toranoya · 1 year
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Kohaku was running through the forest, heading back to the Kaede’s village when he heard the crack of a branch behind him. Shit. The demon he’d been chasing lead him too far away and now the light was fading and he was alone and without backup. “Who’s there? Come out.” The young demon hunter said as he tried to sound as brave as he could as he drew his weapon and pointed it in the direction of the sound.
(Up to you if it’s Grodd, or if he’s actually gonna save Kohaku from someone else, lol)
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"So when are you heading topside? I'd like to go with you." Leslie stated.
"My next topside visit isn't for another few days i've got shit to do down here." Reno grumbled as he thought about the job at hand as well as the requirements needed to get it done so he could go back topside for his bosses.
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rexelectus · 1 year
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● – || @thelastoftheuchiha continued from HERE.
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● – || Noctis smiled warmly as he looked up at Leslie , shoving the keys in his hand back into his pocket . He stepped aside so that Leslie could enter the apartment , giving him room to [ [ b r e a t h e ] ] a little bit . After all , he'd been away all day and Noctis had been able to take time for himself in his home - away - from - home .
" I just . . . Thought I'd pay you a visit . Is that a crime ? "
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tennome · 1 year
Continued fron here.
The young Hyuuga nodded. "I've been practising my tea-making skills! Mama said there's improvement. That's quite a big compliment coming from her!" She smiled brightly. 
She quickly placed another zabuton for her uncle to sit on. Right after she started to prepare their matcha tea, it was a serious ritual she had to follow. A tradition that was passed down from generation to generation. It was important for Kujira to perfect her skill to make her mother proud.
"There!" According to tradition, she served it. "I hope it'll be to your liking."
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badsectoromega · 1 year
[  RIM  ] ;  the sender gives the receiver a rimjob. 
//Any or all of your muses with Leslie//
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(ꈍ⌓ꈍ✿) "Aagh-!! H-Hey... Nnngh… G-Get... Hnnngh! Ooohhh f-fraaag~!!" 🔥
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(◕//⌓//◕;) "Gaugh-! Hey... Hrrrgh! I-I said you could only look..."
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(╹//0//╹) "Wait, what are you... Aaahh-!! Nnnngh… T-This feels strange..."
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@thelastoftheuchiha liked for a starter
Ian (the name is given by the "League") shouldn't be surprised at this point as he entered his small farmhouse in the countryside. He softly closed his door and dropped his groceries in the island. With a small sigh, he turned around.
"Hello Master." With a blank face in a monotone voice. "It seems you've escape from jail and the League again. Congratulations."
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spellboundcursed · 10 months
[ HEAT ]:      while in the middle of a make-out session, sender pushes the receiver up against the wall, unwittingly heating things up even more.
//From Ren//
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Hyacinth pushed him away. "Do you mind?" She asked, they weren't that close that she would let that slide, and she didn't trust herself being near people for her semblance not to activate.
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feralkumiho · 10 months
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Layla hurried to the window of her prison cell and pressed her head against it, listening. She'd been drained of her powers as a Warlock had beat her-- and figured out how to use her abilities against her. "Minho, if you're out there... come find me. I need you." It was futile to pray for her older sibling's aid, but she held onto that sliver of hope like a lifeline. Suddenly, the guards were in an uproar. They shouted and sprinted towards the entrance of the Hellish place, where an unlikely ally picked them off one by one.
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minds-interlinked · 1 year
"I'm genuinely happy for you."
//From any of my muses to Ino//
Past Relationship starters - @thelastoftheuchiha
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"Thank you." Ino said, offering a soft smile. "And you? How have things been, Sasuke?" She asked curiously. It wasn't easy keeping up with the Uchiha, but she was always happy to check up on him when she could.
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historias-multorum · 1 year
A starter for @thelastoftheuchiha
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"Ah.... Damn..."
Tenten was touching herself after her second cold shower. Damn Aphrodisiacs... How was she supposed to know the wine and sake were all laced?! Then again, knowing how sex positive Ino was, she should have seen it coming.
Now here she was stark naked in the bedroom she and Sasuke shared, pleasuring herself for what must have been the fourth time. Whatever kind of Aphrodisiacs she drank, they really had taken hold of her secret desires. One of which, was to be bred by Sasuke.
The idea of him pumping his erection into her and having her womb filled to the brim with his cum. Getting pregnant by him, watching the children grow inside of her. Her breast so bloated with milk her nipples get hyper sensitive...
"Oh~! Oh god~!"
She was fingering herself, toying with her clit with one hand and her left breast with the other. It wasn't enough. She needed Sasuke to come home. And she needed it badly.
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musesofchaos · 1 year
@thelastoftheuchiha from this
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"Oi, teme... don't say stuff like that..." Well done Sasuke, you got em both going
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cmdrjanus-2 · 1 year
//From Leslie to Janus//
Send 📸 for my muse to send your muse a sexy photo
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(`〇Д〇)"WHAT?! No! That wasn't supposed to send that!"
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ananthologyofsouls · 1 year
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Moved from here
"It's there for a reason." Diluc replied brusquely. "Alright, so what is it that you want?" He asks again.
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tennome · 9 months
What kind of herb are you?
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You grew up too fast, and all you know is the calluses on your fists and the thousand invisible scars that you pretend don't ache. Your anger burns so bright, so hot, or maybe not at all, so deep you could never tell it was there. You are yours, and you will defend that to the death after so many years of being ripped apart and denied your own agency. Maybe you are still facing the bastards who stole your innocence, but you will survive because that's the only thing you know how to do without breaking, the only thing you know besides protecting yourself, or sometimes those few others you claim as yours. You are a thousand sharp edges but impenetrable, a traumatized child so covered by thorny armor that you promised yourself you're grown now; you're stronger than anyone who has ever hurt you. You're safe. Nothing will ever hurt you again. You're so alone sometimes, in a world that sees you as too much, too broken, too angry, or too hurt, and you want to scream with the too-much of it, prove that you're okay, that you're self-reliant, that you are strong enough to stake your claim on your body, on your mind, on your heart, on your people, and protect it from anyone who dares take it away from you. You are the sea in tempest, a howling sky, a tsunami in motion, a force of nature, no matter how much you sometimes yearn to be still, to be safe, to be small. You are a dandelion, stubborn and determined to grow in the rockiest of soil and bloom again in spring.
Tagged: Stolen
Tagging: @irukasenseii, @thelastoftheuchiha, @thetoaddaddy, @tentaiiled, @abyssaldespair, @thecopynin-kakashi and YOU!
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spellboundcursed · 1 year
Continued from here
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"Why else? Because you weren't in the hall where we're staying." She sighed she rolled her eyes. "Because we're meant to be a team and we're on this mission together, unless you want to go and do it solo." She shakes her head.
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0 notes
rexelectus · 1 year
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LEGAL NAME: Noctis Lucis Caelum NICKNAME[S]: Noct, Prince, Highness  DATE OF BIRTH: August 30th GENDER: Male PLACE OF BIRTH: Insomnia CURRENTLY LIVING: verse dependent  SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English EDUCATION: Advanced  HAIR COLOR: Charcoal grey EYE COLOR: Crystal blue HEIGHT: 5′ 8″ WEIGHT: 130lbs
FAMILY INFORMATION SIBLING[S]: None PARENT[S]: Deceased (verse dependent) RELATIVE[S]: Grandfather Morse  CHILDREN: Verse dependent, but he has a son .  PET[S]: If married to Luna (verses dependent) then Umbra and Pryna. 
RELATIONSHIP INFORMATION SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual and Demisexual  RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Verse Dependent SINCE WHEN: N/A tagged by stolen from: @badassbarmaid tagging: @coldwake , @silvcrignis (Claude), @earthwilled, @dawnturnstodusk (Prompto), @thelastoftheuchiha​ (Leslie), @xfkingsglaive, and you! 
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