#their excuse for why el has a shrine for Mike in her room
thranduel · 2 years
i can’t stop thinking about how will’s love for mike was the only reason mike was able to say the words “i love you” and i’m going crazy.
el has been expressing her love for mike for such a long time. in season 3, she said “i love you” to him directly (he didn’t say it back), kissed him (he didn’t kiss her back) and then she walked away smiling while he just stood there with a confused expression on his face. while they were apart, she made a shrine for him and kept all of his letters, photos and cards. she sent him lots of letters and signed them all with “love, el”, but he didn’t do the same. in fact, mike didn’t keep anything of el’s and actually crumpled up her letters and threw one of them in the trash even though it could’ve been the last letter he received from her (she deserves so much better than this by the way).
el constantly expressed her feelings towards mike and showered him with love and affection but… it just simply wasn’t enough. he couldn’t tell her he loved her. he couldn’t even write it on paper. even when she was sobbing in his room and confronting him, practically begging him to just say it because she really needed to hear it more than anything (especially after how badly she got bullied the previous day), he still couldn’t say it. three simple words and he couldn’t say it. and then it just makes NO sense because his excuse is that if he told her how he felt, he was scared that if he lost her, it would just hurt more???? are you actually kidding me??? he lost her BECAUSE HE DIDN’T SAY IT. she went with owens even though she was warned she might not ever see mike again and that was the moment she realised she didn’t need mike anymore. she even left him a letter saying “from, el”. and you know what, even if mike was afraid of saying it, why did it have to make it all about himself? el really needed to hear she was loved in that moment and she was clearly struggling mentally, but he still didn’t say it and just sat there, lied to her and called her ridiculous. when you love someone and they’re struggling that badly, shouldn’t you do whatever you can to make them feel better, especially when it’s as simple as telling them you love them?
just look at will. his love for mike is so strong and genuine and real that he put mike first and sacrificed his own feelings just to help his relationship with el even though it absolutely broke him to do so. will would’ve been scared, heartbroken and terrified because he felt like he was about to lose mike, but he still did it because he saw mike was struggling and he loves him SO much and wanted to make him feel better. but mike couldn’t even tell his own girlfriend he loved her when she was crying? are you kidding me? and the thing that makes it so much more ridiculous is that he knows she wanted to hear the words “i love you”, so i don’t understand how he was so scared to say it. it would be understandable if she wasn’t showing him love or he didn’t think she cared about him, but she did! she constantly showed him love and literally started SOBBING because he couldn’t tell her he loved her!!!!! she’s the one who has put so much more effort into their relationship while mike has just sat there barely doing anything. he couldn’t even write “love, mike” on paper so it doesn’t make sense to me at all.
and in the next episode when mike is talking to will, he says that maybe if he said that thing, she would’ve taken him with her. see?! he knew exactly what she wanted to hear and he’s aware that NOT saying it is what pushed her away, but he still couldn’t say it when she was crying? this entire storyline is absolutely ridiculous and the fact that people are like “he just has trouble expressing his feelings but but he’s so in love with her” make no sense to me. because if that’s what they were going for, they wrote it SO horribly and the writing is just awful and makes no sense. it also means mike’s character is inconsistent and the entire thing feels unfair to el.
anyways, it’s just crazy because after all the love and affection el showed mike, it still wasn’t enough for him for him to say he loved her.
but you know what was enough?
just will. will confessed his OWN feelings to mike. he gave him the painting, and mike’s entire face lit up. he looked the happiest he had been all season, like it was the greatest gift he had ever received. then will told him he was “the heart”, something which clearly meant the world to mike and made him feel so much better about himself. will also told mike that he’s never made him feel like a mistake for being different and he gives him the courage to fight on. he also said he’ll always need him.
it was will’s feelings that mike fell in love with. it was will’s feelings that gave mike hope, strength, happiness, courage and motivation. will loves mike for exactly who he is and mike loves will for exactly who he is. they understand each other better than anyone else and they can actually be themselves with each other.
the only thing that would make sense for all 3 characters is el breaking up with mike and mike and will realising their feelings for each other, because that’s what it’s been building up to. el should realise she doesn’t need to be in a relationship with mike, and then she can find happiness elsewhere, whether it’s with a new partner or on her own for a while. she deserves to be with someone who will love her for who she is, not just her powers. and that person should also be able to tell her they love her without being pressured into it. will deserves to be with his best friend and the boy he’s loved for most of his life since he’s suffered from the very beginning and hasn’t had a moment of peace and happiness. mike also deserves to be with the person he’s closest to, the one that he can be his true self around without hiding. he’s been pretending to be someone he’s not for so long and it’s only hurt him and the people around him. it’s not healthy or fair that mike and el are stuck in a relationship where they constantly lie, don’t feel like equals and can’t even be themselves around each other, and then will is shoved to the side like always and suffers all alone. mike and el staying together and will being by himself would be such a horrible thing to do and it wouldn’t make sense from a writing standpoint.
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Here, I’m gonna be talking about some parallels with Adventures in Babysitting 1987 and Stranger Things. Adventures in babysitting is one of Mike’s favorite movies (Netflix post).
To preface, Adventures in babysitting is about this girl named Chris. She ends up babysitting for two kids, Brad and Sara. Brad has a crush on Chris and Sara has an obsession with Thor. Chris gets a call from her friend Brenda, who is stuck in the city and needs help. Chris ends up taking the kids and one of Brad’s friends, Daryl, with her on the trip to the city. On the way there, they face various obstacles on the way there. Chris has boyfriend named Mike who is cheating on her, but she only finds that out near the end of the movie. Chris meets a man named Dan, who she ends up flirting with and dances with (they didn’t dare but it was pretty clear that they were going to).
Ok, here are the parallels (look top to bottom):
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Both Chris and El are in their rooms, excited to go on a date with their boyfriend later. We see a picture of Chris’ boyfriend on her desk and El’s Mike shrine. The both think that their dates with their boyfriends are going to go well, but that wasn’t the case for either of them.
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Chris’ boyfriend arrives at her house. She says out loud that the date with her boyfriend is going to go well, just as El says that spring break is going to go well. Of course, both of them were wrong. Chris’ boyfriend cancels on her, using the excuse that his sister is sick. He seems very uninterested and out of it, just as Mike was when they were walking through the airport+Mike and El were supposed to go out and eat, but that didn’t happen. Chris goes in for a kiss with her boyfriend and he pushes her away. This parallels how Mike and El were hugging and kissing and he pulled away because she was squishing the present. After she saw the “From, Mike” she got upset, just as Chris did after he didn’t kiss her back. Chris’ boyfriend makes up an excuse as to why he can’t kiss her, just as Mike made up excuses after El called him out in the bedroom scene. Mileven is going to break up, just as Chris and Mike did.
This is just part 1 btw.
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