#their house is the coziest even tho its so small because i make them take so many in game pictures :)
plumbogs · 5 months
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yayyy new round! Dustin finally gets a job today in the intelligence career starting tomorrow.
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the fact that dogs greet the mail carriers is cute to me. he's such a nice boy.
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tiffani tried to do something cool for school lunch and failed :( how sad
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going thru an era of self-discovery... trans beamification but i have to once again figure out a name i hate it here so much.
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this household is so silly and fun. Dina gets home from work and gets annoyed because of how nasty the house is now that Beau isn't autonomously cleaning up all the messes.
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speaking of him, Brandi wanted to invite someone over :) so he's hanging out for the day. She brings up a topic he is very interested in hearing about.
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Then she cooks soup for everyone :) they're all so friendly and nice to each other.
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this house is too small for this many people. dustin's moving soon, so it won't be for too long. I think once the kids all empty out I may find Brandi and Dina a new home... that's quite a while away though.
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after the regularly scheduled evening bathroom traffic jam the brothers hang out and block the entire hallway to talk about sports and other stuff like that.
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