firebreathinfred · 4 years
⭐️ nerd squad
fred actually met all of his nerd friends completely by accident. he’d been looking for the campus gym - a place that’s far away from the undergraduate labs, but somehow that was where he’d ended up. he had no clue what was going on in the labs at all, but it was so COOL!!! it was during his sophomore year of college - and yes, he actually did go to college (majored in creative writing and everything) - so he was technically allowed in the lab and they couldn’t kick him out. all of the nerds wanted him gone though. they were busy getting ready for midterms and didn’t need the distraction. it was tadashi who first took pity on him and answered some of his questions until fred realized he was about ot be late for cheer practice and ran off. the nerds all thought that would be the end of it, until the next day when fred came back. honey was the next one to accept him into their little group. then eventually wasabi. it was gogo who took the longest to warm up to him, but by the end of that semester that had all essentially accepted him into their friend group.
fred didn’t tell any of them his last name or who he really was for years. it wasn’t until hiro joined the group that fred decided to bring everyone to his home. he hadn’t intentionally been hiding who he was - he genuinely thought they all knew. he didn’t really hide it - he talked about healthcliff and how he was going to buy crazy things - but they all figured heathcliff was just a member of his family and that he was never serious about his supposed expensive purchases. they all reacted fairly well, even if they were a little shocked by it all. really the only thing that changed was they stopped putting up such a fight when he offered to pay for things and they all started hanging out in fredzilla headquarters more often.
there’s an entire bookshelf in the nerd lab dedicated just to fred’s stuff. he may or may not have brought it in there himself (or well - healthcliff did most of the work, let’s be real). there are tons of papers with all his ideas, superhero sketches, and half-written comics he works on sometimes when he’s there. also lots of snacks stocked up too. tjhe bottom shelf was removed to even make room to put in a mini fridge - which he has pretty much completely filled up and is thinking of adding another one. there’s also a few action figures that he keeps there - to inspire all of his friends.
@notsobighiro / @xx-honeeylemonn / @tomagogo
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eveningstarlottie · 4 years
⭐️ tiana x lottie
growing up tiana was always lottie’s only real friend. lottie had known from a fairly young age that she wasn’t really a boy. something big daddy accepted with just a bit of confusion, but not many others of the new orleans elite were as okay with it. which is why she never really liked to spend time with them outside of parties she was required to attend. the boys made fun of her dresses and the girls were all told by their parents to stay away from her - but tiana never cared. she was also a little confused at first when lottie started wearing skirts and had her mom switch from making suites to creating ballgowns, but all it took was lottie saying “i’m actually a girl - like you!” and tiana accepted it. as they grew up and lottie learned more about being trans and studied gender a bit more, she always shared her knowledge with the two most important people in her life: her father and tiana. because she wanted them to be kept up to date and understand how she felt and who she was.
for all lottie has lived her whole life in her own little world, she’s always listened closely to everything tiana told and taught her. lottie knew she was rich and white and with that came a lot of privileged. but she did her best to do good with that. she isn’t really an activity by any means - but she tries to keep herself educated. everything tiana tells her she believes wholeheartedly and when someone else tries to get her to question it she never budges - believing her best friend more than anyone else.
by the time they were about thirteen lottie gave up trying so hard to pay for things for tiana. it was frustrating, but tiana was so stubborn about it that lottie learned to only put up a small argument. that doesn’t mean she stopped buying things for her though. any time tiana mentions wanting something by the end of the month she normally has it - lottie always burning the receipts so she can’t return them and tiana had to take it. lottie also “hired” tiana for anything she possibly could. for years tiana was the official la bouff plant waterer. and she always made at least one dessert for every party lottie or big daddy has ever hosted in the past decade. lottie always makes sure big daddy pays her double what he normally would for all these odd jobs.
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jinglesperii · 4 years
“ my tv is broken, and i can not be alone with my thoughts. “ (Rosetta)
“you can always stay here,” peri said, moving out of the way to let rosetta inside the apartment she shared with tink. “if you wanna use our tv, you can,” she said softly, making her way into the kitchen so that she could get rosetta something to drink. “would you like tea? coffee? hot chocolate?” she rummaged through the cupboards, taking a few options out before looking back at the girl again. “oh...are you cold? i know it can be cold here...i have blankets and sweaters to share.” @missrcsetta
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artsandpoppy · 4 years
“ but this is helping … hearing your voice. “ (angelo)
“okay. that’s good,” she comments softly as she watches him for a moment. a glance down at his hands showed that they weren’t on fire, which was enough for poppy to feel comfortable taking a step forward towards him. if she were thinking clearly she should have still had caution - realized that just because there weren’t flames didn’t mean there wasn’t heat building up that could spark any moment. but poppy wasn’t thinking logically - didn’t care about anything other than wanting to be there for him, to comfort and help him in any way she could. there’s a brief hesitation as she stands before him, still just watching to see if coming closer had been a help or a bother and deciding on whether she should follow her instincts or not. because all she wants to do is wrap her arms around him in a hug, knowing it’s what she would want right now... but this wasn’t a version of herself she was dealing with, this was angelo. a man who wasn’t the biggest fan of being touched in general, much less when he’s upset. so rather than going full on in, poppy takes a baby step and just reaches out a hand to rest on his arm, light at first as she prepares to pull back if it’s what he wants. “do you want to get out of here? would that - would that help too?” @angelosanger
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starbflyy · 4 years
“ i make grave mistakes all the time. “ (penny)
“what a coincidence, me too!” she said before laughing awkwardly. “i mean this one time i started a bl-never mind. i mean, i have an entire collection of stories from mewni to share if you ever want me to really talk your ear off about my mistakes.” she shook her head. “on the bright side, you’re cute. hot, even. so like every mistake you make can be canceled out because hot girls don’t make mistakes, they just live their lives to the fullest. i swear someone told me that once....” @mizzprouds
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conspiracypines · 4 years
“ i just thought that we could hang out. “ (daphne)
“oh.. yeah. sure, we can hang out,” he agrees, a bit of hesitation in his voice. it wasn’t that dipper didn’t want to see daphne, he always wanted to hang out and spend time with her, but well... after the masquerade things had just been weird. he’d yet to work up the nerve to say anything about it - unsure what there even really was to say. how did he mention the fact that they kissed or what it might have meant without also bringing up fucking sparkypants? and that... that wasn’t something he wanted to talk about. so instead, he stayed silent and avoided her as best as he could. but there wasn’t any way that could last forever. “what did you - uhh.. what did you want to do?” @meddlingdaphne
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emotionalriley · 4 years
“ hey , i was never happy! i was just less pissed off. “  (angelo)
“you were totally happy! don’t lie!” they argue, shaking their head and refusing to believe angelo’s claim. there wasn’t a doubt in riley’s mind that he had to be happy in those pictures they had seen on kitty’s instagram - even with his face cropped out, they just knew that he was having the time of his life holding the little baby. “you were with a bunny, angelo! how could you not be happy?!” @angelosanger
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officialcliomuse · 4 years
you don’t have to be jealous , you know~ “(danny)
“she kissed you, danny,” she snaps, repeating the same thing she’s already said about five times in this facetime call. as if that was all clio needed to say because really, what more was there to say? the girl that he spent every fucking friday night with, the girl that was clearly half-in love with him, the girl that clio had hated since day one fucking kissed him. of course she was going to be upset about that. of course she was going to be jealous. “what do you mean i don’t have to be jealous when days after i leave you call me up to tell me that fucking gogo kissed you?” in what world does getting news like that not result in her being jealous? @imgoingghcst
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britbritsworld · 4 years
🎀 give my muse a gift (chippy)
Everyone has a different love language. Some people used physical affection and some people were able to set quality time for their loved one. Britney didn’t have much time on her hands, so she had to show her love with her words and her wealth. She always made sure to make each gift feel like she was right there in the room because it broke her heart to think about Chip being without her. She was confident in their love and their bond and she wanted to make sure he knew that. She didn’t get a say or much control in her life, but she didn’t follow the rules at all when it came to the love of her life. Her mother was constantly picking at her and threatening to take away tour dates at her favorite venues, but what was the point in doing what she loved it if couldn’t be for the person she loved? He was her muse, he inspired her to sing better and to the heart.
So her presents were always from hers. The lyrics were the easiest part. The flowed from her pen like a water caressing down a waterfall; it was always such a passionate yet tranquil moment to let her feelings sprawl out on paper. Every time she looked at Chip she heard a new melody in her head, so really he was doing part of the work for her. The difficult part was recording the song without her mother hearing it. She had to wait until she was completely and totally alone. Her room for the week always had a mini studio in it just in case Britney wanted to try and get some work done, but she needed time where it could be just her and her words, not her, her words, her mothers spies, and five men telling her she would sound better if she did something completely different. She knew how to play guitar and yet she was never allowed to do that in the studio. But that just made her songs for Chip more special. Soft whisper singing as if she was telling him a secret even though the world knew of her love for him. It was like passing notes in class and Britney was a master at not getting caught. She poured her heart onto her tapes for chip, sealed them away in an envelope with a note about how much she missed him, and sent away for him to have and keep close to his heart.
It took months sometimes to see him again, but the first words out her mouth after her I love you’s and letting him out of her tight embrace was always “Did you get your gift?” She needed to hear from his lips that he heard her heart. She wanted to know it made it safe to him. It was the only thing she looked forward to most of the time and looking into his eyes as she awaited his answer was agony, but it was a beautiful kind of pain. @chippyskylark
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hexgrlthorn · 4 years
“ they’re all the same. some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can’t act who is always running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door. it’s insulting. “ (daphne)
“the acting is pretty insulting,” thorn said with a nod. “but at the same time, it’s like, i know this shit is gonna be bad, so might as well go for the ride.” she leaned back in her seat and un-paused the movie they were watching. “but! do know that i expect none of this shit out of our modern scary movies. i expect badass women coming out on top every damn time. no torture, no bullshit. just the woman being the smartest bitch to live like how it would go in real life.” @meddlingdaphne
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mabelgrl · 4 years
“ why don’t they ever make a movie about what happens after the big kiss? “ (daphne)
“because no one wants to see what happens next,” mabel said firmly. “i know i don’t wanna know what happens after the big kiss because...what if it’s bad? i don’t want to see the couple i was rooting for break up! i want to bask in their happily ever after.” sequels were the worst too because the couple always had issue. mabel didn’t wanna see them break up or anything like that. she wanted to see them last forever. “don’t you like the big kiss?” @meddlingdaphne
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daisydukeduh · 4 years
“ if you could see your whole life from start to finish , would you change things? “ (donald)
daisy thought about what donald said. he had a fair question and she took the things he said seriously enough to answer honestly. he was one of the only people on this planet that she didn’t have to try to be genuine with. “for the most part, no. i mean, changing my childhood changes me completely and i love me.” she paused for a moment. “but i would change some things....like....well, this is probably stupid, but i would try to change my umm...temper...i guess. try to be more patient with people and umm....our relationship. not fight so much and just....let myself be happy. because i am super happy, always. but i know i could be....genuinely happy. if i let things happen. and i don’t. and i don’t know why i can’t just let good shit come my way, but i don’t, so....yeah. i would wanna change that. so that i can be with the people i love most and be ready to like....settle down. or be worthy of a certain person to feel like they could settle down with me or whatever.....” @theangriestquack
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noturnutmeg · 4 years
“ bitch , i told you i was gonna wreck it. “ (mel)
“bitch, that doesn’t mean i’m gonna stop you!” meg proclaimed to mel, her smile clear on her face. “in all honesty, i didn’t know you were strong enough physically to do it alone. but you did it. i am very impressed.” she clapped, her applause feeling too loud through her phone. “now that the damage is done. do you feel better? is your anger gone? have you simmered down?” she began to frown, the worry she had clearly on her face. “you know, if you keep acting like this, i will fly over to you and never leave. so consider that before making bad choices.” @mel-ancholymuse
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theflynnriders · 4 years
“ i’m about to do something terrible. “ (Eric)
when eric is the one that thinks an idea is about to be bad, that’s how you know it’s going to be rough. out of all his friends eric is one of the most responsible and usually filled the role of being the voice of reason when either flynn or naveen come up with terrible plans. so it’s a bit alarming to hear him admit that the action he’s about to take won’t go well. “are you sure this is a good idea?” he asks, not used to being the one to try to get anyone else to think things through. “like... do you really have to do this? i could try saying something instead? or we just... keep ignoring it.” that last suggestion wasn’t an option flynn should be offering, considering how upset vanellope was at taffyta and the whole situation - but it still felt like a better course of action than letting eric be the one to try to handle it all. @ohcapitans
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artsandpoppy · 4 years
“ i’m about to do something terrible. “ (Eric)
pausing for a moment, poppy looks over at the younger boy and tries to gauge whether he was joking or not. when she can’t tell right away, she sets down the box of supplies she had been restoking on the shelf and leaves the aisle to head back to the crafting section. “should i be worried?” she asks, sitting down in the chair across from him at one of the tables. “what are you planning?” @ohcapitans
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claudettebijou · 4 years
“Hey! Come on in, I’ll get you a drink.” (phil)
she should probably be a bit more hesitant on accepting the drink, knowing where alcohol can often lead her. but considering that adam was likely somewhere in this party already, claudette was going to need it. “hey,” she returns the greeting with a small smile, eyes sweeping over as much as the area as she can without being too obvious in search of her ex. “a drink would be perfect, thanks. i’m assuming you’ve got the good stuff again?” her question is teasing, knowing already that the perraults wouldn’t go half-assed on any type of party. the alcohol likely won’t be as strong as what she prefers, but at least it’ll be high quality. @theswordoftruth
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