of-invisible-ties · 6 years
@thelodestar II Starter Call
“Prince Marth, are you well?”
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“It feels strange to ask this, I know. I used to be the one constantly getting sick! But, now, I fear you’re overexerting yourself. You’ve gone through so much while I was in Khadein, haven’t you? I, erm, heard about Hardin. I don’t know what to say ...”
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convxction · 5 years
"Facial hair does not look great on the men in our family, Chrom." Unless you counted Cornelius, but Cornelius was an anomaly in the statistics. "Don't risk it." [@thelodestar]
talking about chrom’s beard, share your thoughts. | @thelodestar
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“Is..that so? I mean..it does not look half bad if I could say myself.” or his sense to these things is...really bad. Gods...he is losing some of his confidence to pull this now.
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fooltrick--a · 5 years
❝ There’s just not enough time to do what I want to do in this life… ❞ From Marth
   you tilt your head some at the king’s sudden statement, intrigued. you’d thought he’d had it all figured out by now, if you’re being honest… well, mostly. you mean, he’s got a beautiful wife, a wonderful sister to support, a kingdom to rule– several, if all his talk of the various countries of his continent ceding their rule to him are any indication… you figured, marth-sama being the wonderful, dutiful person he is, would have planned to dedicate his life to his family and people. have kids, be a good king, all that jazz. the way alfonse talks about it, it seems… royalty doesn’t get that much freedom, despite living in the lap of luxury.
   maybe things are different in archanea?
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“well, what do you want to do, marth-sama–” oh, right, he wants to you address him as an equal. “…er, marth? sorry. a-anyways, i was thinking… maybe i could do some of those things with you while we were here? i mean, it’s kind of borrowed time anyways…”
@thelodestar | meme.
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spdtactics-a · 6 years
Marth waited until his wife stirred on her own before sticking his hands behind his back and kissing her forehead. "Good morning, Caeda. Do you know what today is?" He hadn't known, either. But Hibiki had told him about a curious custom in his world to have, essentially TWO Days of Devotion. ...well, and he wasn't going to pass that up, was he? "Happy White Day. I got you something." And he brought his arms to the front to reveal a heart-shaped box containing white chocolates.
   you don’t know how marth managed to disentangle himself without waking you up, but being greeted so sweetly is definitely the best way to start your day off! lips curve upwards in a bright – yet still sleepy – smile, and it’s now that you notice your husband has his hands hidden firmly behind his back. … what in the world is he up to? 
“i’m guessing thursday isn’t the answer you have in mind,” you laugh, leaning in to softly peck his lips. “but what is it?”
   … wait, white day? a brow furrows in confusion. the name is familiar, but you can’t for the life of you place what kind of holiday it’s supposed to be. it’s not something you celebrate in talys, that’s for sure… and you’re pretty sure you would’ve heard about it by now if it were an altean thing, too. maybe it’s something heroes from another world celebrate…? 
   oh. oh, that’s where you’ve heard of white day. the hoshidans. it had come up in conversation with princess hinoka recently– something about it being a ‘boys’ version of the day of devotion? 
   no wonder marth had gone to such lengths to avoid waking you up when he did… your heart swells with affection, and you can’t resist leaning in to kiss him again.
“oh, marth… you didn’t have to go to all this trouble!” by naga, you’re the luckiest woman in the world. “but thank you so much, darling! i’m afraid i don’t have anything for you in return, though. i didn’t realize that was today…”
   you’ll just sneak in a trip to the market and surprise him later. no problem!
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fooltrick-a-blog · 6 years
"Have you ever heard people referring to newborns as 'potatoes,' Master Fujiwara?" Marth smirked, using the knuckles of his fingers to support his cheek as he spoke. "And yet when I look at my little potato I melt. Maybe you're understating their charm." @thelodestar, DAMMIT I MADE THE JOKE AFTER ALL
   you want to point out that the hero-king doesn’t have to be so formal with you, but you’ve still been stuck on ‘marth-sama’ despite his protests, so you settle for a soft ‘huff’ at being referred to as master fujiwara. which in turn leads to a violent crimson flooding your cheeks once you realize he not only overheard you a moment ago… but he’s teasing you, too. the heat spreads even to the tips of your ears, and despite being in the presence of royalty you honest to god pout. 
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“e-even you, marth-sama…?”
   though you have to admit, it’s nice seeing him look so relaxed and dare you say it– playful. “i don’t want the charm of a baby, though! i’m seventeen!”
@thelodestar / in reference to this.
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melancholyjudgement · 6 years
@thelodestar​ liked for a starter with Kris and Marth!
        Kris walked down the halls of Askr Castle, intending to head towards the training grounds for some practice. Though it was rare that she was actually called to fight on the front lines, she was never one to slack on training. At least there was no end of opponents if she were looking for a spar, or errands to run if she would like to be useful. She did miss many of her comrades back in Archanea, but she was sure she would return home in time, once her job here was done...whatever it was. Then she would go back to Marth and Katarina and Jagen and...
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        The pegasus knight’s musings were broken as she thought she passed a familiar face. Turning, she spotted a mop of blue among the others in the hall, adorned with his signature circle, and the blue cape she could always spot on the battlefield...
        Had he arrived here, after all?
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        “Prince Marth?” She took a few quick steps to catch up with him, eager to greet her liege, and called his name. “Ah -- Sire! Is it really you?”
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sireneia-a · 6 years
@thelodestar / summer scramble-themed starters.
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✦ —— ❝ thanks for taking time out to be with me, marth. ❞ leif was glad he had decided to take this trip now. as great as it was to be able to whisk himself away with his lover, being able to see the blue-haired royal was also a sweet deal. ❝ it’s weird to think we’re both at one of these events but we’re not dueling like when we first met. ❞
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@thelodestar || Starter Call
       The early morning gleam, still stale and rusty as it overtakes what little remains of the moon, reflects off of Falchion’s blade as it rests easily upon his lap; his fingers running along its tip. Scoffed, worn-out boots settles easily in the damp grass beneath his feet, and the old, military-style uniform he wears is dull and worn out; unfitting for a man of his position, but somehow it suited him perfectly, unlike the Divine Blade that looked otherworldly compared to her master. He’d never been one for politics or power; for social status or fame, yet it had all fallen upon his shoulders. And, despite how much he loathed the sound of the words ‘your majesty’ as they fell from the lips of men he had always dreamed of ending when they had once looked down upon his weak brother in the crowded streets with nothing but disdain in their pointed, worthless eyes, he was a king regardless. Every second he wasted in this inane words was another weight upon his younger brother’s shoulders; another prayer spoken to a God only he could hear, and another moment of weakness for the people who had come to depend upon him as their lord and savior (something he wasn’t, but if playing a role would keep them from the grimy hands of nobles he had wanted to slaughter as a child, he would gladly put on an act).   
         He had little interest in lending his strength to this world or its war; it wasn’t his to defend, and the lives of those who resided in Askr meant little to him - no matter the wonder that had greeted him upon arriving in this land or the legends told of him in the books lining the shelves of the library, or spewed from the lips of strangers he, frankly, couldn’t have cared less about. Words were meaningless in the face of action, and he’d yet to deem them worthy of his aid, even when they claimed his own world could fall into the hands of their foes if they were not kept in check here, he was skeptical at best and downright jaded at his worst - if these worthless curs, with no reason to subject his people to more suffering than they had already endured, dared try to so much as disrupt his kingdom, he would personally eradicate every last one (to Hell with the rest of the world; to Hell with every other world they threatened - he didn’t care about them). 
          With a sigh, he glared half-heartedly at the blade. He’s felt a faint warmth radiating from Falchion since he had arrived - one he’d chosen to ignore knowing it would somehow find a way to force him into this war. And he’d overhead enough conversations in this crowded castle to be aware of the fact that he wasn’t the only one in this realm to possess the Divine Blade (damn thing, he’d planned to take it to his grave - little did he know he would, and make its resting blade his personal tomb). And he’d made an effort to avoid the other wielders (it was easy enough when the blade gave away when they were nearby); if he’d learned anything, nothing good came out of it, and with a frown pulling onto his smooth features, he sheathed the sword. He would rather not fight for this world, but if he had to in order to keep Altea out of harm’s way, he would show no mercy to those who dared to stand in his way (no matter what the other so-called Heroes desired or what the stranger who had summoned here wanted - he had no ounce of mercy left in his bones). 
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          He feels heat radiate from the blade - frustration and annoyance creasing his brows as he lifts his head up at the sound of footsteps; faint as they were on the lawn just outside of the castle. Fate always seemed to have a funny way of toying with him. “What do you want?” Comes his harsh greeting - it’s unlikely the other has approached him knowing nothing; perhaps he’d been sent to reason with him - to convince him to fight in the battles of another kingdom in a world that wasn’t his own. Regardless, he held little interest in the Divine Blade’s other users - not who they were, what their relation to it was or, or what their relation to him happened to be. Perhaps it was cruel, but he’d never been a saint. “I’ve no interest in playing soldier with you lot, if I must act in order to defend my country then, and only then, will have my aid.” He can feel Falchion pulse against his leg, but dismisses it - whatever it happens to desire, he wants little part in.        
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kingmichclis · 6 years
@thelodestar liked for a starter
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The Fallen King raised his hand, silencing the red dragon behind him that was growing at the other human. How destiny could be cruel when it trully wanted to be. To be face to face with Marth.. how trully disgusting.
“You.” Michalis said, his voice cold and full of a cold hatred. 
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instauria-a · 6 years
@thelodestar ❤’d.
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“Um... King Marth...? I don’t think we’re supposed to be in here... I'm sorry... I took us on a wrong turn, didn't I?”
 But gods, you didn’t think quite so many Poké Balls were in storage here...
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halidomhappenings · 6 years
Swords: Ares vs Sunset Shimmer
@thelodestar vs. @resistancedestiny Coin Toss: Ares strikes first
“There’s no time to waste, we have two unique fighters ready to go! Let’s see how our mysterious warriors of the realm do--”
ARES: 3 strike v. 16 defense
SHIMMER: 4 strike v. 19 defense
ARES: 9 strike v. 6 defense
SHIMMER: 10 strike v. 6 defense
“I admit I don’t know much about these two combatants, but I guess that’ll make for an exciting match - we won’t know what to expect. Hey! We’ve barely even started and already they’ve closed the distance. Good blocks, actually...And the first point goes to Ares!”
“That Ares fellow reminds me of someone... Maybe its just the hair?”
ARES: 16 strike v. 6 defense
SHIMMER: 13 strike v. NAT 1 DEFENSE 
Sunset Shimmer moves in for a second hit, but her sword is blocked last moment as Ares uses the hilt of his blade to deflect her
ARES: 3 strike v. 7 defense
SHIMMER: 18 strike v. 16 defense
“An effective lunge from Sunset Shimmer - Ares only just blocks her follow up attack with his foible! Oh, rapier tip, sorry. I forget not everyone’s trained with one. Unfortunately, deflecting with the weaker section means that Ares can’t get a good counter in.”
“A foible? You use all the technical terms, I can hardly keep up!”
“Sunset Shimmer fails to get another point, but her end footing has made it so Ares can just get another strike in! If only she’d landed a bit further forward.”
ARES: 11 strike v. 14 defense
SHIMMER: 3 strike v. 6 defense
ARES: 13 strike v. 12 defense
TIE BREAKER STRIKE: Ares 19 ; Shimmer 11
“A thrilling conclusion! These two well-matched swordspeople had to turn to a quick-fire round to break the tie. After much suspense, we have our winner!”
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of-invisible-ties · 6 years
“Mar-Mar ... I noticed something about that man you’ve been debating with.”
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“Or more accurately, his wyvern.”
Tiki was shaking. Due to her longevity, she hadn’t thought that much could astonish her. But that so-called Mad King was truly loathsome, and Marth, as beloved as he was to her, had the right to know. Perhaps, she could put the poor wyvern out of his misery. 
“I sensed something from that wyvern -- like an aura, or a powerful scent. I didn’t understand it at first, but now I do. That’s not a mount! I don’t know how, but that’s a manakete. I think it’s been forcibly locked into its dragon form ...”
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convxction · 6 years
[Inner demons, @thelodestar] "Chrom..." Marth sat down next to his descendant, setting down the tea he had brought for him before turning his chair to face him and gently pulling him into a hug. It was hard to see him like this. For a minute, he allowed Chrom's emotions to run their course, before he started shushing him. "It's alright, I've got you. I've got you." He repeated the words a few times, patting Chrom's back. "I've got all the time in the world for you right now, so take your time."
Your muse watches my muse succumb to their inner demons/worries/fears etc, in my inbox write your muse reaction || @thelodestar
His little mental breakdown sapped almost his power, rendered him just a mess, trying his best to just breath in. He thought in another world, fighting for a great purpose, would help him let go of some of his nightmares but in fact, they grew even wilder. Not only that, Embla was on top of their game, using some mind controlling spells despite the protection that was cast on the Askran’s army. It did not help that Chrom’s resistance to spells is lower than some of the heroes there which affected him. He thought he could overcome them but as time passed, the spell got even stronger, leaving him vulnerable and if it weren’t for Marth being nearby he would have been killed.
He is thankful that it was Marth and not anyone else who saw him in this miserable state. If it was a couple months ago, he would have preferred to die than let his role model see him like that but it is alright. Marth understands his feelings.
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It was calming when Marth hugged him, it felt ..nostalgic. He can’t tell how and why but it felt home (his…father?) his weary arms hesitantly raised to wrap around his ancestor’s frame. His tears and hiccups kept him from speaking for a while before he managed to summon some strength and courage, “I–…” his hold tightened around Marth, “I hate this…I hate it! I don’t want to lose anyone…*sniffles* anymore! I can’t make it stop…Nothing is stopping! It keeps buzzing in my head every minute of every day! I couldn’t save her! My country is in crisis…I…don’t know if I can…continue…” he took a sharp breath before quietly listening to what Marth is telling him. It meant a lot to hear him say that. He wanted someone to tell him that. It certainly calmed him a lot which made him surrender to sleep after exhausting himself, mentally mostly.
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emblemcraft · 7 years
Veronica’s little ‘collection’ of Heroes was, from a tactical perspective, quite the bounty for her father’s war efforts. From humble peasants ripe with potential to vessels of draconic gods, all have their usefulness.
There was one, however, that caught Laegjarn’s attention: Marth, the ‘Hero-King’. She had heard many stories, commenting on how much of an honorable noble he was. She had been curious to approach.
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“You there!” she called, making sure the other would know it was directed at him, “I wish to have a word, if you’d be willing to humor me...”
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spdtactics-a · 5 years
💍 For EliCeli and Marth and Caeda :3c
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this took another hot minute to settle on, but i like it– the design made me think of a hug for some reason, which works really well given again, a main theme in this ship is healing. eliwood’s colours hug celi’s, bringing colour and joy back into her life after a long period of torment. that’s what i was thinking, anyways?
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it looks like an exercise in how much blue i could throw onto a gold band, but listen– reds just didn’t work with what i was thinking. point is, the second i saw this one i knew it had to be the marth/caeda ring. marth never formally got a promotion in his home game, but then later he got lodestar in other games and spinoffs. i like to imagine marth and caeda grew close during his exile over many starlit talks and it’s my personal hc that akaneian pegasus knights tend to name their mounts after the constellations rather than other fe characters, sooo– yeah. i associate stars a lot with the both of them, so seeing a ring called the ‘constellation’ ring was perfect. 
@unwaveriinghearts / @thelodestar | meme.
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fooltrick-a-blog · 6 years
‘ i’m like an elephant, okay? if i walk into a room, it’s like, ‘oh he’s in there.’ ’ From Marth
“yeah, and then everyone’s like ‘oh my god, i love elephants’ and they’re totally happy to see you. d’you think a guy people tried their best to ignore would score a cute wife, have an entire legion of people devoted to any cause he might take up, and be generally really well liked by everyone he meets?” 
   you don’t ever think you’ve seen marth-sama look so down before. had… had something happened? was he still thinking about that vote? you doubt that, somehow, but whatever it is… you’re not just gonna leave the poor guy like this. 
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“c’mon, talk to me. what’s up? … or would you rather i find caeda-sama, if it’s not something you can talk to me about?”
@thelodestar | meme.
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