#their lease ends a few months after our current one but now we're lined up and we get a few more months to save money YIPPPEEEEEEEEEEEE IM S
flowerygraves · 10 months
landlord agreed to extend our lease short term omgggg im really getting out of florida next year im giddy
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high-pot-in-noose · 2 years
Good news and bad news time, guys!
Bad news — We are being kicked out of the house we're living in. My 3rd uncle, the previous owner of this house who had to sell it to my youngest aunt who in turned asked my mother and I to rent-to-buy it off of her because of how much strain it was putting on her, has decided he doesn't want us buying this house that's no longer his anymore. He's turned around and got my youngest aunt to sell it to my 2nd uncle instead, and told us to move out after the generous deadline of 3 months.
Good news — We are getting back the money we've already paid for this place, my youngest aunt has waived our rent entirely, and we have a new place already lined up.
Bad news — We've put in so much work and money to improve the area, raised chickens and fish and planted fruit trees that'll bear fruit in just a few more years and turned the critters- and weeds-infested surrounding area into a beautiful yard, and now it's going to be all for nothing.
Good news — We will no longer have to pay for chicken feed and fish food or take care of such a sizable lawn, cutting down a significant amount of our expenses and working hours.
Bad news — The place we're going to move into is smaller and will be entirely unfurnished; a significant concern for us because the beds and furniture we've been using all this time came part and parcel with the place we're leaving.
Good news — It turns out that the place we're moving into was left in my name by a deceased relative, so we won't have to pay any rent at all! We just have to cover the utility bills!
Bad news — My job let me go just a couple of days after we found out we were being kicked out. I worked at a tiny resort as a receptionist/cashier/accountant, but business has been really poor due to the 'Rona, and the owner can no longer afford to keep me on.
Good news — One of my mother's business-associates wants to hire me on in a similar position. He works in lumber, and he's thinking of cutting costs and upping profits by no longer leasing a stock-weighing station from some other company and instead setting up one himself and hiring me as the weighing attendant. He doesn't have a definite date for me, but he said that he wants me specifically for the job.
In conclusion — presently, finances are tight, and we're being shunned by the rest of my mother's family for . . . being the poorest of them, I guess? But there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel already, and the little raft we're currently adrift on is sturdier than we feared.
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