cosmooze · 5 years
008; 031
100 Random Character Development Questions
008. What is their favorite fairy tale?
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“The Goo-se Girl!”
031. Are they superstitious about anything?
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baaternal · 5 years
? (test drive meme)
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Oh my gosh? A human girl??? She’s never actually met one!
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H-hi! I’m Dr. Alphys! It’s really nice to finally meet another human!
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I-I mean, you! It’s nice to finally meet you! Well, not finally, b-because we haven’t really i-introduced ourselves or anything... but it is nice to meet you!
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I-I’m a big fan of humans, you see! Always have been!
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But n-n-not in, like, a weird way!
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Oh god this is a disaster
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truthswedges · 6 years
His hands shoved deep into his pockets, Willard stooped down in order to take a closer look at the shelves at the corner bookstore he’d found himself in. Agatha Christie...Arthur Conan Doyle...Umberto Eco...not bad, but he’d read them all already. Letting out a deep sigh, the angel shook his head and leaned back, stretching out his spine. That’s what having all the time in the world to read gets you...everything gets old eventually.
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That’s when he noticed the young woman peering at the shelves bordering the Mystery section he’d been looking at -- hm. Based on her attire, she was an athlete of some sort, but the section she was monitoring was...Romance?
   “...Huh. Didn’t know kids were still into that kind of stuff -- I thought that went out of style two decades ago.”
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One of his birds called out which had Itachi pausing in his steps.  Usually, his birds would alert him of one of two things: A threat or a surprise.  Granted, a threat usually was a surprise.  In this case, the bird wasn’t too energetic.  No reason to rush or fly off meant there had to be a surprise that it spotted.  Deciding to see, the Uchiha would move along the streets to find the answer he wouldn’t had quite expected.
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“Kanbaru Suruga...” he would speak out to get her attention while walking toward one of his students from back at the first city.  He had to keep in mind a couple of factors.  With her reappearance didn’t mean it would be the same one.  He would have answers rather quick just by saying her name, alone.  For now, he would play it by ear and go from there.
“I see they decided to bring you back into these games.”
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stellarshooter · 6 years
↕ + 5'3
send me your muse’s height and i’ll compare it to mine | accepting
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isilugay · 6 years
“Whoa, what the fuck are you?!”
Mina has no idea what this…thing…is. She has no idea if it can even understand her question, though its shape is vaguely humanoid. It stands hunchbacked, slightly shorter than her in its slouching position but could uncurl itself to be seven feet tall at least, with only two long fingers on each hand and drooping fins for ears. She can’t tell what color its leathery skin is in this shitty light. It stares at her with sorrowful eyes. She wasn’t going to try and strike up a conversation with one of these whatever-the-fuck-you-call-them, but it doesn’t look like she has much choice now. What does this mean for her situation? What’s she supposed to say?
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“Well, damn. I mean – I had no idea the Concern kept stuff like you in its sewers? Like, we could be under City fucking One right now and there’s weird people-ish creatures? In the sewer? The fuck?”
Whatever she’s supposed to say, that’s not it. The pariah shifts, agitated. Someone get her away from it before she provokes it too much.
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blazinginvokearc · 5 years
The rumbling of Beastly Beauty as it sped down the road deterred from the cold air that was blowing in Riku's face. It was getting colder and that meant people would start asking for more and more deliveries compared to the summer and spring seasons, which of course-meant more money. And with a fast vehicle like a motorcycle it was the perfect time for her.
Though thankfully she didn't have to ask for the contents like last time thanks to the "Summer Incident that shall not be remembered", boy that was a mess.
"Now let's see, one of these is an outside delivery which really doesn't make sense, but I can't complain about it. The recipient is a black haired girl with bandages around her arm- a chuunibyou?" Slowing down once getting to the location, a park in Cotes Ward, she got off the motorcycle with the package and started to look around.
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"Hey! I'm here for a delivery! Kanbaru?"
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byordeal · 5 years
❛ me? overreacting? probably ❜
Popular Text Post Starters
“It happens to the very best of us, I suppose.” Amalie glances up from the map she’s looking at, folding it up after making a mental note of the cross streets she’s trying her best to reach. It’s likely to never happen though, given how many people want to stop and chat about something. 
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“But I would heavily disagree with getting this worked up over a dropped sandwich. Perhaps if you bring them it in its erm, mess, you can get a new one? I don’t think I’ve ever tried to redeem insurance on a sandwich.” 
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antheiin · 5 years
Send my muse an icon, and they will…
🍀 regale a time when luck was on their side
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“Oh! Well, I was staying at this hostel a few years back. I went out for the night, and I guess I walked into a place that had the same layout as the place I was staying in? The furniture was a little different, but I was tired and sort of flopped into bed. Then like, twenty minutes later this random dude showed up and freaked the fuck out because I was trying to sleep in his room.” 
“Luckily uh, the dude was cool and understood, and let me go without waking up the person running the place. So, that was pretty cool of him. I went home and just sort of sat there for awhile, trying to process what exactly happened.”
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eveltrinity-blog · 8 years
@theformerace DEVIL: (Bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism)
It’s not unusual that in this world, there will be any form of sin. Be if physical, mental, or spiritual. This doesn’t necessarily please the goddess, not at all. While sinners will forever be a stain on this earth, she wanted there to be less. Too much work, and hell does get its cramped moments. Today once more, she finds herself with one of these sinners. The question now is, what makes them so different from the others? The goddess clucked her tongue.
      Cumbersome, but finding out was one of Hecatia’s many past-times.
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“Hey, you! What’s the most important thing to you?”
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17 . Tucked in the depths of a forest.
What brought him out deep into a forest like this?  A not-so-simple run, of course.  Stamina was important to keep up, and he could use the work on quick movements and precise jumps all over again.  Sharingan eyes darted around as he moved to plan his next steps forward, but those same eyes caught a signature on ahead.  He hadn’t expected to find anyone way out here, but he also knew it was a large island with a vast amount of people.  As he neared, he could make out the person, a person he knew the name of all too well.  A surprise, truly.  Slowing to a stop, the Uchiha would land on a branch to take a seat and stare down at the familiar face.
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“It’s been awhile, Kanbaru ... To think we would meet all the way out here,” he spoke now with the wonder of why this was...
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terthiodecimo-blog · 8 years
Sing me off, behind the curtain
Feedback meme! // @theformerace // Accepting!
Sing me off:Your details and narration are the best part of your writing. 
Behind the curtain: I’d like to learn about your writing process.
// Thank you so much for the feedback! I’m glad that there’s an aspect in my writing you like. As far as writing process comes to play, hm. I’m not really sure if I have one? I mean sure just like most of us there’s days where writing comes to us far easier than other days but with Roxas, especially with Roxas, it’s just been like a constant flow? I adore his character, Roxas came into my life at a very hard point in my life, cheesy way to say I know and though his general story is a tragic one there was always something that pulled me towards his character and concept. I really love his character and I always worry if I’m making him any justice or not because he is a favorite of mine. 
Sometimes there’s days where I read a reply and I know exactly what I want to reply with and others days I just have to read a reply over and over again and it isn’t that I don’t know how to reply, because I have an idea of what it is that would happen I just sometimes struggle with actually jotting it down without it sounding like word vomit. Like Roxas is a constant muse of mine that never fades, he’s always there poking at me somewhere. You know what I mean? I take a few things into consideration before actually replying to something though. Like is this good enough to be replied to? Can it actually be replied to? How would Roxas take this according to the canon point I’m taking him from? Of course it’s always important as well how the muse your muse is threading with will react upon what just happened too. I like to add in gestures or internal monologuing a lot to give a inside take of Roxas to both mun/muse who I’m threading with. 
A character does something Roxas doesn’t like. I don’t know, suddenly hugging him or something like that out of nowhere.
Roxas isn’t fond of contact without warning so I’ll probably be writing about how he gets tense and even frowns at it. How he’ll silently be questioning if said muse has any idea of what personal space is or not.
I feel like doing so would kind of resonate a bit to the other character? Like not be extremely obvious what’s going on but get the idea that, in this case, oh okay he doesn’t like to be touched. To be honest not sure if any of this is making any sense but I hope some of it is? xD Music! Music also helps me a lot, more specifically from Kingdom Hearts. A plus music 10/10 I would always recommend. And it isn’t that I’m listening to it all the time while I write, I’m really picky. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can’t, other times I listen to it before I write and get a whole flow of ideas.
But um yeah! Not too sure if it’s much of a process? I mean this is all over the place and I’m sorry in advance for that but thank you! I really appreciate it!
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whxtscolor · 8 years
Send “♪” for a song that reminds me of my muse.
Dreamin’ ChuChu | emon
chocolatatatata--- okay but it has That KAITO feel (TM)
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blowyourhousedown · 8 years
Friend to All Children, and relatedly Papa Wolf
Hurting a kid is a really, really good way to piss him off.
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baaternal · 5 years
“You’ll be rewarded for your efforts if you keep trying.”
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What a kind thing to say. One can only hope so, can they not?
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isolaradiale · 5 years
hi -- i'm raring to give her another go here! re-apping Suruga Kanbaru from Monogatari, the app is on the sidebar. Thanks!
Welcome back to scenic Isola Radiale, Suruga!
You’ll be staying in APARTMENT 345!
You’ll retain everything you had previously.
Enjoy your stay!
– ⋆ betelgeuse.
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