soulmate-friend · 7 years
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“Hey there stranger,” damn he looked good. It had been a little bit since she’s seen him and now that they had run into each other it took everything she had to keep herself in check. Out of all people why Regina’s brother? 
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mentalitynotes · 7 years
for every ‘@’ sent (anon or not) I WILL mention and post some positivity about a fellow tumblr user
@arfarfpsycho - CARA!! I’ve been rping with Cara and Fae forever. Fae is one of the most fleshed out OC’s in the whole of tumblr. From all of the blogs I’ve had and there threads we’ve done I love every single one of them.
@themillslife - My dear sweet satan.
@ofteaandmagic - Mellie is such a beautiful OC and she’s so developed and wonderful and I’m so glad to interact with her on multiple blogs and to have a chance to see her character from all these different perspective also Garret and Mellie are the freaking cutest thing ever!
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greeneyedmalcontent · 7 years
Id(l)es of April
The following threads will be archived for lack of activity on the 15th unless I hear from my co-authors
Fate Is A Bitch
As always, if my co-writers wish to resume a thread at a later date, they need only let me know. 
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disturbxnces · 6 years
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[ and here we have it, beech
that took me way too long but that’s all that i have in my drafts rn. if you don’t get back to me about explicitly wanting to drop something, i’ll assume that is up to me. which means there’s at least an 80% chance i’ll eventually reply to it (will be heckin’ slow tho lmao). also if there are threads missing here that you’d like to continue, hmu. this is all that i fished from my activity but we all know how tumblr is ]
@crimscnmalice  @adarlingwendy  @rumdaydreams  @showmeahero  @fortunesunfavored  @warsraging  @rollingsnowsmasher  @cattusnoir  @grcwingstrcng  @herheroics  @myhappyxending  @themillslife  @strongestrider  @dragnblooded  @piratehook  @broadwaysginger  @pestedeschat  
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arfarfpsycho · 7 years
@thenightsplutoniumshore (this time without cheating)
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themillslife liked your post “starter call” - starter call
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“I’m sorry- you wanna run that by me again?” Emma asked with a bit of defense in her tone. Her nose scrunching slightly as her eyes narrowed and arms folded in front of her. Clearly hoping she misunderstood what the other woman said.
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disturbxnces · 6 years
BOLD any fears which apply to your muse. italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
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the dark ⋆ fire ⋆ open water ⋆ deep water ⋆ being alone ⋆ crowded spaces ⋆ confined spaces⋆ change ⋆ failure ⋆ war ⋆ loss of control ⋆ powerlessness ⋆ prison ⋆ blood ⋆ drowning ⋆ suffocation ⋆ public speaking ⋆ natural animals ⋆ the supernatural ⋆ heights ⋆ death ⋆ dying ⋆ intimacy ⋆ rejection ⋆ abandonment ⋆ loss ⋆ the unknown ⋆ the future ⋆not being good enough ⋆ scary stories ⋆ speaking to new people ⋆ poverty ⋆ loud noises ⋆ being touched ⋆ forgetting ⋆ being forgotten
tagged by:  @immortalxdreamers ♥
tagging:  @dragnblooded ; @crimscnmalice ; @themillslife ; @herheroics ( evie and/or amy ) ; @showmeahero ( loki ) 
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arfarfpsycho · 6 years
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~ Tiger ~
The Tiger, though very, very powerful, is a dangerous, mysterious, and unpredictable familiar. They are often the companion of one who has strong feelings of vengeance or hate to another person. However, you are most likely very independent and sure of who you are, and strive to be yourself and not conform to others. You are pushed through even the toughest of situations through willpower and wise decisions, if you are able to keep your feelings of anger in check. A Tiger familiar is a very strong, vicious partner in battle, helps their master through mental stress, and gives them the will to continue on. ~~***~~ This familiar represents -Shadows -Willpower -Anger -Unpredictability -Mystery -Wisdom
Tagged: No one.  Did this for fun Tagging: @reginathequeenofmean, @themillslife, @storybrookeisms(You can pick any muse for this), @thenightsplutoniumshore(just making sure you see this for Faith, Damon and Dana to laugh at), And any one else *note anyone I tagged you don’t HAVE to do it if you don’t want to.
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lightxswan · 8 years
Emma grinned as they stopped in front of the big hotel of Disney. She had managed to snag up a good room at a good price and with tickets. And the got tickets to universal. 
“Okay. I’m going to check us in. would you guys want to look around while I take care of the paperwork here? It’s a pretty big hotel and I hear there are mermaids in the pool.”
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swxnprincxss · 8 years
“No, you can’t take the collar off.”
pet play starters | @themillslife 
Emma pawed at the band of leather around her neck. It was thick and snug, and as she knelt there, looking up at Regina, she tilted her head. Almost the perfect image of a curious pup. “Why not?” It was a feeling she wasn’t quite used to, but she also didn’t dislike it, either. 
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darkensavior · 8 years
( @themillslife ) 
The girl was wandering around over the streets. After she ran  away from /yet/ another foster home. Now no idea where she could be going. Or where she should spend the night. The wind was blowing through her blonde hair. As suddenly she had a feeling someone was watching her. “Who’s there?”
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disturbxnces · 6 years
[ I’m gonna go ahead and update my tags, but before that I’m gonna list all of my drafts here. Now, I haven’t really looked at them critically or anything, all I need you to do is warn me if you want to drop a thread that we had before.
I’ll then go through and start replying to things I have the muse for. If I reply to a thread you wanna drop before you had a chance to see this post and give me feedback, don’t hesitate to message me anyway. I’ll do the same thing once I start really sorting through drafts and message you if I really can’t find the muse for something we were doing. I’m sure we can figure something new out! 
I don’t know if I got everything bc it’s been a long time and glitches happen, but these are all the threads I’ve gathered. ]
@herheroics x3 @themillslife x4 @fortunesunfavored  @warsraging x4 @maskedmuses (from spottedhero) @pestedeschat  @mistressmxleficent x5 @theheroesyoudeserve x2 @heroicissm  @immortalxdreamers x3 @personatvs  @showmeahero (from the old blog) x2 @broadwaysginger  @heavenlypriincess  @sonofthedarkone @adarlingwendy  @fragilevanity  @myhappyxending @sacrifiicium @captainamericarogers @desertgourd  @dragnblooded (from ofmalevolence)
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soulmate-friend · 8 years
Cont X 
{ text: abi } meet me at my vault in half an hour.
Abigail looked down from her computer, as she was working at the animal shelter to her phone and quirked up an eye brow. If Regina wanted her to meet her at the vault something must’ve happened. 
(text: Gina) Is everything okay? 
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— send me “911″ if you are too intimidated to roleplay with me
|| Please don’t be intimidated. I’m a puppydork who take ten thousand years to reply to things. And I also apologise if I haven’t responded to any messages. I saw you said you had a few plot ideas? So feel free to spam me with those. Just, due to how many drafts I have, I’m trying to not really plot at this time. However, that plan seems to be failing horribly. ||
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mentalitynotes · 8 years
Continued from here (x) @themillslife
Luna smirked and nodded kissing Regina softly, “You’re really beautiful you know that?”
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