#the wombo combo of hongo problems
bugtransport · 2 years
okay look i might have forgotten i can long post here. so. here you go: this is the actual context for that picture i did last night (here) which i have only somewhat edited from a discord message i sent someone so hopefully this is coherent. spaghetti incoming
here's the fucking description of what i've been thinking about for like the past two months. so i think as i mentioned [well, maybe not here actually, come to think of it. for those who didn't know: this is the context of how i first came up with this] i ran through the episodes from when hongo left to when hayato came in in one single sitting after my covid booster when i was running a fat fever and i could not stop thinking about that ep where hongo "misses" his friends wedding because his actor is down for the count. i get why it happened logistically but y'know it just seems sooooo out of character for him. but maybe it could make sense with the right context... therefore: there must be something more important going on that he's just not telling people about for some reason. hayato enters, he's like "oh yeah hongo saved me!!" there we are. that right there is a hook for me. started thinking.
since hayato got rescued by hongo he didnt necessarily need to be awake for the rescuing or even for the surgery to be nearly as complete as hongo's was. hongo's a smart guy right. he could finish the surgery maybe. was not aware of V3 at this point so you know what? my brain is just huge. anyway. the theory then was: hongo scooped hayato out of there and wrapped up what little was left to wrap up at home.
that took care of my issues:
why the fuck did he miss the wedding: probably he was waiting for hayato to wake up
why was he gone so often and would only show up ask Kamen Rider: he was off showing hayato the ropes. i can see him being like a mother hen and trying to ease him into all the discomforts of being a borg (he unplugs his fridge so it doesn't make noise and distract hayato's Newly Sensitive Ears, dimming the lights even more than is normal in hongo's ridiculously dark bachelor pad, etc.) (i don't think hayato needs this i just take hongo as both a little neurotic and sensitive to stimuli) (I AM TOO i can say that) (hayato's way more interested in the cool borg stuff)
why didn't he tell anyone: borg issues and being afraid of shocker catching wind before hayato was up and running. makes total sense to me; the wombo combo of Hongo Problems
i don't have a way to end this post besides telling you that i think this makes sense and i like it :) obviously now that i'm in V3 and know that hongo CAN actually borg someone up... he had to have experience with that and what better way to start than to have tightened the last couple screws and put the finishing touches on hayato to save him too
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