Hey guys!
So I’m considering taking a big break from the fandom (which is shame bc I love history) but if you guys would like to support me on tumblr here is my personal tumblr and my social media’s
Tumblr: @whoiamtheysaid
Twitter: @theelizabethro1
Tiktok, Instagram, hive, twitch: @theelizabethroseemily
I might do a tumblr for my social media accounts cause thanks to ya’ll well....I wouldn’t be on the path that I am now. I know I’ve made a TON of f#%king promises. But you guys have taught me so much and just I love every single one of you. I got this blog started because I wanted to do incorrect quotes for myself. I especially wanted to do them for the bullet’s perspective.
Also! I have a discord community for my twitch. I will be streaming soon and would love to personally interact with you guys! I do plan on playing assassin’s creed and noting the historical inaccuracies. So if you would like to join please come on by:
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