#the wiki can't save me apparently haha
hahaheart1 · 3 months
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Fascinating! But also I am mildly concerned! Yippie!!! But also I haven't seen anything about this!!! That worries me :D!
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leogichidaa · 2 years
I can also see that intense possessiveness translating into other relationships both ways romantic and platonic. 😊
Yes! I know this doesn't actually fit with the timeline of events, but one of my early marauders hc's was that the WW prank was a result of Sirius becoming frustrated and threatened by the amount of time that James was spending with Lily. So he's like, trying to take James back to his roots by doing the thing that bonded them together and, conveniently, that Lily hates: tormenting Snape. And he goes up to James like, "Haha, you'll never guess what I told Snivellus!" and waits for James to laugh and high five him or some shit, and instead James sprints off to save the day and Sirius is standing there like "I did bad???"
Even though that scenario doesn't fit canon neatly, I do still think that Sirius would have been a bit jealous of Lily at first. Eventually, they become friends in their own right, Sirius sees that she's good for James and vice versa, but in the beginning I can't see how they wouldn't butt heads.
Meanwhile, Regulus is buying his girl panties that say "Do Not Enter Without the Express Permission of Regulus Black" (I still get ads for customizable underwear since making that post and I have no regrets). Which gives the fun impression that, under the right circumstances, he might grant that permission. But this is not actually a hotwife situation, to be clear. Regulus is not Rodolphus, he's not lending out his wife like a house elf (and after that whole debacle, he's hardly lending out his least favorite quill, let alone his life partner).
No one learned "sharing is caring" in the Black household. Sharing is for chumps. Hexing someone within an inch of their life for looking at your loved ones funny, now that is caring.
On a completely unrelated note, I'm never sure how to spell "Rodolphus" and I had to google it and the first thing that comes up under the images when you google Rodolphus is an insanely attractive dude, and I was like "damn, wtf, who decided that Rodolphus should be an absolute stunner?" Apparently this dude is Aidan Turner in the real world and the folks at HP Mischief Wiki have made him their Rodolphus:
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This is bad for my health because I already just have a thing for "R" names like excuse me, I'm sorry, I don't want to be more attracted to Rodolphus Lestrange, thank you.
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