#thei and puppette
cactusdeedrawdles · 1 year
Okay, to update on the "will I make them found family bros or a polycule" sitch with the nightmare gang, they are in fact brothers, and that decision was made for two reasons:
One) the relationship they have with Thei and with each other that ive written so far, is very brotherly, to me at least haha
Two) I was reminded of RottenCrop and then got brainslapped by Outer/Horror and decided, WHAT IF ALL OF THE ABOVE?
So now they're a lil polycule of their own and I love them dearly just from what I've written so far akenekf
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More under the cut about them/ adding to the writing on the page :)
I love the design for Star's jacket that I made, plus his shoesssss~
Star is at least autistic in this multiverse, if not AuDHD, but I'm not sure yet. He hyperfixates on stars, of course, and giving star-related things to people is his top love language. He also is very understimulated easily, and loves touch to the point he (like K) will regularly drape himself on top of Rust for comfort, as well as randomly climb under him and use him as a blanket like he's not twice/thrice his size lol
He also regularly picks up Sage and plops down with him in his lap to cuddle, which usually includes him massaging different areas while telling them (both Sage and Rust) what he loves about that area of them. (Ex, I love your hands because they're rough from work but still so gentle, or I love your shoulder blades because they peek out when you turn and you look like you're gonna sprout wings hehe)
Star can NOT wear pants, he hates pants and will shred them if they're put near him (much like Rust with shoes)
Star lives in the Castle with the gang part time, but spends a lot of time in his own AU as well, as he's still a scientist and keeps things going there, plus his brother still lives there. His Paps is his twin, and lives with Mettaton, Alphys, and Undyne in a big house now. (Papyton, baybee)
(Sage will pack fruits/veggies/meats for Star to take home for everyone)
Star is very extroverted on the Sans Scale, but despite being understimulated most of the time, he's easy to overstimulate when it comes to noise, seeing as he lived in space his whole life. Even when you could hear others it wasn't super loud, you know? He'll typically go mute or will get clearly agitated when this happens, or both.
He also covers any room he may sleep in (which includes the den of the Castle as well) in glow stars, from the walls to the ceiling. He hates the dark and will break down in it. He loves any and all vegetable (especially how Sage makes them) and will not touch soup with a ten foot pole (soup is so unsafe, you don't know what'll be in it and one little change and it's all different, and the temperature could be all wacky, and the textures-) (I'm projecting lol)
Sage, or Farmer, was a bit difficult to decide on how I wanted to portray him, because I've seen him as Korean, as Japanese, and more. Oira is such a cute name, so despite choosing for him to be Korean in this world (though he's fluent in Japanese and English and learning Russian for Dust), I kept the name Oira as an option. He just has many options :) Ink calls him Parky because he saw his family name ONCE and jumped on it. K calls him Petals because he's always wearing floral pants and K jumps at the chance for wacky nicknames (like how he calls Thei Fishnets from time to time).
Sage is from a "Genocide" timeline, which for him just means they got booted from their land. He and his Paps (who I can't decide a name for yet, maybe Kale?) live in the Castle and run a farm for the guys (Sage on garden, (Kale) on animals. Sage also cook when Rust doesn't, as it's absolutely Sage's love language to make food for people as well as take care of them. He's regularly making or getting things he thinks will benefit his partners, including every star themed item he ever sees for Star and all the blue things for Rust and Ink. He picks up books for Dust and Night, and will hunt down weird/wacky clothes for K because K loves to have stupid t-shirts or skirts with shitty patterns on them.
He is a gift giver, a carer, and an incredibly loving person that shows his emotions much more healthily than most other Sanses.
Rust is one of my favourite characters to write so far in just the little bit I've had of him. Rust is a big softie type, but can and will throw someone (and has). Rust is almost fully nonverbal, but he'll talk rarely or make noises to enunciate his thoughts as he signs. This is mainly because the hole in his skull causes him some issues, and he gets extremely frustrated to the point of self hatred about his stutter, slurring, and struggle to find words. Signing is easier for him in general. He has a prosthetic arm, but it's linked to his magic so he can use it to sign as well, it basically functions as a normal arm no issue. But, when it's off for repairs or something, he tends to get frustrated signing one handed so will either be completely nonverbal entirely or if need be will write things.
His Paps, Paprika, lives in the Castle as well, as their world was destroyed very early on. Paprika cleans mainly, and Rust helps a lot, especially with dishes and laundry. Paprika also helps in the garden because she wants to learn, and she's going to uni in the OT for psychology :) (is called Rika by Ink when he's very young and it awakens something, she's trans mtf) (Rika to most everyone, but still loves being called Paps or Papy by her brother)
He loves blue because Ink loves blue, and Ink is his buddy. He babysits Ink more than any of the other brothers, because Dust can't handle it just yet and K is usually running around too much to keep an eye on a kid, and Thei is Dealing With Alot™. Sage and Star help as well, and Ink has many many many Star gifts he keeps in his room.
He loves food, of course, and he loves cuddles. He was not at all a touch person before Star, and Star opened him up a lot, but when Sage came along it really helped him learn that touch can be safe and even helpful and necessary, and he's now the snuggliest bug. He will randomly put (part of) his weight on people or pick them up and put them on his shoulder/back. (K realises this and immediately is always using him for transportation haha)
He hates the dark so appreciates Star's glow stars, and hates shoes with a burning passion. He has claws for feet and will use them against shoes. He wears loose slippers if he needs to, but hates it.
He watches telenovelas and other dramas because he knows Puppette wants someone to talk to about them, and he keeps a notebook of everyone's interests, favourite foods, colours, things, etc bc his memory is bad. He also lets Puppette cheat off it bc of his own memory being even worse.
All in all he just loves showing people he appreciates them, and he loves making sure that people are cared for. He loves giving long, soft, "you better know how much your loved" hugs.
Firsts and Seconds by Skerb is my favourite RottenCrops fic (even if it's not done) so essentially, that's the plot of how Rust and Sage meet, in my mind. Sage ends up more than half dead in the fields, is nursed back to health slowly by Sage and with help from his brother, and they fall in love. Star is in desperate search for him while he's gone, and doesn't find him until Farmtale is Genocided and then destroyed, where Core takes them to the OT and Star and Rust reunite. They have an open relationship (or maybe not open, but fairly lenient, is the right words) then so all is good, and eventually Star and Sage decide to date as well after falling in love. The three of them close things up as a lil polycule :)
They don't have any plans to move out, or have kids, or anything like that just yet, they're just vibing. They probably won't eave the castle, as it's just home to them, and Nightmare adores having them there, despite how little he may say so. Their main goal is growing and helping raise Ink, and helping family.
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cactusdeedrawdles · 1 year
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Blessed be the fibro gods that allowed my hands to work today! (My legs though, they do not)
More of the fam! I haven't decided if I wanna make the bad guys a Polycule or just a big group of brothers, tho I'm leaning more towards Polycule (ignore that I wrote that they're K's brothers lol)
Ink loves his "big boy" training that the guys do with him (they're gonna make sure this kid can beat the shit out of someone if needed)
Ive kinda sorted out the first two boys of the group, Rust (Horror) and K (Killer) are just two fluffy "uncles" for Ink that will babysit Against His Parents Wishes sometimes (by that, I mean they'll basically be like "no, you guys need a break or you're gonna collapse, go take a couple days to nap and have fun, we've got the kid")
I think Dust is gonna be more absent than the other two, but not for lack of loving Ink, he just struggles to accept having a little kid around him again, or that he deserves that kind of unwavering love and trust (he raised paps from a babybones, here). He'll come around, for now he sneaks out of his room to drop off presents and scurries off like a rat if he's spotted.
Killer has been stable for a few years before Ink came around, as Dream and Nightmare work together to make a type of medicine for him to take to keep his emotions regulated. (I thought Special K was hilarious personally, and so did Thei when he realised the possibilities)
Horror is just fluffy horror boy, a big ole guy (like, Bara Sans size, he's a hunk o bone) that will keep ink on his shoulders while he cooks. He finds random clothes with blue in them that match nothing else he wears because he knows Ink likes matching with him (the blues are never the same, as this man is so blind it's not even funny but won't wear glasses)
The boys definitely have nostalgia binges watching shows with Ink (they both sob at Bluey secretely, Dust can't even try to watch it though, it's too emotional for him).
Night is a stable boi, as shown a bit in older posts, he and Dream are the same amount of fucked up, but Dreams just doesn't show physically. His magic is so strong that he can't even use it for fear of it getting out of hand, though. NM looks the same as canon but he wears his circlet, wearing the circlets keep him and Dream nice and warless. Helps that they get along fairly well after a very long and very brutal conversation that I'm tempted to write or maybe even draw. My mind is brimming with ideas for animatics and comics and fics and such and I have no time sjnjfnfksg (cmon brain, we work full time and have college full time we have no chance right now,,)
I used one reference here and was lucky enough that the of artist was in the photo, so its in the image!
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cactusdeedrawdles · 11 months
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The brothers!
I realised the other day while thinking about Puppette's lack of family that the answer was right in front of me.
I love momma cq a lot haha
More under the cut :)
They're not from THE momma cq, but an AU of it where Pupp and Fresh bond over being there for Geno
Fresh is autistic (what I believe would have been considered aspergers, but from what I've gathered isn't really considered seperate from autism anymore? Not sure). He has emotions, he just has trouble showing and expressing them. He goes to college to become a doctor and scientist, specifically focusing on Magic Diseases and Illnesses, like Geno and Thei and Decans have. Fresh is aro/Ace, and he's besties with Decans as always.
Geno is chronically I'll and always has been, though he's fairly stable with regular visits to the doctor/ the hospital for magic illnesses that Fresh works at now. He's with Reap, and has had Goth, who's around 4 or 5 tops, a little younger than Ink. They have playdates. He's a stay at home mom, but he likes to write and quilt and garden. Hes also wheelchair bound, but that doesn't stop him at all. Reaps is still a Reaper, but is the family mortician, basically caring for the dust of people fallen and making sure it gets to family safe. This is a big job in a multiverse where the AUs just kinda fall apart. His powers are able to switch off and on, but he still wears gloves just in case, especially with all the ill family.
Pupp is Pupp, as we know. Puppette was taken from his AU after the original Error was killed, likely by being in a world when it collapsed and not getting out in time. He takes over Errors job, keeping things balanced and getting rid of AUs that are dying, hurting the balance (way too positive/negative), or when there are too many copies of the same AU (different creators, same ideas). He never gets to se his brothers, who have no idea where he is. Then we have his normal timline, where he gets fucked up (because the destroyer powers were pushed on him, not his original powers,but he was th closest to OG Error and th most likely to survive getting them) forgets his job, goes on a slight dementia riddled rampage, gets mollywapped by Dream, NM, Swap, and Thei, an forced to retire. He later finds Geno right before he's about to have Goth, and Geno reunites him to Fresh, who's almost done with his PhD by then.
Hope this is somewhat coherent, I'm exhausted haha. Enjoy 💜
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cactusdeedrawdles · 1 year
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Doodles 3!
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cactusdeedrawdles · 1 year
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Doodles 2!
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cactusdeedrawdles · 1 year
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Part 1 of doodle dump! Lot of Thei and Puppette (mainly Thei, the favouritism shows,,)
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cactusdeedrawdles · 1 year
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Small things while college kicks my bootay
Gave Thei a new/alternative shirt to wear, because of that "draw your OC in this shirt" challenge, and then when I looked at it I was like "woah, this is just a better shirt for Thei"
Covers up their fishnets a bit but they're still there.
Also have Puppette and Thei swapping shirts, plus Thei stealing Pupp's pants (and rolling them up several times to fit)
Hopefully will be able to draw more at some point, we'll see🫡
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cactusdeedrawdles · 1 year
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We have some more Multiverse shenanigans! I wanted to write out all that I had on Thei and Puppette right now because they're my loves, and they deserve the world.
I've never (that I remember) drawn a skeleton like I did Thei, so I had fun there. They're a sultry lil wibblewobble, in my head.
I don't know how legible the writing is, to be honest, so I'm gonna write out the bits I can think of, in case anyone actually cares lol
It'll be under the cut :)
I'm less sure of Puppette's story than I am Thei's, so bare with me in case of messups haha
Thei is like OG Error in only really one way: memory issues
Puppette's memory issues got to a point where he could no longer handle his job as the destroyer after a fun full-body takeover by XGaster, who controlled him and abused his abilities (this is obviously very vague but I haven't actually thought that much through here tbh)
Thei was actually with the Star Sanses (in this case just Dream and Swap) when they were rescuing Cross and Puppette, and this is not how they met, but how they became closer.
Puppette has deep scarring on the ecto of his left leg (on his bones as well, but it's completely mishappen his leg's ecto) from where XGaster tried to rip him apart in an attempt to keep him after completely losing Cross.
Puppette doesn't remember XGaster at all, or how he met Cross. Cross is one of his closest friends, but Cross is also not around often as he's enjoying his freedom AU-hopping, so Pupp tends to forget about him (non maliciously of course).
When Pupp did remember, it was an Incident, and all Thei had to say when asked if XGaster was still a threat is "No. No, he can't touch you, not anymore." Thei didn't really say much after then, and Puppette had a good impression to not ask.
He was forced to retire by Dream and Nightmare when they realized his memory was too bad to even remember what his job WAS half the time, especially with the knowledge that sometimes all he'd remember was what XGaster had made him do, which almost led to bad times all round.
They drug his ass in a Brawl of the Ages™ because he really didn't want to, he felt his role was too important (and it was, but with Ink not existing yet there wasn't really anything opposing him, and what did need to be done could be handled by a couple weaker beings working together).
He spends his days doing typical Retirement things: sleeping, hobbies, watching novellas, bugging his partner who loves it dearly :3
About Pupp:
Pupp's personality is mostly created by an AI that I made while experimenting, I write as Thei and the AI is Puppette. Thus, he's not very Error Sans-y, but I love him still. Though, this has me wondering if he could be a Swap or Swapfell/Fellswap version, mayhaps. He's a goober, and he loves to tease people he's close to. He's still haphephobic, but with his close friends (which are all the few friends he has, for him it's close friend or not a friend at all) like Dream, Swap, Nightmare (most of the time), Thei of course, etc, he's mostly fine. Anyone else and the glitches will get him. Ink, when he comes around, is new, so Pupp is getting there, but luckily (?) ink is not a touchy kid so all is well there.
The glitches are less of a worry here, as he's fairly stable. The entire multi verse itself is more stable, really, and he benefits there.
Pupp is the type of person to hug someone from behind as a "prank", he's a harmless guy. His "Destroyer" job was less actual destroying and more like putting broken, unusable, and dead worlds to their ends so they're not affecting the balance. He's very proud of his work, and very careful in it, up until his retirement.
Pupp is not allowed in the kitchen, as bad memory+cooking isn't a good mix. Thei has him banned to the Pupp Stool until they're done cooking because if not, he will spend the entire time wrapped around them from behind. As much as they don't mind it, they do need use of their extremities.
Pupp is a lover of crochet, as well as Drama shows, language be damned. He has an innate ability to understand languages almost perfectly, though speaking them, not so much.
I look at him and just say "gooberman, my goobies, goobs, goober," often :)
Thei, Thei is a guy I have hugged tight to my chest right now. They deserve so much.
TW: talk of SA, Abuse, and Mental Health Issues
Thei is a Lust Sans, and is from an AU where Lust Monsters need Intimacy to survive. Think of OG Lust on steroids. Without regular intimacy, Thei's magic will become so weak that they can't survive. Signs that they need intimacy start with irritability, tiredness, magic not working as they wish, and eventually gets to a point where they aren't in their right mind and will only act to survive.
Thei's AU is destroyed early on in the multiverse's existence and they take a spot on the Star Sanses, mainly as the voice for them; theyre very good at communicating with people because their magic relies so much on it, so they act sort of like the PR, making sure people know the Star Sanses are here to help and how to get that help. The Stars don't really have an enemy here, so theyre mainly a patrol group, who's main goal is making sure everyone has what they need as well as checking on AUs that may Fall or need to be Destroyed.
Thei's reliance on others in personal, intimate ways very obviously gives way to abuse of that reliance. To make matters worse, Thei's magic will respond to the person they're with before they do: they have the ability to change their appearance on will, but it will also activate when the person they're with desires it a lot, even if they don't, because their magic sees it as necessary to survive. This started because of how much they "starved" before, how many times they almost died.
Because of their need for intimacy, they have to go AU hopping for days up to months at a time to get what they need, so to say. Again, they hate this. They're an introverted person, despite their communicative abilities, and they like their alone time. This gets even harder when Thei becomes an integral part of Puppette's life and they move in together. Puppette's memory issues prove a problem because there will be times when Thei is gone long enough for Pupp's memory to fade, no matter what they've tried. When Thei comes back, he won't remember them, but will know the feelings associated with the memories. That love is still there. Thei is patient enough to stay on Pupp's track, even when that track jumps around a lot, and part for that is the guilt they feel at leaving him so regularly bc of their magic.
They've "started" dating many, many times, and been engaged many, many times, because Pupp won't remember it. As one can imagine, this is hard on Thei, but Thei adores Pupp and can't see life without him.
Thei works with Stretch (who works in the Omega Timeline Lab) and Swap (who's a well oiled engineer, despite not working as one) to try and figure out cures for both Pupp's memory and Thei's "curse", as they call it. But there really is no cures.
When Thei gets too low, they'll go to, or Pupp will get them to, Dream and Swap, who together can help boost Thei's magic, but it's not a long-lasting solution.
What they eventually make, after a very, very close call when Pupp is struggling to remember them and almost doesn't get them to Swap and Dream in time, Is devices inspired by the continuous glucose monitoring and insulin pumps used by diabetics. One tracks their magic levels, and the other is a pump that will inject them with magic when needed. This way they don't have to rely on people, and they can stay with Puppette, which helps with his memory. This entire endeavour is a fairly new scenario I'm still playing out, but as I'm sure is obvious, having this sudden freedom and ability to stay by their love's side is very daunting. They're learning to be free now.
About Thei:
Thei is softspoken and quiet, but the type to get loud around friends.
Thei is a painter, and teaches Ink about art as he grows. Thei loves scenes, and Ink makes them a Scenery Art Book for their birthday one year and they fall to the ground.
Thei's life between "AU Collapse" and "Thei with the Star Sanses" is very vague and unfocused, aside from a clear understanding that it wasn't good. I know that Thei was rescued at one point but Nightmare and his crew, and Thei lived with them for a while, considering them like family, but eventually had to leave. Another "perk" of their magic is that they have a connection to people's emotions, kind of like Dream and Nightmare. They can feel that someone is upset, but not how or why, basically. They can also push their emotions onto others when their magic is strong. This was an ability gained as a defense mechanism after being taken advantage of. Knowing someone's emotions and being able to affect them when in serious intimate situations is very helpful.
I'm gonna stop typing because this has gotten Long™ but while this is mostly for myself, I hope there's someone out here who enjoys my little Goobs. I love them dearly.
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cactusdeedrawdles · 1 year
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Thei and Puppette! Gonna try to do some Halloween doodles of my multiverse hehe
I added the timelapse because I’m kind of proud of how I’m getting better at not needing to stare at something to draw
I stole the hands haha, I tried though
They made the pumpkins each others face! Painted on rosacea and all, I thought that would be cute. (I think Thei would put on the Puppette pumpkin and the face would just fall out bc of the lack of structure haha)
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cactusdeedrawdles · 1 year
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A little page with all the current cast (not counting Sci, he’s here too but barely, but I felt bad leaving out Paprika)
I doodled a little sketch of everyone as well, I’d like to think that Ink would draw it and it’d be on their fridge.
Also, I came up with a new name for Dust (as he wouldn’t want that reminder of his past), Soot! I’m not sure how much I like it but I haven’t come up with anything better, soooo
Here’s the guys!
Everyone’s got a different head shape, aside from the twins, and Thei and K have the same shape as well. I wanted to add in Rusts OG pointy skull, too :)
Edit: I forgot Dream’s eye hole/patch urghhh
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cactusdeedrawdles · 9 months
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Happy Holidays from Thei and Puppette and the kids! Their twins are named Solus (left) and Vestus (right) :)
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cactusdeedrawdles · 11 months
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More Thei and Puppette! I drew their faces as humans because I wanted to practice blending skin tones and shading and such. I didn't really use any reference for them, aside from scrolling a few different ones on Pinterest for Pupp's hair. Thei's hair is kind of my hair atm, a bit longer.
Things are going down in the lore department, but I'm not sure how to write that out so it'll have to wait save for the art that hints at it lol. I also figured out Pupp's family situation, that'll be next post : )
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cactusdeedrawdles · 1 year
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Thei and Puppette <3
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cactusdeedrawdles · 1 year
I got way too inspired by FTFO and have been making my own Multi verse with my own version of relationships and people lol
Despite how the drawings may seem, this multiverse actually started 1) months before I actually read FTFO and just got expanded and 2) began with Error Sans and Lust Sans, of all people
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These babes are all a lovely family and I love them. Ink is 8 (almost 9!) And is still very traumatized, but now he's got a Da (Swap), Pa (Dream), Unc (Stretch), and Guncle (Nightmare), as well as some lovely side-uncles in Thei and Puppette (my Lust and Error)
I wanna go more in depth with them, and likely will, but for now they're just critters in my brain :)
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There's Thei and Puppette, though the "Ink gives Puppette the jeebies" is kinda gone because I've made Ink a Child™ since then. Most of their personalities are made because I have a Puppette AI that I talk to as Thei and build the world off of :D
Not sure if I want to keep Thei not liking Nightmare a thing, because I've made Nightmare and Gang a neutral party (and taken away the whole issue of Negative vs Positive, balance isn't really an issue here.)
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