grind some cinnamon sticks into a powder
Add little quantity of water and make a thick paste
Apply this paste on your forehead and temples and for 30 minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
#7. Rosemary
Rosemary is a stress reliever which can help in curing tension and migraine headaches caused by muscle fatigues or joint pain.
Rosemary oil contains rosmarinic acid which has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that help in relieving primary headaches and curing tensions.
How to use
Procedure 1: Rosemary Tea
Boil 1 cup of water
Mix 1 tsp of crushed rosemary leaves and 1 tsp of crushed sage leaves
Allow tea to cool
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Procedure 2: Rosemary Oil Massage
Mix Rosemary oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (coconut or castor oil)
Massage on your forehead and temples.
#8. Cloves
The flavonoids in clove oil have anti-inflammatory properties that help ease the inflammation in the neck, forehead and the lower head region. Cloves also have a cooling effect all of which are helpful in alleviating all types of primary headaches.
Cloves have cooling and pain relieving properties and are beneficial in migraines and can ease even very severe headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Crush 3-4 cloves and mix them in a sachet or a clean handkerchief
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Clove Oil Massage
Mix 2 drops of clove oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil
Massage your forehead and temples
#9. Apple and Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple and Apple cider vinegar is helpful in preventing headaches due to digestion issues. The potassium content in apple cider vinegar help in preventing migraines.
Inhaling steam vapors of apple cider vinegar cleans out the sinuses and provide relief from a sinus headache. Further, Apple cider vinegar help to maintain the balance of acid-alkaline level in the body, thus reducing the occurrence of headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Apple Cider Vinegar Steam Inhalation
Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
Cover the cup and boil the mixture
Remove the mixture
Hold the towel and start inhaling the steam
Optional: Soak a cloth in cold apple cider vinegar for a few minutes and apply the compress on your forehead
Procedure 2: Apple
Sprinkle some salt on cut pieces of apple
Eat and drink some warm water after consuming
Procedure 3: Apple + Honey
Mix 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tsp of honey with an 8-ounce glass of water
Drink daily
Procedure 4: Apple + Honey + Lemon Juice
Add 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water with honey and a splash of lemon juice
Drink for 2 or 3 times daily
#10. Hot or Cold Pack
Ice and heat both help to reduce the painful primary headaches. Cold packs are helpful for migraine attacks whereas hot packs are useful for tension-type or muscle contraction headaches.
Ice packs have a numbing effect which helps to reduce the pain from headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ice Pack
Wrap the ice pack with cloth
Apply the ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes
Wait for an hour before re-applying
Use the ice pack on and off until the pain subsides
Procedure 2: Ice Pack with Wash Cloth
Dip a washcloth in ice water or hot water
Place the cloth over your forehead for 5 minutes
Repeat the process many times.
#11. Magnesium
Magnesium can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks in individuals having low levels of magnesium.
Regular intake of magnesium provides quick relief from chronic migraine and not only helps to prevent primary headaches but is also helpful in treating acute headaches
How to use
Consume 200 – 400 mg every day in the form of
Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, Kale
Fruits: Figs, Avacado, Banana
Legumes: Black beans Kidney Beans
Seafood: Salamon, tuna
The above home remedies are easily available at any home and provide relief from tension, migraine, and cluster headaches.
Despite undertaking remedies, if you do not get any relief and if the headache lasts for more than 24 hours than visit a  doctor immediately.
The post 11 Home Remedies for Headache appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Home Remedies for Headache published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
0 notes
evodex · 5 years
11 Home Remedies for Headache
Headache happens when one of your blood vessels in the brain has shrunk.
Headache is also caused due to the disturbance with pain-sensitive structures in the head. The pain-sensitive structures include the blood vessels, muscles, nerves of the head and neck.
Specific areas where headaches can occur include the forehead, temples, back of the neck, eyes, ears, back of the head, and at the base of the skull.
Headaches are mainly of two types:
Primary headache (not associated with any other disease) and
Secondary headache (caused by an injury or associated with a medical condition)
Primary headaches are of three different types:
Tension headache (46-48%): caused by stress, muscle strain, and anxiety
Migraine (14-16%): will cause intense pain and typically affect only one side of the head
Cluster headache: Rare but very severe pain which occurs on one side of the head
Best Home Remedies for Headaches
#1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint contains menthol that opens up clogged blood vessels and regulates the blood flow. As a result, oxygen reaches to all the vital organs quickly which increases the brains functionality and relieves you from headache.
The vasoconstricting and vasodilating properties of peppermint oil help in controlling the blood flow in the whole body and opens up the sinuses.
Peppermint oil is beneficial for migraine patients due to its calming property and numbing effect which eases the headache pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Peppermint Oil Massage
Mixing 3 drops of peppermint oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil, olive oil and a little water
Massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 2: Crushed Peppermint
Apply crushed peppermint leaves directly on your forehead
Procedure 3: Inhaling Steam
Inhale the steam by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the boiling water
#2. Ginger
Ginger reduces oxidative stress, which is the main trigger of migraine and also helps in suppressing nausea associated with migraines.
Ginger reduces inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus providing relief from a headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ginger Tea
Mix 2-3 slices of ginger root in a cup of hot water
Cover the cup and simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a squeeze of lemon juice and honey for a better taste
Procedure 2: Ginger Paste
Mix 1 teaspoon of dry ginger powder and 2 tablespoons of water
Apply the mixture on the forehead for a few minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
Procedure 3: Raw Ginger
Take 2-4 grams of ginger every day to relieve migraines
#3. Mint Juice
Menthol and Menthone which are the primary components of mint helps in opening the brain’s clogged blood vessels and brings relief from headache.
Mint’s refreshing and strong aroma has a soothing effect which helps in easing headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Mint Juice
Extract mint juice from a handful of fresh mint leaves
Apply on your forehead and temples
Optional: Mix coriander juice along with mint juice
Procedure 2: Mint Tea
Place mint tea compresses on the forehead and temples
#4. Lavender Oil
Lavender’s fragrance has a soothing effect. Inhaling the scent of lavender oil helps in soothing the nerves and muscles, thus relieving tension and headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Mix 2 drops of lavender oil in 2 cups of boiling water
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Lavender Oil Massage
Mix 2-3 drops of lavender oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil or olive oil
Massage your forehead with the mixture
#5. Basil
Basil works as a muscle relaxant making it helpful for treating headaches caused by tense and tight muscles. The calming and analgesic effects of basil oil are very helpful for soothing sinus pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Basil Tea
Steam 3-4 fresh basil leaves in a cup of water
Simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a teaspoon of honey for taste
Procedure 2: Inhale Steam
Boil 1 teaspoon of basil leaves in water
Inhale the vapor
Procedure 3: Basil Oil Massage
Mix basil oil with coconut oil and massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 4: Chew Basil Leaves
Chew 2-3 fresh basil leaves every day
#6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is an effective remedy for headache due to extreme cold weather. The head and neck muscle tensions are eased by consuming cinnamon and gives relief from primary headache.
How to use
Grind some cinnamon sticks into a powder
Add little quantity of water and make a thick paste
Apply this paste on your forehead and temples and for 30 minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
#7. Rosemary
Rosemary is a stress reliever which can help in curing tension and migraine headaches caused by muscle fatigues or joint pain.
Rosemary oil contains rosmarinic acid which has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that help in relieving primary headaches and curing tensions.
How to use
Procedure 1: Rosemary Tea
Boil 1 cup of water
Mix 1 tsp of crushed rosemary leaves and 1 tsp of crushed sage leaves
Allow tea to cool
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Procedure 2: Rosemary Oil Massage
Mix Rosemary oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (coconut or castor oil)
Massage on your forehead and temples.
#8. Cloves
The flavonoids in clove oil have anti-inflammatory properties that help ease the inflammation in the neck, forehead and the lower head region. Cloves also have a cooling effect all of which are helpful in alleviating all types of primary headaches.
Cloves have cooling and pain relieving properties and are beneficial in migraines and can ease even very severe headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Crush 3-4 cloves and mix them in a sachet or a clean handkerchief
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Clove Oil Massage
Mix 2 drops of clove oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil
Massage your forehead and temples
#9. Apple and Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple and Apple cider vinegar is helpful in preventing headaches due to digestion issues. The potassium content in apple cider vinegar help in preventing migraines.
Inhaling steam vapors of apple cider vinegar cleans out the sinuses and provide relief from a sinus headache. Further, Apple cider vinegar help to maintain the balance of acid-alkaline level in the body, thus reducing the occurrence of headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Apple Cider Vinegar Steam Inhalation
Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
Cover the cup and boil the mixture
Remove the mixture
Hold the towel and start inhaling the steam
Optional: Soak a cloth in cold apple cider vinegar for a few minutes and apply the compress on your forehead
Procedure 2: Apple
Sprinkle some salt on cut pieces of apple
Eat and drink some warm water after consuming
Procedure 3: Apple + Honey
Mix 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tsp of honey with an 8-ounce glass of water
Drink daily
Procedure 4: Apple + Honey + Lemon Juice
Add 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water with honey and a splash of lemon juice
Drink for 2 or 3 times daily
#10. Hot or Cold Pack
Ice and heat both help to reduce the painful primary headaches. Cold packs are helpful for migraine attacks whereas hot packs are useful for tension-type or muscle contraction headaches.
Ice packs have a numbing effect which helps to reduce the pain from headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ice Pack
Wrap the ice pack with cloth
Apply the ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes
Wait for an hour before re-applying
Use the ice pack on and off until the pain subsides
Procedure 2: Ice Pack with Wash Cloth
Dip a washcloth in ice water or hot water
Place the cloth over your forehead for 5 minutes
Repeat the process many times.
#11. Magnesium
Magnesium can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks in individuals having low levels of magnesium.
Regular intake of magnesium provides quick relief from chronic migraine and not only helps to prevent primary headaches but is also helpful in treating acute headaches
How to use
Consume 200 – 400 mg every day in the form of
Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, Kale
Fruits: Figs, Avacado, Banana
Legumes: Black beans Kidney Beans
Seafood: Salamon, tuna
The above home remedies are easily available at any home and provide relief from tension, migraine, and cluster headaches.
Despite undertaking remedies, if you do not get any relief and if the headache lasts for more than 24 hours than visit a  doctor immediately.
The post 11 Home Remedies for Headache appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Home Remedies for Headache published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
0 notes
evodex · 5 years
11 Home Remedies for Headache
Headache happens when one of your blood vessels in the brain has shrunk.
Headache is also caused due to the disturbance with pain-sensitive structures in the head. The pain-sensitive structures include the blood vessels, muscles, nerves of the head and neck.
Specific areas where headaches can occur include the forehead, temples, back of the neck, eyes, ears, back of the head, and at the base of the skull.
Headaches are mainly of two types:
Primary headache (not associated with any other disease) and
Secondary headache (caused by an injury or associated with a medical condition)
Primary headaches are of three different types:
Tension headache (46-48%): caused by stress, muscle strain, and anxiety
Migraine (14-16%): will cause intense pain and typically affect only one side of the head
Cluster headache: Rare but very severe pain which occurs on one side of the head
Best Home Remedies for Headaches
#1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint contains menthol that opens up clogged blood vessels and regulates the blood flow. As a result, oxygen reaches to all the vital organs quickly which increases the brains functionality and relieves you from headache.
The vasoconstricting and vasodilating properties of peppermint oil help in controlling the blood flow in the whole body and opens up the sinuses.
Peppermint oil is beneficial for migraine patients due to its calming property and numbing effect which eases the headache pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Peppermint Oil Massage
Mixing 3 drops of peppermint oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil, olive oil and a little water
Massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 2: Crushed Peppermint
Apply crushed peppermint leaves directly on your forehead
Procedure 3: Inhaling Steam
Inhale the steam by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the boiling water
#2. Ginger
Ginger reduces oxidative stress, which is the main trigger of migraine and also helps in suppressing nausea associated with migraines.
Ginger reduces inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus providing relief from a headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ginger Tea
Mix 2-3 slices of ginger root in a cup of hot water
Cover the cup and simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a squeeze of lemon juice and honey for a better taste
Procedure 2: Ginger Paste
Mix 1 teaspoon of dry ginger powder and 2 tablespoons of water
Apply the mixture on the forehead for a few minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
Procedure 3: Raw Ginger
Take 2-4 grams of ginger every day to relieve migraines
#3. Mint Juice
Menthol and Menthone which are the primary components of mint helps in opening the brain’s clogged blood vessels and brings relief from headache.
Mint’s refreshing and strong aroma has a soothing effect which helps in easing headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Mint Juice
Extract mint juice from a handful of fresh mint leaves
Apply on your forehead and temples
Optional: Mix coriander juice along with mint juice
Procedure 2: Mint Tea
Place mint tea compresses on the forehead and temples
#4. Lavender Oil
Lavender’s fragrance has a soothing effect. Inhaling the scent of lavender oil helps in soothing the nerves and muscles, thus relieving tension and headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Mix 2 drops of lavender oil in 2 cups of boiling water
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Lavender Oil Massage
Mix 2-3 drops of lavender oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil or olive oil
Massage your forehead with the mixture
#5. Basil
Basil works as a muscle relaxant making it helpful for treating headaches caused by tense and tight muscles. The calming and analgesic effects of basil oil are very helpful for soothing sinus pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Basil Tea
Steam 3-4 fresh basil leaves in a cup of water
Simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a teaspoon of honey for taste
Procedure 2: Inhale Steam
Boil 1 teaspoon of basil leaves in water
Inhale the vapor
Procedure 3: Basil Oil Massage
Mix basil oil with coconut oil and massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 4: Chew Basil Leaves
Chew 2-3 fresh basil leaves every day
#6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is an effective remedy for headache due to extreme cold weather. The head and neck muscle tensions are eased by consuming cinnamon and gives relief from primary headache.
How to use
Grind some cinnamon sticks into a powder
Add little quantity of water and make a thick paste
Apply this paste on your forehead and temples and for 30 minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
#7. Rosemary
Rosemary is a stress reliever which can help in curing tension and migraine headaches caused by muscle fatigues or joint pain.
Rosemary oil contains rosmarinic acid which has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that help in relieving primary headaches and curing tensions.
How to use
Procedure 1: Rosemary Tea
Boil 1 cup of water
Mix 1 tsp of crushed rosemary leaves and 1 tsp of crushed sage leaves
Allow tea to cool
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Procedure 2: Rosemary Oil Massage
Mix Rosemary oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (coconut or castor oil)
Massage on your forehead and temples.
#8. Cloves
The flavonoids in clove oil have anti-inflammatory properties that help ease the inflammation in the neck, forehead and the lower head region. Cloves also have a cooling effect all of which are helpful in alleviating all types of primary headaches.
Cloves have cooling and pain relieving properties and are beneficial in migraines and can ease even very severe headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Crush 3-4 cloves and mix them in a sachet or a clean handkerchief
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Clove Oil Massage
Mix 2 drops of clove oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil
Massage your forehead and temples
#9. Apple and Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple and Apple cider vinegar is helpful in preventing headaches due to digestion issues. The potassium content in apple cider vinegar help in preventing migraines.
Inhaling steam vapors of apple cider vinegar cleans out the sinuses and provide relief from a sinus headache. Further, Apple cider vinegar help to maintain the balance of acid-alkaline level in the body, thus reducing the occurrence of headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Apple Cider Vinegar Steam Inhalation
Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
Cover the cup and boil the mixture
Remove the mixture
Hold the towel and start inhaling the steam
Optional: Soak a cloth in cold apple cider vinegar for a few minutes and apply the compress on your forehead
Procedure 2: Apple
Sprinkle some salt on cut pieces of apple
Eat and drink some warm water after consuming
Procedure 3: Apple + Honey
Mix 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tsp of honey with an 8-ounce glass of water
Drink daily
Procedure 4: Apple + Honey + Lemon Juice
Add 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water with honey and a splash of lemon juice
Drink for 2 or 3 times daily
#10. Hot or Cold Pack
Ice and heat both help to reduce the painful primary headaches. Cold packs are helpful for migraine attacks whereas hot packs are useful for tension-type or muscle contraction headaches.
Ice packs have a numbing effect which helps to reduce the pain from headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ice Pack
Wrap the ice pack with cloth
Apply the ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes
Wait for an hour before re-applying
Use the ice pack on and off until the pain subsides
Procedure 2: Ice Pack with Wash Cloth
Dip a washcloth in ice water or hot water
Place the cloth over your forehead for 5 minutes
Repeat the process many times.
#11. Magnesium
Magnesium can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks in individuals having low levels of magnesium.
Regular intake of magnesium provides quick relief from chronic migraine and not only helps to prevent primary headaches but is also helpful in treating acute headaches
How to use
Consume 200 – 400 mg every day in the form of
Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, Kale
Fruits: Figs, Avacado, Banana
Legumes: Black beans Kidney Beans
Seafood: Salamon, tuna
The above home remedies are easily available at any home and provide relief from tension, migraine, and cluster headaches.
Despite undertaking remedies, if you do not get any relief and if the headache lasts for more than 24 hours than visit a  doctor immediately.
The post 11 Home Remedies for Headache appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Home Remedies for Headache published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
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evodex · 5 years
11 Home Remedies for Headache
Headache happens when one of your blood vessels in the brain has shrunk.
Headache is also caused due to the disturbance with pain-sensitive structures in the head. The pain-sensitive structures include the blood vessels, muscles, nerves of the head and neck.
Specific areas where headaches can occur include the forehead, temples, back of the neck, eyes, ears, back of the head, and at the base of the skull.
Headaches are mainly of two types:
Primary headache (not associated with any other disease) and
Secondary headache (caused by an injury or associated with a medical condition)
Primary headaches are of three different types:
Tension headache (46-48%): caused by stress, muscle strain, and anxiety
Migraine (14-16%): will cause intense pain and typically affect only one side of the head
Cluster headache: Rare but very severe pain which occurs on one side of the head
Best Home Remedies for Headaches
#1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint contains menthol that opens up clogged blood vessels and regulates the blood flow. As a result, oxygen reaches to all the vital organs quickly which increases the brains functionality and relieves you from headache.
The vasoconstricting and vasodilating properties of peppermint oil help in controlling the blood flow in the whole body and opens up the sinuses.
Peppermint oil is beneficial for migraine patients due to its calming property and numbing effect which eases the headache pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Peppermint Oil Massage
Mixing 3 drops of peppermint oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil, olive oil and a little water
Massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 2: Crushed Peppermint
Apply crushed peppermint leaves directly on your forehead
Procedure 3: Inhaling Steam
Inhale the steam by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the boiling water
#2. Ginger
Ginger reduces oxidative stress, which is the main trigger of migraine and also helps in suppressing nausea associated with migraines.
Ginger reduces inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus providing relief from a headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ginger Tea
Mix 2-3 slices of ginger root in a cup of hot water
Cover the cup and simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a squeeze of lemon juice and honey for a better taste
Procedure 2: Ginger Paste
Mix 1 teaspoon of dry ginger powder and 2 tablespoons of water
Apply the mixture on the forehead for a few minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
Procedure 3: Raw Ginger
Take 2-4 grams of ginger every day to relieve migraines
#3. Mint Juice
Menthol and Menthone which are the primary components of mint helps in opening the brain’s clogged blood vessels and brings relief from headache.
Mint’s refreshing and strong aroma has a soothing effect which helps in easing headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Mint Juice
Extract mint juice from a handful of fresh mint leaves
Apply on your forehead and temples
Optional: Mix coriander juice along with mint juice
Procedure 2: Mint Tea
Place mint tea compresses on the forehead and temples
#4. Lavender Oil
Lavender’s fragrance has a soothing effect. Inhaling the scent of lavender oil helps in soothing the nerves and muscles, thus relieving tension and headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Mix 2 drops of lavender oil in 2 cups of boiling water
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Lavender Oil Massage
Mix 2-3 drops of lavender oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil or olive oil
Massage your forehead with the mixture
#5. Basil
Basil works as a muscle relaxant making it helpful for treating headaches caused by tense and tight muscles. The calming and analgesic effects of basil oil are very helpful for soothing sinus pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Basil Tea
Steam 3-4 fresh basil leaves in a cup of water
Simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a teaspoon of honey for taste
Procedure 2: Inhale Steam
Boil 1 teaspoon of basil leaves in water
Inhale the vapor
Procedure 3: Basil Oil Massage
Mix basil oil with coconut oil and massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 4: Chew Basil Leaves
Chew 2-3 fresh basil leaves every day
#6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is an effective remedy for headache due to extreme cold weather. The head and neck muscle tensions are eased by consuming cinnamon and gives relief from primary headache.
How to use
Grind some cinnamon sticks into a powder
Add little quantity of water and make a thick paste
Apply this paste on your forehead and temples and for 30 minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
#7. Rosemary
Rosemary is a stress reliever which can help in curing tension and migraine headaches caused by muscle fatigues or joint pain.
Rosemary oil contains rosmarinic acid which has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that help in relieving primary headaches and curing tensions.
How to use
Procedure 1: Rosemary Tea
Boil 1 cup of water
Mix 1 tsp of crushed rosemary leaves and 1 tsp of crushed sage leaves
Allow tea to cool
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Procedure 2: Rosemary Oil Massage
Mix Rosemary oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (coconut or castor oil)
Massage on your forehead and temples.
#8. Cloves
The flavonoids in clove oil have anti-inflammatory properties that help ease the inflammation in the neck, forehead and the lower head region. Cloves also have a cooling effect all of which are helpful in alleviating all types of primary headaches.
Cloves have cooling and pain relieving properties and are beneficial in migraines and can ease even very severe headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Crush 3-4 cloves and mix them in a sachet or a clean handkerchief
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Clove Oil Massage
Mix 2 drops of clove oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil
Massage your forehead and temples
#9. Apple and Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple and Apple cider vinegar is helpful in preventing headaches due to digestion issues. The potassium content in apple cider vinegar help in preventing migraines.
Inhaling steam vapors of apple cider vinegar cleans out the sinuses and provide relief from a sinus headache. Further, Apple cider vinegar help to maintain the balance of acid-alkaline level in the body, thus reducing the occurrence of headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Apple Cider Vinegar Steam Inhalation
Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
Cover the cup and boil the mixture
Remove the mixture
Hold the towel and start inhaling the steam
Optional: Soak a cloth in cold apple cider vinegar for a few minutes and apply the compress on your forehead
Procedure 2: Apple
Sprinkle some salt on cut pieces of apple
Eat and drink some warm water after consuming
Procedure 3: Apple + Honey
Mix 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tsp of honey with an 8-ounce glass of water
Drink daily
Procedure 4: Apple + Honey + Lemon Juice
Add 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water with honey and a splash of lemon juice
Drink for 2 or 3 times daily
#10. Hot or Cold Pack
Ice and heat both help to reduce the painful primary headaches. Cold packs are helpful for migraine attacks whereas hot packs are useful for tension-type or muscle contraction headaches.
Ice packs have a numbing effect which helps to reduce the pain from headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ice Pack
Wrap the ice pack with cloth
Apply the ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes
Wait for an hour before re-applying
Use the ice pack on and off until the pain subsides
Procedure 2: Ice Pack with Wash Cloth
Dip a washcloth in ice water or hot water
Place the cloth over your forehead for 5 minutes
Repeat the process many times.
#11. Magnesium
Magnesium can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks in individuals having low levels of magnesium.
Regular intake of magnesium provides quick relief from chronic migraine and not only helps to prevent primary headaches but is also helpful in treating acute headaches
How to use
Consume 200 – 400 mg every day in the form of
Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, Kale
Fruits: Figs, Avacado, Banana
Legumes: Black beans Kidney Beans
Seafood: Salamon, tuna
The above home remedies are easily available at any home and provide relief from tension, migraine, and cluster headaches.
Despite undertaking remedies, if you do not get any relief and if the headache lasts for more than 24 hours than visit a  doctor immediately.
The post 11 Home Remedies for Headache appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Home Remedies for Headache published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
0 notes
evodex · 5 years
11 Home Remedies for Headache
Headache happens when one of your blood vessels in the brain has shrunk.
Headache is also caused due to the disturbance with pain-sensitive structures in the head. The pain-sensitive structures include the blood vessels, muscles, nerves of the head and neck.
Specific areas where headaches can occur include the forehead, temples, back of the neck, eyes, ears, back of the head, and at the base of the skull.
Headaches are mainly of two types:
Primary headache (not associated with any other disease) and
Secondary headache (caused by an injury or associated with a medical condition)
Primary headaches are of three different types:
Tension headache (46-48%): caused by stress, muscle strain, and anxiety
Migraine (14-16%): will cause intense pain and typically affect only one side of the head
Cluster headache: Rare but very severe pain which occurs on one side of the head
Best Home Remedies for Headaches
#1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint contains menthol that opens up clogged blood vessels and regulates the blood flow. As a result, oxygen reaches to all the vital organs quickly which increases the brains functionality and relieves you from headache.
The vasoconstricting and vasodilating properties of peppermint oil help in controlling the blood flow in the whole body and opens up the sinuses.
Peppermint oil is beneficial for migraine patients due to its calming property and numbing effect which eases the headache pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Peppermint Oil Massage
Mixing 3 drops of peppermint oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil, olive oil and a little water
Massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 2: Crushed Peppermint
Apply crushed peppermint leaves directly on your forehead
Procedure 3: Inhaling Steam
Inhale the steam by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the boiling water
#2. Ginger
Ginger reduces oxidative stress, which is the main trigger of migraine and also helps in suppressing nausea associated with migraines.
Ginger reduces inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus providing relief from a headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ginger Tea
Mix 2-3 slices of ginger root in a cup of hot water
Cover the cup and simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a squeeze of lemon juice and honey for a better taste
Procedure 2: Ginger Paste
Mix 1 teaspoon of dry ginger powder and 2 tablespoons of water
Apply the mixture on the forehead for a few minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
Procedure 3: Raw Ginger
Take 2-4 grams of ginger every day to relieve migraines
#3. Mint Juice
Menthol and Menthone which are the primary components of mint helps in opening the brain’s clogged blood vessels and brings relief from headache.
Mint’s refreshing and strong aroma has a soothing effect which helps in easing headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Mint Juice
Extract mint juice from a handful of fresh mint leaves
Apply on your forehead and temples
Optional: Mix coriander juice along with mint juice
Procedure 2: Mint Tea
Place mint tea compresses on the forehead and temples
#4. Lavender Oil
Lavender’s fragrance has a soothing effect. Inhaling the scent of lavender oil helps in soothing the nerves and muscles, thus relieving tension and headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Mix 2 drops of lavender oil in 2 cups of boiling water
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Lavender Oil Massage
Mix 2-3 drops of lavender oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil or olive oil
Massage your forehead with the mixture
#5. Basil
Basil works as a muscle relaxant making it helpful for treating headaches caused by tense and tight muscles. The calming and analgesic effects of basil oil are very helpful for soothing sinus pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Basil Tea
Steam 3-4 fresh basil leaves in a cup of water
Simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a teaspoon of honey for taste
Procedure 2: Inhale Steam
Boil 1 teaspoon of basil leaves in water
Inhale the vapor
Procedure 3: Basil Oil Massage
Mix basil oil with coconut oil and massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 4: Chew Basil Leaves
Chew 2-3 fresh basil leaves every day
#6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is an effective remedy for headache due to extreme cold weather. The head and neck muscle tensions are eased by consuming cinnamon and gives relief from primary headache.
How to use
Grind some cinnamon sticks into a powder
Add little quantity of water and make a thick paste
Apply this paste on your forehead and temples and for 30 minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
#7. Rosemary
Rosemary is a stress reliever which can help in curing tension and migraine headaches caused by muscle fatigues or joint pain.
Rosemary oil contains rosmarinic acid which has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that help in relieving primary headaches and curing tensions.
How to use
Procedure 1: Rosemary Tea
Boil 1 cup of water
Mix 1 tsp of crushed rosemary leaves and 1 tsp of crushed sage leaves
Allow tea to cool
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Procedure 2: Rosemary Oil Massage
Mix Rosemary oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (coconut or castor oil)
Massage on your forehead and temples.
#8. Cloves
The flavonoids in clove oil have anti-inflammatory properties that help ease the inflammation in the neck, forehead and the lower head region. Cloves also have a cooling effect all of which are helpful in alleviating all types of primary headaches.
Cloves have cooling and pain relieving properties and are beneficial in migraines and can ease even very severe headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Crush 3-4 cloves and mix them in a sachet or a clean handkerchief
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Clove Oil Massage
Mix 2 drops of clove oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil
Massage your forehead and temples
#9. Apple and Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple and Apple cider vinegar is helpful in preventing headaches due to digestion issues. The potassium content in apple cider vinegar help in preventing migraines.
Inhaling steam vapors of apple cider vinegar cleans out the sinuses and provide relief from a sinus headache. Further, Apple cider vinegar help to maintain the balance of acid-alkaline level in the body, thus reducing the occurrence of headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Apple Cider Vinegar Steam Inhalation
Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
Cover the cup and boil the mixture
Remove the mixture
Hold the towel and start inhaling the steam
Optional: Soak a cloth in cold apple cider vinegar for a few minutes and apply the compress on your forehead
Procedure 2: Apple
Sprinkle some salt on cut pieces of apple
Eat and drink some warm water after consuming
Procedure 3: Apple + Honey
Mix 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tsp of honey with an 8-ounce glass of water
Drink daily
Procedure 4: Apple + Honey + Lemon Juice
Add 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water with honey and a splash of lemon juice
Drink for 2 or 3 times daily
#10. Hot or Cold Pack
Ice and heat both help to reduce the painful primary headaches. Cold packs are helpful for migraine attacks whereas hot packs are useful for tension-type or muscle contraction headaches.
Ice packs have a numbing effect which helps to reduce the pain from headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ice Pack
Wrap the ice pack with cloth
Apply the ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes
Wait for an hour before re-applying
Use the ice pack on and off until the pain subsides
Procedure 2: Ice Pack with Wash Cloth
Dip a washcloth in ice water or hot water
Place the cloth over your forehead for 5 minutes
Repeat the process many times.
#11. Magnesium
Magnesium can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks in individuals having low levels of magnesium.
Regular intake of magnesium provides quick relief from chronic migraine and not only helps to prevent primary headaches but is also helpful in treating acute headaches
How to use
Consume 200 – 400 mg every day in the form of
Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, Kale
Fruits: Figs, Avacado, Banana
Legumes: Black beans Kidney Beans
Seafood: Salamon, tuna
The above home remedies are easily available at any home and provide relief from tension, migraine, and cluster headaches.
Despite undertaking remedies, if you do not get any relief and if the headache lasts for more than 24 hours than visit a  doctor immediately.
The post 11 Home Remedies for Headache appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Home Remedies for Headache published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
0 notes
evodex · 5 years
11 Home Remedies for Headache
Headache happens when one of your blood vessels in the brain has shrunk.
Headache is also caused due to the disturbance with pain-sensitive structures in the head. The pain-sensitive structures include the blood vessels, muscles, nerves of the head and neck.
Specific areas where headaches can occur include the forehead, temples, back of the neck, eyes, ears, back of the head, and at the base of the skull.
Headaches are mainly of two types:
Primary headache (not associated with any other disease) and
Secondary headache (caused by an injury or associated with a medical condition)
Primary headaches are of three different types:
Tension headache (46-48%): caused by stress, muscle strain, and anxiety
Migraine (14-16%): will cause intense pain and typically affect only one side of the head
Cluster headache: Rare but very severe pain which occurs on one side of the head
Best Home Remedies for Headaches
#1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint contains menthol that opens up clogged blood vessels and regulates the blood flow. As a result, oxygen reaches to all the vital organs quickly which increases the brains functionality and relieves you from headache.
The vasoconstricting and vasodilating properties of peppermint oil help in controlling the blood flow in the whole body and opens up the sinuses.
Peppermint oil is beneficial for migraine patients due to its calming property and numbing effect which eases the headache pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Peppermint Oil Massage
Mixing 3 drops of peppermint oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil, olive oil and a little water
Massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 2: Crushed Peppermint
Apply crushed peppermint leaves directly on your forehead
Procedure 3: Inhaling Steam
Inhale the steam by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the boiling water
#2. Ginger
Ginger reduces oxidative stress, which is the main trigger of migraine and also helps in suppressing nausea associated with migraines.
Ginger reduces inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus providing relief from a headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ginger Tea
Mix 2-3 slices of ginger root in a cup of hot water
Cover the cup and simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a squeeze of lemon juice and honey for a better taste
Procedure 2: Ginger Paste
Mix 1 teaspoon of dry ginger powder and 2 tablespoons of water
Apply the mixture on the forehead for a few minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
Procedure 3: Raw Ginger
Take 2-4 grams of ginger every day to relieve migraines
#3. Mint Juice
Menthol and Menthone which are the primary components of mint helps in opening the brain’s clogged blood vessels and brings relief from headache.
Mint’s refreshing and strong aroma has a soothing effect which helps in easing headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Mint Juice
Extract mint juice from a handful of fresh mint leaves
Apply on your forehead and temples
Optional: Mix coriander juice along with mint juice
Procedure 2: Mint Tea
Place mint tea compresses on the forehead and temples
#4. Lavender Oil
Lavender’s fragrance has a soothing effect. Inhaling the scent of lavender oil helps in soothing the nerves and muscles, thus relieving tension and headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Mix 2 drops of lavender oil in 2 cups of boiling water
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Lavender Oil Massage
Mix 2-3 drops of lavender oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil or olive oil
Massage your forehead with the mixture
#5. Basil
Basil works as a muscle relaxant making it helpful for treating headaches caused by tense and tight muscles. The calming and analgesic effects of basil oil are very helpful for soothing sinus pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Basil Tea
Steam 3-4 fresh basil leaves in a cup of water
Simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a teaspoon of honey for taste
Procedure 2: Inhale Steam
Boil 1 teaspoon of basil leaves in water
Inhale the vapor
Procedure 3: Basil Oil Massage
Mix basil oil with coconut oil and massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 4: Chew Basil Leaves
Chew 2-3 fresh basil leaves every day
#6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is an effective remedy for headache due to extreme cold weather. The head and neck muscle tensions are eased by consuming cinnamon and gives relief from primary headache.
How to use
Grind some cinnamon sticks into a powder
Add little quantity of water and make a thick paste
Apply this paste on your forehead and temples and for 30 minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
#7. Rosemary
Rosemary is a stress reliever which can help in curing tension and migraine headaches caused by muscle fatigues or joint pain.
Rosemary oil contains rosmarinic acid which has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that help in relieving primary headaches and curing tensions.
How to use
Procedure 1: Rosemary Tea
Boil 1 cup of water
Mix 1 tsp of crushed rosemary leaves and 1 tsp of crushed sage leaves
Allow tea to cool
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Procedure 2: Rosemary Oil Massage
Mix Rosemary oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (coconut or castor oil)
Massage on your forehead and temples.
#8. Cloves
The flavonoids in clove oil have anti-inflammatory properties that help ease the inflammation in the neck, forehead and the lower head region. Cloves also have a cooling effect all of which are helpful in alleviating all types of primary headaches.
Cloves have cooling and pain relieving properties and are beneficial in migraines and can ease even very severe headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Crush 3-4 cloves and mix them in a sachet or a clean handkerchief
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Clove Oil Massage
Mix 2 drops of clove oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil
Massage your forehead and temples
#9. Apple and Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple and Apple cider vinegar is helpful in preventing headaches due to digestion issues. The potassium content in apple cider vinegar help in preventing migraines.
Inhaling steam vapors of apple cider vinegar cleans out the sinuses and provide relief from a sinus headache. Further, Apple cider vinegar help to maintain the balance of acid-alkaline level in the body, thus reducing the occurrence of headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Apple Cider Vinegar Steam Inhalation
Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
Cover the cup and boil the mixture
Remove the mixture
Hold the towel and start inhaling the steam
Optional: Soak a cloth in cold apple cider vinegar for a few minutes and apply the compress on your forehead
Procedure 2: Apple
Sprinkle some salt on cut pieces of apple
Eat and drink some warm water after consuming
Procedure 3: Apple + Honey
Mix 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tsp of honey with an 8-ounce glass of water
Drink daily
Procedure 4: Apple + Honey + Lemon Juice
Add 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water with honey and a splash of lemon juice
Drink for 2 or 3 times daily
#10. Hot or Cold Pack
Ice and heat both help to reduce the painful primary headaches. Cold packs are helpful for migraine attacks whereas hot packs are useful for tension-type or muscle contraction headaches.
Ice packs have a numbing effect which helps to reduce the pain from headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ice Pack
Wrap the ice pack with cloth
Apply the ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes
Wait for an hour before re-applying
Use the ice pack on and off until the pain subsides
Procedure 2: Ice Pack with Wash Cloth
Dip a washcloth in ice water or hot water
Place the cloth over your forehead for 5 minutes
Repeat the process many times.
#11. Magnesium
Magnesium can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks in individuals having low levels of magnesium.
Regular intake of magnesium provides quick relief from chronic migraine and not only helps to prevent primary headaches but is also helpful in treating acute headaches
How to use
Consume 200 – 400 mg every day in the form of
Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, Kale
Fruits: Figs, Avacado, Banana
Legumes: Black beans Kidney Beans
Seafood: Salamon, tuna
The above home remedies are easily available at any home and provide relief from tension, migraine, and cluster headaches.
Despite undertaking remedies, if you do not get any relief and if the headache lasts for more than 24 hours than visit a  doctor immediately.
The post 11 Home Remedies for Headache appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Home Remedies for Headache published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
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evodex · 5 years
11 Home Remedies for Headache
Headache happens when one of your blood vessels in the brain has shrunk.
Headache is also caused due to the disturbance with pain-sensitive structures in the head. The pain-sensitive structures include the blood vessels, muscles, nerves of the head and neck.
Specific areas where headaches can occur include the forehead, temples, back of the neck, eyes, ears, back of the head, and at the base of the skull.
Headaches are mainly of two types:
Primary headache (not associated with any other disease) and
Secondary headache (caused by an injury or associated with a medical condition)
Primary headaches are of three different types:
Tension headache (46-48%): caused by stress, muscle strain, and anxiety
Migraine (14-16%): will cause intense pain and typically affect only one side of the head
Cluster headache: Rare but very severe pain which occurs on one side of the head
Best Home Remedies for Headaches
#1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint contains menthol that opens up clogged blood vessels and regulates the blood flow. As a result, oxygen reaches to all the vital organs quickly which increases the brains functionality and relieves you from headache.
The vasoconstricting and vasodilating properties of peppermint oil help in controlling the blood flow in the whole body and opens up the sinuses.
Peppermint oil is beneficial for migraine patients due to its calming property and numbing effect which eases the headache pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Peppermint Oil Massage
Mixing 3 drops of peppermint oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil, olive oil and a little water
Massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 2: Crushed Peppermint
Apply crushed peppermint leaves directly on your forehead
Procedure 3: Inhaling Steam
Inhale the steam by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the boiling water
#2. Ginger
Ginger reduces oxidative stress, which is the main trigger of migraine and also helps in suppressing nausea associated with migraines.
Ginger reduces inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus providing relief from a headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ginger Tea
Mix 2-3 slices of ginger root in a cup of hot water
Cover the cup and simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a squeeze of lemon juice and honey for a better taste
Procedure 2: Ginger Paste
Mix 1 teaspoon of dry ginger powder and 2 tablespoons of water
Apply the mixture on the forehead for a few minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
Procedure 3: Raw Ginger
Take 2-4 grams of ginger every day to relieve migraines
#3. Mint Juice
Menthol and Menthone which are the primary components of mint helps in opening the brain’s clogged blood vessels and brings relief from headache.
Mint’s refreshing and strong aroma has a soothing effect which helps in easing headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Mint Juice
Extract mint juice from a handful of fresh mint leaves
Apply on your forehead and temples
Optional: Mix coriander juice along with mint juice
Procedure 2: Mint Tea
Place mint tea compresses on the forehead and temples
#4. Lavender Oil
Lavender’s fragrance has a soothing effect. Inhaling the scent of lavender oil helps in soothing the nerves and muscles, thus relieving tension and headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Mix 2 drops of lavender oil in 2 cups of boiling water
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Lavender Oil Massage
Mix 2-3 drops of lavender oil in 1 tablespoon of almond oil or olive oil
Massage your forehead with the mixture
#5. Basil
Basil works as a muscle relaxant making it helpful for treating headaches caused by tense and tight muscles. The calming and analgesic effects of basil oil are very helpful for soothing sinus pain.
How to use
Procedure 1: Basil Tea
Steam 3-4 fresh basil leaves in a cup of water
Simmer for 10-15 minutes
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Optional: Add a teaspoon of honey for taste
Procedure 2: Inhale Steam
Boil 1 teaspoon of basil leaves in water
Inhale the vapor
Procedure 3: Basil Oil Massage
Mix basil oil with coconut oil and massage your forehead and temples
Procedure 4: Chew Basil Leaves
Chew 2-3 fresh basil leaves every day
#6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is an effective remedy for headache due to extreme cold weather. The head and neck muscle tensions are eased by consuming cinnamon and gives relief from primary headache.
How to use
Grind some cinnamon sticks into a powder
Add little quantity of water and make a thick paste
Apply this paste on your forehead and temples and for 30 minutes
Wash with lukewarm water
#7. Rosemary
Rosemary is a stress reliever which can help in curing tension and migraine headaches caused by muscle fatigues or joint pain.
Rosemary oil contains rosmarinic acid which has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that help in relieving primary headaches and curing tensions.
How to use
Procedure 1: Rosemary Tea
Boil 1 cup of water
Mix 1 tsp of crushed rosemary leaves and 1 tsp of crushed sage leaves
Allow tea to cool
Strain the tea and consume slowly
Procedure 2: Rosemary Oil Massage
Mix Rosemary oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (coconut or castor oil)
Massage on your forehead and temples.
#8. Cloves
The flavonoids in clove oil have anti-inflammatory properties that help ease the inflammation in the neck, forehead and the lower head region. Cloves also have a cooling effect all of which are helpful in alleviating all types of primary headaches.
Cloves have cooling and pain relieving properties and are beneficial in migraines and can ease even very severe headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Inhale Steam
Crush 3-4 cloves and mix them in a sachet or a clean handkerchief
Inhale the vapour
Procedure 2: Clove Oil Massage
Mix 2 drops of clove oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil
Massage your forehead and temples
#9. Apple and Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple and Apple cider vinegar is helpful in preventing headaches due to digestion issues. The potassium content in apple cider vinegar help in preventing migraines.
Inhaling steam vapors of apple cider vinegar cleans out the sinuses and provide relief from a sinus headache. Further, Apple cider vinegar help to maintain the balance of acid-alkaline level in the body, thus reducing the occurrence of headache.
How to use
Procedure 1: Apple Cider Vinegar Steam Inhalation
Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
Cover the cup and boil the mixture
Remove the mixture
Hold the towel and start inhaling the steam
Optional: Soak a cloth in cold apple cider vinegar for a few minutes and apply the compress on your forehead
Procedure 2: Apple
Sprinkle some salt on cut pieces of apple
Eat and drink some warm water after consuming
Procedure 3: Apple + Honey
Mix 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tsp of honey with an 8-ounce glass of water
Drink daily
Procedure 4: Apple + Honey + Lemon Juice
Add 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water with honey and a splash of lemon juice
Drink for 2 or 3 times daily
#10. Hot or Cold Pack
Ice and heat both help to reduce the painful primary headaches. Cold packs are helpful for migraine attacks whereas hot packs are useful for tension-type or muscle contraction headaches.
Ice packs have a numbing effect which helps to reduce the pain from headaches.
How to use
Procedure 1: Ice Pack
Wrap the ice pack with cloth
Apply the ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes
Wait for an hour before re-applying
Use the ice pack on and off until the pain subsides
Procedure 2: Ice Pack with Wash Cloth
Dip a washcloth in ice water or hot water
Place the cloth over your forehead for 5 minutes
Repeat the process many times.
#11. Magnesium
Magnesium can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks in individuals having low levels of magnesium.
Regular intake of magnesium provides quick relief from chronic migraine and not only helps to prevent primary headaches but is also helpful in treating acute headaches
How to use
Consume 200 – 400 mg every day in the form of
Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, Kale
Fruits: Figs, Avacado, Banana
Legumes: Black beans Kidney Beans
Seafood: Salamon, tuna
The above home remedies are easily available at any home and provide relief from tension, migraine, and cluster headaches.
Despite undertaking remedies, if you do not get any relief and if the headache lasts for more than 24 hours than visit a  doctor immediately.
The post 11 Home Remedies for Headache appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Home Remedies for Headache published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
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