#the world is a playpen and i am the king of sand boxes
mamamittens · 17 days
So I have two things I need to do this week. One being a comm for ceb (got the doc set up and everything, I swear!) and one being zine art (which is technically due May 1st I believe, oof!). And then I have a zine piece i need to write but the deadline for that is a ways off so I'm not concerned about it right now.
And my Oh Shit Sale is still active and will be closed down when my roomies get jobs, which should be within the next week or so.
but this isn't about that.
If you've been squatting about the sidelines for a bit, you may have noticed I've gotten back into pokemon. One character and fic that's build more for the laughs and shenanigans and the other with a Tragic Backstory (TM) that's more about the plot that I've been tooling for the past few weeks.
For Fin, the character with unfortunate history, I've actually written about 4K for. Still lowkey tooling some details but they're down the line honestly and it doesn't feel as dire when I acknowledge that this will be a slow update fic rather than my previous approach where I assume I'll be able to regularly update.
And anyway, I'm wondering if I should start posting it or wait until I have a lot more written for it and risk losing motivation to share it. I've got a few like that where I have a lot written but it's lived exclusively in my head and hard drive for so long it sort of doesn't register as interesting anymore for anyone. which is a little silly given no one but me has read it. Last I checked it was over 100 pages?!? But I think I was skipping around the plot with that too, I don't know. It really has been months since I've looked at it.
And anyway, I figured I'd see what the response was while I turned my actual attention to necessary projects in the short term.
TLDR: Should I start posting chapters of "Lay Down New Tracks", a Pokemon Black/White fanfic featuring Finley, a tragic retired champion of Kanto rediscovering her love of battle after losing her entire team almost a decade ago with the help of the Battle Subway and her support pokemon Platinum (a riolu).
I do have some details I want to iron out more, like integrating sign a bit since Finley is selectively mute.
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