softboi-malfoy · 5 years
Date Night
He’d rehearsed this. He’d been so nervous he rehearsed this, and what was supposed to be an elegant proposal that Narcissa join him for dinner was falling to absolute pieces all because he’d forgotten about the cats. Eight four-month-old kittens had greeted him when he got home and now they were winding around his ankles and one of them screamed until he picked her up in one hand and cracked her against his chest. In his other hand he held a bouquet of delicate pink and peach roses that reminded him of Narcissa’s blush.
“I was wondering, darling, if you’d allow me to escort you to dinner?” he finally managed, presenting the flowers to his wife. “I was going to kneel, but I rather think I might be attacked by kitten claws so I’ll refrain, if you can forgive me.”
It would be their first official romantic outing since getting married. They’d been in public together for appearances, of course, but it had taken time for them to learn to communicate with one another, and even longer for them to be comfortable spending time intimately. In fact it had only been a few days since they’d- well, officially consummated their marriage. And despite the vast unknowns ahead of them, Lucius was finally desperate enough to make a truly romantic move.
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kingmeshacklebolt · 5 years
If he had to rate the Black sisters (which generally he avoided, rating women that is) he’d put Narcissa solidly in the middle. Not quite Andromeda but definitely nothing like Bellatrix. Someone that he was almost certain he could trust in a bind. Sure she’d grown up surrounded by the same toxic rhetoric as the rest of them but she seemed more level-headed than, say, some of the company her husband kept. If he cried on her over his glass of punch he didn’t think it’d make it back to the Death Eaters.
So he may be crying on her, just a little bit, over his glass of punch. Not on purpose necessarily. Someone had just walked by with an Appleby Arrow’s pin on their label. He couldn’t really help it.
“Sorry, sorry Narcissa I--” he wiped at his eyes furiously and held back a hiccup. One minor breakdown. No one else had seen that right? Just a few tears. “I really didn’t mean to cry on you like that, sorry. What were you saying?”
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calebgoldstein · 4 years
It wasn’t like Caleb to deny a client, especially someone with such a strong name and reputation. When he was told to attend Malfoy Manor for a business client, Caleb instantly felt intimidated by the bold walls and stark colors. He had heard of Lucius and Narcissa before and knew that they were notorious in the community. Caleb also saw them at death eater meetings and Dumbledore’s party, thinking they were centered in people’s lives for a reason. They had money, something he knew for sure, and had promoted his rates higher knowing that they would be able to pay it-and they were. 
Caleb had been let in by someone at the door and one look around chilled him. There was nothing suspicious about the place but he was fascinated by the colors and paintings that were already hung on the wall. He was looking at one in particular when he heard someone approach, assuming it was Narcissa with her poise and bright blonde hair. “Mrs. Malfoy,” Caleb began promptly, pointing his hand out to meet hers. “Caleb Goldstein. Where do you think would be best for the portrait? Will your husband be joining us?”
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upinsmoke-gossip · 4 years
Sappiest happy couple, go!
I was going to say that Arthur and Molly Weasley are a good example of this, but I bet Mrs. Weasley isn’t too happy with her husband being locked up in jail right now. Whoops…
Alaric and Pandora Kane are so sticky sweet with each other that syrup is jealous. Ugh, I understand the phrase goo goo eyes when I look at them, shouldn’t the honeymoon period be over considering how big her baby bump is?
I’m not sure I’d call them sappy, but Narcissa Malfoy has Lucius Malfoy whipped and he looks happy for a change, so I’ll throw their names in as well. Maybe someone should see if those little singing cupids come with bows and arrows.
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@kingarthur-weasley @queenmolly-weasley @alarickane @pandorakane @themalfoyswife @softboi-malfoy
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softboi-malfoy · 4 years
“Not to sound terribly insecure,” Lucius began, tone completely and absolutely full of apprehension as he approached his wife in the breakfast salon along the back of the manor, cold morning sunlight streaming through the windows. “But you would tell me if you were unhappy, wouldn’t you?”
He sat across from her at the little table, reaching out and taking her hand in his. The movement was practiced and graceful, without a hint of the hesitation or worry that had plagued him in their first months of marriage. It had almost been a year now after all, and while he couldn’t have said if Narcissa loved him, he was at least sure, at last, that she had a certain level of affection for him. Considering that he very literally worshiped her, this didn’t bother him; all he’d ever desired was to be treated with basic decency, and in that department Narcissa provided in abundance. Lucius’ increased physical warmth was not only a function of time, but of his “lessons” with Han Lee, but Narcissa did not know that and would never know that. 
"I know that we don’t always get to do things together, but I’ve heard people talking. Implying that our marriage is... less than secure. I would hate if I were the last person to know that my wife is unhappy.”
Despite the way he’d rebuffed the man’s comments, Malcolm Greengrass had well and truly gotten under Lucius’ skin after the Valentine’s Ball, and Lucius couldn’t shake the thought that he was failing Narcissa in some way or another.
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upinsmoke-gossip · 4 years
Do you have any resolutions for the new year? any resolutions you think others should adopt?
Stay alive, maybe? Keep your ears open and your wits about you, don’t trust anyone.
I think that Bellatrix Lestrange should have a resolution to keep a better eye on her family. It seems to me that between all the deaths and affairs and betrayals, the only one left that hasn’t caused a scandal is Narcissa Black.
Mafalda Hopkirk should make a resolution not to wander down any dark alleys, if she hasn’t already. And definitely not after she’s drinking and she should keep her wand in her hand. This goes for Gilderoy Lockhart as well.
And finally, Juniper Dunbar should have a resolution to be careful about opening gifts. She’s swollen up enough that it’s getting obvious that she’s pregnant and she doesn’t want to become the poster girl for what happens to muggleborns hooking up with purebloods, now does she?
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@toujourstrix @themalfoyswife @mafxlda @staygoldengilderoy @juniperthelionheart 
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