#the wordcount and the round chapter number fill me with so much joy
rockingrobin69 · 8 months
Fic claim: Of magical beings being - magic
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Summary: Out of the blue, Potter's letter says: I need you. And Draco, ever a fool, goes. Cue magical houses, fluffy Beings with a sweet tooth, mutual pining level: infinity, and a truly outrageous amount of tea.
Of Magical Beings Being - Magic - 30,000 words, rated E, for @unleashed-fest
Friends, my first ever anon fest fic has just been revealed, and I am beyond myself with happiness that this tiny little story that is purely a chunk of my heart is just, out here for you all to see! I know I often claim 'this is the softest thing I've ever written' but this, this, truly is. It's sad and so filled with longing: it's joyful, and bright, and full of magic.
It's got a comfortable, confident trans man Harry in the loveliest magical house you can imagine, it's got a Draco so in love with him he's absolutely raging, it's got fluffy animals and adorable children and so, so much tea, and if that's not enough, hot chocolate. Pals, it's the cottage-coriest thing ever and everyone's heart gets broken at least once. It's, as always, about healing, and about love.
I had so much fun writing it, and cannot thank my lovely friends enough: @basicallyahedgehog, @samyistrying, @toxik-angel - for lending me your ear and your heart and giving your time and your thoughts. @stavromulabetaaa, @getawayfox - this fest was so brilliant, and honestly, truthfully, without it, this story wouldn't exist - I would never have found this little bit of myself. Thank you, most profoundly.
From the open window, the smell was strong of lavender, of orange blossom, of thyme and of basil and wild garlic. The house had an enormous garden, with gnarly trees, with weeds and wildflowers in blues and pinks and whites and. Draco, with some difficulty, looked away. For the house was now clear, was close, and in the door, ajar, stood—him.
His hair was longer. A streak of white in the black of his curls, tucked artlessly behind an ear. He’d grown wider, but only just, strong shoulders and thick thighs. A beard, trimmed neatly, framed his jaw in a truly unfair display. His skin was dark under his white shirt: he was, all at once, too much to bear. Draco closed his eyes and begged himself to cease. This foolishness had no place between them, ever since the—well. Ever since.
“Draco,” with a smile in his voice, the absolute fucker. Potter was coming closer, was lovely, here in this place that so suited him, in the joy etched in every line of his face. Draco’s belly reacted to it, squirming, cross.
“Potter,” with what he hoped was a professional tone. What was probably a pathetic whimper. “What—” stumbled coming out of the car, which parked itself under the overgrown apple tree, was caught at the elbow by a very warm hand. Un-clutched himself from the clutches. Tried glaring. Failed.
“What a surprise,” he managed in the end, half-choked. “Who would have guessed it was you requiring my services.”
Read Of Magical Beings Being - Magic on AO3!
(Oh my god, I never even mentioned the AMAZING banner El made for this fic. Please, if you read the story, please have another look at it and TELL ME your heart isn't filled to the brim. El, you're magic, is what you are.)
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