speaknowslut13 · 1 year
Merry unbirthday Lauren!! 🫶💜🥳 I’m sorry to hear your actual birthday wasn’t super great but I hope today is better and you are able to treat yourself, even if it’s just something small 🤗
Thanks Dusty! 💜 I appreciate it and you 🫶
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speaknowslut13 · 2 years
Lauren!! I feel like I haven’t seen you on my dash in forever! How are you??? How did you like midnights!!?? 💗💗
I loved Midnights. But it is very dark. And I find two of the songs a little triggering. Vigilante shit is like one of my top favs though. It’s so gooodd .
A lot of social is heavily discussing Anti-hero’s MV. So I’m avoiding it as best I can.
Other than that life has been crazy busy and a little all over the place! What did you think?? How’re you?
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!
AH! 😂 thank you Nat ❤️
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
This place is so much better because you are here 🌻
Omg thank you anon ❤️✌🏻🥰
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Dearest Lauren! 💖
It’s so nice to finally fully introduce myself! My real name is Dusty (though I’ve kind of become attached to Drew haha) and I’ve had so much fun talking to you and getting to know you!!
I love your advice to 15 year old you, going to therapy was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.
I will definitely take your recommendations to heart when I watch it haha buddy, blankie, AND beverage. What’s your favorite drink? I used to be a big gin & tonic gal, but lately I’ve been on a rum & coke kick haha.
I feel like long story short would be such a great song on a movie soundtrack and I really hope it ends up in a movie someday. Though distorted circus music is also relatable 😂
I hope we can stay in touch & keep talking! 💖 I hope you have a beautiful Thursday my lovely friend! Xoxo 💖 Dusty
Dusty, my friend!!! You have such a beautiful name!
Thank you for the beautiful edit! Please let’s stay in touch.
I love a good vodka. Or any fruity drink. Mojitos are just 🤌🏻 It really just depends on the mood. I drink wine occasionally but it isn’t my favorite. Neither is beer.
My inbox and asks are always open. You made this month so wonderful!
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Hiii Lauren! Happy tuesday! 🌞
I miss pumpkin spice so much 😭 it’s not really a thing here, flavored coffees in general aren’t really a thing haha except if you go to Starbucks but I don’t have one particularly close by me. Depending on what my schedule looks like on November 19, I may just have to take a train to get my PSL so I can fully embrace the vibes of sad girl autumn hahahah 🍂
Omg okay perfect, I’m so excited to have a scrabble partner again 🤩
If you could go back and tell yourself what you know now, what what you tell yourself at 15? And what do you want your daughter to know when she reaches that age?
Honestly same, I would be just so starstruck if I ever happened to meet her. I think I would also want to talk to her about writing or ask who her favorite poets are. I haven’t watched inside yet because I’ve heard it has some triggering elements so I’d rather not watch it alone, but the songs are going around on TikTok and the bezos one is CONSTANTLY stuck in my head ahahahh 😂😅
Yeah free falling sounds like one of the most horrific things anybody could choose to do of their own free will for fun hahaha flying doesn’t really bother me though! Pre-corona I flew a lot, but currently I haven’t been on a plane since March 1, 2020. My favorite part about flying though is definitely airports, reality is just a littttlleeeee bit different there and I love it 😌
And final random question for you on anon: if this season of your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Can’t wait to reveal myself tomorrow!! Xoxo 💖 Drew
DREW!! You wonderful, mysterious friend! Hello 👋
Little 15 would need to know that she doesn’t need to try so hard to prove her worth. Her brain is very literally built different and that’s okay. Enjoy what she does. And therapy isn’t a bad idea. In fact, therapy is a good idea. I want to impress that on my daughter; to enjoy what she does and love herself freely. Puberty is hard enough without adding in self loathing.
Oh, yes. Inside will make you walk away questioning your mental health state as well as Bo’s. It’s almost manic in nature. I definitely recommend the buddy system for viewing. It’s very raw. And yet incredibly funny. But generally in that “haha do I laugh or do I cry” way. My recommendation is to have a buddy, a comfort pillow or blanket or stuffed animal, and some alcohol (if you’re of age). Or other beverage that brings comfort or soothes. He puts the Bezos songs after his darker songs which I think can be a subtle dig that Bezos is the cause of all evil. I thought that was clever and funny. You can also listen to the soundtrack before hand to help ease yourself in. It’s still quite a plunge though.
Long Story Short would be one of my theme songs. That or distorted circus music. I vacillate between the two. 😂
I love airport reality. It really is it’s own dimension.
I’m thrilled to get to finally meet my new friend!
Until next time ❤️❤️💙💙
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Hi! 💙 When you get this, reply with 5 things that made you happy last week and send this to 10 people. I hope you have a great week ahead!
I got this message from the lovely @codrin-cat-13 and I thought it was wonderful, so I decided to share it with you! 💙
Thank you for this ask 💙
1. My kid playing
2. Swimming
3. An interview that went well
4. Rain 🌧
5. My new shirt ❤️❤️
Lauren 💙
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Dearest Lauren! ✨🌻
I’m glad to hear that the interview went well! And I hope that you’ve had some time to rest this weekend 💆‍♀️ totally understandable tho, my full name isn’t attached to any of my socials and I’ve still had students manage to find me 🙃 so definitely better safe than sorry!
What’s your favorite fancy coffee drink?? I’m a sucker for a dirty chai or an iced white chocolate americano with a splash of cream ☕️
What’s that Carrie fisher quote? Something like “I have to laugh about my life or else it’s just true and that’s unacceptable” hahaha I think it’s important to be able to laugh at situation and circumstance
Omg if you want I can add you on words with friends next week and we can play virtually 😏 I also LOVE clue, we played it so much when I was growing up, and I have a similar murder mystery game I play with my kids in class! And cards against humanity is always a classic, so much fun
I’m so proud of you for deciding to stick around 💜 and I’m so excited for you to be able to reclaim that album and have new associations with it!! I love ; tattoos, this place in my college town does donation based ones for suicide prevention day, which I think is really cool!
And something I’ve seen going around on my dash lately: if you could ask Taylor one question, what would you ask her??
A Phoenix would be gorgeous 😍 and I love the sound of chase’s dragon tattoo! I’m sorry about your pup, my family actually lost our old dog around that same time. He was 17, but it didn’t make it any easier 🥲 I love the idea of a paw print tribute!
I have 10 piercings (9 ears and a nose ring) and I want to do a double nostril. I can understand your hesitation for the double, but maybe if you had a triple on one side and a double on the other it wouldn’t be as noticeable bc of the intentional mismatch! I also have 10ish tattoos haha and they’re all in places that can be covered pretty easily. Some of them have more meaning (the matching one I have with my two cousins, the one my sister and I have together, the one I got right before I graduated college) and some are more “it was cute, so I got it 🤷‍♀️” fake piercings can be super fun though! I wore them for a long time before I was able to get them actually done haha
I will definitely send some photos when I reveal myself! I can’t believe we’re almost to the end of the month already 👀
I had a pretty good week! I worked a lot in the mornings and went hiking or swimming almost every day in the afternoons 🌞 the weather cooled down just enough that it’s tolerable to be outside lol
Ugh I hate heights so much so probably bungee jumping because at least I’m attached to something 😅 what would you choose? And what’s your favorite dessert?
Hope you’ve had a beautiful Sunday!! Xoxo 💖 Drew
My favorite coffee drink?? 😶 coffee?? Lol. I love a good dirty chai. Or white chocolate. Pumpkin Spice everything is amazing. I used to iced caramel macchiatos all the time. It was my go to for awhile. I just go for a plain old latte or coffee anymore. 🤷‍♀️ if you haven’t you should try pumpkin spice chai lattes when sad girl fall comes around. If you like pumpkin pies, it’s like drinking one. Add the espresso and it’s fxcking fantastic!
Ah clue. That’s a good one too! I also played a lot of guess who. 😂 I will most certainly play WWF with you! It sounds like a joy.
Thank you! I’m pretty glad I stuck around too. I would’ve missed out on some pretty cool things that have happened in my life.
If I could ask Taylor anything, I honestly don’t know. It would probably be something about writing. Or music. Just the thought of talking to her kinda makes me freeze up. Maybe how she feels about Bo Burnham? His comedy is pretty dark and I think it’s a good marker for how sick someone’s humor is. His older stuff has not aged particularly well however Inside was 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 but also made me question everyone’s mental well being. I would want to know if she’s seen it or not. And what she thought.
Tattoos don’t have to have meaning. I used to think they did, but I’m more relaxed about stuff like that now. Age has tempered me. 😂
I’m excited to “meet” you! A reveal sounds great!
I definitely would rather bungee. Chase has sky dived and he said it wasn’t too bad. But the plane will have to be on fire to catch me jumping out of it. Heights don’t bother me that much but the free falling without being attached to something concerns me. At least with a bungee you’re attached to something.
Does flying bother you? Or is it enjoyable? I kinda enjoy it.
What would you ask Taylor?
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Hi Lauren lovely! 🪴
I know, I was kind of surprised that it’s *that* long of a wait, when everything else has been either book surprise or a much, much shorter wait, like even her traditional album announcement/release periods aren’t that long 🤔 I totally agree about the “sonic cohesion” and I think that’s one of the biggest draws of Red, that and it’s an album about being in your early 20s and your early 20s are notoriously NOT cohesive 😂
Hahahaha I mean hey, totally fair 😉
Ugh I feel that, I miss bookstores! Do you ever shop online for books? ThriftBooks dot com saved me when I was in college, they do used books for insanely cheap prices, they have a great member rewards program (that’s free to sign up for, and I can send you my referral link once I reveal myself if you want!), and free shipping for all orders over $10. (Not sponsored lol I just love the site)
That is really tough, especially when little kids are not necessarily the best at staying distanced/wearing masks 😕 and really frustrating the school isn’t willing to be more accommodating! Fingers crossed for you that things are better by fall 🍀
Oh my gosh well best of luck with your interview, I’m sure you’ll nail it!!! 🤩🤩🤩✨✨✨🍀🍀🍀 what would the job be?
Omg I love sherbet, it’s not really a thing here though. I can kind of relate to that, dairy does horrendous things to my skin, so most of the time I’m an oat milk gal and I try to eat low lactose cheese. Or goat cheese. Pizza is literally my favorite food. And not like how some people default to “oh pizza,” I could genuinely eat pizza for every meal. I’m so sorry about your food situation though, that sounds miserable :( I admire your humor and matter of factness about it all though ahdkahska
And thank you! I really love working with students and I also love the relative freedom the schedule gives me, plus my colleagues at my current school are all wonderful, amazing people.
Ohhh that sounds super cool!! I never quite got into DnD, but I have a bunch of friends who love it and it’s fun to hear them talk about it. Do you have any other board games that you like to play? (I’m personally a huge scrabble person but my friends don’t like to play with me bc they claim I “know too many words so it’s not fun” 😒)
And your random question of the day: do you have and/or want any tattoos? If yes, what of?
And I’ll send a few photos of some pretty things from my weekend for you ☺️ hope your week is off to a beautiful start! 💖 xoxo Drew
Omg Drew, this week was exhausting for me. So thank you for being patient. My interview went well. However, I’m not sure that I will actually get the job. But maybe that’s a good thing. It’s a full time tech position in an ophthalmologist office. I will go into more specifics once I know for certain how that plays out. My socials are all hidden so they shouldn’t be able to find me, but you never know.
I will definitely look into thrift books! You can send me the referral link later!
Oat milk is my saving grace. Starbucks recently added it on the menu and I’m thrilled. I can’t drink coffee as much anymore either, but when I get a latte at least I can use the diary free options.
I like to use humor to cope with my trauma. It makes it’s ✨spicy ✨😉 because trauma isn’t spicy enough 😂
I would LOVE to play scrabble with you! Having a large vocabulary makes the game fun! I grew up playing board games like monopoly, sorry, trouble, and risk. Board games are awesome. Kid is a little young for a lot of board games right now, but Chase and I play them from time to time. She’s interested in them. She’ll ask to play trouble or even sometimes life. Cards against Humanity is one of my favorite games. I’m craving having a family board game night now!
I don’t have any tattoos. My husband has one though. He created the design himself. It’s so cool. It’s two dragons intertwined. I do want to get one. Or a few. For starters, I want a ; either on my wrist or on my finger. If I put it on my finger, Chase would get a ( so when we put them together it made a wink. But the ; holds a lot of meaning to me. TRIGGER WARNING, I self harmed from about 2012 to 2014. And I almost committed suicide November of 2012. I also struggled with an ED. In fact, Red TV comes out three days before my ; anniversary. So it’s gonna make it extra special, since Red was part of that time in my life.
I also want a Phoenix tattoo. But I recently came across the idea of taking your dog’s paw print and turning it into a tattoo. We suddenly lost a fur baby in March of 2020. So chase and I wanted to take the ink print of her paw and get it made into a tattoo. We miss her. So it was a bitter sweet thought. We thought we’d do it with all of our fur babies.
I like tattoos, but I tend to dislike large ones or sleeves. But small ones that are fairly discreet are my favorites. Everyone is different though and age has taught me to accept those differences. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? My ears are pierced. I’ve always wanted to double pierce my ears, but the holes are lopsided a bit since I had to have them pierced twice. So I’m afraid a double piercing would exaggerate the difference. And then I’ve always wanted. Nostril piercing but I don’t think it’s a thing I will ever do. I found fake nose rings though and I love the way they look.
I would have loved to see those pictures! I’m sorry tumblr won’t let you send pictures anonymously! Maybe I can see them later!
Hope your week went well! Would you rather bungee jump or sky dive?
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Nevermind about the photos, tumblr told me I can’t on anon 😭😭
Hi babes! I am going to reply soon. This week has been busy. Love to you! ❤️
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Hello honey bunches!
I am also dead after yesterday’s announcement akdhskhska Red was not at all what I was expecting to come next but I’m so excited! Red holds such a special place in my heart ugh 🥺 which songs are you most looking forward to??
Gross, I’m sorry to hear that the fire season is already bad there. It’s predicted to be a bad one in my home state too, but it usually doesn’t come in full force until august. I do not miss the smokiness at all. It hasn’t quite hit triple digits here yet, but close, and it’s so humid, I feel like the air is sticking to me. Hopefully it cools off just a bit soon for both our sakes!!
Awe that’s so cute! 🥺🥺
Well maybe I’ll take a dive into black panther this evening while I lay in front of my fan hahaha. Oh I didn’t realize Deadpool was marvel! I love that movie, Ryan Reynolds is *chef’s kiss*
The answer is NEVER to downsize books oml 😶😶 I have four bookshelves at my parents house, one at my friends house where I lived for five summers, and one where I currently live. Someday they will all be back with me, but that day is not today sadly
Awe okay love that! I’m happy for you that you’re all close 🥰 I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned but I have one younger sister and I miss her terribly.
Ohhh interesting! Coding goes way over my head, I’ve tried a few free online courses to like learn the basics but I just can’t quite seem to get there. I love watching resin pouring videos, it looks so cool! WhT kind of stuff would you want to make?
Okay but like it’s a fun poem. And that last stanza is really touching! Honestly if it speaks to you, why not want to have it read? Ahh sonnet 130. We spent probably too much time analyzing it in my Shakespeare class but I still can’t hate it because it’s so beautiful. I just finished “The Carrying” a collection by Ada Limón that was pretty good! Quotes from her work sometimes float around on here.
Satire is good when I like it and bad when I don’t, hope that helps 😌 A Modest Proposal is always a fun one to read, and as far as contemporary stuff goes, every once in awhile reductress has something good. That’s so funny about your husbands reaction tho hahahaha would’ve loved to have seen his face.
Ohhh that ones had been on my TBR for awhile, I read Daisy Jones & the Six by that same author and loved it, so your recommendation may have just bumped Seven Husbands up on the list!
What have you been up to over the weekend? And what’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? 🍦
Thanku for the flowers omg sunflowers are my favorite 🥺 here’s some back to you 🌹🌷🌻
During the actual school year, I work part time as an assistant English teacher at a high school/English lecturer at a college, right now I’m doing online tutoring! I definitely want to stay in education long term.
Sending you big hugs! Xoxo 💖 Drew
Hey Drew my dear! I’ve had time to process red being announced. I’m a little bummed because we have such a long wait. I fully anticipate being a complete wreck when it drops. I love almost all of red. I’m looking forward most to the unreleased tracks and that ten minute song we all know is all too well.
It was funny in ironic way that she described red as a heartbroken person. I was baffled when the academy told her it wasn’t cohesive enough to win Album of the Year. I’ve always argued that they missed the point. That grief isn’t traditionally sonically cohesive and that’s why it actually is sonically cohesive. Just not in the way they expect. She said it way better than I ever could though.
Ryan Reynolds is top tier amazing. Any movie he’s a part of I instantly like. I’m pretty sure Chase and I would both leave each other for him if he asked. No questions. And we’d both understand entirely. 😂
I need to get my hands on a copy of Daisy Jones and the Six. I want to read that one. But unfortunately, the public library and I aren’t on speaking terms and going and buying a book recently hasn’t been exactly easy. I can’t wait to go into a half price books again. I’m just waiting to do all the non necessary shopping. My daughter obviously isn’t Vaxxed yet. I’m hoping they approve the vaccine for her age group soon. 🤞🏻. I’m nervous to send her back to school in August. But it’s important. She’s on an IEP. So this last year has been rough on all of us. Now the district won’t offer online again so it’s in person or not at all.
Yay America! 🙃
We spent the weekend doing errands and swimming. I have a job interview this week. I haven’t worked in years but I feel like I need to again. There’s just multiple complicated facets to my life that I’m not sure how to juggle. Hopefully I will figure it out. Or it’ll be all for naught.
So I have a few favorites. Like coffee, orange sherbert, and chocolate. But I can’t eat any of them anymore. I have to avoid dairy. I can have a little dairy here and there but milk and ice cream irritate my digestive system too much anymore.
I love food. Love it. Salsa is amazing. Pizza. Wonderful. Spaghetti and marinara dishes are my entire world. Do you know what all that has in common? 🍅 in the last couple of years I’ve not only developed a slight dairy intolerance, but a tomato allergy and a gluten intolerance! I’m sad 😞 Tomato is in everything though. It’s like I can’t get away from it. It really sucks.
I 100 percent don’t recommend chronic illness. If I was leaving an Amazon review it would be one of those “have to give it one stars but it’s really zero” reviews.
Bless you, Drew. I admire anyone who educates. It’s a skill set that I have very little patience for. So anyone who can is like a god to me.
So my little ADD brain almost forgot to talk about the resin! It’s a cute little idea we have for Dungeons and Dragons. But I’d also like just to create all kinds of different things. Plus it’s an excellent reason to acquire a 3D printer.
Chase and I are trying to learn how to play DnD. He’s always been interested and I’ll follow him anywhere 🤷‍♀️ plus character creating is fun! When it comes down to the actual playing, I don’t know if I’ll enjoy it or not. But I’ll try almost anything once.
I hope your weekend was splendid and I can’t wait to hear back from you soon!
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Heavy and complicated but also SCREAMING.
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In the words of swiftie lore: RIP ME 🪦
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Lovely Lauren! ✨ (I’ll do some alliteration too hehe so no I don’t think it’s weird 🤪)
No worries at all, I’m just glad tumblr didn’t eat it 😅 congratulations on cleaning your room, that can sometimes feel like such a monumental task!!
And thank you!! 🥰 I didn’t even have too many bad side effects, other than some slight pain in my arm and being incredibly tired for a few days (but then again I’m always tired so is it fair to blame that on the vaccine lol 🤔)
You’re very welcome! And it is so important for the younger generations, I always try to model inclusivity for my students and I hope that I’m succeeding but at the very least I’m trying.
I think with a lot of arts and humanities subjects, but especially with writing, people tend to underestimate the effort that actually goes into the craft until they actually try it. I also love reading sonnets but I’m not a huge fan of writing them because they are so hard 🥲
to narrow down the categories a bit, do you have a favorite sonnet? What is the poem you would want read at your funeral?
I totally agree, there’s a difference between getting dark and using humor as a coping mechanism for difficult things versus using it to be mean and malicious but writing it off as “haha just a joke!” 🙄
I also despise economics haha would prefer if the made up little numbers did NOT control our lives but alas! If you were to someday own your own business, what kind of business would it be??
I don’t think I’ve asked before, so what kind of work does your husband do? That’s really unfortunate about the state of the records, I’m sorry that’s the situation and hope it all works out for the best should either of you decide to go back!!
Ohhh I also have a hidden objects game that I like to play! It’s called Manor Matters, and I like that one and Gardenscapes because there’s a storyline to them so it feels more engaging than just playing the game part. I mostly like to play on the train or the bus haha.
Totally fair, being in somebody’s wedding can be very stressful. Is your sister older or younger? I have several close friends getting married this summer but I’m not able to attend because of travel restrictions which kind of bums me out. I think lacy dresses are so gorgeous!! I truly hope that you’ll be able to have that someday 🥰
Your chair sounds fabulous, it’s so nice to have a good non bed lounging spot!! I’m thinking of rearranging the furniture in my room because I’m kind of bored with the layout and maybe even getting a few new items of furniture (I’m in desperate need of a bookshelf rn) so I’ll keep you updated on how that goes.
Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers! And I love seeing dandelions first pop up in the spring, such a nice burst of color after winter. Pink is such a fun color, I loved the “dusty pastel” color trend a few years ago and had so many dusty rose clothes hahah.
Ohhh I haven’t watched H2O in forever!! When I was in high school I babysat for this family pretty consistently and the daughter loved it so we watched it a lot together. Might be fun to watch again! What’s your favorite marvel movie? I’ve never really been able to get into it but my students love it so I promised them if we went into another lockdown I would make it my quarantine project to watch the whole franchise lol.
I’m so glad you were able to see your friend!! Are your kids close in age?
I did get my insurance sorted out thankfully and I even got in my chill walk! AND I went to the pool with a friend this week, so that was excellent. If I’m feeling up to it this weekend I’m planning on taking a hike up to a lake to go swimming and read! The weather has finally warmed up here after a month straight of rain 🌞
Sending you hugs! Xoxo 💖 Drew
Drew, my love! I love how your weekend turned out for you! Send some rain to Az for me, eh? Specifically the Phoenix area. A couple of nights ago we had something called a heat burst happen over my house. I didn’t know that was a thing until last night. But basically the temp skyrocketed suddenly at nine pm to triple digits. Plus, since it’s fire season, we’ve got all this lovely smoke trapping in the pollution. We’re under heat advisory too right now, so we have been stuck inside all week. No swimming. And definitely no going out of it can be helped. I live in hell.
The kids are close in age. Her son is about two and half years older than mine. They love each other. It’s pretty cute. We are just happy they get along.
I haven’t watched all the marvel movies, but they’re all pretty good. Honestly, Black Panther is pretty good. Iron man is one of my favorites but I’m kinda hooked on RDJ. He’s around my parents age but damn does he make it look good. The best marvel universe show I’ve seen yet has been Wanda Vision. Spider-Man is also a must see. They nailed the character. And Deadpool is good too.
I need a new bookshelf too. But I don’t have anyplace to put one right now. I think I need a bigger house. Some people would tell me to downsize my books. I would say that’s blasphemy.
It’s my younger sister who’s getting married. But I also have an older sister! We are all pretty close. Which is nice. In fact, I mentioned wanting to move out of country to my little sister the other day and she just about murdered me. 😂
Husband does data and reporting analysis. However, his degree is in Game Art and Design. He wanted to get his masters in something tech related. But he likes to code too. He and I talk about business ideas all the time! I always thought about owning a coffee shop/ book store. And recently I had this crazy good idea about a resin pour business. I do also have a clothing design I put together for school but also wanted to pursue in actuality.
The poem is by Thomas Gray and it’s called Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes. It’s macabre. And sad. And just a little funny. I should be ashamed of myself. I really should.
Honestly the bard does it for me always. Sonnet 116 is always a classic. It’s been my favorite for a long time. But sonnet 130 is a close second. The first is traditionally romantic but there’s something to be said about Shakespeare’s realistic depiction of his love in 130. It’s honest and kinda sweet.
How do you feel about satire? It can be another difficult form to master but when it’s done well I find it incredibly enjoyable. I had the joy of reading A Modest Proposal to my husband once. He was only really familiar with Swift’s Guliver’s Travels. So I introduced him to that. The shock on his face was priceless. But he enjoyed it overall.
As I was pulling out the book I needed to get the proper name and author of the poem, I came across a book I bought awhile back. It’s called the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. That was an excellent book, and if you haven’t already read it, I thought I’d recommend it. I like to recommend that one to people a lot. It was addicting.
I’m glad your side effects were tame! Here are some sunflowers 🌻 🌻 🌻 to brighten up your day!
Out of curiosity, what do you teach???
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Good morning Lauren! ✨
For your pronouns question, I use she/her too 🥰 what are you up to this weekend? I got my second vaccine dose today and I’m so excited to finally have that done!! I’ve been waiting for what feels like ever.
I love doing structure work like that, a lot of contemporary poetry is very free form and experimental which is also great, but I think there’s a lot to be said for having a structure to help get you started!
What would be your dream vow renewal situation? Dress/venue/destination/theme/etcetc?
Thank you for your well wishes 💜 it’s a terrible disease and one that has been lurking in my life a lot this past year. Ugh.
I totally feel that hahaha I’m like far too overly invested in Gardenscapes, like have been playing it for literal years now, but I go weeks without opening the app because when I do it’s just multi hours a day spent playing 🙃
Awe omg I love those names! I have an Ivy plant named Gerald, my aloes are May Bird & Beatrice, and I also have a Ralph Henry, and my cacti are Eloise, Madeline, and Harriet. And a Patricia and a Lisette haha. Quite proud of my collection.
I’m so glad you liked solar power!! 🌞 not quite my vibe if I’m being honest, but I love the yellow aesthetic and I’m still really excited for the whole album.
In the summers during college, I lived and worked with my friend for her family’s business and we would always say goodnight by quoting that scene that’s like “good night, most likely kill you in the morning” hahaha.
Ugh that really sucks that the school closed, but that program sounds super interesting! Pattern making in particular sounds really cool. What did you think of the business classes? I actually started in a business major before changing cuz it wasn’t really my cup of tea. Would your credits be at all transferable to a different program if you wanted/felt up to going back at some point?
My lease is thankfully sorted out! Now I’m trying to get my insurance fixed because there was a problem with the student insurance I had planned on getting ahahah chaos! But this afternoon I think I’m gonna take a walk and just chill out ☺️
One last question for you! What’s your favorite place in your house and why?
Wishing you a lovely Saturday 💖 xoxo Drew
OH, and btw, I love your plant names!!!
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Hi dearest Lauren! 💖
I sent an ask over the weekend but maybe tumblr ate it 🙃😅 if you didn’t get it, please let me know and I’ll do my best to recreate it haha.
In the meantime, how are you?? How was your weekend? Have you watched anything fun lately?
Do you have any favorite poems/quotes/song lyrics? And finally, what’s your favorite color??
Hope your week is off to a great start!! Xoxo 💖 Drew
Darling Drew!
The ADD is strong with this one, so I did in fact receive your lovely ask. I just... well quite honestly remembered I hadn't replied this morning. I believe I received it right before an appointment and I said "Oh, I'll get that once I get home!" and then the rest is history. However, I did manage to clean my side of the room.
I'm also obligated to mention the impressive (to me) alliteration in my salutation. Alliteration pleases me. You sure I'm not too weird yet? If I haven't scared you off by the end of this I will be thoroughly impressed.
However, let's celebrate that second dose of vax! In two weeks, you'll be a fully functioning human again! Hooray! My daughter currently has my phone, so I'm on desktop and I don't have access to emojis. You'll have to use your imagination for what celebratory emojis I'd use in this case.
Thank you for telling me your pronouns. I was telling my husband about my new friend and I was suddenly shocked to realize that I didn't know them. I'm trying to be better about that sort of stuff. I want to be respectful to the people around me as well as normalize asking it. Especially for smalls. I want her to grow up with fewer biases than I did. Its important if the world is going to change.
Many of my favorite poems are structured. I love sonnets. They're incredibly difficult to pace correctly. For a creative writing class in high school, we had to write one. I wrote more than one. They're not very good and I realized how difficult they were to write. I underestimated them because I've always read them easily. It is not the same thing. At all.
So, when it comes to giving you favorite poem or quotes or lyrics, I really can't chose. There are so many we'd be here a long time if I tried. However, its macabre, but I came across this poem in one of my books that I told my husband he had to read at my funeral with a straight face. My humor can be pretty dark sometimes. Its about the death of a cat. I tell him a lot that I'm pretty sure I'm part cat, personality wise.
I don't use the term dark humor lightly. I find that many people who say that their humor is dark are just masking the fact that they're actually assholes. Although I can be a massive asshole, I try hard not to mock anyone. Pardon my language.
As for business, I absolutely enjoyed a portion of business classes. I hate economics. Maybe its actually capitalism that I detest, but either way, when it came down to the economic portion of business I was out. There just isn't enough dopamine to keep me engaged in it. So, though I enjoyed those few classes, I couldn't actually make a degree out of it. If I ever found myself as a business owner, I'd have to have someone else take care of that side of things.
I hope that those credits are transferable. One, because my husband's Bachelors was from the Art Institute. If he ever decided to go back to school and finish a masters or get something else, I wouldn't want him to have to start from scratch. Secondly, if I wanted to finish that degree or even transfer some of the general credits someday I'd like to. However, it doesn't look good. I can't even get my financial records.
I played Gardenscapes for a little while. I had to uninstall it. I haven't' played it in a long while. Right now, on my phone there are a few games I play. I love this hidden object game. I can spend a lot of time there. I don't like spending money on these games, so I bounce around a lot.
Right now, I'm the bridesmaid for my sister's wedding next year and the MOH for my best friend's TBD wedding. So as for a vow renewal for myself, my brain short circuits thinking about it. I'd love to have a full on wedding dress again though. This time I'd like to find the one that makes me cry with joy. I love lacy dresses. And ones with more classic cuts. Ideally, I'd love to have a big reception and roses and cake. I never had a registry. It would be fun to get gifts. I would love to have it someplace with a garden. I like gardens. Our original date was supposed to be May 1st. I wanted a May day celebration. However, that's no longer an option. We'd probably just choose sometime around our anniversary now. It would be hard to have a ceremony on Valentines day.
My favorite place in my house changes with my mood. I love my computer and desk, but it gets incredibly hot. Our office/studio is great when its not messy and crowded. A lot of my books are in there too. And the pool is a favorite feature of mine because I like to swim. But, there is a chair that I've had for about ten years now that my perfect spot. Its tiny so I'm not engulfed in it. Its a lazy boy, so its super comfortable even though the fabric is warn. Its this beautiful blue color. I placed it next to my bedroom window. We have a TV there now too, so I spend most of my time in that little rocking chair. It'll be a sad day when I have to get rid of it. My mom had gotten it second hand. One night, while I was having a bout of insomnia, I pulled it into my room. It stayed with me ever since and when I moved out, I took it with.
I have three favorite colors. Blue, Pink, and Yellow. Sunflowers are so bright and happy. I associate yellow with Sunflowers and roses. Yellow roses are my favorite type or roses. Especially when they have pink tips. Blue can be such a vast color. It can be so dark and so bright. And Pink is such a vivid color. I love color so much. If an advertisement uses really bright and pleasing colors, I'm generally hooked.
This weekend I started rewatching H2O: Just add water. I love that show. Its pretty engaging and yet I love how campy it is. They use the same stock footage and same three songs. Its an excellent example of how media can be both great and terrible at the same time. Its cheesy but fun. I needed something I could watch without worrying about the kid walking in and seeing something inappropriate for her age. Its also something I can get up and walk away from, come back, and not be lost. I'm waiting on the hubs to get caught up on some other things. We still need to finish Falcon and the Winter Solider. I'm looking forward to watching Loki. I also have a lot of The Curse of Oak Island episodes recorded that I need to catch up on. However, the kid has the TV during the day and by night time I'm too wiped to do much of anything. She's been going to bed around ten pm lately. I can't seem to break her of that one yet. Its driving me a little insane.
My best friend stopped by this weekend. We're both fully vaccinated so we're excited to get to see each other again. We let our kids play together for a bit. So my weekend was loud, but in a good way. Kids can really make a lot of noise. I'm glad I only have one. It was good listening to the cacophony of squeals and laughs though. It made the kid happy, so it also made me happy. She doesn't get much interaction with other kids since this damn pandemic. It was nice getting to watch her just be a kid.
What are you up to this week? Did you get that chill walk you mentioned? I'm hoping your insurance sorts itself out and quickly! I hope you find something off Lorde's album you enjoy! I find that sometimes it can be really disappointing to be looking forward to hearing new music to only find that you don't like it. That feeling can be unsettling to me. Solar Power was definitely a departure from her typical sound. I was expecting something with more loudness. Instead it was surprisingly quiet. Interesting choice for a lead single.
Well, since it would be weird to end this reply to a complete stranger with "Good night, I'll most likely kill you in the morning" I'll end it with another great quote from the Princess Bride:
Anybody want a peanut?
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Dearest Lauren!
I had a message partway typed up this morning and then I had to sprint after my landlord (who I’ve been trying to track down for like six weeks about renewing my lease) and by the time I got that sorted out, tumblr had refreshed, so back to the drawing board!
I love your photos, thank you so much for sharing them! 💖 your wedding dress is gorgeous and you both look so happy 🥺 I also love your husband’s teal shirt and the flower choices! The sea looks so beautiful, ugh I miss her! 😫
That’s a really tough situation to be in with the brother in law, I’m sorry you had to go through that! It’s so important to do the things that are right for *you* though and it sounds like getting married when you did was the right choice, despite the bil. Would you ever want to do like a vow renewal ceremony at some point to have that celebration or is that something that matters to you anymore?
I’m sorry to hear about your father in law and your grandmother. Expecting a difficult thing never makes it easier when it happens. I hope the project is bringing you peace and that it’s been something nice to do with your mom! My gram is not doing well lately, we recently found out that her cancer returned, so that’s been really hard because I’m not able to see her. My sister visits a lot though so we video chat often.
I can definitely appreciate that! Family is tricky as it is, let alone when extended family gets brought into it. When I was in my teens and really not getting along with my parents (for a variety of reasons lol) my best friends mom told me to “avoid optional trauma,” so I really try to be deliberate and have firm boundaries with my interactions with a lot of my family.
I love your poem! “And I watched my heart be sold” is such a pretty line. Tell me more about the folklore musical 👀👀👀 that’s a very intriguing idea to me.
Okay cool! I personally prefer puzzle games, and I never really got into Pokémon, but I have a bunch of friends who play. What’s your favorite character?
Vancouver is totally cool! I adore the PNW and I love coast so much. Plus it’s close to Seattle, which is easily my favorite US city. Lots of cool museums and cool music!
Understandable! I’m hoping that some of the things we’ve seen appear throughout the pandemic, like zoom, asynchronous classes, and open note/book tests will remain more of the norm so that people who can’t be in a traditional classroom setting can still access an education. Though sitting in front of a computer all day does have its drawbacks too 😅 the fashion design program sounds super interesting, what kind of classes did you take for it?
I mean I don’t think that acknowledging and honoring the hard stuff and the struggles takes away from the good stuff and it definitely doesn’t make you ungrateful because bad stuff is just a fact of life sometimes.
I also have a bunch of plants! 🪴 my collection makes me so happy and makes the place feel so nice. (I also named them all last year during the lockdown lmfao, do your plants have names?)
It’s crazy to me to watch everything happening in the US, because stuff is still very strict here, like we’re required to wear FFP2 masks and restaurants only recently reopened for in person dining, and you can only go if you show your vaccine card or a negative test. Testing is super easy and free here, I’ve been tested almost every other day since like January when we resumed partial in person teaching. I really feel for all the little ones this year, it was horrible for my students (who are high schoolers), I can’t imagine what it’s like for the under 10s! But I agree, health & safety is the most important thing, even if it’s difficult. Ugh. Hoping that more people in the US get vaccinated and that the vaccine becomes more accessible around the rest of the world too.
Do you have a comfort movie? I’m particularly attached to Coraline and the Labyrinth with David Bowie haha.
Have you heard Lorde’s new song yet?? It’s all over my dash but I haven’t found an audio yet. I’m so excited!! Halsey would definitely be amazing, and I’m super stoked because I got my chemical romance tickets today for their tour next summer!!
Hope you’ve been having an amazing week! Xoxo 💖 Drew
Hey Drew!
I wrote that poem after a situation I was in that made me feel powerless. So that’s actually my favorite line, too. I had to write a villanelle structured poem for a class and I chose that subject. I don’t know anymore how accurate to the format it is, but it’s still one of my better pieces.
Someday, Chase and I would love to do a vow renewal. We originally wanted to do one on our five year mark. We are aiming for ten, though. I’ve also just accepted that it may not ever happen. There aren’t many people in my life I’d invite. Mostly immediate family and our best friends. I don’t associate with any extended family that’s still living anymore. We will see what happens, though.
I’m sorry your Gram isn’t well. I’ve seen too many of my loved ones struggle with cancer. It’s a viscous disease. So, I will be sending out love and strength to you and your family.
I’m a charmander girl, generally. I love doing puzzle type games too. Although, I can get a little too hyper fixated on them, so I don’t play puzzle games too often.
I named my succulents, too. They are: Belinda, Amadeus, Steve, And Mimi. I have another one I haven’t named yet. No name has really stuck yet.
I like Solar Power! I heard it yesterday. It’s got this great 60’s vibe. It’s more quiet than I was expecting but still so upbeat.
One of my favorite movies is the Princess Bride. It’s quotable and sweet.
Folklore the Musical was an idea I had when I was listening to the album one day. Even though the songs aren’t all interconnected, they can be. They can tell this story of love lost and found. It was a silly idea that I shared.
The fashion program was a lot of art and design classes. You had to take basics like color theory. We also had to take some business and marketing classes. The latter half of the degree was mostly illustration and construction. Construction included things like pattern making. By the end of the program you would have a collection and portfolio you had to present. I was halfway through it when I got pregnant. I was just starting to get into pattern making and illustration. I was excited to take some of the more advanced technique classes and specialty classes. It was easy for me but a lot of work. My pregnancy was not smooth sailing, and like I said my health took a nose dive. I tried to come back after my pregnancy but my health wasn’t stable enough to handle it. Then the school closed. So now I’m stuck with debt and no degree 🤷‍♀️. Sucks but oh well.
I never asked, but what are your pronouns? I was telling Chase about my new friend and I realized I didn’t know them. If you don’t want to share, that’s fine too! Mine are she/her, though.
I hope you got your lease all sorted out! And I hope your week has been going well. ❤️
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