#the word 'memetics' always makes me think about scp stuff lol
blueveind · 3 years
Hello I’ve clipped another funny RQG moment, this time from episode 154!!
Audio Transcript:
Zolf: We could have got it by talking to Shoin. Because a spell, you speak words to impart your will on the mind of another as well you know, so you can, theoretically, like transmit something like this if it were the right kind of thing, like a mind altering affect, through words, which I’m going to call a memetic affect because it’s just in my head and so, I’ve just invented that.
Alex: I don’t like it. That sounds well involved.
Zolf: Memes.
Azu: So, it’s a... meme?
Zolf: Like a thought virus, potentially.
Cel: Like when you see a really cute cat and then you have to tell everyone else about that really cute cat.
Zolf: Exactly, exactly. Or if you see someone fall over...
Cel: Ah yeah.
Zolf: And it’s great, and then you tell everyone...
Cel: And then you replicate it.
Zolf: Yeah, and they, they hear about it down the grapevine but you’ve got to make sure those stories are like less than eight seconds long otherwise people just really lose interest.
Cel: Right, and easily repeatable.
Zolf: Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Azu: Or when someone has like a good song.
Zolf: Yeah.
Cel: Yeah.
Zolf: Yeah, like when you get it stuck in your head like an earworm.
Barnes: What’s an earworm?
Zolf: Not a worm that goes in your ear. A theoretical, metaphorical worm...
Azu: But there are worms that literally...
Hamid: ... go in your ear and steal your magic and stuff.
Azu: Yeah.
Zolf: Yeah, no, yeah, those are...
Cel: Really, you should think of a different word.
Carter: Meme. (pronounced: “Meh-May”)
Zolf: Meme. (pronounced: “Meem”)
Carter: What’s the difference? We’re inventing words.
Zolf: Yeah, well, I invented it, it’s called a meme. (”Meem”)
Carter: It’s a stupid word.
Zolf: Well, I think it’s a great word and I think meme (”Meh-may”) is a stupid. So, whatever.
Carter: Well, I’m gonna use meme. (”Meh-may”)
Alex: -says Carter.
Zolf: Yeah, you would.
Lydia: You’re the sort of person that looks at someone repeating an action multiply and says, “Jif”.
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