#the women of Devil's Eye are gremlins istg
sins-of-the-sea · 3 years
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It was unintentional at first, but thanks to changes in the story, I can definitely say that, yes, both the Crews of La Demonia Roja and the Barracuda are led by couples. But even when there are similarities, there is also a stark contrast between them.
In the Sin Crew, Josep and Abena are sickenly in love. They get along together swimmingly and seldom ever fight; if they do, it tends to be more playful in nature, and conflicts are always solved with cool heads and calm tones. The biggest conflict that plague them, and remains unresolved for a long time, is overcoming their grief over the loss of their daughter Arcelia in the Razing of Canton. Whenever the subject of Arcelia or children in general comes up, they become a mess. This isn't present in the Modern AU because they'd have centuries to get over their grief by then, but in the Main Verse, the death still hits a very sore spot between them, which can even prompt them to separate if they need to. As such, there is more tension between them at times, but they are mindful to keep it from the rest of the Crew and on the down-low as to not screw up the team dynamic.
But the Hero Crew? HOO BOY. If it weren't for Omar's existence, you wouldn't even know they fucked at least once. Ravyn and Amir don't even act like lovers--they seem to just be Captain and First Mate, through and through, with Omar as their metaphorical midshipman/cabin boy.  Most of the conflict that does ensue is Amir making sure Ravyn doesn't do anything incredibly batshit insane like stealing something that can't fit in her tits, or getting arrested, or destroying another boat. Romantic moments also tend to be utter disasters. While Amir is the much more conventionally sensitive/romantic of the pair, Ravyn is so boorish and coarse, dates and outings tend to end up a complete mess. She's not necessarily aromantic, she's just really really bad at being a conventional lady in any way. As in ‘willing to rip off her stay and petticoats in the middle of fucking public because she can’t breathe’ bad.
If it weren't for the fact the two Crews are enemies after the Devil's Eye, Josep and Amir would get along well for being tired husbands of disaster wives they otherwise can't stop loving for being disaster wives.
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