#their physical age refers to the age of that version (MKI-MKII-MKIII)
gamebunny-advance · 1 year
I probably should have paired the 1010 question with "How old do you think 1010 are physically?" since those can have different answers. But I don't want to over-do the polls in 1 day.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
Nice. (+ Self Reflection)
Well, so far at least 5 of you have looked at that thing, which is about 3 more than I expected, so the fic is doing much better than I thought it would, so thanks for taking the time to check it out \(^o^)/
But it is in my nature to not shut the hell up about my inner thoughts, so here they are (warning, contains spoilers to "Heart and Soul"):
The main idea of getting separated from your parent on an elevator is based on something I saw in real life once, except it was an escalator and probably didn't involve robo-security. I always wondered what happened to those kids afterwards...
I really should have cut more out. I feel like there's just a little too much "nothing" happening.
Is calling Tatiana, "Miss Quartz" annoying? The idea with the narration early on is that while it's a third-person narrator, it's still mostly from Yinu's point of view, so her inner thoughts inform the narration more often than not. I dunno, it's kind of inconsistent, and I'll probably stick to something more traditional if I ever rewrite this.
I feel like I accidentally set up the hairbands to be more important than they actually were. They were just supposed to be the cause of the inciting incident, just something to get Yinu to the elevator, but since the front end is the most heavy with description, it put too much emphasis on them. There was one version of the draft where instead of the bandage, one of the bands was her token of appreciation, but it didn't make sense to me to give 1010 a wearable keepsake when his physical body is routinely destroyed, and it would have been lost over time. Having him just lose the memories should have been sad enough on its own. He doesn't need to lose what she gave him too.
I hope that I fixed most of the instances of 1010 being referred to as "it". He's supposed to be an "it" up until he has a proper name, but in an earlier version, the pronoun would change depending on who was focusing on him, so Yinu and Neon J. use "he/him" because they recognize him as a person while Mama and Tatiana use "it" because they don't. I thought it was confusing, so I tried to fix all of them, but there might be some remnants left over. OTL
I feel like I could have cut all this action if I'd just thought to set this during a power outage instead of having 1010 be willingly defiant. I didn't think about this until I was taking a shower after posting. Sometimes shower thoughts are useful. If I ever rewrite this fic, I'll try that out to see if I can keep it saccharine through the entire run. I didn't mean to play "Gotcha!" and make it sad out of nowhere, but that's just where it felt like it was going. If they were both lost due to a power outage, then I think them sticking together and not being able to find the adults is a little more justified.
I should have checked if "Heart and Soul" is actually in the public domain first. I don't think it is, so it doesn't make much sense for 1010 to be programmed with it as one of his default songs. But the whole fic was written around getting to the scene where they play that song together, so I was willing to bend that plausibility to get there.
I wrote this imagining 1010 with his MKI design, hence the cap, but the implication is that he's currently a MKII and then gets upgraded to MKIII. So... yeah. If I rewrite this, I'm gonna have to fix that.
It's not that I don't like stories where the robot outlives its human companions, and it has to learn to cope with that, I just feel like in reality, it would be more likely that the robot either breaks down or loses their memories before their human companion dies. Machines are fragile.
I hope I didn't write Yinu to seem too young. I'm not exactly sure how mature that age range is supposed to be. At 8, she'd be the equivalent of a 2nd or 3rd grader, so I figure this is an age where she can understand complex thought but just not have the vocabulary for it.
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