#the yellow suit one on the bottom im getting dizzy
Whittaker!Master x reader
a very happy birthday fic to @dykecious love you xxx it's short but i actually enjoyed writing it
Taglist: @psychobitchtess @oster-hagen @lostshadow12 @thejinxmaster @bitemealiienboy @ellacannotdance @hcney-lemon @im-tired-24-7 @sweetlittlesoufflegirl @truthbehindthemysteries @startrekkingaroundasgard @ettorah @theaussietimelord @captainlgordon @findingyouagain
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She hadn't meant to shoot you. That'd be ridiculous, the Master had simply been on a rampage, letting you get caught up in the midst of it. But in those few moments, in the blinding hot pain, you contemplated her intentions for just a second. But it was still the most awful second. Maybe not the most awful, the part where you'd crumpled down and the impact had really hit had been the most awful.
You hadn't even screamed, just let out a borderline pitiful whimper, looking up at her in shock and confusion as her lips parted in a shout. Any merciless glee had been wiped straight away for sheer panic, her boots clashing against the floor rather frantically.
As soon as her hands landed on the mark she'd hit, you'd cried out, not that you'd quite even realised it other than the hoarse sting to your throat. The moment her hands tore away they were stained. Beforehand, she'd somehow managed to keep clean, suit crisp as ever, hair held in near flawlessly chaotic waves, head held high.
Now she seemed desperate.
A nice fun birthday outing was all it was intended to be, the Master having been persistant in the idea. She'd claimed otherwise with her disregard for human tradition, but she'd been borderline obsessed, ranting on and on about it in her usual way of discontent, which really meant that it was quite important to her.
A lovely planet, the most serene you think she'd ever taken you too. She'd said it was calm. No plots to overthrow anyone, just some strolls and resteraunts she feigned annoyance of. At one stage, she'd picked a bright yellow flower, an almost blindingly yellow flower - you didn't tell her that though - and pushed it straight into your hair. She'd done it without a word and continued strolling on. Typical, but absolutely lovely nonetheless.
But she always managed to find trouble, the Master, far too many harbouring a score to settle against her. It hadn't boded well for a day you'd hoped to simply be peaceful.
In a matter of seconds, everything about her had seemed to become disheveled, arms scooping you straight up and pressing your form to her chest. You'd barely registered the teleportation other than the change of lighting to a dimmer red, and the metallic clanging to her now heavier steps.
"Hold on, you'll be fine, it's just painful."
Despite that statement, she still sounded incredibly guilty. In fact, she sounded more hurt than you were. Her accent had only thickened, which you found only happened in situations of high emotion, not something you were happy to hear now.
You could feel the blood trickling down your leg, even as she placed you down onto a bed. Even as she quite unceremoniously ripped the bottom half of your trouser leg off. You really didn't have a high tolerance for pain at all, and you knew just how close you were to passing out.
Still, just before, before you mumbled a final "'M sorry," you listened to her mumblings of failure and simply felt defeated. You'd have a hard time getting her to let go of any guilt after this.
Waking up, now waking up was a different experience in itself. Your leg's complete numbness was the first thing you noticed, no doubt some alien pain medication. You couldn't notice a second thing for a few moments due to the dizzying harshness of the light above you, but as soon as you lifted your head up, you noticed a very sleepy Master barely sitting up in her chair.
Her head snapped to yours at the even the hint of movement, hands swiftly moving to try and smooth down her hair. "You should be asleep." She even had to wipe the tiniest bit of drool from the corner of her lips, which you would fawn at if not for her state.
"Can't control when I wake up," you smiled. "Is everything okay now?"
"Your leg's fine," she stated shortly.
"I meant more with the people that attacked."
"Ah yes, I left you alone and bleeding to go and slaughter them all." One particularly sarcastic laugh before, "They're still breathing. I was the one that shot you." Her shoulders slumped.
"By accident."
Before she even managed another word, you jumped in, quite easily predicting her own angry wores centered around guilt. "It's not your fault. No, I don't care that I got harmed. No, I'm not leaving you. And please don't start hitting shit, just- come lie down."
She didn't seem fully convinced.
"An' it's my birthday so you have to listen."
That and the rather enthusastic pat you gave to the spot next to you gave way to another roll of the eyes, one that was never genuine, as she slumped over on the bed. One thing you hadn't noticed in your determination to hinder any guilt was her rolled up sleeves. It really wasn't such a thing to focus on in the situation, and yet-
"I shot you, and you're lookin' at my forearms."
"Shut up."
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aceademic · 3 years
Chapter 1 of 'Band on the Run' by liz
Feel free to go super hard with the critiscism lol. This is Chapter 1. TW: mention of blood.
Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them. My mother used to say that when we would sit out in the cool Missouri grass stargazing. I just never knew that I wouldn’t need to imagine running with them anymore. Because one day, I already would be.
That one day started the night that my mother died. Peter was devastated, and I had to drag him out of the hospital room. I remember the EKG ringing in my ears and watching the swarm of nurses run into the room.
“Come on Peter,” I mumbled as they closed the doors. He slumped in my arms, and I could feel the sleeves of my shirt becoming damp from tears. A moment later, my arms were cast aside, and Peter ran off down the hall, shoving open the emergency exit door and disappearing into the night. I followed quickly behind him.
“Peter!” I shouted, my voice raw. “Peter, come back!”
I could see him about 20 feet in front of me. He fell in the grass and sat there in a small ball of pain. I fell down next to him, and grabbed his face, forcing him to look at me.
“Hey,” I said softly. “It’s gonna be okay. Everything’s going to be fine.”
He gave a horrified glance, but it wasn’t for me. He was staring at something behind me. When I turned around, my eyes were blinded with a bright light, and as my eyes adjusted, I could see a man with blue skin. I could hear the roar of an engine, and that was when I realized that it was a spaceship. A UFO. Something illuminated over us, like a spotlight on a stage, and I felt a tug at my back, and I was pulled upwards into the air.
I tried to touch the ground, but I couldn’t. The last thing I remember was seeing the face of the blue-skinned man.
  A bright light blinded my eyes once again, but this time it was from an overhead light. Feeling confused as to how I got where I was, I scanned my surroundings, noticing the grimy pipes in the ceiling, the metallic green and grey walls and floors that you could see through, with more filthy pipes lining the bottom of it. That’s when my vision went blurry, the room span past me, and the feeling of dizziness distracted me. My head felt oddly hot and wet. I pushed myself off the ground and felt the back of my head. A glorious red stained the tips of my fingertips. My stomach lurched at the sight of it, and I could feel something going up the back of my throat.
The next thing I know, I’m throwing up in the corner of the room. When I wipe my mouth and turn around, I make out bars on the. I run up to them and start to bang on the bars.
“Help! Help!” I yell, shaking them noisily. “Anyone!”
I recognized the voice right away. It was far away and came from down the long hallway the bars guarded.
“Peter!” I yell. “Peter, where are we? What happened?”
A clattering of footsteps made my head ache, and soon I saw Peter turn the corner. The smile that lit my face soon turned into a shocked ‘o’ as a blue-skinned man followed right behind him, causing my head to burn with pain. Memories came flooding back in a flash.
When the man reached the cell, I noticed his tight grip on the back of Peter’s red and blue flannel shirt. Peter had no clear signs of abuse on his face, but he was certainly terrified.
“You,” I growled as the man faced me, clutching my head. He gave me a toothy grin, revealing yellow-stained teeth and golden crowns. “What did you do to me?”
I removed the hand from my head, leaving my hand wet with more blood. I almost threw up again at the sight of it.
“You fainted after we beamed you up,” the alien told me. “One of my men dropped you while he was carrying you up to the cell.” He gave me a small little shrug. “Oops.”
He chuckled as I gave him a glare and removed my jacket to place on my forehead so as to not bleed out. “What do you want with us? What are you doing with my brother?”
That same toothy grin returned. “Teaching ‘im a lesson, innit that right, boy?” He looked down at Peter who nodded his head reluctantly, staring at his feet. I crouched down to look eye-to-eye with Peter.
“Hey! Look at me,” I said firmly to him. He looked me in the eyes, the desperation so very evident. “Did he hurt you?”
Peter shook his head slowly, looking back down at his feet. I stood back up and took a step forward, making sure to look him right in the eye. “What do you want?”
“It don’t matter what I want witchoo’,” he said, voice rising and smirk disappearing. “You follow my orders, or I feed you to my men. They ain’t never had Terran before.”
I stared him down fiercely before finally slumping over in a sign of surrender. “Fine.” He opened his mouth, but I interrupted him before he could even start. “On one condition.” The alien glared at me, but gruffly answered, “Shoot.”
“You don’t harm my brother. In any way.”
“Okay,” he answered after a pause of consideration. “Deal’s a deal.” The man took out some kind of walkie-talkie, and screamed, “KRAGLIN,” in to it.
A boy, perhaps a year or two older than me, came running from around the corner. He garbed the same outfit as the blue-skinned man, a mahogany red leather jacket with a bronze fire emblem embedded on it. However, he looked similar to me, with human skin, but perhaps he was an alien too. I couldn’t tell.
“Yes boss,” Kraglin answered loyally. He gave me a small glance, with an apologetic glint in his eyes, but quickly turned back to the blue man.
“Take them two to their quarters,” he said, nodding towards me and Peter. He then pulled Kraglin close to his face with a threatening sneer. “And don’t get lost along the way.”
Kraglin gulped, nodding really quickly, and the alien let go of both him and Peter and sauntered off down the hall. Kraglin fumbled with something in his pocket, revealing a set of keys and quickly opened the door of my cell. Peter ran at me, hugging the side of my leg and hiding behind me.
“I’m sorry about the, um – eh,” he pointed at his head, and when I said nothing in return he started to ramble quickly. “I didn’t mean to. It was an accident. I promise I’m not here to hurt you.” Pause. “Yondu’s like that with everyone, so don’t take it personally. He’s secretly a big softie on the inside. D-don’t tell him I said that. Just, come with me.”
Kraglin gave us a half-tour of the ship as he showed us to our ‘quarters’ as the man, whose name is apparently Yondu, said.
“That’s the hull over there. That’s where we get our orders every morning. You best not be late. But don’t worry! I’ll come get you the first few times!”
“Oh, and that’s the mess hall. You get three meals a day there. You can eat there whenever you want, but I would recommend coming really early if you want the best food.”
“Yeah, and down there is the boss’s quarters,” he lowered his voice to a hush as he said this, looking around as though someone were to overhear. “No one ever goes there unless you’ve got an express invitation or there’s been an emergency. Even I haven’t been there.”
Finally, we stopped in front of a dark metal door. Kraglin opened it for us, and I crouched down to Peter’s height.
“Hey bud, why don’t you head on inside,” I told him. “I have to talk to Kraglin, okay?”
Peter looked between the two of us, but turned around and went into the room anyways. I closed the door behind him and looked at Kraglin, trying to make my eyes look as kind as possible, although I don’t really know how to, it was worth attempting.
“Look,” I whispered. “You seem really nice. So if there’s anything you could tell me about my – our – situation --”
“I can’t,” Kraglin interrupted, returning to that forbidden hush. “Boss would kill me if I told you.”
“Then he doesn’t have to know,” I hissed back.
“I’m sorry,” he said, starting to back away. “I’ll wake you in the morning, okay?”
Before I could whisper-yell at him to get his ass back over here, he was already gone, and I defeatedly made my way into the room.
Peter was already fast asleep on the bed in our room. Instead following in suit, I sat down right in front of the door, staring at it. Nothing would get past me. Nothing . . . not . . . even . . . Zzz . . . Zzz . . .
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