#then again the fandomification of selfshipping has come with it's own horrors
shandykey · 4 months
The whole coffin of Andy and Leyley discourse is kind of exhausting.
I kinda thought I would easily find a discussion about the actual plot but it's under mountains of pro vs anti ship discourse when that is really only once facet of the story not the main focus (Obviously their relationship as a whole is a core theme but you know you can kinda choose where you want to take it as of now.)
I think both sides are prone to the worst and it in the end turns into this dunking contest rather than really talking about the core themes as whole. Often media literacy will be applied to people taking things too seriously but I think another side of the coin to this is people not taking things seriously enough to discuss it in a way that honors the effort that goes into the artistry of plot development and character dynamics.
Plots are suppose to invoke genuine feelings and it's good to discuss that and why. Wether disgust, tears etc those are genuine feelings being evoked and people should be able to express that. It means the work of art was done well.
People should also be able to talk about their fascination of taking the incest route for those too it is another fucked up level to how these characters further fall from grace another nail in the coffin so to say and they should be able to do that without being witch hunted.
My thought to that is I can understand why people would be more disgusted at the incest. There is no gun to their head about it. They had to cannibalize the dude they were starving, they had to kill those people for various reasons. People genuinely able to contemplate these things more because they find themselves more likely to be forced to do this in dire situations vs the incest. It doesn't take much for that to click me thinks.
People can further identify with killing for loved ones rather than getting it on with them it is that simple 🤣.
So many thoughts but I gotta go back to the business that pays me...which is my ikemen.
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