fandom--desires · 6 years
Imagine: The Company running through your back garden
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It had been a long week at the office dealing with rude customers, a snappy boss and annoying colleagues. To make matters work it was pouring with rain, your car’s ‘Check Engine’ light was on and you were coming down with a cold. The only positive to this week was that your cat, Bluebell, was waiting patiently for you by the front door when you got home, and she hadn’t shredded the sofa today.
You wanted nothing more than to down a bottle of wine and to go to bed, but there was washing up to do and laundry to fold first. You dragged your heavy feet to the kitchen and filled the sink with water, mindlessly setting about trying to restore some order to your tiny kitchen.
You were singing along to something on the radio, watching the leaves rustle in your garden, when the first fence panel fell. You frowned, then shrieked in surprise when a small, hairy man picked himself up off the wood. He dusted himself off and, (good grief, is that an axe in his head???) proceeded to throw himself at the opposite fence panel, knocking that one down as well.
You stared, open mouthed and dishes quite forgotten about, as the axe-man was followed by an equally tiny man with lots of orange hair. He came barrelling through your garden and was gone in a matter of seconds. Suddenly more and more came running through your garden. They were each as equally small and hairy, bar one who looked to be bald but was moving too quick to tell. A tall man in a grey dress and a pointy had followed them. He paused for a moment to put the first fence panel back up before hurrying from your garden and restoring the second one.
Blinking, staring open mouthed at your garden, you shook your head. Looked like you really needed that glass of wine!
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