bigechochamber · 4 years
Why is it that the most annoying thing about Red URLs (annoying, obv the WORST thing about then is the transphobia) that they genuinely just read so much like a NLOG meme. Like they really are so arrogant yet so self conscious that they have to stand out and spout sexist bs, but do so under a feminist guise. "I don't shave grr grr I'm ugly WOMBYN men yucky gross >:( penis bad" and it's like bro a ton of women don't shave, you don't see my butch ass putting "unshaven epic WOMBYN QUEEN I don't wear makeup I HATE fems haha" in my bio because like. Why is that important? Why are your unshaven legs important enough for a bio? "My hair is dyed red! I prefer to wear yellow shorts! My shoes are name brand" like who CARES. Why is this a big thing for you. Women are shamed for body hair, you're right, but it's performative at best to brag about all your quirky feminist qualities for no reason other than back pats and to stand out.
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bigechochamber · 4 years
The conversation surrounding cultural appropriation has been so severely mutilated by white “allies” that the original intention behind that conversation has become almost unrecognizable in most social contexts.
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bigechochamber · 4 years
you do know that when jewish and romani people say “never forget” we mean “learn about the holocaust so you can recognize the warning signs of facism and genocide” not “repeatedly bring up the holocaust whenever anything bad happens and exploit our pain and trauma to make people care about your cause” and when we say “never again” we mean “take action to prevent any stage of genocide on any scale by any means, hold collaborators responsible and don’t be complicit” not “only care about genocide when it’s too late”, right? or did you think it was just a fun catchphrase?
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bigechochamber · 4 years
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bigechochamber · 4 years
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bigechochamber · 4 years
People gotta remember that bigotry isn't always "intentional", and that intention doesn't absolve the person of the damage they've done by promoting harmful ideas. This is very true for real life, but many forget to apply this in fiction as well; doesn't matter if the author only had good intentions, or was following a popular trope, or simply failed to comminicate their initial idea. That doesn't change that what they did enforces stereotypes/speaks to bigots/harms minorities and they should still take responibility, apologize and work towards correcting it.
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bigechochamber · 4 years
honestly missionaries are evil. the idea of traveling the world to tell people Who Didnt Fucking Ask that their beliefs are wrong in the hopes that theyll adopt your beliefs seems sinister
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bigechochamber · 4 years
if you can take hours doing art, writing, reading, making gifs on this app. you can take a minute to read this and then educate yourself.
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bigechochamber · 4 years
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bigechochamber · 4 years
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bigechochamber · 4 years
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