castleaudios · 1 year
Do you have a specific hour you upload your videos on? (And if so a time zone would be helpful)
I usually try to post my audios sometime between 2-5pm EST!
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castleaudios · 1 year
Are you ready Castle? I certainly am. Good luck with this one you will need it. Here is the promised/announced essay of questions from me (I will send it in chapters):
[1] Seers/Oracles:
1. In the first Beth audio (you didn’t think we would start that far back did you) Beth mentioned and I quote “figured from the few interviews I’ve seen that they’re some of the most pretentious”. I have a few questions to that statement. What kind of interviews? Are Seers like famous or some other shit? Or maybe interviews with criminals? I could see Seers having a serial killer history tbf.
2. Sticking to the beginning of the Glenwood series, what are different stereotypes about magic wielders? I’m especially interested in Vampires and Seers but I’m happy to hear more of you are willing to write all of this.
3. How rare is the Seer magic type? Same question for Oracles. (How many Seers are there?)
4. We know that Seers see into the future. Oracles can see into the future as well as the past. Is there a magic wielder who can only see into the past?
5. Still going with the Seer questions. I imagine going out in public must be extremely stressful. Seers can probably suppress the visions for a certain amount of time but wouldn’t it hurt? Or maybe even have some consequences later on in the day?
6. What are the usual consequences of holding a vision for too long? Nausea? Fever? Nosebleed?
7. Question above but the most extreme ravages of seeing visions.
8. How long can a Seer hold their vision before it becomes too much?
9. Maybe not a question but more of a statement. Beautiful got thrown against the wall by a werewolf. Did that not hurt? Do Seers have some enhanced durability or some shit? In other words, do Seers have some other special qualities that just haven’t been mentioned yet? (Example: enhanced strength, hearing, etc.)
10. How far back can a vision go? I’m gonna try to word it as logically as I can. When Seers have visions on past events, does the distance from their timeline affect the Seer? Would it take more energy?
11. Get Beautiful some therapy please. Seeing death is not a healthy everyday routine.
12. What can you tell us about Beautiful’s childhood?
13. For a Seer to be born does one of the parents need to be one?
14. Okay this one has been bothering me for a while. How do you learn Seer magic? Is there a book about it? How do you just start having visions? Can you even learn it?
If any of the questions have been answered before or you prefer not to answer any of these you are free to skip there is no pressure. I’m just completing Beautiful’s backstory.
I think that’s all for the Seers questions. I’ve been waiting for you to come back on tumblr and then send it all :) Drink some water and have a great day <3
So I see we're just having me write down every little detail of my lore- I appreciate your dedication XD Okidoki, let's so this!
1- Seers are often featured in interviews after majors events like natural disasters if a vision they had was submitted to SIGHT and helped prepare for said event. Or featured on podcasts as guests because people always want to know about the kind who can see into the future.
2- There are plenty of stereotypes that Seers have a power complex because technically they have to ability to see any potential future and get a lot of clout for themselves. They're seen as know-it-alls and braggers, even if most just keep to themselves. Obviously, Fire Elementals are seen as short tempered, Earth Elementals are seen as less intelligent because how smart can a person who moves dirt be?Water Elementals have a hard time being seen as someone who's reliable and shifters often are assumed to be aggressive. When it comes to Vampires, most people assume that all vampires are rich oligarchs who pray on the weak. There's the stereotype that if you get close to a vampire, they can't help but bite you.
3- Honestly, someone tried running the same kind of numbers for blood mages and I got confused by the numbers myself XD Because this story is s fluid as we progress through it, I'm not going to include any rock solid statistics for my own sanity. Generally, Seers make up less than 5% of the magical population, and Oracles make up less than an eighth of that demographic.
4- Nope, ever Seer can see into the future.
5- Seers can suppress their visions when they're in public, it takes a bit of effort but it doesn't hurt them at first.
6- Consequences include headache, nausea, dizziness, lack of focus, and extreme fatigue.
7- The worst consequences in the most extreme circumstances would be fainting, seizures, and even hallucinations where the vision starts to spill through into their reality.
8- They can hold back visions for a few hours, even up to a few days before they start to feel the consequences.
9- Seer's don't have any advanced strength, Beth's just good at pulling her punches, even on potential intruders.
10- Visions of the past can go back years, it all depends on how hard the Oracle pushes to look back.
11- They all need a good therapy session, especially Beautiful
12- Since Beautiful is a listener character, that's up for interpretation!
13- You can't learn to be a Seer. There are books on how to manage visions and tell a vision from dreams or fantasies, all of which are provided by SIGHT.
Hope that answered your Seer questions, somewhat! Looking forward to what you've got next :)
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castleaudios · 1 year
Before I send my whole essay worth questions I have one thing to ask. From earlier questions we know that when you dye your hair it doesn’t transfer to the fur of the shifter but what if it was the other way around? Like dying a wolf’s tail (as a prank for an example) and then it transferring to the string of colour on the shifter’s hair.
This has been answered earlier on the blog but if a wolf is dyed while shifted, the color won't transfer to their human form, but it will stick around for a while in their wolf form
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castleaudios · 1 year
I’m not really up to date on your social media stuff so I don’t know if you said this already but I just remember something. A while ago I asked you about some technical stuff (this came to my mind because I’m upgrading my set up) and I was wondering, did you upgrade to the XLR mic already? If so, how is it? (I hope I remember the mic correctly) Looking for a new mic so I’m open for recommendations :)
Another thing: do you prefer getting questions one by one or should I just write them in one message?
Have a great day, drink water, and expect questions from me <3
I tried upgrading to the XLR mic but after several days of fighting with it, it's just not gonna work out so I'm looking for other options! I'll post updates as I make the upgrades to my equipment
Personally I prefer when people send all their questions at once. I'd rather work on one long submission than do seven individual ones.
I hope you have a great day as well! I look forward to your questions
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castleaudios · 1 year
Are we going to hear Chloe anytime soon? I love her and Dewdrop’s relationship :)
We'll be hearing from Chloe in a couple of weeks! She's definitely on the line up
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castleaudios · 1 year
Why hello there Castle 👀 I came to ask more questions 🤩🤌 Let’s start shall we:
1) (This probably already has been answered) Let’s say there is a situation where Ranger goes to the library. As we know the ‘magical books’ only show to those who are registered (from what I understood). But what would happen if our dear Ranger stumbled upon the magical section? Would he have to know what they are looking for or would they just brush it off?
2) What can you tell us about Dewdrop? There’s only so little we can go off now and I need to finish their backstory in my head :)
3) This isn’t a question BUT I totally imagine that when Beth shifts she is at the exact eye level with the Seer and it is the cutest thing I could think off. Anyway…
4) How long do you plan on torturing Ranger (and your audience)? In other words, when are we getting some romantics steps in the relationship between them and Claire? Will we get there before summer?
5) I want to hear some headcannons for our Open-wielder. Shoot them at me.
Now on to the more technical side of your recordings. We love some personal questions (if you don’t feel comfortable answering sth just skip, no pressure)
6) How long does it take you to write a script? I swear I had so many difficult moments while writing my own. Could use some tips if anything :)
7) Do you often re-write a script even if it’s almost finished?
8) What mic do you use? I will not believe it is some headphones mic.
9) What programs do you use for editing? And how does the process look like?
10) Do you usually record the audio and then add sound effects or do you make sound effects whilst recording?
I think that’s it for now. I will come back in the morning. More questions. Yay :)
But seriously I can bet that your ‘question box’ is overflowing rn. Hope you have a great day/night! <3
Hi Max!
The books in the library have a glamor over them that make them undetectable to non-wielders. Dear and Rose see through the glamor because of their magic being made apart of the magical coding (This is the best phrasing I can think of at the moment). If the Ranger happened to pick up a book without looking and it was magical, there is an additional ward placed on every book that a wielder must "unlock" in order to read, otherwise the words on the pages will blur and cascade off the reader's mind. A similar ward is laid over Glenwood as a whole to prevent suspicion. Many cities with a high population of magic beings use these types of wards to lay undetected by non-wielders without completely blocking them out.
Dewdrop was born and raised on the West coast studying water elemental magic with a focus in botany. They met Chloe while they were studying and come to move to Glenwood with her after a few years of dating. Since they didn't have much family left on the coast, it was easy for them to pack up and leave. They do a lot of work with taking samples of flora and fauna, studying the ecosystem around the park, and keeping track of the natural waterxystems. Because they spend a lot of time bending over and taking an endless amount of notes, it leads to a lot of chronic pain which Chloe does her best to help with. They are an absolute little shit.
Ya can't avoid the puppy dog eyes if they're at eye level with you
I promise I don't want to torture you all for that much longer! Ranger, I kind of want to torture a lil bit longer, but not you guys! We'll start see the two of them getting closer in the next few audios, especially as the poacher arc comes to an end. I can't give a proper deadline, but it should be soon.
Wielder is someone who greatly underestimates their own potential while simultaneously holding themself to impossibly high standards. They're close to completing their independent studies at the library and soon won't be an employee. At any given moment they have 5-7 books in their bag. They have been to Rose's house before to visit ex-scale-ibur and he loves to crawl into their hoodies.
Technical questions!! Let's do it!!
6. I usually break up writing my script over a few days since I find it really hard to sit down and focus for long periods of time. On top of that, I'll do a mock improv of the audio in my voice memo app then upload that audio onto a word document using the dictation feature. I'll edit and polish the script from that which is really helpful for editing and refining the content of the script itself.
7. Absolutely. I've had scripts that I've written, edited, recorded, and then completely tossed because it didn't match what I needed it to.
8. I use a USB Blue Yeti mic! Though I am hoping to upgrade that soon, I'd love to get an XLR mic eventually.
9. & 10. Up until recently I used Audacity for editing my audios, now I'm starting to learn Reaper. In terms of videos, I use Veed.io. Normally I'll record, clean up the doubles and outtakes, flatten the background noise and then use Epidemic Sound to round up any SFX I need that I don't already have downloaded on a hard drive. I edit the pacing of the audio as I include the sound effects and background noise so it all flows together. Additionally I'll make my own SFX while recording so I don't have to waste time looking for the perfect audio file online. Depending on the audio, the while process takes a few hours. I've had days where I wrote, recorded, edited, and then posted an audio in a single day. SFX are usually the last thing I add before making the thumbnail and background image for the video itself. I'll listen back to the audio to make sure I didn't miss anything while I use Canva, but sometimes that leads to me leaving in a double take because I'm too focused on something else. I do need to get better at that but that's pretty much my entire process!
Thank you for all the kind questions! Sorry it took a while to answer but hopefully this offered some insight!
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castleaudios · 1 year
Castle, when do you sleep? Isn’t it like almost 1AM for you? I can see the notifications, go to sleep :)
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castleaudios · 1 year
Is there a specific year the events in Glenwood are happening or is it just parallel to our time?
How does the present magic work? When Beth read the letter that Seer gave her it was mentioned that Seer can control/access past PRESENT and future? We know how visions of past and visions from future work but what about the present
The Glenwood timeline is pretty much parallel to our time, give or take a few months.
As for seers and present magic goes, it’s not exactly the same as past or future. A seer or oracle can’t have a vision of the present, but certain seers who have a very powerful connection to their magic can “feel” when a potential future has changed based on what they experience in the present.
For example: Beautiful was shuffling through potential futures and ran across several moments when Beth was betrayed by them and their argument over Alexander sent south. When Beth left to go clear her head instead of staying and escalating the situation, Beautiful would have “felt” in that moment that one of their visions had been altered or nulled completely by the actions of the present.
Certain seers who work with SIGHT will volunteer their services to determine when Mass-Predicted-Events (events that have been Seen by multiple individuals) to determine if certain outcomes change at any given time.
Hope that clears some stuff up! Thank you for such a a fun question!
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castleaudios · 1 year
Hi there! I also have a few questions 👀 Let’s begin…
1. When Beth and Seer first met she mentioned after their vision that their eyes lit up/change colour. Is there a certain colour they changed to? Is there a colour that is “pinned” to the seer magic? I personally think it would be purple but that’s just a hunch.
2. This is a long one. On their first meet (Beth and Beautiful) seer had a vision about moving some boxes right after Beth mentioned boxes in her living room. Same thing happened when beautiful had tried to fix her ankle: she mentioned getting hurt then suddenly a vision about the pack getting hurt was ‘seen’. To that time I thought the visions were random, not controlled by the seer but triggered with certain words or behaviours. That was until the episode where the seer was sick. At the beginning of that episode seer ‘scrolls’ through the visions without it being triggered by anything, suggesting that maybe they can control it fully. The question (finally): Do the visions happen random and are triggered by minor behaviours or words or are they controlled by the seer? Maybe both? How does it work?
3. In the last episode of The Fated Pair where they were going out on a date, when they were still getting ready to leave they had this conversation. The words “sex is never a requirement” were placed and since that I can’t stop thinking if they already done it. Don’t get me wrong I know they are adults. The question: Have they done it and the seer just wasn’t in the mood or have they been waiting because the seer maybe has some trauma related to it? Very personal I know 🙇 I’m a very curious person what can I say 💃
That’s it for now I think, thank you in advance for answering. Take good care of yourself there 🤺
1. I imagine Seer’s Magic being a soft lilac color that flashes over their eyes as the vision plays out
2. Both! A Seer’s visions can be triggered by certain words or phrases said by people they’re interacting with. Those come at random and can be flashes of images or full scenes playing out. How long a Seer spends with a person determines the frequency of the visions which is why so many of them involve Beth and the pack. However Seers can also intentionally have a vision if they have the proper training to focus their magic. In my universe, triggered visions are more likely to happen than intentional visions, so Seer’s are usually discouraged from trying to peer into the future without reason. In terms of our listener being an Oracle, they can also see the past of anyone that they directly interact with, but they have to work to actually get a vision of the past. They can’t be triggered, even if the person is describing the event in detail.
3. Beth and Beautiful have been intimate already! At what point is up to the listener, but they’ve already done it for the first time together. I included the requirement line because I wanted to set the precedent that even if you’ve slept with someone once, you are not obligated to sleep with them again if you’re not up for it. I didn’t intend for Beautiful to have any trauma associated with intimacy, they just weren’t up for it that particular night and the two of them had a resulting conversation about boundaries and expectations!
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