muse-legion · 4 days
Closed starter for: @theking-blackheart-muses (Lucas and Austin)
It was a nice afternoon and Lucas decided to take his son to the playground to get out for a bit; have some fun and just enjoy a good time. While it was still difficult and he’d missed his mother, life goes on and he wanted to try to give Lio a normal life - or as normal as possible, considering the circumstances. It was hard to watch all these happy families while his own had been destroyed not too long ago but he had to push his own feelings aside for his son. “Lio, come over here. It’s getting cold, you need to put on your jacket or you’ll catch a cold.” Lucas called out to the three year old, leaning forward as he waited for his kid, he looked over to the man next to him. “Here we go, he’s pretending he didn’t hear me. Unbelievable.” A chuckle fell from his lips as he shook his head and got up from the bench. “I’ll count to three. Three means no cookies today.” And before he could even count to three, his son came over running and laughing, accompanied by his new friend. “Cookies!” The kids kept yelling and Lucas couldn’t help but laugh. “First the jacket.” He demanded and put it onto the little one, before he handed a cookie to each of them and then turned to face Austin. “Do you want one too? There’s enough for everyone.”
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The world had forgotten Peter Parker. Sadly, Steve Rogers was part of 'the world', which meant that Steve had forgotten the young alpha too. The fact remained however that Steve was different than most. He had always felt like something was missing. Like he had forgotten something.
He had been dreaming of a face that he just couldn't hold on to.
And when he saw him, looking cold in the early morning of fall...he knew that this was the alpha he had been dreaming about. Slipping his jacket off, he slipped it around the alpha's shoulders.
"You okay, kid? You look frozen through. And when was the last time you had a decent meal?"
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itsaliveitsalive · 25 days
🛸 @theking-blackheart-muses liked for a starter
Coming out of hypersleep was never an easy or pleasant task. Even after coffee and dinner, he still felt half-dead and suspected the effects would linger in the coming days. Nothing short of actual death would keep Victor from his work though. While the crew went about their tasks, he'd gravitated to the computer room annex with Campbell to catch up on the log. Lights blinked from floor to ceiling on every wall. He typed his key into the console and waited while the screen hummed to life.
Then he simply blinked at it for a few moments. The orders were… unexpected. He'd known there was a reason the company sent two science officers on this space mission, but not what the reason was, until now. Investigate a life form, possibly hostile, and bring it back for observation.
After a long silence, he glanced at Campbell. "That seems fairly straightforward." He was trying to gauge by his expression if he had an ethical objection to sacrificing their crewmates. Since Victor considered ethics to be nothing more than an interesting intellectual exercise, it didn't bother him. A great many lives had been lost in the name of science. A few more wouldn't trouble his conscience.
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wantxmore · 5 months
Closed Starter (Enzo/Reys)
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The night was busy, but Enzo was handling it all with great ease. If there was one thing he was good at, it was maintaining his cool during the busy times. In fact, he somewhat flourished under the pressure. He took orders, made the drinks and managed to get some very good tips, all while making it look effortless. Perhaps his skimpy attire helped with the latter. A mesh crop top, small booty shorts that hung low on his hips, while letting the waistband of his underwear show. Tonight's underwear choice was a comfy jock strap.
As the night carried on, he had been assigned to clean up one of the VIP areas. He was one of the faster cleaners, and the sooner the section became available, the sooner they could get more patrons to use it. VIPs tended to tip quite well on top of racking up a very big bill.
Enzo had double checked which area was needing to be serviced and went with the cleaning supplies. He hoped that the previous patrons weren't messy as fuck, but he hadn't expected to find his boss, Reys Blackwell...without clothing. Enzo was at a complete loss of what to do, because if he left the area, it would raise questions. It didn't seem like something that should be discussed among the staff. On the other hand, Enzo's crush on the man kept him from leaving or looking away. How many chances would he even get to take in such a sight?
So, he decided to take a chance. He set the cleaning supplies down on the nearby table, "I think there are two options here...one, I can leave and come back in about five minutes, or two...I can help you take care of that." He gestured at the man's hard cock, which in all honesty, looked fucking amazing in the low light of the VIP section.
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becktogroundcontrol · 6 months
​❝ i made pumpkin cookies! want to try one? ❞ from Wyatt
Tana was humming quietly to herself while she picked out a tune on her acoustic guitar. She'd never really stopped writing songs, even in rehab, and she was almost always singing or humming to herself. This one was still in the middle stages of revision, and her brow furrowed as she jotted something in her notebook.
It took a moment to surface and realize Wyatt was talking to her, but her expression cleared when she did. "I'd love one! Do they taste like pumpkin, or are they shaped like pumpkins?" She laughed, setting the guitar aside and getting to her feet to come and see what he'd made. She wasn't much in the kitchen herself, but she could get by.
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vvolfatthedoor · 8 months
❛ you okay? caught you staring off into space again. ❜ from Sawyer
Even with his voice tugging her back to Earth, it took a few moments for Aven to come out of her head and remember where she was. She'd yet to vanish completely into her newest novel, but it was close. All the signs were there. The dreamy looks and staring off into space, the forgetting what she was doing in the middle of it, the drifting out of conversations, her mind not wholly in this world anymore but in the one she was creating. It was a nicer place, usually.
"Hm? Sorry. Voices are loud today." She smiled, tipping the beer bottle toward her lips for a sip. "Should we order dinner, or do you feel like cooking? I grocery shopped yesterday, so there should be plenty for whatever." Aven was passable in the kitchen, although her brother was better. Theo had more culinary imagination. It wasn't her favorite solo activity, but it could be nice with company.
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doctordonovan · 8 months
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❝ maybe i've developed feelings. ❞ | Tyler
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she's a being of contradictions:  gentle hands,  gentle features,  far too clever and sharp eyes.   she lingers in her silence more often than she talks   -  happy to let people work off the assumption that it's some kind of indication she has no opinions on certain matters to share.  ( half the time,  maeve is fully aware,  she has been labelled as cold simply because others couldn't find the right word to explain shy.  she has long since learnt how to keep herself separate from how others perceive her.  )
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the safehouses she runs  -   the dangers she faces...  it's not for the love of science,  nor from some arrogance borne from being hard to keep dead.  she helps because she cares,  places herself in the way because tender heart couldn't cope with doing nothing.
so @theking-blackheart-muses' words cause her to falter,   to hesitate in otherwise steady movements to clean cut on his arm.  ❝ that's a dreadfully big thing to have a 'maybe' placed before it. ❞   she whispers softly,  resuming dipping cloth in water then gently patting on red.  ❝ maybes can change everything. ❞
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xthebodyshopx · 8 months
"Mr. Love, you have someone that wants to speak with you," was heard over the phone as his secretary had called him. "Go ahead and send them in." As a politician, Darren was used to people messaging him and requesting an audience with him in order to get him to side with the issues that they strongly believe in. It was tedious, really, but he did find that sometimes he could get some of the left-wing people to get on their knees and let him use them if he promised to bend a little in his rules.
He never did.
Still, though, he was curious as to where this meeting would turn out and as the young man entered his office, he couldn't help but smile lightly. "Please, have a seat and tell me how I can help you. Was there a particular reason you requested a meeting with me? A grant proposal you want me to make? An amendment to the legislature that you want me to look over? I'm all ears."
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modcrnspirits · 9 months
@theking-blackheart-muses, closed starter.
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"You actually came." Alfie had been sitting down on the table reserved on his name by Ray for the past 10 minutes, wondering if the other was actually coming or if that was his idea of vengeance and winning. Because the only reason why Alfie ended up in said situation was his undeniable loss. The spy sat in front of the enemy and there were no tricks up his sleeve, not anymore.The bet was done. As the loser, he had to do what Ray commanded and his first command was dress up and go to dinner. "Well, now what?"
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1batch2batch · 9 months
"It's good to see you here Frank. Still handsome as always, care if I take care of your tab and take you home afterwards" to Frank from Billy.
The city didn't know his name or his face yet, but his work had been splashed along the headlines. It would come out eventually. Nothing stayed secret forever, but in the meantime, Frank was taking advantage of the anonymity to have a much-need drink.
The last thing he expected to see was a familiar face. He was caught between happiness at seeing an old friend and suspicion about why he was there, and his expression finally settled into a sort of amused disbelief. "Russo, what the fuck are you doing here?"
There was no way he could know for sure those massacres were Frank's, but… he could have guessed. He did have a recognizable style, and Billy had been up close and personal to plenty of his work overseas. He waved off the offer of a ride home, either missing or ignoring the implication there. "I don't remember calling an Uber."
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crossxxbones · 9 months
"You look like you have seen a ghost and I just realized am naked" from Blaze
"Who the fuck are you, and why are you talkin' like you know me?" A better question probably would have been why are you naked in my bedroom, but he'd woken up to weirder things before. Brock was only half-dressed himself, the sheet pooled in his lap while he trained a gun on the man from the bed. Admittedly, he'd been a little drunk last night, but he didn't think he was drunk enough to forget bringing a stranger home with him. Probably. Maybe.
He was racking his brain for some memory of it, but he'd been a little fucked up since his partner's death. Not enough to affect his work, since he wasn't allowed to be messed up about what was only supposed to be part of the job. No, he'd gotten a goddamn promotion for that. He still didn't understand why Blaze had made it look like Brock killed him, or if that had even been intentional.
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thorfromwork · 9 months
❛ let’s get you some clothes before i get too turned on. ❜ From Caleb
There was more knowledge about cultures and languages buried in Thor's memory than he could ever hope to articulate, everything a future king of Asgard would need to rule over the Nine Realms and then some. It would have been impossible to hold it all in the front of his mind at the same time, and occasionally something was bound to slip.
When Caleb approached the hot springs, he automatically assumed the worst, and he'd stepped out of the pools dripping and naked, calling Stormbreaker to his hand. It didn't bother him to be naked; he had far fewer hang-ups about that than many. "Midgardians can be rather straight-laced about such things, can they not?" There was mischief in his smile as he traded the axe for a towel and wrapped it around his middle. "Apologies. About what did you wish to speak, my friend?"
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myheartburnsthere · 10 months
"You know your thoughts are sometimes loud in the mornings handsome. So, guess who is off today and gets to spend time with their handsome boyfriend?" - From Hudson
"Sorry." Ben could feel his face flushing even as he pressed it into the crook of Hudson's neck, an arm circling his waist. He'd gotten better at shielding his mind, but in the lazy early mornings lying snuggled in bed together, it wasn't always at the front of his consciousness. He ran his own architecture firm, so it usually wasn't hard to make sure he scheduled his days off to align with Hudson's, and he didn't have anywhere pressing to be right now.
He pressed soft kisses against his neck, a hand running idly over his hip. "I had a dream about you. I could show you, if you want?" There was only the slightest hesitation before the second part. Hudson had helped him a lot with learning whatever residual …weirdness IT had left him with, but still, Ben wasn't fully comfortable dipping into people's minds or letting them into his. It was easier if he held it at a slight distance, letting the impressions come to him instead of searching for them. He feared, a little, what he might be capable of if he honed this power. But if he couldn't share it with Hudson, he couldn't share it with anyone.
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xbullseye · 10 months
💬 Dex, Rumor has it that Lance might be seeing someone. Do you have any knowledge about this?
"Trust me when I say Lance isn't seeing anyone but me. He knows who he belongs to. I'd kill anyone who so much as looked at him wrong."
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darknesstempted · 10 months
❛ it’s okay, you can touch me. i won't break. ❜ from Aias
Hades had often thought his siblings foolish for falling in love with mortals-- or for falling in love at all. His marriage with Persephone was one of utility, more of a business arrangement than a relationship. He cared for her and respected her, and her power was the perfect balance to his. The Underworld ran far more smoothly with her influence. But he wasn’t in love with her, and he never would be. And then he'd gone and fallen for not one but two unreachable men, one who would never die, and was therefore outside of his realm, and one who would never stop dying.
"You're mortal, darling. Of course you can break." His lips were soft as they skimmed down the line of his neck, fingers buried in those beautiful gold locks. Even Hercules, immortal as he was, could be hurt by a god. Hades wouldn't dream of unleashing his full strength on either of his lovers. They were somehow both far too fragile and stronger than he could ever understand. "Unless you're reconsidering my offer…" The words were playful, his other hand running a teasing path along the inside of his thigh. He didn’t understand why Aias refused to be immortal. He didn’t think Herc understood it either, although perhaps he could come closer, having once been mortal himself.
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awcoffee-no · 1 year
(Text): Hey Clint sorry I am just seeing all your messages.
(Text): I just got back..... sorry I did not respond...
(Text): I have been recovering from sick.
(Text): How are you
- From Luca
[ text: Luca ] DUDE. Where the hell have you been? [ text: Luca ] I was looking for your body in gutters and preparing to fight your kidnappers. [ text: Luca ] You're good, man. I've been away too. [ text: Luca ] Hope you're feeling better?
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