#the x exo shit goes fucking crazy like how could people sleep on that. it's lived in my brain rent free since 2019
sanstropfremir · 1 month
if you could bring back one styling that you think wasn't appreciated in its time or the fans weren't ready for (but are now) or just think should be around again, which would it be? (hard round: something other than TVXQ's "Triangle" styling) (and I already know the #1 is Pink Gumby)
(kicks rock) ok FINE i won't immediately say triangle.........
my first instinct is actually something that DID get its due appreciation: arario!! it was genuinely ahead of its time (both in styling and musical composition), and if vixx hadn't done shangri-la we might never have seen a traditional/hanbok styling trend in kpop. but realistically this is kind of a tough question to answer because most trends in kpop styling have been recycled already in some way. i could say something like we should bring back the goofy looks for the early '10s but realistically that's already happened as much as it's going to without completely reverting silhouettes and clothing construction, which is not going to happen. and also i don't think most of those looks were underappreciated at the time. the most frequent type of look that is oft derided by fans and underutilized by creative staff are the infrequent forays into science fiction concepts. songs like 100%'s beat and more famously vixx's error were quite controversial for no legitimate reason, although honestly i don't remember how beat was received since vixx overshadowed them significantly (justice for 100% actually. the beat styling is better), but considering nobody remembers 100% even existed i'll consider it underappreciated. tbh in the current styling landscape of kpop my beef is less with fans not appreciating a styling (bc fans know exactly jack shit about costuming and will accept anything, even obvious garbage) and more with stylists who are unwilling to actually flesh out a concept. this applies to pretty much everything but i see it most obviously in scifi (and fantasy/horror etc, anything that's not boy/girl next door or school) concepts. one of the few cbs that i do desperately want to have a go around again is obsession bc please god can i finally have ksoo and minseok on the song, but also it's a fantastic concept that got most of the way there, it just could have been so much more interesting out if the stylists weren't cowards.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Your First Date With Baekhyun
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:: bbh x sm apprentice!reader
words. 10k
warnings ⚠️ idol au hc, pining, brief angst, eventual car sex 👀, tw light injuries bc baek is clumsy in love, oral fixation, finger sucking, rough sex, making out
↳ NOTE. here we go again with the slow burn ✊🔥
It all starts with a divine act of clumsiness. 
An accident, completely out of the blue.
Who is surprised, what else could it be.
Ever since Baekhyun violently bumped into you from behind in the SM cafeteria to avoid Mark spilling red hot Americano on him… life has never been the same. 
That you walked in on him walking around mighty topless, with you wanting to clear the dance practice room many hours after work three times already does not help.
It’s always the same chain of events. He practices for longer than the others and gets sweaty, pulls off his shirt, pauses the music for a five-minute break. That’s unintentionally making it seem like everyone is already gone and the room is empty — you are deceived by it every time, and he almost gets a heart attack himself. We know how easily embarrassed Baekhyun is with showing skin by accident, outside of any shower stalls that is, let alone being caught stripping by himself. 
The first time he screams and you scream, off you run after quickly shutting the door. He tries his best to cover himself up with his hands, but to no avail. Lucas, Kai, and Johnny are no longer the only Magic Mikes under this rowdy fucking roof anymore. Even if you turned around fast, you saw more than a whole lot. 
You know how scared Baekhyun is by surprises, he gets all fidgety. Even after four whole minutes, he still sits with the music off breathing harder than he did from powering through four jointbreaking ligament-snappers I mean EXO choreographies. 
Lot of thoughts on his mind, lot of blood pumping through him. Baekhyun can hear a pretty hefty heartbeat pound in his ears. Eventually, he shakes his head at himself and does switch the music back on. But even that doesn’t distract him, nor can he concentrate on the moves. He keeps on asking himself — what the hell is wrong, what is this, why does he act like that? 
So, he ends up sneaking out of the room to call it a day. You were waiting in the nearby corridor to do the cleaning after he left. But now, you hide behind a shelf with props and miscellanea to avoid him. 
Of course, Baekhyun comes to grab a water bottle from said cupboard. Well, oh shit. He has his shorts on, and his calves are literally 20 inches away from you. He doesn’t see you crouching down there, but your pulse is going through the roof now, too. 
In fact, not even the days when Taeyong is walking around the company in a sexy as hell crop top could cause you such a panic. And that is the highest possible bar already. The average apprentice almost faints.
There’s pungent sweat that can knock you out of your socks… and then there’s sexy sweat scent mixed with men’s deodorant. Baekhyun leaves the latter after rushing out of the corridor. It’s even more intense in the practice room, if not absolutely unbearable. Oh boy. Pheromones, please no.
It’s almost as if you’re taking a bath in cologne. You’re getting nauseous and tingly from how it gets to you. You can hardly focus on scrubbing the mirror. If only the guy knew what horniness he is causing just by infusing the air, what the fucking fuck.
The second time, he jerks up again, but tries to explain himself. But so do you, ending up with a mutual, stuttering word spill in sync. 
Neither of you understood what the other was saying because you were too busy with a knee-jerk dialogue. Anxious all over, you quickly leave and eventually end up hiding behind the cupboard again. The new comeback track blasts even louder in the practice room. 
The third occasion, you no longer flinch at each other and laugh a little, mighty embarrassed still, but apologize with knowing eyes. This time, you enter the room after a small „Can I?“ and at least manage to clear some noodle boxes and unused towels from the backup dancers away, and pin a new schedule to the door. 
Baekhyun quickly pulls over his plain white tee and keeps on mumbling sorry, sorry like he’s Super Junior, practically scraping the ground with his hair because he bows so deep. 
You’ve never seen him this awkward. Instead of his usual one-liners and most effortless conversation starters, he resorts to switching on the music again after frantically looking everywhere but in your direction. He sings his lines right along, getting back into the routine’s intricate steps. 
Very strange.
All day, he is impulsive with lightening up just about any situation. One sentence, hook line and sinker; the mood alleviates. Not this time. He’s ignoring you now that you’re in the room.
The truth is: Baekhyun can’t help but set his pupper eyes on you in all other occasions already, especially when you’re busy at a distance. And it’s making him crazy. Next day at the cafeteria, he deliberately arrives late so he can queue way, way behind you. 
For the first time in all glorious epochs K-Pop history, he would let Sehun enter the line before him so he would have a shield. „Maknaes first“ is his brief comment, and Sehun thinks that Baekhyun must squarely confuse today with his birthday.
And fate says… sike. Two minutes later, a teary Mark rushes toward you and loudly apologizes for the Americano disaster. „Baekhyun was not being impolite, it was me!“
As he says just that, he turns, points right at Baekhyun’s tomato red head peeking out from behind Sehun’s shoulders, and bows to him. 
The whole cafeteria is witness, including Lee Soo Man.
And SHINee, who will have gossip material for five weeks because of this. Key is already taking notes. 
And BoA — who’s giggling because she’s seen it all in the business and knows exactly what’s going on with Baekhyun and you. Oh. Lord.
Baekhyun wants to sink into the ground right then and there. He’s been found out again. Of course he has to step out from his lair now and bow back to Mark, take the blame and explain the whole incident all over, and comfort him with a string of appeasing words. Which he hates for four reasons at the same time. He embarrassed Mark, himself, disturbed you the way he bumped into your back, and now you saw him hiding from… precisely you. Little does he know you did, too. 
Baekhyun quickly retreats to sit next to Sehun once again after Mark has calmed down and he, being the senior as always, has performed another 180° bow to you in front of the entire staff and idol audience, causing his oversized shirt to slip downward, way to his armpits. 
Goodness gracious.
BoA is this close to shouting „get a room“ upon seeing Baekhyun stand in front of you with his stomach all bare until he has hastily tucked his shirt back into this place. Fast as it happens, you can’t hide your reaction face. 
Chanyeol, sitting at a nearby table, does a telling reaction noise himself, and you can tell he’s read the situation to a T. Even worse, he’s whistling. You can fool a lot of people, but not Park „Radar“ Chanyeol. He’s a himbo incarnate, but this guy’s emotional intelligence is too damn strong, and he knows Baekhyun inside out. Oh shit, man.
The next ten minutes are fraught with a weird, sonorous mumbling in the room. Lee Soo Man doesn’t really get it, thank God. But the meaning of Baekhyun silently cowering behind Sehun while eating his kimchi stew is more than obvious to half of the people around. Baekhyun never fucking acts like this, even when he’s sad.
It’s like something is pushing the two of you into humiliating situations like that ever since you started to work at SM since last May. Literally Baekhyun can’t stop apologizing to you all day because he’s suddenly clumsy or the strangest situations happen.
Nope, he doesn’t do it on purpose. But yes, he finds himself enjoying your attention. So what is he going to do? This keeps being stuck on his mind. Especially because half of EXO, NCT, and SuperM is asking him what the hell is going on in three raging group chats at once.
And you? I don’t have to tell you how it feels like when Baekhyun stumbles over to squarely plant his cutesy baby face into your back. Firmly wrapping his hands around your waist on top of that not to fall over entirely. That feeling is locked into your muscle memory. And now, seeing him stripped down for the fourth time already? Goodbye to your sleep.
Special thanks to a jittery Mark for making this first hug I mean collision out of nowhere happen. Just to be sure: Mark really didn’t spill his coffee on purpose, nor did Baekhyun want to bump into you this hard. And we know Mark’s reflexes are usually fast enough to save the day. But he was about to host his first variety show all by himself, so you can imagine how shaky and distracted he was. And nobody will resent him — this is only all about you and Baekhyun… being the most repressed motherfuckers.
Baekhyun constantly almost-crashing into you somewhere or basically crawling on the ground before you makes for a second very shaky guy. What the hell is pulling him towards you wherever he goes? It’s even worse than Minseok moving one inch and accidentally smacking Baekhyun in the face.
It just goes on and on.
Following the second cafeteria embarrassment, the next Friday after lunch, you run into each other at the ground floor elevator exit so you would drop your fries. Yeah, extra crispy ones, with the best mayonnaise. Baekyhun has been feeling so guilty about his curse at this point that he orders extra fries for you at the cafeteria two times a week with his card. Which makes Chanyeol know dear Eros struck particularly hard. Because if he didn’t care, Baekhyun would pay it five times a week like he does for NCT every now and then. But if he does it only two times, something is at stake. He doesn’t want it to be apparent.
Baekhyun can’t even look you in the eye when he puts them on your tray. Instead, he quickly bows three times in a row and then disappears. This guy is a small puddle of blush. 
Lee Soo Man cites him into his room to say what’s wrong soon, but all Baekhyun can blurt out is that he didn’t sleep well and the comeback song won’t get into his head. Which is not a direct lie, so.
Whatever you do, Baekhyun appears out of the blue and falls to your feet. Only two days later, he returns from shooting an MV and slips right in front of your office. Pretty much because his feet stumble over his own pants. You put the paperwork aside and check what the hell is going on outside. A dizzy Baekhyun straight-up hit his head at your door. He declines you helping him up because he knows that your touch is probably gonna make him fully insane. He walks around with a forehead patch during the comeback stage and people online think it’s the latest trend.
Somebody save this man.
The universe just keeps on arranging the silliest things to make shit happen, huh.
At this point, Baekhyun developing a full-blown apprentice crush is as obvious as Lucas being tall.
Now, the reality is. This man is Hitch, the Date Doctor. He notoriously handles crowds, can get along with anyone he’s put together with on camera, helps the other members to juggle their love life whenever they have a problem. Chen is probably a married man because of Baekhyun in one way or another. He isn’t really shy normally in his own words. But when it comes to his own crushes — classic case of everybody’s cupid who gives good advice they would need the most. 
That Baekhyun is helpless with anything that digs beneath the surface of his usual interactions will show to you very soon. There’s tough Baekhyun, there’s cute Baekhyun, and then there’s an utterly speechless little bean who has an internal meltdown when you do as much as take the stairs together. The difference is staggering. He’s fidgety, tense, makes himself even smaller and first and foremost: Is impressionable to an extreme.
In short: Baekhyun has fully converted into a fake maknae.
It’ll show in staff meeting conversations on trivial things about the schedule that he wing-mans everybody but himself when shit hits the fan. He stutters in your presence. Baek’s a mess. Chanyeol takes Baekhyun to the side and raises his brows at him at least five times a day, as in wanting to say: „Are you ever going to do something about it?“
Baekhyun dodges the answer each time and preoccupies himself with social media. Fans will later say that he hasn’t uploaded as many Twitter replies, Youtube videos, and Instagram snapshots in his whole career. And Baekhyun is already quite active online so you can tell how much he’s spamming.
Secretly… hoping you see his online activity. Which you do. 
You’ve memorized his five latest vlogs down to the cute little sound noises he’s making. Still, you hide behind the cupboard, and he is hiding behind an unsuspecting Johnny. Because Sehun is already grumbling about becoming a human shield, and Chanyeol would tease Baekhyun to the hell and back whenever you’re around.
Why does all of that happen? Why is he trying to escape? 
The answer is, Baekhyun feels an overpowering respect towards you. He doesn’t know where it’s coming from, it’s something you exude. To the point where he isn’t able to clown you the way he does with others. It’s literally that bad.
On top of that, Baekhyun is frustrated that whatever extroversion he can switch on during broadcasts, fan meets, and with the other members is suddenly failing him. He tries hard to fall back to his usual humor, but you being around makes him act much more erratic. And, surprisingly reserved, believe it or not.
Eye contact will make him break whatever character he’s trying to tune into for the sake of keeping it together. The exact opposite will happen. All the blushing and boiling hot sweat gives him away. Your own heated af face he doesn’t even notice.
In his mind, he’s going through any possible way of mannerisms to get your attention all while not embarrassing himself. He gives confident SuperM leader Baekhyun a shot, comedian Baekhyun, too, and he will don a pokerfaced version of himself as a last option whenever you are close. 
All unsuccessfully. He can’t keep the façade for long; he knows he’s acting strange and inconsistent that way. Do you even realize what you merely sitting in the same practice room is doing to this guy?  
As you can tell…
It’s up to you to hit on him. Finding an unmistakable balance between being breathtakingly forward and overly subtle. The right way to ask him out is somewhere in between. The way you gauge it, Baekhyun is turned off by all kinds of brazen approaches, but doesn’t want to be nudged with satin gloves and feathers either.
However, you end up playing too lowkey at first try because you’re just as nervous. You think, maybe it’s good to find out how interested in me he will admit he is. Which, given how much he tries to conceal his feelings, turns out to be a difficult idea.
And — Isn’t is crystal clear he likes you a whole lot by the way he tries to retreat from everyone but you? Recently, fleeing to stand behind Lucas. Who has the most hiding surface and won’t question what Baekhyun is doing there all the time, unlike Johnny.
So, how do you learn that your plan is a bad idea? You try to involve yourself in NCT’s Friday night truth-or-dare where Baekhyun always joins to mess with everyone.
But that weekend, he interestingly excuses himself to „practice English, it’s urgent!“. Off he goes as soon as he sees that you are part of the lineup, looking like he’s seen a ghost. 
So, that mission failed. You get Taeyong, Haechan, and Yuta twerking against you at the same time while wearing sailor moon outfits as a dare instead. 
However: You still learned something from this. The way that even Haechan’s wild gyrating and arguably great ass did not have a single effect on you tells you that you really want someone else really damn bad. Hell, if Yuta Nakamoto winds against you and you feel nothing—
And, something else has become apparent to you.
Professional he is, Baekhyun establishes rapport even with people he dislikes or feels neutral about, but when his more vulnerable feelings are in the game, he runs from them. 
Beside Chanyeol and BoA, you’re smart enough to begin seeing what clockwork ticks inside of him. When Baekhyun doesn’t try to get close to someone that’s around him so frequently, something is mighty wrong and his opinion about that someone must be an intense one. And it’s not because he hates that person, the opposite is the case. 
He’s almost less afraid of you than his worries of ruining it. 
But through what, you’re wondering, seriously. 
On the other hand, you get why Baekhyun keeps a viable distance. He knows it’s difficult to be associated with him in the way he wishes you were. Since people were looking at him and you so strange in the cafeteria, he even stopped practicing in the after hours. 
Two weeks later, he even quits buying you fries for lunch and eats in the recording studio instead. Chanyeol remains correct: Much is at stake.
After the truth-or-dare fail, you sit down in sobriety and go through your options. You get all sorts of grand ideas to reveal your feelings, but dismiss the majority of it. You have to start small, really small. This needs the utmost care. Especially because you don’t want to compromise him by accident any further, nor are you anywhere near as ballsy as you believe someone hitting on Byun Baekhyun needs to be. 
Truth be told: BoA would kick your ass for thinking that. And letting so many opportunities pass, as if you aren’t beating yourself up for it enough. Idol mode Baekhyun, well, he would be hard to approach indeed. But what is currently going on… he’s literally showing you his underbelly. He’s begging you to do something.
That he avoids even the lightest touch: More than telling to BoA’s knowing eye. He would be so easy to sway with just one sentence. She knows that at this point, Baekhyun is desperate. His yes would come so fast. You’re far from having faith in this. But you still try. You want this man.
Eventually, you rack your brain for anything understated you could do. 
Then, you get the idea. 
After a schedule briefing, Baekhyun recently said he dearly wishes he could eat fried noodles in the early evening because he’s craving something savory, meanwhile flashing a split-second glance at you. Maybe… You can discreetly bridge the gap by getting him food.
You’re part responsible for doing things like that in the company already so nobody will question you driving around with your little motorbike. 
If you think about it: That’s a good excuse to approach him frequently and visit his apartment. The move is calculated, but it’s what the situation requires. You can’t tell how Baekhyun will react, but if he looked at you this way, it’s worth a shot.
And so, you dare the impossible. You show up with a deliberately small portion of noodles after the last comeback stage, knock twice. He does open. You’re frozen up.
Uttering a hopefully neutral „You said you wanted this. I’ll also bring it tomorrow if you want,“ and then drive off again without even waiting for a reply from a very surprised-looking Baekhyun in PJs. 
Sweating like crazy, thank God your helmet and the upcoming dark of the night was hiding your red cheeks. Shit man, that was robotic as fuck! is what you’re thinking for the entire ride home. Another fail, you sure won’t return tomorrow. Now you can’t look him in the eye, either.
The meal not only saves the day of Baekhyun’s usually very lackluster diet mood that comes out when he is by himself. It also makes him flustered and grateful, curling up on his couch. He couldn’t even remotely try to say no out of politeness or concerns for his food plan. Baekhyun breaks the chopsticks right away after closing the door. Today, his dog’s with him. Mongryong excitedly jumps up and down next to Baekhyun. Your visit was short and sweet, but it made two beans very happy.
In fact, he rips open the box and shoves a quarter of the content into his mouth in the blink of an eye. It’s not just how hungry he is. He’s also overwhelmed that you came to his house. He feels like it’d be the highest level of disrespect to throw it away to begin with, no matter how spartan his eating habits are supposed to be. 
He almost views this little take-out box as a part of you. He imagines how you listened to him talk, decided to drop by, bought it with your own money, and carried it all the way to him. All that extra effort and attention he spins back and forth in his head for the whole next week.
And, on the spot, Baekhyun is so taken aback that he starts deep cleaning his apartment at midnight as soon as he finishes his noodles. 
To your own initial shock, he also drops an envelope with money under your office door the next day. And you thought someone was sending threats.
You get the underlying message, though. This is something just between the two of you, and the envelope is a yes. For another meal. Actually, more than that. There are 30 sorted bills in it, each to buy one box since he knows where you get the food from and what the standard price is. 
Payment for one month in advance. Meetings for one month in advance. This fucker. 
And you thought your sweaty scene at his apartment left him confused or weirded out. Nope, he decided he wants this times thirty. Something you have to let sink in.
The next day you drive along at the same time, there’s nobody there. 
Because Baekhyun has left the door open. Now you can’t just speed away again. Nor do you really want to, for God’s sake. 
After putting your helmet down in the small entrance room, you find an anxiously waiting Baekhyun on the extremely cleaned up living room couch, sitting there with fidgeting feet like it’s a porn casting. 
The tension could kill. You put the box on the table before him like it’s England’s Crown Jewels. You want to calm him down so desperately, but don’t know how.
Given his sparkly eyes set on the food, that he wants to devour what you brought him right away is not hard to overlook. But he still seems hesitant. Insecure. Baekhyun doesn’t manage to say a full word which is the most surreal thing. You work up your voice and pass him the chopsticks in their paper packaging. „Pig out. You didn’t eat since 7AM.“
Again, he breaks the chopsticks. Trying hard not to do it too fast.
You sit opposite to him and revert back to professional mode. Talking about statistics from the comeback that Baekhyun hummingly acknowledges the way he does when you talk to EXO in meetings. 
He stuffs himself like his life depends on it. No stable eye contact from him. 
Both of you know that it’s not what you want to say. But even ten minutes in: Nothing about the cafeteria, the fries, the envelope, the topless incident, the forehead patch, nothing. Just you going on about details from work and him listening, nodding, chewing, making brief little remarks and using all his standard corporate phrases. „Ah, yes, EXO surely benefits from that.“ But it’s a start. You begin small. 
So far, so good. With every evening, the conversation becomes more and more two-sided and the meals bigger. A second envelope soon enters your office, covering the extra costs for the XXL boxes, your fuel, and another month worth of meals. Note: Only one and a half weeks in. 
Fuck, you got yourself into something big. Is it because his dog likes you?
You are starting to like babying him like that, even if you both keep it serious. Unusually so, but at least you don’t get into any more accidents with that suspense off your either shoulders. 
It’s not like that cute little face would leave you any chance in the first place. Baekhyun smiles shyly around you. His big laugh is sweeping, but the small things… lethal. Absolutely lethal.
His manager doesn’t like it, but his genius idol’s mochi factor is increasing since you bring him spicy, richer foods. Baekhyun declines most snacks he’s offered at work, hardly eats up at the cafeteria and gives it to Foodcas Xuxi instead, and even the stylists wished he would gain more weight without any results in their convincing acts. But when you bring him a large portion of extra al dente spaghetti or — as of recently — self-made black bean noodles, Baekhyun would consider it rude not to follow the call of the carbs. 
He eats even more aggressively when he knows you made the food yourself. 
Quickly enough, he pays either for take-out or ingredients meant for not one, but two people. You usually eat a little earlier than he does, but you would not trade the best luxury meal in the world eaten by yourself with being together in Baekhyun’s flat. To the average Joe, this would be the biggest hassle, but to you… there’s no way you can get enough of being around him so privately. You enjoy taking the time to buy food for him. Taking the time in general.
You’re not the only one.
I don’t have to tell you how Baekhyun has to fight getting a vicious hard-on with sitting opposite to you with your motorcycling jacket peeled down to the hip, right inside a staring-not staring-staring-not staring match while you both slurp on your noodle soup pretending to be apprentice and idol.
It’s… bizarre. And hot. And bizarre. And frustrating.
You both don’t know where to take all of this. You end up making it a rock-solid daily routine, but not going any further than that because you are afraid. The excuse: Never change a running system.
In the meantime, Baekhyun works out even more. Not to compensate for the calories or to get rid of the increasingly chubby cheeks. Nope, it’s to impress you and show his fitness, plain and simple. At times, the music once again blasts in the practice room after everyone left. You come in to clear the room with Baekhyun in one of his very tight tank tops. 
You greet each other softly smiling. The familiarity really does begin to show. While you sort and organize, he writes you a little note on what to get for food tonight. He scribbles a little „:3“ emoji underneath. 
You think about that for at least two hours before you drive to his apartment.
So, yeah. Something is going on with him regardless of both of you trying to keep your routine stable and CIA-level secret. 
He finds himself cringeworthy when he carries seven stacked up chairs to a group meeting at once just because you’re attending. But something in him can’t help it, for the love of God. At least in this regard, he thinks, something is running on autopilot in terms of flirting methods. Meaning, he really does hide less and less. 
Meanwhile, Lucas’ eyes are falling out because Baekhyun is mustering new levels of strength nobody suspected he had. In the most random situations, even. Baekhyun’s fitness trainer is also living one hell of a life because his protégée is so eager these days. Mastering everything from weights to pilates. Hormones are one hell of a drug.
Kai frequently remarks that Baekhyun is different. „He’s nagging much less, what’s going on, why, why!“ he says to Taemin on the regular, and they invent all kinds of theories.
Since Baekhyun doesn’t want to miss out on your daily evening visit nor spend 8 hours in the gym, that means: He increases the intensity of the work-outs. For two and a half weeks, he is completely knocked out afterwards.
And so… it happens.
Baekhyun falls asleep before your visit. The door he has opened beforehand as always, but you enter a dim room with dozing Baekhyun splayed on the bed in his red carpet outfit from earlier that day. He worked out in the morning, did some hosting, talked his soul out in an interview, attended an award show, drove home, and eventually collapsed in the sheets. Lights out.
You put the rice box and cake slice you brought along on his desk. He looks so cute when he dozes, but you also hate disturbing his sleepy angel hours. Especially because you know how worn-out his schedule has left him and you feel sorry for it. 
You feel weird for standing there with your take-out and want to hurry outside as fast as possible, but leave a note. 
For the first time in weeks, you eat dinner in your own flat.
After forcefully waking up at 3AM due to his usual sleep cycle being off balance, Baekhyun falls into a spiral of regrets. Once it dawns on him what time it is and he must have missed your visit, he buries his face in his palms sitting at the edge of the bed. 
He resents himself for neither cleaning up his bedroom properly nor staying awake even more so, no matter how eventful his day was. He imagines how you must have seen him sleep, probably in the most humiliating, unflattering position and with terrible hair, judging him for being rude, forgetful, unattractive, messy, and probably a thousand other things.
Until… he finds the note. That one gives him a second almost-heart attack, but an adrenaline-fueled one this time. He stumbles back onto his bed and reads it twenty times over.
„Rest well and dig in. Don’t worry. Text if you’re okay. 03304 68010113.“
After three typos in your number, almost choking on cold rice because he eats so passionately, and several minutes of going back and forth on sending something, he kicks his own ass and writes a little „I’m ok, I’m very very sorry! I’m an idiot 😭“. After you reply that he has no reason to apologize, he rambles on about how he wishes that he’s not being an inconvenience to you with a whole row of sad and dejected emojis. 
You hate that Baekhyun feels put on the spot and obliged because of you this way and try to think hard about how to solve the dilemma. You won’t try to stop the rain of his apologies by telling him to calm down because you know it’ll make it worse, and instead decide it’s time to get going.
The opportunity is now, and there’s only one.
‚So, I have an idea—“
Going to the groovy little underground pizza restaurant downtown is something that Baekhyun immediately accepts as a suggestion. He wants to compensate for his dozing, but he also knows that this is a whopping chance more than anything.
And… a covert first date. 
He knows that’s what it is. It’s about leveling up now.
Before you can write that you’ll treat him and he can relax, he gets firm with insisting that you will pay not a single dime. You know that it’s not just his overworking conscience speaking. It’s also the only way Baekhyun gets an occasion to express that he takes this very seriously via text. 
That he wants to repay you and aims to get the most out of meeting up is something you realize when he steps out of the wardrobe room the next evening after everyone in the company has gone home. 
The stylists he has told that he needs to try this particular outfit on for some time to get used to it. „I need to dance in this, so.“
Actually, it is meant for EXO performing at the Oscars next week, but he got away with the excuse and a promise to take care. 
And… he really did the rest of the styling all by himself. He’s turned into a glamorous neat freak. Every shiny hair glued into its desired place, freshly dyed honey blonde with soft brunette roots. 
In fact, who walks at you is a wholly different Baekhyun in a dark, reddish-violet satin suit, pointy black shoes, matte black tie, mature sultry eye shadow, black square sunglasses pushed up into his hair, his signature lipstick, with a distinct statement tote bag, and black lace socks. I repeat: Lace. This is the fanciest anybody has ever headed to eat $6.50 pizza at a tube station. I mean wow, just wow. The tailored shoulders and how tight the tux cinches in at the waist is on par with Kai’s Obsession crop top. 
Even the much more expensive award show outfit from last week looks like a potato sack compared to how much he dolled himself up and reinvented literally every inch about himself. Like you have to prevent yourself from drooling.
Yep. He. Means. Business.
Funnily enough, Baekhyun realizes his zeal and just how much he is trying to impress you at all costs when you turn up with your standard khaki trench coat, bunny print umbrella, and casual white sneakers that have seen World War 1 and 2. You know, just the way you always come to his apartment and the way it’s inconspicuous. 
Going by his face… he starts to overthink his esteem. You can see how his expression becomes mortified. You promptly decide to put an end to his self-conscious back and forth through taking him by the hand. 
„You’re the best-looking man in the world and I’m asking you for a date. Are you comin’ or are you not?“
You then make it particularly clear to him that if anything, this right in front of you is very much authentic Baekhyun and not someone else you’re in for after all. And, that you’re both in your genuine form tonight the way it’s gotta be, the way you know each other and the reason why you decided to do this. Boom.
Four-step Greek style sermon for tonight: Delivered.
Now he’s gaping at you too much to beat himself up. That mission is very much accomplished. Modern problems apparently require ancient rhetoric. You’re in a kick-ass mood tonight. I dunno, anybody would be, Baekhyun’s accentuated sense of style has the historic potential to make girls reckless.
Baekhyun’s hand is heated like an Icelandic geyser and his heartbeat rate would make the average rabbit look like an amateur. Believe it or not — it’s the first time you’re deliberately touching. It’s ridiculous.
You head to the company garage, he churns out five jokes in a row on how he must look like a Korean Elton John on the way to his best-of concert, you laugh… Baekhyun feels better. Three times as nervous compared to when you usually come to his flat, but better nevertheless. And he drives, so. 
He feels like he’s catching up and giving something back, no matter that you feel he doesn’t have to, but to him, it’s important. 
You joke back to him how it’s a little bit funny — Elton John pun intended — that you saw every inch of Baekhyun’s apartment at this point already but this is the first date. The world is upside down, but it’s SM Entertainment, so. Things get started in different ways, but they do.
That realization is getting to him, too. Baekhyun’s peacock alter ego emerges to bolt over the motorway like a lovedrunk Lewis Hamilton with a foot glued to the gas pedal, but also checks fifty times for how you feel in the passenger seat. Asking about how you like it, if the A/C is set to how you want it, whether your seat is tilted the way you enjoy it. Damn, he really is on edge. 
On top of that, said alter ego maneuvers him right into a 3-kilometer outer ring traffic jam before his innocent self even realizes it. More time to chat… more time to sit so close… more time you get to savor the comfort of his luxurious car. So that was a Freudian slip with a steering wheel right there.
You already know that Baekhyun has never tried as hard to make somebody like him. You compliment his taste in cars vice versa to take that pressure off before he turns into a nervous wreck entirely. And then, also adding that you could get used to this which makes Baekhyun feel like a billion Won. His eyes are downcast, his cheeks are beaming. Figures, light superpowers and such, we know the deal.
Meanwhile, that you really like him already and for a long time is something you challenge yourself to make more than apparent to him. If he’s still this desperate about pleasing you and unsure about how he comes across, there’s some work to do. This guy needs a sign. A football field-sized one. If Baekhyun’s demon is his self-worth tonight, yours is being a lot more demonstrative. You’ve been far too indirect with him all day every day.
That you’re outside of both your professional spheres actually helps: Big fucking time.
Easing him into a conversation happens surprisingly smooth when you recount visiting his apartment and seeing him sleep so beautifully. Which you say was the most gratifying thing which is the truth. It’s been on his mind, hearing about your relief makes a lot of things plague him less. 
You also add how you enjoy bringing him food just because. That he’s nice and good company, even when he sleeps. That assures Baekhyun and makes him laugh.
And yes. He ends up serenading you throughout the entire traffic jam. And yes. When Baekhyun is in love, his singing is particularly on point. You can hear the cherry on top in his registers. No need for the stereo, you can ask him to sing any song you like. 
The traffic jam disperses after 20 minutes, Baekhyun has interpreted your entire favorite playlist at this point. Arriving feels like way too soon. 
You put your trench coat over Baekhyun while he exits the car. There’s hardly anyone around in this part of the town but who knows, making sure not to mess up his hair in the process. Both of you hurry to the stairs leading underground. Meanwhile, the car is parked quite stealthily behind a closed-down fish restaurant with dusty windows.
It feels good to walk around with Baekhyun right by your side. 
The surroundings are cluttered with trash and only few people wait at the tube station that opens up before you with every step downwards. It’s actually perfect as a getaway. There are mostly older businessmen on shift at first glance. 
It’s colder out in the open and surrounded by surfaces of concrete, the car was like a spa by comparison. Baekhyun takes the initiative to put the trench coat back onto your shoulders. You feel flattered and you smile at each other, and walk on with synchronized steps. The pizza bar is almost within sight. In the meantime, the digital board announces the tube arriving in five minutes. He takes your hand.
And then… some real bullshit goes down.
A group of seven scraggly-looking teens lounge on a bench, roughly 200 meters before the pizza bistro. You have to pass the bench close-by given how narrow the walking space next to the train tracks is. 
One of them, the tallest of the bunch, coarsely shouts at you. „How much did that prostitute cost and where does he keep his money, huh?“ He sticks his wriggling tongue out right along. The others are ogling Baekhyun’s shoes and chest pockets, preying and laughing and sneering. It dawns on you that you should’ve asked for one more song in the car.
The mood tips. One of the boys sitting on the left side of the bench starts fiddling with a 3-inch switchblade. And then, something flicks the switch inside you, too. Your Kyoong-protect-o-meter goes through the roof faster than Baekhyun can get his car to the speed limit. 
Cue She-Hulk transformation. In an onslaught of your inner wrestling diva claiming her rights, you take matters into your own hands by hurling Baekhyun’s glitzy designer bag at the guy’s surprised face. Sorry Versace, it had to be done. The whole group gasps out loud. While they’re still caught off guard, you go on to lunge forward and furiously whack greasy knife guy and two other approaching attackers with your Roger fucking Rabbit umbrella using a windmill-motion martial arts technique you came up with from scratch. Baekhyun doesn’t even have to duck… being smol has its advantages. 
The switchblade is sent flying into a bin. Point landing. You proceed to rip into the group to helicopter your improvised weapon in circles until it threatens to plow down the better of them and they back away squealing and pleading. Britney would be so damn proud of you, I’m telling ya.
Needless to say, the mortally terrified group runs and disperses into the arriving tube, probably booking their therapist appointments for Monday morning already. You pick up the bag for Baekhyun a little breathless, dust it off, and say a prayer. Holy shit. 
What the hell just happened. Literally, what the fucking fuck.
An entirely wide-eyed Baekhyun still can’t believe that a whole group of sleazy guys twice as tall as him took an unhinged windmill beating by you to prevent a robbery, and meanwhile he is the martial arts champion. Like, hello? He’s been a Hapkido instructor with several gold medals. How many black belts does the guy have again? He could mow down fifty of that kind and pulverize anyone of them with a mere NCT-style kick. This is ridiculous. He’s mighty impressed.
A few businessmen at the station are looking at you from afar with open mouths. You wave and give a thumbs up signalling all is okay. The security personnel reviewing the CCTV the next day is down for a ride. You hope that there are no headlines with pictures of this. Tube brats get their ass busted by cartoon bunny at 2:15 AM. K-Pop star Baekhyun defended by mysterious umbrella wielder gone wild.
You take a deep breath, brush off your coat. „Um. Moving on I guess.“ Then, interlink arms with Baekhyun, strolling on toward the restaurant. Looking around everywhere, still a little shocked. Walking off your relief helps, as is looking forward to eating. Damn, you do outrageous things when you’re hungry.
The restaurant is the size of the practice room at best, lit with white neon and decorated with Italian flags in every corner. The empty seats are designed like in an American diner from the 80s.
The lanky six-foot-something waiter, Luigi Roberto Maranello Salvatore (his nameplate is really in-depth about this), hurries to the door when he sees how Baekhyun is dressed and probably thinks the King of Korea just arrived. Which he, in fact, did, but that’s beside the point. 
You sit at the very back and get comfortable after breaking your last sweat. An enthusiastic Luigi presents to you the latest ‚delicious couple menu options’ and promises to use the best toppings he can offer. You instantly trust him, Luigi has the most accurate mustache you’ve ever seen.
Baekhyun and you share a huge plate of the curiously named ‚Pizza Puppy Love‘  that might be better described as a circle-shaped late night gala buffet. You dig in because damn, fighting thugs makes hungry, and Baekhyun stuffs himself given how it’s his favorite meal. Luigi sees that you are avid eaters and way too busy looking at each other, so he disappears in the kitchen, proud of setting the mood just perfectly.
In the meantime, Baekhyun says that he thinks of hiring you as a sasaeng protection machine. You muse how the umbrella is sturdier than you thought and you wouldn’t hesitate to use it again now that you think about it. Being Baekhyun’s Jarvis is not a bad thought, actually. Beating up rascals for him is your newly discovered love language.
In fact: Whatever took over inside of you and made you lose your chill, Baekhyun is mighty curious about. He thinks that was very sexy. You get the feeling that this guy could like dangerous women. He might have picked that up from Taemin, credits to him.
After Baekhyun has dramatically recounted the umbrella incident at least five times, the conversation goes on about your embarrassing hiding stories, how hilariously over- and underdressed you are as a unit, and you teasing him about „speeding on the highway, are we“. Baekhyun teases you back about how you acted like his manager with your trench coat over his head. He kind of has a point and you call it a tie.
Seeing Baekhyun all full with his beloved pizza and acting so carefree in his Oscar suit is a cute sight. You take the liberty to cut a particularly large slice out of the puppy pizza UFO and feed him. 
If it’s a couple menu, you gotta act like it.
Baekhyun is making some mighty heart eyes at you, and so — you decide to take it a little further. This whole fight thing made you forget you’re on a goddamn date after… a whole year of eyefucking and that it’s about time to close the gap.
Luigi is wholly busy making order in the kitchen and Baekhyun has some tomato sauce stuck at the side of his mouth. Convenient. You take the chance to wipe it off with the tip of your right digit. 
He realizes what you’re doing and promptly grabs your hand to keep it right where it is. Uh-oh. His tongue darts out, he licks right across your finger. To top it off, he starts to suck it, too. With a typical nonchalance. Seeing how you almost combust, he takes another finger into his hot mouth. And sucks a little more. His lipstick smudges onto your hand. His eyes are like hot coals and the pupils are all blown. Oh my, my, my. 
If you’re just playing, don’t you ever give Baekhyun anything to escalate on like that, ever. The way you were ready to knock down the seven guys, he is ready to get physical once the first step is done. Though, the thing is. You’re not playing. It’s exactly the type of fodder that you’ve been craving to give him. Baekhyun’s oral fixation is something else.
The rest of the pizza is gone in five minutes…
…and Luigi gets the tip of his life.
You walk to the car in much faster steps than before. Even if it’s later than late, nobody is around anymore except a sleeping beggar on the other side of the station. No danger in sight whatsoever. There’s a different reason to get going like that this time and there’s no way you can mentally prepare yourself for what’s coming.
Back to the fish restaurant, back to the car spa. Nobody on the streets, anywhere. This night, Baekhyun does not feel even remotely tired, though.
After you put your umbrella in the trunk — you will honor it much more from now on — the driver’s and passenger’s seat stay empty for half an hour and a little more. Now, the actual stereo is on. There’s a lot to catch up with on the backseat.
Baekhyun puts Delight on repeat, and queues City Lights just because. Guy knows what good music and singing sounds like. You interlock hands and call him pretty. Baekhyun is flustered, but all the more eager. 
It takes barely a minute until you get serious with making out on top of him and grind on his lap like the world ends. The satiny fabric is too tempting not to gyrate all over it in your jeans. Lord knows his legs are great. You know what you signed up for. Those thighs are so delicious to straddle, you can’t even imagine. 
Baekhyun gazes at you so intently and ready, whispering his little you-can-do-anythings and tell-me-all-you-wants, it’s like magic.
To top it off, kissing his little pouty lips has got to be the best thing, running your hands through his sexy hair — even more so. Your mouth and fingers have been begging you to do this. Begging. 
From there, your hands go places. His neatly razored nape of the neck, his waist, the chest. His suit, all that expensive fabric, his gentle skin, it’s so nice to the touch. He smells so hot. Bergamot, cinnamon, and sweet, deep, rich and soothing sandalwood. „Girl, I’m your Candy“ gets a whole new meaning. Practice room memories. As if you aren’t wet enough already. 
By the last minute of the second track, Baekhyun is already hooked kissing your neck and does some very daring acrobatics with his tongue. And you thought the pizza would satiate him. Nope, he eats you up like a whole salad bowl of black bean noodles with three pounds kimchi and ten fried eggs stacked on top. In his own words I mean lyrics: Game over.
The desperation and nervosity adds even more sloppiness and hunger. These have got to be the lewdest slurping and sucking noises you’ve ever heard. You can’t help but curse the ugliest things. Something’s pretty damn hard through the front of his tux already. 
Baekhyun feels that you feel it and the kissing becomes even more frantic. His whole body says: Grind more. Please. Please.
By the time the fourth track starts, Baekhyun’s entirely wet mouth wanders upward. Here goes the French kissing madness. You glide your hips back and forth on his bulge, and his tongue is already winding inside of you like it’s advanced singing lessons. It’s so unreal that you have to grab hold of his upper arms to stay in place. Shit, this guy. 
You can tell that this… is his absolute forte. Nobody can fuck with Baekhyun when it comes to outrageous mouth and throat technique. Your tongue gets a sense of how confident he is in his lip service and works his way into it. Now you know how it feels when Byun Baekhyun pays back your attention. Holy Luigi’s Cannoli, he has so much fun. Way, way too much fun. Like Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
And that’s the last damn straw. Really, the last one. You can’t do this shit anymore. You ask for condoms. 
After freezing up for at least ten seconds, he nods his little head about ten times in a row. It’s as if he can’t actually believe it and didn’t just kiss the shit out of you with the hardest dick in history.
„Okay, I’ll—“
Baekhyun keeps them in a yellow puppy-shaped bag under the driver’s seat and takes three torturous minutes to get them from there since it’s underneath and behind other random things. Which means you get to look at his ass for said time because he is bent forward between the two front seats. It’s not like you’ve never seen Baekhyun from behind, but never this close nor in a suit as tight since he usually wears baggy things. So. He’s not just big in the front, then. For his build? That is Korea’s ass.
And the condoms? You expected they were in his tote or his suit within one reach and rip. Nope, Baekhyun did not leave the company building with intentions. He’s been managing this raging boner for a whole year and did not make any moves on you in his apartment where he could have had you on any available surface in two minutes. Baekhyun wasn’t close to even remotely ask for literally anything. He just sat there on the couch with restless legs, ruffled hair, and an open mouth while hearing you talk. You don’t want to imagine how intensely he must have gotten off. Which he, in fact, did. 
He didn’t deliberately plan sex in a specific place for the first date either. Instead, he was prepared for— what exactly? A slight eventuality? Now that you think about it: Going by how he dressed himself, what Baekhyun probably thought he could get out of this was: A compliment. Even if all of your evening visits were nothing but hardcore sexual tension and this was the chance to bring that to an end. Let that sink in.
This guy’s self-control is not only astronomical, but also completely astounding given his usual character. In fact, you thought he would be entirely sovereign with this. How could he not? He’s Baekhyun!
Going by all that… You conclude that Baekhyun must really feel like he does not deserve you. His shame and self-denial must go through the roof. Given how his deeper insecurities have been in plain sight, it actually makes sense. Looks like you’re the one bringing them out, whatever it is that you do. It’s pretty tough knowing that you rouse something as vulnerable in him but it’s as good as it is bad. You find him very brave and incredible for letting it show. Honestly? It’s better than pushing through all of this pretending.
Plus — You really must have given him the impression that he can look but not ever touch. While that’s the entire opposite of what you want. 
To be fair: Having Baekhyun openly touch you in the company would have been a dangerous act. Even more so than say, you touching him, (which would have been somewhat possible, look at stylists and managers casually or work-relatedly doing skinship). Because that means that the availability his profession suggests to the world is no longer a thing and his mind is set on one person. Which, in his field, is social death. 
That’s why Baekhyun could only ever touch you by virtue of circumstances and whatever higher forces arranging accidents where he bumped into you. Talk about indirect ways. The universe gave you what you wanted, but in a way where there was always the excuse of bad luck and no possibility of other people finding out about your feelings. Risky love breeds risky circumstances.
The same with showing his body or knocking at your door to get your attention. He knows he can’t do that, can’t ask for it. So what happens? You accidentally walk in on him, or he crashes against your office entrance after slipping.
The same with treating you, spending time together, getting taken care of by you. Baekhyun found himself wishing for it. So it happened that you spilled your fries and he bought them for you all over, and he was begging for fried noodles so the opportunity to meet surprisingly came about. The accidents themselves both of you didn’t want nor deliberately stage, but you very much wanted the results of them. Directly you could not express your feelings, not even Baekhyun. That’s how it all came to be and now you see just how much he wants to be close to you in so many ways.
That he feels ashamed and undeserving — that shocks the living hell out of you. 
So, all right then, keeper. Time to show you otherwise. 
It’s crazy how he thinks you’re the one off limits and not him. Then again, he’s not the guy with the savage umbrella technique.
Since his hand is too shaky, you slip one on him and start to ride him without any further ado. You’re already leaking so what’s left to fiddle around about. No wasting any time here. 
The deal is as good as sealed. He feels fucking great inside of you and his wide eyes are the most rewarding thing. Whatever dimension Baekhyun just broke through, the level of whipped is not possible to be described with any human words. His hands are roaming over you pretty much without aim, you can tell your body is too much for him.
After he’s begging you to do it roughly, you grab him by the collar and fuck his soul out until he’s all gasping because his dick hurts. The song’s called Are You Ridin’ with good reason.
Baekhyun’s brains are long screwed out at this point, if not reduced to absolute green and purple jello. Is there actually any mind to lose at this point after you had your fingers in his mouth? Like literally, his favorite thing? Probably not. 
He bites down into his sleeve. Baekhyun is all knocked out by you by the time you get to your second orgasm, and reclines on the backseat bench to starfish the rest of the thing with his mouth hanging open at you. Hormone overload. His entire body shut down except the will to keep it up and not come. Yum, he is fit. Where he takes that godly strength from, only higher powers can tell. The Tree of Life, Zeus, Ten Chittaphon, I don’t know. 
He just has the kind of dick you can really bounce on. Really. Fucking. Hard. You are one spark of insanity close to run on autopilot. I don’t think anybody’s growled like this on him before. Nor was Baekhyun’s cock this close to falling right off, ever. 
This is not sex, it’s a crazy as fuck pounding, with Baekhyun on the verge of being blacked out with drool on his chin and his eyes rolling back. His fingers are absentmindedly trailing down your upper back and all he can utter is a small, yearning „please, please“ and gritting „don’t stop, please don’t stop…“ between his teeth. And hell, you have not a single reason to. Cue Captain America, I can do this all day.
When other people say smashing, whatever they’re referring to is not as smash as this. This must be the dirtiest, wettest slapping noise you’ve ever heard, and Baekhyun’s entirely uncontrolled moans will be forever etched into your memory. So melodic, so goddamn excited and desperate and all fucked out. He’s groaning so well, it’s like it’s meant for you.
By the third time you come, he’s crying and whining and has to cover his mouth not to scream out loud. You have no idea what your body is doing, but whatever it is, it’s taking Baekhyun out. Even you tire after some time, but you keep going. You imagine that every thrust is the meal and attention you wanna give to him.
That’s a lot of fucking and edging you get done in half an hour. Baekhyun’s tongue is hanging out afterwards and you went through a whopping three condoms. So much frustration finally released. Baekhyun’s gonna be emptier than Suho’s wallet after Sehun ordered a lifetime supply of bubble tea. 
You squarely avoid oozing your own cum onto his backseat with one hand. Good lord that creampie would ruin everything if he didn’t wear a condom. You’ve come a long way since colliding in the cafeteria, not gonna lie.
And thank God you’re not fucking somewhere in the company and the Audi is close to soundproof because this guy is LOUD. You need some good eardrums to handle these moans. Unhinged is an understatement. If this becomes a contest outwhoring each other, he’d win by a landslide. 
By the time you slip off, Baekhyun is on the verge to the dreamland, you milked every last drop out of him. Which means… 
…you get to drive an expensive as fuck Audi through Seoul. Your beatdown with the tube thugs you try to refrain from boasting about, but this one you are tempted to brag about to yourself for the next week. Well, in your mind. Just a little bit. It’s a great car. And you feel giddy in your body all over. That’s what sex with Baekhyun does to you. 
Seoul traffic is tame around this time. Half in his sleep, Baekhyun hums and sings on the driver’s seat. He’s all sober, but you made the guy act a lil’ drunk, huh. In his element, he talks and talks and talks and talks a little more. Then, does his tiny 'ㅅ' pup face and dozes for half the ride. Sleeping angel hours.
You can’t really scold him for passing out so fast in the slightest. As always, he went who knows how many extra miles just for you. That includes vowing to hand-wash his Oscars suit because it’s fucking ruined. Since the stylists are guaranteed to flame him, you send the fashion department a message how Baekhyun has to wear a different suit because he’s simply too dummy thick for this one, especially as far as the pants are concerned. Which is almost no lie and they will believe you. 
Much like his name suggests, Baekhyun does go hundred. At his apartment, you basically have to carry him into the bedroom. He says he doesn’t want to sleep. But you won’t kiss him goodnight after you pull off your jacket without a strong word on how his health has to be priority. He gets the point when you say you wouldn’t have had a first date without Baekhyun dozing off before your evening visit.
Sweet baby Jesus, you’d still be awkwardly slurping noodles without Baekhyun’s faux pas. If you look back at it: It’s all a story of accidents that turn out beautiful.
Sleep being Baekhyun’s reset button, that’s the best thing to do in order to give the night a good conclusion. Being alone in his apartment together, you don’t have to discreet about sleeping next to him after setting the alarm clock.
Mark Lee’s piping hot Americano is the culprit for all of this, but you thank him.
© 2017-2021 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed.
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Dirty Socks and Muscles [M]
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Author: @julietsoddeye​ AU: Canon Genre: Smut (with a smidgen of angst???) Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader Word Count: 3,649
Plot: You probably saved the whole world in your past life. Why else would you have all these luck for?
Note: Here have a Chanyeol oneshot (loosely based off a dream I had again). I was struggling with smut, I am so sorry I’m so out of touch. 😭😭😭
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“Are you listening to me?”
You were awoken by your father’s loud voice from your daydream…
Who could blame you from slipping out of reality? You just witnessed your first concert in a very long time. And it’s not just any concert, it’s an EXO concert!!! It’s not like an EXO concert is a rarity, it’s just that life is not exactly treating you very kindly.
Even though you do have a family owned restaurant, which is a really big hit for the customers, what your parents pay you for helping is just enough not to starve yourself on the daily. Sometimes you even refuse the money so they can put extra on the monthly payment for your family’s debt. If it weren’t for your stupid older sister and her equally good for nothing husband, your family won’t be constantly harassed by the loan sharks.
You did all the odd part-time works you can find so that you can finance this concert. You don’t have a regular job because all you ever finished academically was in Highschool. The loan shark incident happened when you were preparing for your college entrance. You have to step away from your dreams and volunteered to help the family while your sister ran away with her husband from their own wrong-doings.
“What were you saying, dad?”
You asked, shaking your head slightly as your mind goes back to reality. The noise and business of the coffee shop you’re currently in, is slowly birring all around you.
“I said, you better lock up the house good at night when you get back, turn all the lights on and stay alert at all times while your mother and I are gone for a few days.”
“I will.”
You say as he hands the house keys you left at home before going to the concert. You said goodbye and decided to walk your way to the hotel your friends are staying at. The hotel wasn’t very far from the concert hall, but it is far enough for some people and has to take the bus to.
You don’t have a lot of money left after paying for the expensive concert ticket, walking is the only option. You’re just thankful that your friends are letting you stay with them for free, they’re good friends like that. You still need the last of money left to survive a full weekday without your parents.
As you were nearing the way to the hotel, two caravans of big vehicles suddenly honk as you struggle to walk. You were definitely not walking on the sidewalks, but you’re not far into the middle of the way for the vehicles to honk on you like that.
‘Freakin’ assholes, just go around me, it’s not like the road is small.”
You curse under your breath, kicking the pavement underneath you.
You slowed and made your way to the sidewalks as the vehicles then sped off as you got out of the way. With a frown now permanently painted on your face, you slump down on the pavement to remove the five-inch chunky platform shoes your friend let you borrow.
Actually no, she did not only let you borrow the thing, she made you wear the damn thing. She said so you can see better since you both are in the mosh pit area. But the shoes were useless because even though you have the upper hand than most of the people in your area, the stage was still huge as hell and with your bad eyesight (even though you’re wearing your graded glasses) you still didn’t see shit and only nothing but a blur of dancing beautiful men when EXO were in the main stage.
Not only were the shoes useless, it only gave you nothing but pain for your legs and feet. However, you did enjoy the show. But you still hated the stupid shoes. You now regret leaving your sneakers in the hotel room because now you have to walk with nothing but your socks on and you still have about half a mile to walk.
You have to wash your socks when you get to the room, you did not bring a spare, gaddamit!
As you get closer and closer to the entrance of the hotel, you can see a throng of girls going crazy around five or more vehicles similar to the ones that honked at you while you were walking. Holy shit, was that EXO? Did any of them saw you pathetically walking your way to the hotel? They probably thought you were a sasaeng that’s why they almost ran you over. They probably thought about running you over just because you were staying in the same hotel. Gosh!
You went for the other entrance as you cringe at the thought of any EXO member seeing you like that. Gosh, you hope the two vans didn’t have any EXO members in it.
“Excuse me, ma’am, are you here to see EXO?”
A female entrance security blocked you, you were dumbfounded because a) you were already so tired. b) you don’t exactly know how to answer her. In your case, you’re there to sleep. But if you were lucky enough to have a little peek of EXO why not, right?
“Excuse me, ma’am???”
She spoke again, louder this time. She’s squinting her eyes at you, scanning your whole appearance. You probably look like shit from the concert and from walking your way there.
“I, uhm…”
“Yes, ma’am? I’m sorry I believe we cannot allow you entrance.”
Your eyes grow the size of your glasses.
“What? Why not?”
“If you’re here just for EXO, we cannot let you in. There’s already a ton of people and we need to secure our guests. I’m so sorry.”
You look behind her and sure enough, there are about 20 to 30 girls scattered around on the only elevators of the hotel.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but you have to leave…”
Her voice is pretty condescending as she starts pushing you out.
“No… Stop touching me. I am checked in here and I want to go to my room.”
You raised your voice finally, done with the day, too sleepy to be pushed around. You grabbed the hotel keycard your friends gave you from your backpack and you shoved the thing on the security lady’s chest. Her face fell when she saw your keycard.
“I… I am terribly sorry ma’am.”
She steps aside so you can finally enter the hotel and a bellhop offered to bring your backpack for you, but you refused. Turning back with a hint of annoyance in your eyes, you spoke to the security person for the last time.
“Next time ask for proof of check-in before you shove people out of your hotel.”
Without waiting for a response, you turn your back from her and went your way towards the elevators.
Putting the shoes inside your backpack and securing it on your front side, you squeezed your way through the crowd when suddenly the people started going crazy with screams.
“Hey watch it!!!”
A girl pushed you aside, and another one gave you a stink eye when you bumped into her and you were swayed as all of them started screaming EXO members name. DSLR cameras and phones started flashing and your head starts to spin crazy.
You’ve never felt this claustrophobic in your life, but right now is a first for everything. The last thing you remembered was you were somehow being pushed at the front of the commotion and someone grabbed your arm before you slip out of consciousness.
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You feel the softness of whatever you’re laying on with your palms as you started to stir awake. The last thing you remember was you’re at war against all the fan girls as you make your way to the hotel’s elevators. Slowly your eyes open and see that you’re in a hotel room similar to the one you shared with your friends, but where are they?
Is this the room you’re supposed to be in? Well, the floor is cluttered with clothes and shoes but you don’t recognize any of it.
Wait, that pair of shoes is too big to belong to any of your friends… And those shirts are too loose too. And is… IS THAT A FUCKING BOXER BRIEFS?!?!?!?!
You don’t remember sharing a room with a man, what the fuck is happening?
You start to panic as you stood from the comforts of the bed, where are you and who took you here? And where is your fucking bag?
You scan the whole room and found your backpack in one corner on top of the table. You dash to it, hastily grab your shit and made a beeline for the door–
“You’re awake! Where are you–”
You suddenly slammed into someone who just got out of the shower and fell on your butt. The man helped you up as you squirmed and eased your hurting ass with your hands.
“Hey, are you okay?”
This man’s weirdly familiar voice made you open your eyes and you look up to…
Saying you’re lucky is selling it short. No, you’re not just lucky. You’re more than that. You bet you saved the whole world from the bubonic plague in your last life to get this fortunate. Maybe the heavens above is finally paying your much-needed prize for being a heroine in your past life, heck you probably even deserve this valuable payment in this current lifetime.
You’re nothing but the most moral and virtuous citizen of the society. You follow traffic rules, hell you never even jay-walked in your life. Never! You were good in school, you help your parents in the family-owned restaurant and you pay your taxes right.
Of course, you deserve this weird serendipity.
Chanyeol gently leads and made you sit back on the bed where you previously occupied. You were too stunned to even speak. He was checking you from head to toe and you were too bashful over his watchful eyes.
“You need to stay in bed, you scraped your knees when you fell.”
Chanyeol is now kneeled in front of you, holding on one of your small knees gingerly with his much bigger hands. His other hand then grabs a pack of wound ointment and applied more on your scratched knees that you didn’t notice was there until now.
“Does it hurt?”
When you didn’t reply, Chanyeol said your name as he shakes you awake from your long stare at his hand that was still holding on to your knees.
“I… Yo–You know my name?”
Chanyeol huffs out a single laugh, slides his hand on your thigh and pushes himself up so he can sit beside you.
“Of course I do, I even know your parents’ names.”
“I’m a somewhat regular on your restaurant. I go whenever I can and your mother always welcomes me even when I come when she’s closing down.”
Ah, so he was the reason why your parents close the restaurant late at night at times...
“I guess you never notice me when I’m there.”
His smile was wide and toothy. You can see his pearly whites gleaming from the light of the lamp on the bedside table. And you can smell the freshness of peppermint from his breath indicating that he just brushed his teeth. Mentioning that, the man just got out of the shower and his hair was damp and he smells so nice, his skin looks soft and smooth and he’s only wearing a white fluffy robe that has a logo of the hotel on the left side of the front.
You feel your cheeks heat up with the image of his nakedness underneath the robe and his hand that was still on your thigh. God, what is happening?
Glancing down, you saw that you’re still wearing your very dirty socks and you consciously hid it from view. Chanyeol followed your movement and laughed silently when he saw you wiggle the tip of your socked toes.
“You need to remove and throw that away. It’s very dirty.”
“What? No, this is the only pair I have in me right now.”
You protested and attempted standing up to leave, but Chanyeol pulls to his lap and forces one of the socks off of your foot. He attempted to grab for the other one, but you moved your feet making you wiggle your butt on his lap. Chanyeol tightens his grip on your waist and successfully removed the other sock when you stopped moving. The ghost of his fingers that touched the underside of your boobs was what hindered your movement.
“You need to stop moving, or we’re gonna have a problem.”
Chanyeol’s whisper on your ear sends a chill down your spine and his breath that lingered around made you close your eyes for a brief second.
And when you open your eyes again, you see him staring at you with such intensity that can be felt from miles away. Only this one is right in front of you, just inches apart. The somersaults in your stomach are indescribable, you would think you’re hungry with how much your tummy is churning.
“I always thought you didn’t know who I was, but then again I always cover my face when I’m out. Imagine my surprise when I saw you among the crowd.”
The timbre of his low voice is making your skin tingle, why was he talking this low? How dare he make you feel things like this?
“I… Well, my… I never r-really pay attention to customers. That was my mom’s job…”
And why the hell are you stammering? And why is he laughing? Is he laughing because you’re obviously so affected by him? Gosh, why does this blessing feel like a curse of some sort?
“You’re so cute.”
Chanyeol didn’t even give you enough time to respond, he immediately cups your cheeks and smashes his lips onto yours. The surprise squeak you let out was instantly gobbled out by his kisses. His kisses are needy but not rushed and he takes his time before he swipes his tongue on your lips, asking for permission to enter.
How could you not let him in when he was asking so nicely?
Slowly, you open your mouth. And slowly his tongue makes its way to meet yours. The feel of his tongue inside your mouth is beyond you, no one has kissed you this good yet. The last kiss you had was with your high school boyfriend who was hasty and inexperienced.
Chanyeol, on the other hand, is good. He’s very good and very skillful with his mouth, he knows what he’s doing. And before you know it, you’re adjusting yourself on top of him so you can straddle his lap in between your thighs.
“We need to throw your dirty socks…”
Chanyeol said as his lips trail from yours, down to your neck. You can feel him sucking on you, his teeth grazing your skin lightly.
“I didn’t pack an extra one.”
“You can have one of mine.”
Chanyeol’s lips are back on yours when he starts unbuttoning your black floral blouse. The moment he completely pries your shirt open, his eyes ogle your body in a way that made your skin tingle.
He pushes your bra up your chest, making your breasts bounce with the release. Without wasting any more time, his mouth guzzles your nipple before you can even remove the offensive shirt off of you. His right hand then hikes up your skirt, found your underwear and rubs your clit over the thin garment. And he smiled when he felt you already so wet for him.
With the way he’s stroking you down there is making you dizzy. Dizzy in a very good way. You’ve never felt this good before, not even when you’re touching yourself. You then pull the tie of his robe and flatten your hands on his chest, trailing your palms on his rock hard arms.
Seeing Chanyeol flex his big arms on stage was cute, he was proud of something he worked hard for. But actually touching him is inexplicable. Chanyeol is sucking the words out of your mouth, never to return again. The touch of his strong muscles and freshly showered soft skin feels like a dream.
If this is a dream, you hope you won’t wake up anymore.
You’ve only ever admired him from your television or your phone, and actually being with him like this right now, kissing him and about to have sex with him is something that doesn’t happen all the time and to just anyone.
So you’re gonna enjoy this, you’re gonna enjoy him and take pleasure in being loved by Park Chanyeol even just for tonight.
“Wait, Chanyeol-ssi…”
You stopped caressing his skin, but he doesn’t cease his worship on yours. He just gave you silent hum as a response.
“Why am I here? How did I get in your room?”
“I told my staff you’re my friend and that I invited you here.”
The casualness of the way he said it surprised you. Maybe he does this a lot, you know, meet random fans. Get them to his hotel room to fuck. You shake your head, so you wouldn't have to think deep into this. It’s not like Chanyeol will start a relationship with you after this.
Your life is a mess and you don’t want to drag him into it. Imagine if the public finds out about you, a miserable daughter of a small restaurant owner with a family debt on her name with a very talented and well-loved idol like Chanyeol? Both your lives will be over, and people will not only judge you but also Chanyeol for choosing a dirt-poor girl like you…
“Are you okay?”
Chanyeol asks concern lacing his lust-blown pupils as he finally paused to look at your face.
“I’m sorry, I’m fine. Just my mind flew out… D–don’t stop, please.”
Chanyeol bought your lie, you probably look as flustered as you felt, half-naked in front of him.
Raising yourself up for a bit so you can both remove your underwear, Chanyeol immediately tears his robe off and sat right back on the bed. He helped you remove the rest of your clothes off and made you straddle his lap again, the slickness of your wet core gracing him in all the right places.
Chanyeol opened his mouth slightly, his tongue peeks out to wet his lips as he stroke the tip of his hard cock on your already sensitive clit. You follow his movement with your hips, your hands holding on to his broad shoulders for dear life. You rock yourself gently as you help lubricate him for you.
The sigh you both let out simultaneously when he enters you sounded harmonic, melodic almost and he gave you a tender smile before caging your body into his embrace. All you could do was bury your face on the crook of his neck, scraping his scalp gently with your fingernails as he lifts your body up and down to aid you in riding him.
You whine, tugging on his hair as you nip at the soft lobule of his ear, gaining a low growl from Chanyeol. You’re not sure if you’re hurting him in any way, but you didn’t stop. He’s making you feel so, so good and you’re almost at your peak when he suddenly starts massaging your clit with his thumb.
“Do it, baby. Come for me, don’t be shy.”
The vibration of his chest shifted on to you when he spoke those words with a low groan. You clench yourself down on him, making his flow to become sloppy and his breathing to stutter, indicating that he’s also not as far into his pinnacle as you are.
Chanyeol cursed when he felt your release. You slack onto him and he spins you around, pinning your body down on the bed so he can continue fucking you as hard as he needs to, to finally have his own relief. And it didn’t take him long since you squeezed one of his butt cheeks suddenly and your mouth found his nipple to suck on.
—  —  —  —  —
You opened your eyes to find Chanyeol snuggled so close to you. His face is buried so deep into the back of your neck that his hot breath is making you feel so cozy, contradicting the coldness of the hotel room. His limbs are tight around your body that it’s impossible for any movements for you, what so ever.
You look up to see that you still have a few hours before the sun starts to rise and you have to go now or you won’t get to later.
You then stealthily slip off Chanyeol’s hold, you still for a couple of seconds and bit your lip when he started to stir. But he fell right back to sleep and you tiptoed your way around the room to collect your discarded clothes.
You found a pair of neatly folded socks laying on an opened luggage. It’s not stealing, Chanyeol said you can have one of his socks, you needed it!!!
Discarding your ratty socks on the trash bin near the bed, you gently pull the duvet to cover Chanyeol snugly and gingerly giving his forehead a chaste kiss. You sigh softly and stand up to leave, you have some explaining to do with your friends on your whereabouts the whole night.
“Expect a call from me one of these days. I can’t wait to eat doenjang jjigae at your family restaurant again.”
You froze in front of the door when you heard Chanyeol spoke as he tosses to the other side of the bed to continue his sleep.
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Aikie Masterlist | Michiko Masterlist | FIC RECS | FIC REC SIDEBLOG
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rofics · 6 years
Come Together Pt 2
Bts gang au x hybrid reader and friend!
Warnings: Violence once again probably, cursing as always
*Time Skip*
I finally calmed down enough to know that I can face the others without murdering them. Funny how I just agreed to protect them but I'm the one who's getting help. I slide off the bed and walk over to the closet, I peak in and am surprised to see some random articles of clothing so I pick out some comfy shorts. I place them tactfully around my tail as it swishes happily, finally freed. I pad down the stairs to see everyone conversing, Sacha notices me first and smiles at me. I smile back and give everyone a bow
"Sorry about that, I have to recollect myself sometimes" I apologize sheepishly, tail curling around my legs and ears turning downwards.
"Hey don't use puppy dog eyes! I can't handle them!" Sacha whines, covering her eyes. I let out a small chuckle and settle myself next to her, scruffing her ears a bit.
"We found some info about this Ayden dude, you're right, he's not dead. He's altered his face but the eyes are exactly the same as before, guess cats are proud of who they are" Yoongi informs me, showing me a picture. My heart drops and my stomach coils
"I know..that was my reaction too" Sacha whispers solemnly. The guy in the picture was Ayden, but I also knew him as Alex, someone in every one of my classes.
"He probably used the classes with you to figure out info, did you ever feel like you were being followed at all?" Jin asks me and I shake my head.
"He may be a crazy ass shit but stealth was his middle name, nobody could hear him coming. I was also occupied by friends a lot so I never noticed then either" I reply with a frown.
"Since Y/N is back, and you know who's trying to ge us, who exactly are we protecting you guys from?" Sacha wonders. RM or Namjoon as we learned lets out an embarrassed chuckle.
"Well, almost every gang you could list honestly. They don't like how I just became in charge because of my father. Then there's the ones that Tae has infiltrated. But our main rivals are gangs named Got7 and Vixx. We have an ally named Exo that help us out every now and then." Namjoon tells us while Yoongi pulls up informational pictures of Exo first and I scan their faces. Some of them look familiar, maybe I knew them as children. Vixx was next and I didn't recognize anyone, they were all brand new. Finally was Got7, Sacha let out an audible gasp and I reached for her hand. The leader of this Got7 gang was none other than her current boyfriend, Jaebum. He also looked so so so familiar, like a face I had seen many of times. Then it finally clicked..that was the son of the one who killed our families. Got7...first generation were our parents enemies as well, I can't believe I forgot their name. I pull Sacha to me, wrapping my arms around her.
"I assume you know him?" Hoseok questions, raising a brow and I nod stiffly.
"That's Sacha's boyfriend. His dad is also responsible for murdering our families" I mutter, snarl on my face.
"Well this is a terrible coincidence" Jimin mumbles
"You're telling me" I mutter back.
"Are you going to break it off with him?" Tae asks and Sacha gives a shrug
"I'm going to have to, his dad killed my parents and he's the rival of people I'm protecting. My family never went back on what they said" she says and I run my hands over her ears. This fucking sucks man, first the house, then Ayden, and now this fuck fest of a boyfriend. The dude wasn't even mean! He treated Sacha like a damn Queen, he even won me over which is extremely hard to do. I won't lie, I've even eyed his friend or second in command Mark a few times but I know not to bark up that tree now. We all settle into another silence, me still comforting Sacha. The poor girl was probably trying to remember any signs of him being in a gang or any family ties.
"Y/N can i pet you? It always makes me feel better" Sacha begs, staring up at me with her wide eyes. I sputter a bit, not wanting these men who have probably killed a lot of people to see me in a vulnerable state. But I could see the heart break in her eyes and I nodded yes with a pout.
"You should let me pet you too sometime! Your ears look very soft" Tae says innocently and I turn even more red, tail swishing against the couch as my dog side gets excited at more pets.
"Don't fall into Y/N's trap, once you start you can't stop and then you get a puddle hybrid" Sacha warns with a laugh and I let out whine.
"It's not my fault...it feels nice okay?" I try to retaliate but it's in a cry of a hurt puppy which makes her coo and I huff at her.
"You know, I find it funny how you two work but you came from the top two strongest gangs" Jimin adds, chuckling at us, earning a nod from Hoseok.
"After the accident and we were left alone we decided to hide that part. We really just wanted to live normal lives, she's the only one who can pet me freely though. Unless I like you, then it's allowed" I state, I'm very picky about who touches me. If I don't like them I bite their hand, plain and simple.
"Also, would there be any chance of me going shopping tomorrow? I really don't want to be limited to the same jeans and shirt for my whole life" I ask and Namjoon nods.
"An outing of sorts would be nice, knowing we'd have extra eyes would make it easier" he says and I smile at him, tail wagging happily. The sky had gone dark as it was a bit past midnight, time goes by quickly when you're having fun. Sacha is a bit nocturnal so I knew she wasn't sleepy but the guys look like they haven't slept well lately. Maybe they'll feel better tonight with us around! I let out a little yawn, Sacha's petting was making me relaxed and sleepy.
"Some sleep will probably do us good, especially if we're going to have another out day" Jungkook pipes up, I honestly forgot he was there because he doesn't really talk much. He must be a really shy guy. I get up from my spot and stretch, tail accidentally hitting Sacha in the face.
"Watch where you put that thing" she laughs playfully and pokes me. I murmur a sorry as it curls around my legs.
"Your tail is very fluffy, is that a trait in Malamutes?" Hoseok asks and I nod.
"Very puffy and soft...you can touch it if you want. I'f I'm going to protect you we gotta trust each other" I offer. Hoseok gives me a smile that rivaled the sun as he reaches behind me to run a hand up my tail. He lets out a giggle then reaches for my ears, tussling my hair as well. Tae approaches me next and goes straight for petting my ears, I'm pretty sure these guys are all animal lovers and have had pets before. Once the petting fest was over we all split up into our own rooms, making sure front doors and windows were locked with the security system on. I crawl back onto my silk sheets happily, the material was so soft against my skin. I got under the sheets and snuggled into the pillow, my tail wrapped around me in comfort. I fell into a peaceful sleep, all nice and warm. In the early morning my ears picked up on sounds of sighing and distress. I sit up facing the cold and focus more, it's coming from the room to my left which I believe is Tae's. I slip out of the cover and tip toe out of my room to his door, I barely tap on it to show I was there and gently open it. I step in and close it behind me
"Are you okay?" I ask, eyes adjusted to the dark.
"I guess, I just can't get comfortable and I like to sleep with something" he whispers
"I can sleep with you, I'm very warm" I offer with a smile he can't see. He nods shyly and I walk over to his bed, sitting down on it.
"Thank you.." he mumbles
"No problem, it's part of the job right?" I reply with a giggle, getting underneath the covers with him. I have him lay on his side and curl up behind him, head against his back, with an arm across his waist and my tail curled around his leg. I liked cuddling people so this was great. His hands hold onto my arm as he tries to relax again. It takes a couple minutes, but his breathing finally slows down so I close my eyes, falling back to sleep.
*Morning Time*
My eyes blink open and I stare at the ceiling, we must have switched positions somehow because I was on my back with Tae's head on my chest. I smile to myself, all of this attention was making me feel great. I hear noise from the others waking up, yawns and shuffling feet, doors opening and closing.
"Where's Y/N?" I hear Sacha ask then see her face in the doorway. I wave to her and she walks into the room. The others poke their heads in and I wave to them as well.
"Why are you in Tae's bed?" Jungkook asks in confusion
"I heard him flip and flop last night so I offered to sleep with him as a cuddle buddy" I reply softly, not wanting to wake him up. Too late, Tae stirs and sits up, rubbing his eyes. I sit up and hop out of the bed, we all head downstairs where Jin is starting some breakfast. We say thank you for the food and dig in, there was plenty to chose from so I didn't feel bad about loading my plate up. I needed the energy for protecting! There was more talking today, guess we just needed to warm up to each other over a destroyed house and reviewing gangs. With full bellies we go get changed out of our night clothes. I managed to find a dark purple hoodie, and put on my black skinny jeans with my shoes. I tucked my tail loosely upwards today since the hoodie was pretty baggy and I'm sure people couldn't tell. I got a cool dark purple beanie that matched my hoodie from Hoseok to cover up my ears.
We weren't going to take the limo today since that'd draw too much attention, so we broke up into two cars. One car was Jin, Tae, Jimin, Jungkook,and I while the other was Sacha, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi. Jimin took the front seat since he was the second oldest of us so I sat in between Tae and Jungkook. We played lots of fun music, singing along to the lyrics purposefully off key. The drive into town wasn't long, about 10 minutes and we pulled into the parking lot of a giant mall that I had never been too. We all get out, there was no need for the boys to hide their identities completely since normal people didn't recognize them. I have to think of where I want to begin since I have to build my clothing collection from scratch. We headed into a store with socks and underwear so I got three packs of each thing. My next stop was Old Navy for some pants since they normally had okay deals. I try some of them on and jokingly model them for everyone. I bought another black pair, some light washed ones, dark washed ones, a red pair, a light gray pair, and a dark gray pair. I got random shirts, sweaters, and sweatshirts from random stores. Damn did it feel good to shop for new clothes. I mostly bought everything but Namjoon did use his leader authority and bought me some things as a sorry your shit got destroyed gift.
"Let's get some ice cream" Jin states, staring longingly at a sweets stand. We all agree and he buys everyone whatever we want, I got *favorite flavor(s)* and licked mine happily. I notice Sacha's ear twitch under her hat and tilt my head, trying to hear what she's hearing. Men...laughing? Oh shit! Oh shit! It's Jaebum's laugh!
"Abort mission, abort mission!" I whisper yell, grabbing everyone's attention.
"Why are we whispering?!" Hoseok whisper yells back at me
"We just heard Jaebum's laugh from the direction we're going in!" I reply. Before we can change course the gang comes into view, Jackson spots us and nudges Jaebum, pointing to us.
"Fffuuucckkkk" Sacha whines under her breath and I pat her back. Got7 approaches us so we stand in front of the guys.
"Heyy babe" Sacha smiles awkwardly, shuffling her feet. Jaebum looks at Sacha, then at Bts, then back at Sacha.
"This is who you've been with?" He questions bluntly, staring right at Namjoon. I lick my ice cream quietly, this awkward silence was killer.
"Y..yeah" Sacha mumbles guiltily, looking at me for help so I step in
"I met these guys a day or so ago and decided I wanted some new clothes so I dragged Sacha along for my support" I say, bullshitting my words and lick my ice cream. Jaebum eyes me, not believing anything but I keep an innocent face. He scoffs and reaches for Sacha but I step in front of her.
"Jusr because you're dating means nothing, you will not grab her" I warn with a growl. Won me over or not, nobody messes with my Bee. Jackson steps up, eyeing me so I return the favor, protective mode on.
"Don't go causing a commotion in this place Jaebum, we just want to shop like normal humans" Namjoon speaks up, standing behind us. He was a tall dude when he used his full height, towering over us.
"I just want my girlfriend, is that too much to ask for?" He retors, emphasizing the world girlfriend.
"Maybe she doesn't want to go with you" Hoseok chimes, standing behind Sacha. Ooooooo, I smell a ship! Jaebum does not like that as he glares at Hoseok in disgust
"Don't do this here okay? I can't be with you anymore because of something that came up" Sacha says, dropping the truth finally. I could tell that he wanted to lose his shit but he just lets out a strangled sigh.
"Can I ask why?" He demands, foul look on his face. Sacah looks at me and I understand
"Because we found out that your family did something not nice to our family a while back, it's best to end this now" I step in, taking another lick.
"And what was that?" Mark questions, standing next to Jaebum.
"First generation Got fuckheads killed our families, all because they were jealous of our families power. Your shit head of a father wanted us wiped out and he succeeded, sorry if she doesn't want to be with that shit heads descendent" I growl out, close to his face. He scoffs and takes a step back
"Fine, but this means you're our enemies now. And it's pathetic how you two are the only ones left" Mark mutters and I let out a growl. I raise my hand to throw my ice cream at him but Jungkook pulls it back down.
"No scenes" he whispers to me and I huff at him.
"Okay, so be it." Sacha states, crossing her arms over her chest. Jaebum makes a motion and the group goes back the direction they came from.
"Way to stick it to him Bee!" I cheer, hip bumping her. She gives me a small smile, poor rabbit was probably scared to death. She doesn't do well with confrontation.
"I have learned from the best Jinx" she says and I smile widely
"Damn right ya did!" I shout, kicking at the air where Got7 stood.
"Got shitheads was the best insult you could come up with though?" Yoongi teases and I feign sorrow, turning to him.
"That was insult gold" I declare, Jin nodding so we high five. It was a bit awkward with my ice cream but we managed.
"Well shall we continue out shopping spree?" Jimin pipes from the back of the group and we all agree. Shoes were last on my list, I had to try on multiples to make sure they were the right fit. Hidden in the corner of the giant shoe store is a Timberland display and I immediately walk to it. There were so many colors, the basic black and tan, but there was a pure red pair that were limited edition, a light pink pair that was limited edition, and a baby blue colored pair. I got the worker to get me a pair of each, excluding the tan pair because they weren't really my color. Those plus three sneakers and a pair of boots made up my new shoe collection and I was damn happy. I slip on the all red pair of Timberlands because they were snazzy as hell. I thank the worker and walk out a giant grin.
"I'm good, I've gotten everything I needed" I state proudly, looking at my new shoes. I blew a lot of money but it was SO worth it. Hoseok bought some random hats for himself and we helped Tae pick out some new ties for his collection. Jin found a cool ass pink trench coat and bought it. Nobody else wanted things so we head back out to the cars, stuffing the shopping bags in the trunk. We pile back into the cars and I slouch in my seat
"That was a lot of shopping" I whine, plopping my head on Jungkook's shoulder.
"Spending money is hard huh?" Jimin kids, turning around in his seat and I nod with a laugh, lifting my head back up. We head back to the house and un load the bags, I just put mine in the closet, hoping to sort it later. I place my new Timbs near the closet entrance and slip into a nee pair of my pajama shorts. I head back downstairs and settle into the sofa. We all agreed on getting a pizza for the evening since shopping took around 4 hours, including the confrontation. Namjoon pays, tipping the pretty driver heftily. No plates needed, we just get a slice whenever we want. We debate on movies to watch and I vote for a horror movie, Sacha and Jungkook agreeing with me. Our cuteness won and Yoongi popped in the Conjuring (I couldn't think of a better movie)
I look around at everyone, a small smile gracing my features. This is home...this is a family in the making.
-Ro~ all of the notes on pt 1 almost had me in tears, no joke :p thank you all for supporting this new story! I hope this chapter is as likeable as the first <3 also thinking about making Sacha and Hobi a couple later on!
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