#their heads remind me of potchi
artbyeritza · 10 months
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Yes, the incorrect spelling is intentional. (me, when I realize being an artist means I can draw anything...meaning I can draw my Sanrio faves) 
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tarot-archives · 6 months
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please imagine laios who just came to the island. no connections. no background. he has his sister, a few coins in his satchel, and a dream. but it wasn’t easy. finding a job is tough. most of the time, it’s falin the other parties want, not him. they don’t have money to spare for extra weight.
laios the big brother. laios the supposed provider can’t even feed his sister proper food. he does odd jobs outside the dungeon for a good meal then they sleep under the stars. feeding was hard enough so a room was out of the question. they eventually joined the wanderers who sleep in tents and was kind enough to spare him a blanket.
in his job hunting, laios can’t help but be distracted from the inviting smell from one of the inns. his nose leads him to a dark alleyway, thinking that maybe if he ate his hard bread while smelling the aromatic food, his meal might be better mentally.
laios spots a dog from the back door. the puppy was had a rope on its neck as a leash to keep it tied. he couldn’t help but smile. laios squats down and plays with the puppy, a reminder of his past with having so many dogs and a cat. the black puppy enthusiastically barks and barks. it’s happy to have someone to play with after a while of staying in the cold. laios had the urge to steal him away. no one should leave a small thing like him in the dark.
the frequent barks caught your attention. it might be an intruder or your puppy was causing trouble so you had to go and check. your eyes land on a man, thin and possibly malnourished, playing with potchi, your dog. you don’t miss the way this strangers shined once the light hit his eyes at first. he quickly stood, towering over you in fact. despite being a tall-man yourself, your smaller height doesn’t testify your race.
this man was apologetic at first, then enthusiastic as the conversation continues. he talks about your dog, then about his experience with dogs, then he lectures you about dogs. needless to say you were interested. he was a walking archive, knowledgable and charming in his own way. he seemed harmless compared to the men who frequent the inn. big, burly guys with a bad attitude just because they can enter the dungeon and kill monsters.
his eyes however doesn’t meet yours. you followed his stare to the plate of food you had at the table. and on cue, his tummy rumbles.
“are you hungry?” you asked. he doesn’t deny his hunger and immediately says yes. his actions were like potchi during his meals. he’s cute, endearing, and excited. if he had a tail, he would be wagging it. “here, as thank you for the dog information.”
you bring him a plate of hot food (a bit of extra from todays pot) and he gobbles it up. save for a good portion he says it’s for his sister.
cute, endearing, excited, and thoughtful… he has this appeal. and goodness! don’t you know not to entertain men who play with puppies and have bright eyes. too much of those heart felt romance books warn about men like him. but you shoo your thoughts away.
“listen, you can finish up your plate. i can give you another serving for your sister,” you offered.
“thank you. you’re so kind… er…” i scratched his head. “i don’t even have your name.”
you tell him your name as he told you his. laios… you test it on your tongue. you don’t know why your heart is at ease just speaking his name out loud. you say it again with an offer this time, “come to the inn tomorrow, at 4 am if you can. we need extra hands to bring in new items. i’d pay you with food though, will that be fine, laios?”
he smiled brightly for a man previously starved. a new excitement bubbles within him with the promise to meet you again tomorrow.
“bring your sister too okay? food is better served hot after all,” you smiled. laios took you hand as he shakes it. his energy seeping into you through his hold, but the coldness of his fingers concerned you. “tell me if you need anything okay? us tall-man have to stick together.”
laios wanted to hug you. wrap his arms to show his appreciation, but he knows when to stop. he’s not that clean after all. so he settles with a hand shake, noticing how warm you are body wise and not just through your personality. “thank you! i’ll be here on time! i promise.”
soon after, you waved a final good bye to laios. excitement blooms within you as you wait for tomorrow to come as quickly as it could.
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requests? open.
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cielpurrple · 7 years
Make Me 18.2
Pairing: Jimin x Reader Word count: 7472 Warnings: cursing, #SelfControlCHIM 
Summary: Give Y/N a fire truck loaded with holy water, she’s thirsty!!!
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The thought of you and Jimin being together in one house again made your stomach tumble. You tried to keep your excitement to yourself as you supress the smile that’s forming on your lips while a lot of thoughts with a plan of surprising Jimin once in a while came into your mind.
As you watch the view from the window, you began planning what would you cook for him, a weekly movie date, maybe in blanket and pillow forts; things like that. You then felt his hand search for yours, so you took his hand and looked at him, only to find out that he’s eyes were already on you.
You half chuckle as you ask him.
“Nothing, I’m just happy you’re with me right now, going home,” he smiled back.
You internally prayed that your blush was concealed by the darkness of the night.
“Eyes on the road,” you reminded him to concentrate in driving.
“Aye, aye,” he shifted his gaze.
After passing different landmarks, you were now slowing down into another expensive looking residential area. He turned left and approached a tall, dark metal gate. As you observed, it’s also automatic but when you pass by, two men dressed identically as his grandmother’s bodyguards gave him a polite bow as a greeting.
He stopped in front of the house, get out of the vehicle, and opened the door for you and offered his hand which you gladly accepted. You thanked him while he guided you out of his car. The men earlier carried your belongings and brought it beside the front door.
Your eyes scanned your surroindings although it’s dark, you cannot deny that it’s beautifully kept and expensively designed.
“Shall we come inside?” he asked.
You nod. He pushed the door, but to your surprise, he suddenly scooped you up bridal style which made you squeak. Then you noticed you weren’t alone, a familiar scenario wherein people stood in two lines greeted you.
“Put me down Jimin, it’s embarrassing!” you half whispered, half screamed.
“I’m afraid I cannot do that until we’re at the bottom of the stairs,” he relpied as he walked past the people who’s looking at the two of you.
He carefully put you down when you’re at the bottom of the stairs. You scanned the interioirs of his house and it’s mostly earth colors with a bit of blacks, reds, and greens.
“I wanna show you something, come,” he held your hand and slightly dragged you to wherever it is that he wanted to show you.
You walked past the kitchen, a large dining area, until he slide one of the glass doors and pressed a switch.
You smiled as you saw a swimming pool, with fake candles floating around it.
“It’s so beautiful,” you whispered.
“That’s nothing compared to what I’m looking at,” he replied.
You turned to look at him so you could see where he is looking, you gave him a shy smile as you see him looking at your direction, straight to your eyes.
“May I dance with you?” he suddenly asked for your permission out of the blue.
“There’s no music, how are we—“ you were cut off when a soft melody from you don’t know where became audible.
“Now, may I have this dance?” he offered his hand to you this time and you accepted it.
You lightly placed your arms on his shoulders as he put his hands on both sides of your waist. You let him guide your movements, and slowly swayed into the music.
“How clever, you planned this don’t you?” you spoke as you looked at him.
“Of course, I wanted to make a bigger, grander welcome party for you but I didn’t have much time and graduation’s there so this is just what I managed to do,” he explained.
You shook your head in disbelief, with the thought that he’s still thinking his efforts wasn’t enough.
“I’ve told you many times, you’re presence is enough remember?” you looked into his eyes which seems to sparkle in the pale lights.
“This is me, making up for the days I wasn’t able to be with you, and of course last Valentine’s and White day baby,” he replied.
“Aww, how sweet of you,” you couldn’t help but to hug him in return of his efforts.
“Welcome home, Y/N.” He whispered.
“Thanks, I’m glad to be home, with you.” you relpied.
Your words made Jimin search for your lips and kiss you gently.
“You looked beautiful on that dress baby,” he commented.
“Thanks, your grandmother sent me this,” you confessed.
“I should give her a call and thank her then,” he replied.
“No, we should visit her instead,” you suggested.
“That’s a better idea, but before that, why don’t we change into comfy clothes? I’ll take you to your room,” he offered.
You nod at him and let him lead.
He immediately brought you to your bedroom door.
“This is it, your room.” he said while he pointed at the closed door.
“Thank you. um, where’s yours?” you asked innocently but to Jimin, that question of yours made him feel nervous and excited.
“It’s for you to find out princess, now go get changed.” He said as he watch you enter your room.
Upon entering, you were surprised and delighted to see that your room is decorated in pastel colors, same with your room at his grandmother’s house.
You carefully took off your dress, and hung it neatly for dry cleaning later.
You stared at your reflection, wearing that sexy underwear and that’s when you remembered what Jungkook told you. But another thought which was Z’s advice came popping into your mind. You sighed as you pulled your luggage and grabbed whichever clothing was on top. You’re now wearing shorts and an oversized shirt. You started unpacking while waiting for Jimin although you want to search for him.
You’ve finished placing all of your belongings to it’s appropriate places and yet, he hasn’t come around so you got bored. You lied on your bed and it’s so fluffy, it feels so comfortable.
You pulled the strap of your bag and pulled your phone out. You were surprised to see several messages from the boys, and from your parents.
You replied to  your father first whom asked how did your move went. You told him that it went out smoothly since you don’t have much things to pack and bring in  the first place.
Your father called after you replied and you excitedly answered it.
“Heya, dad!” you greeted him.
[Aren’t you too cheery for bedtime?] his frown is visible through the video call.
“It’s  because I miss you and, I ate sweets for dessert earlier,” you replied.
You smiled even wider when your mother comes in and joined the conversation, carrying Potchi.
“Hi mom! Hello Mr. Potchi!” you greeted them.
[Hello, darling, Potch say hi] she held one of the dog’s front leg and waved it.
[So, how’s your move?] your father asked.
“It was okay, I just brought my clothes and school stuffs,” you replied.
You gave them a tour on your room and as you do it, your father suddenly speak.
[If that’s your room, where’s Jimin and where is his room?] he probed.
“We talked an hour ago Dad, and I don’t have an idea where his room is”
Your father just gave a hum as a response. Then, you told them that Jimin’s house was also spacious  and the only thing that differs is that it’s modern and he has people working for him.
[So, does that mean the two of you are not alone in that house, correct?] your father confirms.
“Yes, Dad. We’re about ten here? I think.” You assured him.
[Alright, don’t forget to study okay?] your father reminded you.
“Yes Dad!” you smiled.
Then he passed the phone to your mother who’s now walking away to the living room and went to your unoccupied room.
[I wanted to tell you this in person but it will take so much time so, this will do...] your mother started
Your heart suddenly became uneasy, it began to beat faster.
“What is it Mom? C’mon, you can tell me” you said.
[I know this is out of the blue and I know that you are a smart girl, a good girl...] she said, as she sat down on the edge of your bed, adjusting the phone so you can still see her.
You waited for her to continue, She sighed and started talking again.
[Well, let me make this short honey, just take care of yourself and behave okay?] she gave a small smile in the end.
“Of course, Mom. I love you. Tell dad and Potch I love them too.”
[Rest well, and text me still every day, okay?]
“Will do Mom. Good night, bye.”
You stared at your phone for a little while as you think about what’s going on in your mother’s mind that she can’t say directly at you.
Then you chose to open Jungkook’s message
[From: Jungkook
Havin’ a fun night? :p]
[To: Jungkook
Of course! Jimin and Taehyung just graduated. Aren’t you happy for them?]
[From: Jungkook
*eye roll gif* ofc i’m happy. What I’m saying is, are you having fun wd Jimin – hyung right now?]
[To: Jungkook
You waited for his reply but he didn’t seem to read your last message. You waited for Jimin to knock on your door but still he hasn’t returned yet and you wanted to watch TV but you’re hesitant to go downstairs because of what he did earlier.
You sighed as you press your speed dial number 3, and waited for the other line to ring but, you were quite surprised when Jimin’s phone number is busy. So you left him a text message asking if he’s awake.
You waited for his reply but there’s no response for him until you finally fall asleep.
Meanwhile, after Jimin brought you to your room, he ran towards his own room which is just at the other end of the hall from yours and went straight to the shower. That dress of yours although it’s far from revealing made him feel some sort of way. This dress was more tempting than what you wore during Summer Solstice. He calmed himself down as the water gushes over his body. He dressed quickly so he can hang out with you again but he noticed that the door to his office is open. He kicked it and revealed Hoseok, who jumped into his seat due to shock.
“For heaven’s sake, you surprised me.” he said while clutching his heart.
“Ditto, what do you need from me in on this hour?” he said in a serious manner.
“Well, I just came here out of curiosity,” he replied while looking at his fingernails.
“So, you really mean it huh, the moving in thingy?”
Jimin returned Hoseok’s question with a stare.
“Well, it seems that you’re really serious about that plan” he smiled awkwardly.
“I am.” Jimin responded dryly.
“How about her, are you serious about her?” Hoseok replied with now a hint of seriousness on his tone.
Jimin kept quiet, trying to calm himself down. He doesn’t want to talk to Hoseok at this late of night, and not now that you’re living together.
“Just tell me your goddamn business here right now so we can end it.” Jimin snapped.
Hoseok sighed, and began talking.
“Are you gonna tell your girlfriend you know, her?”
Jimin’s eyes widen upon realizing what he’s talking about. His face lost it’s color.
“If I can avoid it, I wouldn’t.” He replied firmly.
It’s Hoseok’s turn to be surprised this time.
“Wouldn’t it be unfair to Y/N, Jimin?” He leaned closer to the table, anticipating his answer
“Now is not the right time to tell her anything about her. Now, can you leave?” Jimin starts to lose his cool.
Hoseok, stood up while both arms are slightly raised and exited the house while Jimin touched his forehead trying to stay calm. When that didn’t work, he turned the monitor of his computer and began working which took until wee hours of the night. He wanted to punch himself for that so he left his work and went to your room.
He softly knocked and called your name and when he didn’t hear any response, he opened the door and quietly peeked. He saw your sleeping form on the large bed but you’re not under the covers so he slowly went inside tryig not to wake you up.
He pulled the duvet as slowly as he could, and put it on top of your sleeping state.
“Good night princess, see you later.” He whispered and left.
You were sleeping peacefully when you heard a soft voice calling you.
“Princess, wake up~” you heard a familiar voice.
You slowly open your eyes and you instantly smiled upon seeing Jimin, aka your boyfriend.
“There, good morning, princess. Had a good rest?” he asked.
“Yes. The bed is comfy, thank you.” you smiled at him.
“Of course. So, shall we have some breakfast?”
You glanced at your clock and it’s already 9 o’clock.
“Can I atleast make myself presentable?”
He nods and sat at the edge of your bed.
When you’re ready, the both of you went downstairs together and went straight to the dining room.
You were surpised with a lot of food that’s nicely prepared on the table.
“So, do we have guests?” you asked.
“Uh, no, we don’t have. Why?” he looked around to choose the food that he liked and reached for some salad.
You looked around and you chose to eat ham and egg sandwich.
“There’s so much food,” you replied.
“Well, I actually prepared everything today I thought you’d like it.” he pouted.
“Yeah, I like It but it’s too many, we can’t eat everything even until late in the evening.” You explained.
“Don’t worry, we’ll share it to everybody,” he smiled.
The two of you enjoyed the breakfast together. You told him you wanted to watch TV. Instead of bringing you to the living room, he brought you to his mini theater that’s complete with equipment plus game consoles.
“So, what do you wanna watch? Horror? Sci-Fi? Romance?”
“What do you want to watch?” you asked back.
So the two of you ended watching Toy Story.
You got bored in the middle of the second movie when he received a call and excused himself. You’re not intersted in watching anymore so you played a game with your phone.
“Sorry about that,” he said when he returned to take a seat beside you.
He probably noticed you’re bored so he paused the movie.
“Let’s go somewhere else, go get changed.” He said as he stood up and run towards the exit while you follow him.
You easily made a mental map of the places you would probably use when you’re at home so it’s easy for you to go to your room from the mini theater. You took a quick shower and wear comfy, casual clothes.
You went downstairs so you could wait for him there and as you do, the helpers who pass you by either greets you politely or awkwardly which make you feel uneasy.
A few minutes have passed and you heard someone coming and to your relief, it’s Jimin.
“Shall we go?”
You nod.
He approached one of the helpers and told him that you wouldn’t be home until late night.
The car was already waiting at the front door so you both hopped in and he drive away.
A few minutes in your road trip, you wanted to ask him where are you going but it might spoil the fun so you just kept quiet.
“Penny for your thoughts?” he said.
“What do you want to know?” you replied without looking at him.
“Anything and everything that makes your mind wanders off of me,” he said.
“Well, to be honest, I kinda feel somewhat uneasy with the people around the house, I think they’re afraid of me? or perhaps, annoyed?” you blurted.
Jimin chuckled at your statement.
“Princess, I apologize but you have to understand  that they were given an order by gram to be like that,” he explained.
“Don’t worry because they’re not gonna stay in the house except for the security. They’re on call.”
You processed what he said and when you get it, that’s the time you reacted.
“It means, it’s just us that really lives there?” you confirmed.
“Yes, Just like before,” he replied.
You felt somewhat relieved and scared at the same time knowing that you’ll be living together just like before. You passed the expressway and you began to question him where are you going and instead of a proper answer, he just gave you a smile.
An hour has passed and you ended up watching a random series on your phone when he slowed down and passed a toll gate.
“Wait, where are we going, Can you please tell me now?” you now begged.
“You’ll find out soon enough baby, don’t rush,” he grinned.
You sighed and let him drive as you continued watching.
Another hour has passed and you needed  to stop for a quick break. You stretched your limbs and so is he. He even bought some snacks.
You stopped watching the series when you got bored and just quietly observe the view from the car when you realized where it’s going.
“Wait, I know this road! Don’t tell me—“ you looked at him with hopeful eyes.
“Told you you’ll know soon enough. Yes, we’re going to visit your parents,” he finally revealed your destination.
You smack his arm in excitement. You wanted it to be a surprise so you just texted your parents that you’re fine.
Although you don’t want to sleep, your eyes grew tired while watching the view that you’ve been seeing for the past few hours, you accepted defeat and dozed off.
“Baby wake up now,” he gently tapped your shoulder and you immediately responded to him, giving him a smile.
“Where are we?” you looked at your surroundings and it’s already dark. Your eyes landed on the arch that welcomes you home. It made you smile wider.
“Let’s take you to your parents,” he said as he continued to drive.
He parked near your house and you couldn’t help but to jump for joy when you see the very welcoming vibe of your house.
You tried opening the gate as quiet as you could and when you’re both inside, you locked.
You went to check the backyard. Nobody’s there so you knock.
Not a minute has passed and your mother opened the door for you whom screamed in surprise upon seeing you.
“Oh my goodness honey, honey, Y/N’s here!” she shouted at the direction of the living room.
Your father suddenly popped out of nowhere, he’s already behind your mother.  
She welcomed you with a hug and you returned it with a much tighter one.
“Mooooommm, I missed you~” you said sweetly.
“I missed you too—what are you standing there, Jimin come here and give me a hug!”
You giggled as you noticed the similarity of your mom to Jimin’s grandmother. He greeted your parents politely and your mother hugged him as if he was her own son.
“Come in, make yourself comfortable and I’ll make something. I bet you’re hungry,” she disappeared in the kitchen.
“Potchiiii!” You excitedly greeted your dog but instead of coming to you, he almost jump into Jimin, licking his face.
Your father was facing the two of you, eyeing your movements which made you and Jimin sit still. Your father’s expression was too funny for you so you couldn’t help but giggle which made the atmosphere lighter.
“I’m glad you have the time to visit us  although it’s really far from the city,” he said.
“I just wanted Y/N to see you more often if we have time.” Jimin replied.
They talked about different things until food comes in. You all enjoyed that simple yet special dinner together.
After the meal, Jimin was invited by your father to drink which you immediately said yes to. You help your mother in folding the freshly laundered clothes when she suddenly speak.
“I am glad that you visited, really.”
“I’m happy too Mom. To be honest this is unplanned.” You confessed.
“How sweet of him dear, I’m thankful that you’ve met a guy like him, my mind is at peace,” she said.
“Moomm, we just visited you, it’s not like we’re gonna get married or something.” You tried to sound normal but you couldn’t help but to smile.
“We will never know dear, by the looks of it, a proposal from him might be just around the corner,” she teased.
You gave her a pout with the hopes that your blush will be concealed.
Your mother continued to tease you but you just laughed with her.
Meanwhile, your father and Jimin spends the night having a one on one drinking session in silence when your father spoke.
“Congratulations by the way,” he started.
“Thank you sir, your daughter was my inspiration.” He confessed.
Your father gave Jimin a sincere smile upon hearing his statement.
“Jimin, thank you for updating me regularly of my daughter’s activities, I truly appreciate it.” he continued.
“About your vacation, you have my permission. Just you know, don’t forget our agreement, alright?”
Jimin thanked your father in giving the permission for you to tag along, and promised your father that he would not break his promise.
To be honest, one of Jimin’s purpose was one, to ask permission from your father so he could take you somewhere during summer break; two, he wanted you to see your parents as often as possible.
After helping your mother, she let you go downstairs so you can have some time with Jimin and your father.
You smiled as you saw the both of them playing a mobile game, Jimin has his competitive face on while your father looks like he’s winning.
“What’s up?” you sat on the space beside your father to watch what they’re playing.
They’re playing some sort of a card game.
You watched it for some time but your father and boyfriend’s reactions were even more entertaining so you just watched them instead of the game. You even took a stolen picture for memory’s sake.
You were surprised to see a text message from Taehyung and Jungkook. You chose to read Taehying’s first.
[From: Taehyung
How’s future Mrs. Park doing? Your future husband seemed busy, I hope he’s busy because you’re with him ;)
[To: Taehyung
He’s in a very serious meeting.
You attached the picture that you took last. You then opened Jungkook’s message.
[From: Kookie
Mrs. Park, yuhoo~]
[To: Kookie
Shut up.]
[From: Kookie
:P nope. I know you like it tho. >:P]
You stopped exchanging messages to them when Jimin screamed in defeat and your father let out a monstrous, triumphant laugh.
“Go, go and console your boyfriend there,” he said as he wiped a tear from his eye due to laughter.
You looked at Jimin who smiled at you.
“I’ll be calling it a day, if you two have plans in going out, make sure you keep the gate closed aryt? You know where the keys are, Y/N.” He said as he stepped upstairs.
Your mother served you some late night snacks and even prepared a spot for Jimin to sleep. The two of you thanked her and you smiled at him cutely.
He pat the spot which he wanted you to sit so you went closer to him and wrapped his arms around you.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” you looked at him.
“It will always be my pleasure, princess.” He smiled.
You gave him a hug in return, and he kissed your forehead.
“Maybe let’s call it a night,” he said and yawned.
“Yes, right you’ve been driving all day.”
“I’ll see you later.” He let go of you.
“Good night, Jimin.”
“Good night,”
You went upstairs while he prepare himself to lie down and sleep.
When you’re on your room, your dog was already on the foot of your bed, watching you.
“What are you looking at? You didn’t even greet me properly.” you pout and heard your dog whine which made you giggle.
You lied down and your dog rested itself on the empty space and faced you.
“You like him too, don’t you?” you said as you play with his fur.
“Well, I don’t just like him, I love him too Potch, I think I love him very much.” You confessed.
That night, you sleep with a wide smile on your face.
The next day came and you planned on helping your mother to cook breakfast but you’re too late. When you went downstairs, the table’s filled with delicious breakfast, with the help of Jimin which earned praises from both of your parents.
After cleaning up, you told your parents that you have to go back to the city. They both bid you goodbyes plus several reminders.
It was a nice view seeing your father giving Jimin a pat on the back and ruffling his hair while Jimin smiled. It made your heart melt a bit.
“Take care, you two!” your mother said. You rolled the windows down and waved them goodbye.
“Now, where shall we go next?” he looked at his phone.
“Huh? We’re going somewhere else?”
“Maybe somewhere that’s along the way.” He said
“That would be great!” you agreed.
You’re half way from the City when Jimin read an ad about a villa. He turned to the direction the ad points it’s way.
It took you less than an hour to locate the villa and you instantly fell in love with the place upon seeing the entrance.
It’s covered in flowers, the place seemed like a place from a story book.
When the car’s already parked, you excitedly get out of it. You grabbed Jimin’s hand which he laced with yours. He let you lead.
You instantly smiled when you saw a sunflower field and you told him to take a picture of you there which he gladly did, followed by a picture of you two.
You walked around some more and there’s a carnival. You played bump cars and after that you had some snack in a form of corn dogs and juice.
you walked even further and you noticed a beautiful chapel just like the entrance, it’s filled with beautiful flowers.
You jogged towards it only to find that there’s an event.
You stood at one of the sides when a friendly usherette approached you. She offered you a seat but you declined. You chose to stand on one corner that’s concealed from the view of the guests.
A few minutes has passed when somebody announced the arrival and entrance of the bride and groom. This made you feel excited.
As the doors opened, the guests looked back and the music began to play. The bride looked so beautiful, wearing an off-white floor length gown while the groom looked dashing in a navy blue suit.
You looked at the guests and you assume that the women crying are the mothers.
You watched the entire ceremony and when it’s time for the exchange of rings, you felt a gentle hand holding yours.
You looked to your left, seeing Jimin look at you, his eyes once again sparkling. He then lifted your hand and tied a ribbon on it, attached is a yellow balloon.
You giggled at his actions, making you feel mushy inside.
“You may now kiss the bride,” the priest announced.
You felt your lips touched something soft, you realized Jimin is kissing you.
And you kissed him back.
When you heard the applause of the guests the two of you let go of each other and instead linked your hands together and walked away from the chapel.
The two of you decided to continue driving. You placed the balloon on the backseat and let it bounce there.
“Did you liked our detour?”
“I loved it!” you replied excitedly.
“That place is so magical, as if we’re on a fairy tale,”
“Yeah, that place is nice,” he agreed.
“And can you believe it, we even witnessed a wedding! It’s not like I haven’t into one before but, that’s different. It’s so nice, and everybody seemed happy.” You smiled as you recall your favorite part.
You earned some giggles and hums from Jimin as you drive back to the city.
The drive back was fast. You reached home around 3PM and greeted with an empty house. No helpers, gardeners, just the security team that’s roaming around outside.
Jimin wrapped his arms around you from behind, and you pat his head as he rest it on your shoulder.
“You should take a rest, you’ve been driving for two days,” you convinced him.
“Yeah maybe I should, but I have a favor to ask,” he said.
“Join me,let’s take a nap.” He whispered.
You suddenly felt warm, but you’re more concerned about his health so you brush aside your thoughts.
“Okay, let’s take a nap,” you agreed.
He lead the way, and he opened another room which seemed to be another gaming room.
“Is this your room?” you looked around, and found several photos of the boys hanging on the wall.
“No, but here’s where Taehyung and the rest of our friends stay most of the time.
“Yeah, I can see that.” you smiled.
Jimin pressed something and the sofa became a large bed.
“Oh, that’s why they prefer to stay here,” you imagine them fighting over a spot on the bed.
He climbed the bed and stretched, patting the space he made for you.
You slowly climbed and lied down, turning to your side, you looked into each other’s eyes until you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Close your eyes now and sleep,” you said to him.
“Close yours first,” he said, his tiredness is showing.
“Thank you Jimin, thank you for surprising me,” you said as you slowly flutter your eyes, sleep is starting to win over you.
“I love you, Y/N” was the last thing you heard from Jimin.
“WAKE UP YOU TWO, IT’S TIME TO PARTY!” a loud music made your eyes open in an instant, realizing you’re not alone with Jimin anymore.
You tried shutting them up, telling them that Jimin is tired.
“Can you tell us why he is tired, Y/N-nie?” Jungkook suddenly came out of nowhere.
“We visited my parents, he drived” you replied matter-of-factly.
“That’s all?” Jungkook’s disappointment is evident.
“Yes, that’s all.” You dismissed the topic.
“But we still need to wake him up.” Jungkook sat beside you.
“Why?” you disagreed.
“We’re going somewhere. Pack clothes that’s enough for a week.”
“Okaaaay, wake him gently, I don’t want him stressed.” You exited the room and went to yours.
You began putting clothes on your backpack when you noticed the paper bag of the lingerie that you bought. You were more determined to surprise him this time.
You grabbed it, and placed it at the bottom most part of your bag.
When you’re done, you heard the boys  cheer, Jimin’s up.
“Sorry they wake you up,” you looked at him.
“Nah it’s alright, this was planned beforehand,  I just didn’t know that it’ll be today.” He said.
“Are you ready?” you wanted to help him pack.
“Yes. Are you?” he looked at you.
You nod and showed your backpack.
“Then let’s get going.” He said and you left the house.
You were dropped at the largest pier in the city, you’re wondering where you’re going.
“There it is!” Taehyung pointed at a luxurious ship.
You watched the ship approach the pier. Several men waited as it send signals. When it stopped, Taehyung began walking and you all followed.
You were greeted and welcomed with flower garlands on your necks.
“Here’s your keycards, don’t lose it.” Taehyung handed one keycard and when he approached you two, he smiled mischievously.
“Which one of you’s the better keeper?” he asked.
The both of you looked at each other at the same time, and both chuckled.
“I’ll just entrust this to you, Y/N. Let’s meet up here again but for the meantime, let’s drop our bags in our rooms!” he ran after that.
The rest of you went to ride the elevator and you all went to your respective rooms.
It’s a luxurious suite you and Jimin have. And funny thing is, there’s only one enormous bed.
You placed your bag on one of the side while Jimin followed.
He sat on the couch and rest his head.
“Are you okay?” you asked as you approached him.
“Yes, don’t worry,” he replied.
He stood up and hold your hand. The two of you exited your room and waited downstairs where you agreed to meet.
When you’re all there, you decided to go take a look around and see what’s in store. There’s a large bar, casino, club, water activities, 4D theater, laser tag, rock climbing area. And you all decided to pick a place that you wanted to try and you chose the 4D theater. You all agreed to play rock paper scissors and whoever wins you’ll go there.
“YES IT’S PARTY TIME!” Taehyung exclaimed because he won and he chose the bar. Taehyung began dancing to the beat as you entered the club. A staff guided you to a private room. They ordered their preferred drinks and several ladies drink for you.
You’re on your second glass when Taehyung asked you to dance. You accepted it and you two danced like children on the dance floor.
After one song, Jungkook asked Taehyung if he could dance with you, and the song was kinda slow so you’re dancing closer to each other.
In the middle of the slow dance, Yoongi tapped Jungkook shoulder. You smiled at him as he hold your hand.
“You haven’t replied to my message, I wanna sulk,” he began.
“Sorry. To be honest I’m interested but you know, my head associates that play on the time Jimin was so mad at me,” you confessed.
“Yeah, I get it, I hope we could work on that part.” Yoongi said.
“Don’t worry, I will.” You assured him.
Yoongi was followed by Jin that asked you to dance. Another upbeat music came in and you giggled as he danced.
“Am I too late to ask for this lady’s permission to dance with me?” you glanced behind you and saw Namjoon, in floral polo and pastel shorts.
“Hello, Mr. Namjoon.” You greeted him.
“Ouch. Just call me Namjoon. Shall we dance?” he smiled, his prominent dimple showing.
You agreed and when you both dance, he earned giggles from you because his dance moves remind you of your father.
As the night turned into a day, you’re getting to know these people and why are they special to Jimin.
You spent some of your time being alone with one of them. The first one was Jin, who shared some secrets in tasting some food. You shared some ideas with him which he considered.
The next one’s Namjoon who preferred rock climbing than other amenities. At first you thought he’s just pure formality but there’s a funny side of him too.
Of course, Taehyung brought you to the 4D theater, and you both screamed your lungs out as you watch the horror movie there.
You’ve bonded with Yoongi when everybody’s out and you don’t want to go to the bar. He took you to the arcade and you played there although he admitted that he sucks, he still played with you. After several games, he accepted defeat and you just talked about the play you saw and once again, the interest you have for it was rekindled.
Jungkook invited you to the water slide which you took up until ten times, you enjoyed it too although it’s scary at first.
“I finally get what you meant Kook, the one that you told me when we’re at LATE,” you said as you walk with him towards the exit of the water park.
You looked at him and he showed you a wide smile.
“What are you gonna do about it?” he asked out of curiosity.
“I don’t know.” you honestly replied.
Since that night, you keep on thinking whether you’d do it or not but whenever you think about it, your head always says no.
But  tonight was your last night at this ship, and you wanted to do something special for Jimin. While they’re out, you get yourself prepared. You looked at yourself in the mirror, still fresh from the bath. You sighed and put on your chosen sleepwear for the evening.
You tried waiting for Jimin but he’s taking too long so when you got bored, you watched whatever’s on the cartoon channel. When it finished, you climbed to bed and played a game on your phone.
You heard the faint beep of the door and you pulled the the blanket closer to you you. You can heard him went to shower and you felt his weight on the bed.
“Princess, are you awake?”
You stayed silent.
“I know you’re awake, say something.” He said.
You still kept quiet.
“Fine, you got me no choice, I’ll tickle you!” he suddenly poked your sides which he instantly got a reaction from you.
You continued defending yourself but he’s quicker, so he flipped you over, now he’s hovering above you.
His eyes widen as he shifted his gaze from your face to what you’re wearing.
“Y/N, what are you wearing?”
You gulped at his reaction, you pursed your lips.
“S-surprise!” you tried making the situation light but it doesn’t seem to work.
Jimin gave you a cute chuckle, he took off his pullover and placed it on your head.
“Dress warmly, it’s cold here.” he replied.
He stood up, and went towards the direction of the door.
“I forgot to return something to Jin hyung I’ll be back.” he said and left.
You don’t know what to feel, a part of you is relieved but tears began to fall as soon as you heard the beeping sound of the door.
Jimin came rushing to Jin’s room.
He couldn’t believe his eyes. Did you really just wore such a sexy outfit?
For what?
To tease him?
Jin was in the middle of eating croissant when he let Jimin inside, the rest of the boy are also there.
“What happened, you’re so pale did you see a ghost?” He remarked.
“Much worse... I guess.” He  said as he slumped into the fluffy sofa.
He sighed as he rest one arm on his eyes. Upon seeing that lingerie on your skin, he immediately called all the gods so he would remain composed.
“I’ll take a shower.” He stood up and make his way to the bathroom.
You stayed up all night waiting for him, and as you expected, he didn’t returned. You tried waiting for him for breakfast but still he didn’t showed up. So now you’re at the dining hall eating a delicious breakfast alone. You felt ashamed of what you just did, you felt cheap. You thought it’ll make him happy but instead it made you feel disgusted about yourself. You didn’t even finish a quarter of your food, you returned to your room and began packing your things.
Without thinking twice, you threw the lingerie. And began packing your things.
Jimin came knocking on the door during lunch time. You just opened the door for him and returned to the sofa where you watch.
You listend to his movements without looking at him. He’s also packing.
Another knock came and It revealed the rest of the boys. Taehyung announced that you’ll be on land any minute now so you should get ready.
You waited for Jimin to finish packing and let him go out first. When he does,  made a final check and when there’s nothing that belongs to the two of you, you exited the room.
You’re at the lobby now when the captain thanked your personally for choosing their cruise ship.
When the cruise ship reached the pier and you’re told you can go now, you approached Taehyung and the two of you walk together until you reached the pier’s grounds.
“YES, I’M ON LAND AT LAST!” he shouted and you chuckled.
“Thank you for inviting me Tae, I truly enjoyed this.” you hugged him.
“Ah, don’t mention it, this is my last party probably, I have to start getting serious.” He said.
“I wish you the best of luck at work, I know you can do it.” you smiled at him.
When all of you are on land, you stayed for a little bit for lunch. You purposely sat between Yoongi and Jin, across Namjoon and Jungkook. Taehyung sat on one end and Jimin chose the opposite end.
You celebrated Taehyung and Jimin’s graduation with occasional teasing from them. Right after that, all of you parted ways. You searched for public transportation directions until Jimin’s car stopped in front of you.
Just to be safe, you placed your things on the backseat, and sat beside him still.
Through your peripheral vision, you could see he’s glancing at you. But he decided to wear his sunglasses and well damn, he looked so good.
You decided to sleep until you reach home.
You woke up just in time the car approached the gates. When the car stopped, You didn’t wait for him and unbuckled your seat belt, grabbed your  bag and went straight to your room.
You lied on the bed and hugged one of your pillows there.
You began crying when you heard a faint knock.
“Can we talk?” you heard him from the other side.
“I’m coming in,” he said and he slowly turned the knob, and it revealed him. He closed the door quietly and approached you, your body’s turned from the door.
“I want to sleep, let’s talk later.” You said.
“You’re not sleepy, You just woke up.” he said.
“First of all, I’m sorry princess. I really do.” He started.
This time, you couldn’t control your tears.
You felt his hand rub your arm, trying to calm you down.
“Face me, I’m sorry, don’t cry.”
He tried to shush your crying, and he turned you to him.
“Tell me the truth, am I ugly?” you said in between your sobs, you’re now sitting down, your hands covering your face.
“Goodness, of course not! Baby, you’re a goddess you always mesmerize me.” all of it was true though, and Jimin hoped that his sincerity could reach you through his words.
You revealed your tear stained face, You wanted to know why he rejected you.
“Then why—“ you were cut off as he suddenly kissed you.
This kiss is rough, wanting, needing.
You lied comfortably on the bed, letting him again be on top of you.
You found the nape of his neck, and you tried pulling him into you closer, his hands caressing your exposed thigh.
When you let out a moan, he stopped and sit down.
“Come here, he extended his hands to yours, and pulled you up so you can sit also.
He held both of your hands, searching for your eyes.
“Ah, fuck, I didn’t know what to say but the truth is, you looked so beautiful last night, I really wanted you right there, looking like that for me but baby, listen to me,” he adjusted your head so you’re looking directly at him.
“I respect you so much, also your parents, especially your father, entrusted you to me. And he and I had an agreement, that I should not touch you until you’re ready.” He tried to search for more appropriate words.
As you hear his confession, you realized what you just did, and you felt embarrassed because of your bold move.
“I thought you would be happy so I did it,” you shyly confessed.
“I am. And I am very pleased even. But baby, were you really ready last night?” he asked.
You shook your head.
“See? Let’s not rush things okay? Let’s take it slow, baby steps, Princess. I’m just right here with you.”
You don’t know what you did on your past life but you’re so happy you met this man. You couldn’t help but to embrace him tight.
“I’m sorry, Jiminie,” you whispered.
“Don’t worry about it, We’re okay now, right?”
“You know what, I wanted you to meet someone,”
You let go of him and looked at his face.
“My mom.”
I’M CRYING, Y/N’s going to meet Jimin’s mom soon! 
I wonder who  “her” is.
AAAAA I can really see the end, it’s not far from here T_T
Thanks for reading, enjoy!
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cielpurrple · 7 years
Jimin x Reader
Word count:3140
Summary: You have everything in your life planned out ever since you’re in high school. But life is such a playful little shit, she pulled you into the world of the ‘untouchables’, if she wasn’t cruel enough, you’d became the favorite of your least favorite person, Park Jimin. (Or is he?)
Warnings: cursing 
Themes: Romance, Angst, Fluff
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“Ugh.” you responded to the loud ringing of your phone. You tried to locate it using only your sense of touch until you found it.
“Hello?” you answered without looking who’s on the other line.
You groaned when you heard a very familiar voice. – your mother’s.
“Hello, mom.” You greeted the other line.
She tried to conceal her worried tone with a simple nag about your waking habit.
[Y/N, it’s past 7, you have a class at 8 starting next week. You don’t want us visiting you there because of tardiness, right?]
“Mom, it’s only Saturday. And yes, I won’t be late. I have more than enough alarms here already.” You stopped talking and walk towards your door and slowly open to let the noise of a busy hallway reach the other line. Then you pressed your phone again to your ear.
[Alright, I am convinced now. Have you met your roommate yet?”]
You answered a ‘yes, she is nice.’
but a short flashback played on your head.
It was your first day in the busy streets of the city, your parents rented a van for the convenience and ‘safety’ of your trip. You were wowed by the beautiful infrastructures that greeted your eyes, different establishments that are close to each other. After a couple of hours, you finally reached the dorm that you’ll be staying at.
You’ve settled already but your roommate was nowhere to be seen. You occupied the left side of the room because there’s a police tape fencing the right side with a note that says:
Your parents left and it’s already dark so you decided to sleep early.
Several hours to your slumber, you heard someone’s in your room. You panicked. 
You tried to slowly open your eyes trying to adjust in the light source that you only have which is the lamp post from afar. Then you heard somebody curse. You immediately open your bedside lamp and you saw a someone’s back, wearing all black which made you scream. The ‘entity’ walked towards you and flicked your forehead which made you realize that it’s not a ghost. But a breathing human being.
“Nice to meet you too. I’m Z.” She extended her hand and you looked at it like it was some kind of alien limb. She sighed and took the initiative to get your hand and slightly shake it. She returned to her side of the room and you decided to sleep, leaving your lamp turned on.
When you wake up, your roommate was not there and haven’t returned yet since then.
You returned form that flashback when your mother suggested that you try to make friends as early as possible so you can enjoy school more. You’re about to sigh when you heard your dad’s voice on the background, you smiled.
[Honey, how are you?]
“Dad! I’m fine. How’s the store?”
“The store’s fine dear. Don’t worry. Have you adjusted? Did you explore the area already?” he asked continiously asked.
You answered each question properly and you told him that you plan on exploring the vicinity of the school so you’ll know the whereabouts of different places. When you told him that, your mom suddenly spoke, giving you reminders like turning off the lights when not being used, unplugging your phone’s charger, making sure that the tap’s not leaking when you close it, and such. Your father on the background added locking all windows and doors everytime.
You just said your “yes” to all of those reminders.
[Honey, we called just to check okay? I hope you have fun there.] your mother said. You heard your father shouted, [NO BOYS Y/N!]
You let a soft chuckle.”Tell Potchi I miss him.”
[Will do love.] your mom responded.
After the exchange of ‘i love yous’, the other line was disconnected. You stood up, stretched and decided to get ready for your ‘exploration’. You made sure that every reminder of your parents was followed. You checked everything before leaving. When everything’s okay, you head out.
You left your small, cozy hometown  with a dream of becoming a (your dream profession). Your parents disagreed at first but of course, they knew better. So they’re doing doing their best to pay for your expenses now that you’re in the city. You’ve been here for two weeks and since Its the last weekend before the start of the school year, you wanted to familiarize yourself on your new home for the next couple of years. 
It takes 10 minutes of walking from the dorm to the school. You now calculate the time it’ll took for you from your first class from your dorm. After an hour, you have familiarized yourself with the campus buildings, what classes and what room will you enter, you figured out that your first class, which in the farthest building from your dorm will take another 15 minutes.. You typed notes in your phone so when the time comes, you can get back to it later.
You decided to check the nearby establishments to check where you can eat, or hang out. You passed a chicken restaurant, several fast foods, then you found a cozy looking coffee shop. As you open the door, a bell chimes and automatically, a greeting came your way.
A handsome barista whos holding a cloth and a cup looks at you with a smile.
You can’t help but to be a little embarassed but you managed to respond.
“Hi.” You decided to sit down on one of the stools near him. You looked at the interiors of the cafe’. A mixture of metal and wood. Blacks, browns, whites and occasional pink things. Pink is not really your color but it somewhat compliment the place. Your concentration was taken away when the barista spoke.
“What can I get you?” he asked your way. But the benefit of the doubt in your system is present so you assumed that he’s not talking to you. You looked around until you realized that it was you he was talking to.
You blushed.
“Uh, a large iced mocha, please.”
“Coming right up.” He said. As he create your order, he started talking to you.
“You’re new.” He said simply, with a small smile on his lips, he glanced at you.
Your surprised reaction was a giveaway, so he responded again.
“I know my customers. The regulars and the new ones.” He said.  “...Freshman maybe?” he continued while blending your coffee.
He just smiled at your response.
Several minutes has passed, your order’s now complete, he placed your order in front of you but with a little extra. You noticed that he added a small plate of marshmallows. You looked at his direction with a confused look. He’s now cleaning the blender and other utensils he used to make your coffee.
“Excuse me... I didn’t order this?” you called his attention politely.
He smiled again, he replied “It’s on the house. Consider that as a welcome gift.”
“Thanks.” You started enjoying your food.
When you’re finished you stood up and went to the counter which is a few steps away from your seat.
“How’s the coffee and mallows?” as he presses buttons on the cash register.
“Delicious.” You smiled.
He smiled back. He handed you your change and you smiled at him and said
“Uh, thank you for the mallows again..” you looked at his nameplate which reads Jin “..”Jin.”
“See you soon. I hope you’ll be one of the familar faces this year.”
Then you left. You added that coffee shop to your ‘must visit regularly’ place in your head.
A couple of hours passed, it was already 2 in the afternoon and you felt your feet getting tired. You’ve managed to ride a bus from the nearest shopping district without getting lost and you mentally tapped your shoulder for that. Now you’re riding  a bus to your dorm.
When you reached your dorm, you greeted it with an “I’m home”, you held your heart due to shock when someone responded.
She flicked your forehead again making you realize that it was your roommate. She guided you to the small living room for you to sit down, giving you a chocolate drink. She plopped down on the single seater couch, lazily turning towards you.
“When will be the time that you won’t either scream or almost die because I tried greeting you?” she asked flatly.
You felt embarassed so you looked down muttering a ‘sorry’ and it actually sounded like a squeak.
She chuckled.
“I’m kidding. So yeah, let’s formalize this thing. Hello. My name is Z, it’s my third year in this school, a major in childhood education and minor in psychology.”
You looked at her, quite impressed in her chosen field 
“Oh, i’m Y/N I’m a freshman taking up (your course/ dream course). You shook hands.  You looked at her, she’s pretty. she’s wearing a black tank top with a band’s logo and an acid washed shorts.
“Ooh. Good choice. So, I assume you’re trying to familiarize yourself with the school and other places right? Okay. Let me give you my own discovered shortcuts and shit. Oh before that wait. Lemme order take-out. Don’t worry, it’s on me. Whaddya wanna eat?” she asks casually.
When you didn’t respond immediately, she stepped outside and ordered.
While waiting for food, she told you her ‘rules’ regarding the use of stuffs around the room. She was the one who basically brought almost every utensil in the kitchen and she bought stuff for the bathroom. She assured you that whatever’s on your side of the room will be kept untouched until you have permission to do so, same as hers. Right after your agreement, there’s a knock on the door and it’s food.
While eating as to what you consider early dinner, she let you see her handmade map of the university area. She let you sign first an ‘agreement’ that you will not tell anybody these secret shortcuts or it won’t be convenient anymore.  And you agreed.
You’ve learned a lot in the hours spent with Z, and you actually think that she’s really nice. You’re both watching Iron Man movie when her phone buzzed.  She immediately ran towards your shared bedroom and when she returned, she brought with her her guitar case, a duffel bag and zoomed towards the door. She locked it behind not looking back as if you didn’t exist. You just let an ‘oh well’ in your head, trying to focus your attention back to the movie.
You accidentally dozed off, when you checked the time, it’s already 10 in the evening and your roommate Z, hasn’t returned yet. You felt a pang of hunger so you decided to go to the convenience store since it’s the nearest establishment from the dorm.
You bought one of those tasty looking packed food that’s microwaveable and of course, your favorite ‘convenience store’ hot dog on a bun that you can only taste every once a month (or maybe two) because the nearest convenience store from home is about 30 minutes away. By bus.
You left the convenience store while eating a strawberry flavored yougurt ice cream.
You returned home but still no sign of Z.
You just watched TV again, now animated movie ‘Up’ is on. After the movie, you returned to your room and noticed that Z left something on your desk.
A note that contains her phone number and several chocolate bars.
You smiled and kept the note, you’ll save that tomorrow.
Your entire Sunday was spent in preparing your things, planning what will you wear for tomorrow, packing stuff in your backpack. Checking and repeating such for about a hundred times just to ‘make sure’ that everything is okay and you only have to wait for Monday itself.
You paused and let yourself relax. You don’t need to make this a big deal. It’s just first day of school.
So you exhaled slowly.
You remembered Z’s note so you quickly got the note and dialling the number. The first few tries were directing you to voicemail so you decided to check on her through text.
You wasted your last day of vacation in watching random anime and movies. Night came and a call from your parents made you smile and face palm at the same time. It’s actually a video call and it’s your dad.
“Hi, hi.” You greeted him.
He asked you again basic things and you tried to be as normal as possible, avoiding eye rolling and sighs.
Your dad says goodnight and passed it on to your mom. You shared what you did yesterday morning with an exception with the encounter of a handsome barista. Then your mother finally said that she misses you a lot. You returned her worries by assuring her that you’ll take care of yourself and will be in touch often. You ended the call and continued watching some more. You tried waiting for Z until 10PM but she didn’t showed up so you called it a night and sleep.
You woke up annoyed because the sunlight is in your face. Then you suddenly sat and checked the time.
“SHIT!” you literally screamed and rush towards the bathroom for a reaaallly quick shower. You managed to do that in just 5 minutes. You ditched your ‘planned outfit’ and wore jeans, shirt, and sneakers, grabbing your backpack along the way. You took your time in locking the door but rushed towards the elevators for the first time because you are running late.
You checked your watch for every second spent in the elevator, counting down how many more minutes you have left before making a negative impression not just to your classmates but with your professor as well.
You now jog towards the university when you saw a hughe number of students same as you, entering the school premises. But almost all of the students you see are just chill. While you’re panicking. Now running towards the  building  of your first class when you saw a flash of red approaching you.
A speeding car was in front of you. Fear took over your senses.
You froze.
Suddenly somebody grabbed you from behind, making you fall on your butt. The speeding car blared it’s horn and sped up. You looked around, nobody seems to be paying attention to you or the incident. You then realized that whoever did that saved your life. You remembered that you’re running late so you ran again, forgetting the shock that you have.
You’ve reached your classroom, a few minutes earlier than you expected. You’re actually late. But as you peeked, several students were inside the room already but still no teacher. You entered the room. you chose to sit in the left side, choosing to be in what you think the ‘middle’ part of the rows. Not in the front, not at the back.
You let out a sigh, trying to calm your nerves after that cardio and ‘almost accident’.
You were distracted by a fit of high noted giggles and the room was suddenly filled by a strong scent of sweet – smelling perfume. They were seated at the back, two rows from you to be specific. one seat apart from each other. You find this weird. They were spritzing a bottle of that perfume everywhere. Then you overheard them talking.
“I can’t wait to see where would Jimin sit.”
“Like he’s gonna choose you.” The other one said.
“Yeah yeah whatever.” She replied.
As the minute passed, the vacant seats in front are now occupied. Even at the back.
Then someone entered, you assumed that this is your professor. A few minutes into the introductions, she was called so another round for chitchat.
You noticed that nobody was seated beside you on both sides. Not that you mind but it kinda felt lonely. You observed the people in front of you starting making friends.
Again, you were distracted by one of the girls at the back.
“He’s here, he’s coming.” One on the farthest left said.
“Girls, behave normal okay?” one holding the perfume earlier said.
You faced front, still no sign of your professor so you started pulling out your phone. You texted Z in the hopes that she’ll reply and that she’s okay. You sent a short message to both of your parents, completely oblivious of what’s happening around you. You heard murmurs and such then you saw someone opening the door in the front, earning gasps and squeals at the back. Someone entered your classroom, he’s wearing a gray hoodie sweatshirt. You don’t actually see his face. He went infront, looking for a seat. You don’t really mind so  you continued typing your message to your father when you realized someone sat beside you. When the message was sent, you shoved your phone in your bag.
You slowly looked to your right, nobody’s there.
You looked in front, still no teacher, and that’s the time you looked at the person to your left.
His hoodie covering most of his head, for a second you’re suspecting he’s bald. But what surprised you was that  he’s already looking at you, with a smirk on his lips.
So you just looked in front.
You saw his smile grew wider through your peripheral vision.
Your teacher returned and started collecting your class cards again.
In the middle of the discussion, he tried passing notes to you.
You declined because you’re serious about what your professor is saying but he keeps on doing it until you accept that piece of paper.
You unfold it and read:
I think you owe me something.
You were surprised but you fight the urge of responding until the professor ended the discussion. As the other students leave the room you returned the piece of paper into him.
“I don’t understand, what are you talking about?” you questioned him.
He stood up, and smiled at you. In a swift motion, his lips were on your ear. And wisphered: Walk inside the pavement. Be careful. Then he ruffled your hair and left.
You stood there in shock because of so many things that happened in  that short span of time.
You slowly made your way to your next class not knowing that there are several envious pairs of eyes staring at you, witnessing what happened between you and that boy.
|Chapter 2>>|
First of all, thank you for reading. 
 It took me tons amount of courage to post this. I am new to this but sooo many writers inspired me to write, and several people convincied me to push (post/publish) this.  This is my first fanfic so yeah I hope y’all stick around and enjoy it. Please let me now your thoughts! My ask/DM is open.
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