#the wicker man mtl fic
the-loveliest-lotus · 7 months
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Just realized that I never posted this gorgeous image of these two goofballs that @plvtosun made, so I'm posting it just in time for Valentine's Day. 🖤🖤🖤
My rainbow beauty Lucy and the Devil from Bluesklok giving her a flower "not of this realm." You can't quite see it because of upload quality, but the edges of the flower are rainbow like her hair.
Still so in love with this image, still have it as my phone background, I swear I'm normal about Rainbow Blues.
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the-loveliest-lotus · 7 months
I am chugging along on the rewrites for The Wicker Man (my Metalocalypse fanfic). I know I haven't been hella active lately, life stuff combined with rewrites. I am getting there on the rewrites though. I have I *think* two more big scenes to completely rework, and the rest is just grammar, flow, and little tidbits for vibes.
Once I'm finished with the rewrites I'll make a post with the changes that I've made. It'll give those who want to a chance to skim rather than reread, though I'd highly recommend a rereading when I'm done to get a feel for how Lucy has changed.
I do have the next Chapter post rewrites pretty much written, so once the rewrites are done I anticipate posting that shortly after.
I still have 10 or 11 Chapters to edit, but progress is being made and these next chapters should be easier to handle.
Anyways, hope y'all are doing awesome but wanted to let people who were reading The Wicker Man know what was up. <3 I appreciate y'all.
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the-loveliest-lotus · 5 months
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Good of a time as any to reintroduce my Metalocalypse OC Angie Desmond, my main OC Lucy's mother, featured in my long fic The Wicker Man as an occasional character. (Her birthday would be April 12th, but it took me a minute to finish this.)
In The Wicker Man MTL universe, Angie was part of why Pickles got into punk, and she was very welcoming and treated Pickles as though he was one of her own.
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the-loveliest-lotus · 10 months
Chapter 19: The Sacred Flame
The next chapter of my Metalocalypse fanfiction The Wicker Man has arrived!!! :D
Read here on AO3
Chapter summary: Charles visits the Church of the Black Klok to see how Lucy fits into the Prophecy. Meanwhile Pickles takes Lucy and Toki to get back tattoos.
Featuring appearances from my newest background OCs Elvis and Artie, who are both tattoo artists.
5,230 words
@thatwritingho pointed out that we both posted out 19th chapters on the 19th for our big MTL fics. XD
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the-loveliest-lotus · 3 years
I guess this is as good a first post as any. I’m “The Loveliest Lotus” and I wanted to introduce myself in the Metalocalypse community.
Started a new OC fanfiction for Metalocalypse because apparently that’s my current hyperfixation and actually posting it made me ~nervous~ af. Ripping the band-aid off and posting a link for it here as part of my intro.
Here’s Chapter One on AO3. It’s going to be a reverse harem fic with focus on Pickles x OC and Knubbler x OC because I felt like it, but eventually everyone with the OC.
Wanted to give a quick little shoutout to @thatwritingho for the absolute beauty that is Momento Mori, which planted the seed for this to exist. 
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the-loveliest-lotus · 3 years
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Me: I’m just gonna do a lil sketch of the chapter I wrote, it shouldn’t take too long.
~16 hours later~
NGL, posting this makes me nervous, but here goes nothin’.
I wanted to illustrate a cute little moment of cuddles between Dick Knubbler and my OC Lucy, and it turned into a whole thing. 
For my second drawing in who knows how long, I think it’s pretty decent. I’m not in love with the dimensions on the bodies, as well as some of the features, and good god, I am not ready to try at hands and feet yet, BUT overall it makes me smile. I’m hoping some of y’all enjoy it all the same. 🖤
Warning: The story contains explicit material. Kindly observe the tags and read at your own risk.
Read the chapter here.
Read it from the beginning here. 
Bonus headcanon: We’ve seen all of the members of Dethklok and Charles in a robe in the show. If we assume they all have robes, I think Dick would have a burgundy Hugh Hefner style bathrobe that’s plush AF.
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the-loveliest-lotus · 3 years
I was inspired by @gointothevvater 's mood boards to make some mood boards for my Metalocalypse OC! The first one is Lucy's overall vibe, the second is her and Pickles, the third is her and Knubbler. 🖤
Side note questions to the general populace because I'm new to this app:
Do people on Tumblr read corresponding fanfics on AO3? Do people link their fanfics in each post or just let people find the links on their blog with a pinned post? Do people just post chapters as posts here as well as on AO3?
I am toying with the idea of posting a bio on here as well as Lucy's more final form, but I don't know if that would give away too many spoilers? Or does it really matter? Probably gonna do it.
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the-loveliest-lotus · 3 years
Chapter Rating: Adults Only
Lucy gets to meet Knubbler, there's an obvious attraction there and Knubbler teaches her a bit about the recording equipment. Lucy watches what is a fairly smooth recording session, and then she and Pickles go back to his room for a little flagrante delicto.
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the-loveliest-lotus · 3 years
Dethentine’s Week: “Be My Valentine”
A mini fic with Pickles and my OC Lucy exchanging Valentines below the cut
Word Count: 594 words
Rated probably Teen for language and innuendo
Pickles knocked on Lucy’s bedroom door. The both of them had agreed that Valentine’s Day was an absolutely ridiculous holiday that was designed to sell greeting cards to people, but they had both decided to get each other a little something without the other one knowing.
Lucy opened the door with a little smirk on her face.
“So ya know how Valentine’s Day is a bullshit commercial holiday and all that crap?”
“Yeah,” she said, amused.
“Still got ya somethin’,” he said as he pulled an ornate heart shaped box and a card out from behind his back.
Lucy grinned at him, “I might’ve got you somethin’ too.”
“You didn’t have ta-“
“And neither did you. Come on, sit on the couch, get comfy.”
Pickles sat down and Lucy walked over to her closet and pulled out a gift bag. “I didn’t think about a card though.”
“Pfft, you didn’t even have ta get me anything, Luce.”
She sat down next to him with the bag and said, “Alright, you wanna go first?”
“Ahlright.” Pickles pulled something soft and wrapped in tissue paper out of the bag. When he pulled the tissue paper off, he saw a patchwork octopus, probably the size of a basketball with comedically posed tentacles and big marble eyes. The material looked like scrap material that had been artfully sewn together. “Did you make this?”
“Yeah. Isn’t he cute? I took scraps from Mama’s old scrap bag to make him, didn’t cut anything just pieced him together, and I added a few of my scraps to it.”
Pickles was touched. Mama Desmond’s scrap bag was something practically sacred, considering she was gone. For Lucy to have used as much as she must have to make this… This was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for him. “Luce, I love it. Thank you.” He put the octopus in his lap and said, “Ahlright, now open yers.”
She opened the card first, and the front said a simple ‘To my Valentine.’ When she opened it, music started playing.
♪My love for you is like a truck, berserker
Would you like some making fuck, berserker♫
Lucy cackled, “Did you fucking get the guys to help you cover that Clerks song for this?”
Pickles shrugged, “Mighta asked a favor of ‘em.”
“This is amazing, thank you so much.”
She let the card continue playing as she opened the heart shaped box. Lucy knew it wasn’t chocolate, Pickles knew her better than that. Inside of the box were 20 gram sized nugs of different strains of weed, and an 8th of her favorite strain in the middle. There was a little handwritten guide to tell what the strains were on the inside of the box.
The amount of time and thought Pickles had to have put into picking out the strains and writing them in on the box was touching. Lucy could have almost cried, which must have shown on her face because Pickles went, “Dood, I’m sahree, I suck at this and yer gift is way better-“
She cut him off, “Don’t you dare apologize, this is the sweetest gift you could have given me.” No one had ever put that much thought into a Valentine’s Day present for her. And it was just so perfectly ‘them.’
“Yes, I love it.”
Pickles got a mischievous grin on his face, and said, “Well uh, would you like some making fuck?”
Lucy chuckled as she set the octopus aside on the coffee table and purred “Berserker,” as she slid into his lap.
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