#thea plays rdr2
thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
rdr2 truly appeals to the Liberal agenda: i just fed a kkk member to an alligator
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
Arthur at any point in the game: “Listen, I’m a terrible, terrible person! The worst!!!! Now, please step aside while I help this old lady cross the road.”
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
i was so planning on playing arthur as this tough, shoot-first-ask-questions-later, dead-men-can’t-talk kinda guy but nah, he’s soft
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
rdr2 is a terrible game... I can't pet the dogs!
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
He's gonna propose using Arthur's ring... just leave me in a puddle on the floor then why don't you D:
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
underappreciated moments of excellence in rdr2: being able to shoot wannabe-hitler point blank without anyone (including the police officer right next to him) caring :))))))
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
Currently experiencing a healthy dose of existential angst because i just realized i will never in my entire life achieve 100% completion in rdr2 because i refuse to do the bandit challenges
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
I’m so upset right now :(
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
...i don’t like arthur’s cold guys...
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
i really, really want arthur to punch dutch straight in the face for what he just did...
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
rdr2 (and google trends i guess) spoilers behind the cut
i was curious to see how many other people were suddenly really interested in the prognosis and treatment of tuberculosis and well:
Tumblr media
apart from a really interesting periodicity, some poor person will one day write a paper about  “tuberculosis public awareness inferred from google trends data” and they will have to include a chapter dealing with the obvious outlier spanning october and november 2018^^
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
26% in and i‘m already so hopelessly attached to everyone :))))) staying spoiler free here (and no idea about the content of rdr1) but i bet this game will grind my heart into teeny tiny pieces by the end :)))))
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
john is using arthurs journal :(((((((((((
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
John and arthur tho :‘(
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
rdr2 people: do yourselves a favour and get arthur drunk befor talking to a dog :‘)))))))
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thorinkingoferebor · 6 years
I’m still agonizing a lot over my gang of outlaws and one outlaw in particular and you know what i just realized: while arthur’s chances of survival were probably quite slim to begin with (he was already coughing up blood and fainting all over the place after all) he might have still had a couple of years in him IF he’d followed the doctor’s advice. Which of course he didn’t because to him ‘his family’ > ‘his life’ BUT dutch could have helped by going west (dry climate) or not sending arthur out on one exhausting mission after the other (rest). Instead dutch keeps pushing even when arthur’s clearly close to collapsing and even worse: his plan revolves around getting everyone to a humid tropical island! Even if they’d made it, arthur wouldn’t have lasted a week there!
I don’t quite remember all conversations in detail because so much happened in chapter five and six but arthur wasn’t really keeping his condition a secret. Dutch must have realized/known how serious it was but apparently the plan(TM) was more important than his adopted son/little brother.... :(
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